BLM is a HATE group like the KKK

How many people died because MLK had a lover?
I am not attacking king but rather the Look Over There lib media who think the tiny remnant of the Kkk are wother of our full attention as we ignore the larger danger of Only Black Lives Matter
Yes the KKK was impugned by their great lawsuit when they shot it out with counter protestors and got slapped with a big tort payout that drained the national chapter of funds..

I do not fear KKK, ANTIFA, Aryan Brotherhood or any of the extremist groups because I don't associate with them.If they need to discuss anything or need to fight I am always available but they must come to me, that way it is legal..
Look how angry and hateful this otherwise beautiful free young women is...where did that hate come from?...people take that kind of evil with them to the grave....

This particular so called peaceful protest blocked rush hour traffic and broke store windows and car windows shattering glass all over an infant in his child seat.....all organized by this young woman....she was arrested and so was her partner who broke the window that showered a baby in glass....

They need the peace of the grave.
I step back from this for a moment. Please tell me what positive thing the BLM has done? What? What have they actually done to fight racism accept feed into it? Do they give their income to the poor? What have they actually done? Feed the anti white racism and the riots and nothing else.
I step back from this for a moment. Please tell me what positive thing the BLM has done? What? What have they actually done to fight racism accept feed into it? Do they give their income to the poor? What have they actually done? Feed the anti white racism and the riots and nothing else.
BLM finally got you to admit how callous you can be because the world doesn't march to the same tune yous do.
I can't say much for their over the top race supremacy BS but I do like the fact that they stand up to cops and police brutality...
Perhaps I missed something, BLM is about racial dominance like the KKK Accept they have darker melanin levels in their skin . In say. 1920 the KKK and their movie "birth of a nation" popularized the KKK the same way the Chinese owned media is pushing this anti white anti white agenda now.
Actually blm is for lgbtq’s and marxism. Just look up their founders. And the left attempts to use Blacks to achieve their goals. Not being honest. Who would have guessed the left not being honest?!? Lol

And you’re right, they are a hate group.
Most important, as a queer Black woman, Garza's leadership and work challenge the misconception that only cisgender Black men encounter police and state violence. While the tragic deaths of Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown were catalysts for the emergence of the BLM movement, Garza is clear: In order to truly understand how devastating and widespread this type of violence is in Black America, we must view this epidemic through a lens of race, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
But, I know that the KKK has never been anything but a radical racist organization
The KKK had it day

and that day has passed

Imagine if in the 1950’s the lib news media had ignored the KKK because MLK had a mistress
KKK is still active

They no longer wear hoods, they now wear MAGA hats

View attachment 366168
I think you could find more people who practice 1940s style ballroom dancing than KKK members
I want reparations for all the whites that fought and died to free the slaves. 90% of whites NEVER owned slaves, ever. And we want you asshole BLM white liberal shitheads to get that fact through your collective tiny heads.
So stop forcing that paradigm on us, you ignoant jerks.
I want reparations for all the whites that fought and died to free the slaves. 90% of whites NEVER owned slaves, ever. And we want you asshole BLM white liberal shitheads to get that fact through your collective tiny heads.
So stop forcing that paradigm on us, you ignoant jerks.
I step back from this for a moment. Please tell me what positive thing the BLM has done? What? What have they actually done to fight racism accept feed into it? Do they give their income to the poor? What have they actually done? Feed the anti white racism and the riots and nothing else.
BLM finally got you to admit how callous you can be because the world doesn't march to the same tune yous do.
I can't say much for their over the top race supremacy BS but I do like the fact that they stand up to cops and police brutality...
The BLM doesn't give a shit about black lives. If they did,this would go in different direction. Like adressing the huge black on black murder rate insead focusing on the a tiny issue like a few bad cops...the least concern in the poor black community.
Wait a minute, want reparations for slavery? We want reparations for whites that died to free you. Reparations for freeing your black asses? Call it even steven, move on and at least acclimate, Sitting on your black asses smoking crack and getting pissed off at white cops? Despite the..ahemm, the huge black on black murder rates? BLM is worried instead about the 9 black unarmed black men killed by cops despite the fact more unarmed blacks are killed by other...BLACKS?
Hold on...the people who enslaved them want reparations for freeing them?
Please tell me what positive thing the BLM has done, what? Despite the riots and the anti white hate bigotry they have perpetrated, I can't name one positive thing the BLM has done...not one.
Look how angry and hateful this otherwise beautiful free young women is...where did that hate come from?...people take that kind of evil with them to the grave....

This particular so called peaceful protest blocked rush hour traffic and broke store windows and car windows shattering glass all over an infant in his child seat.....all organized by this young woman....she was arrested and so was her partner who broke the window that showered a baby in glass....

Chanting Fuck the Police................such nice people ................NOT..........They need the Darwin award.
9O% of EVERY AMERICAN NEVER enslaved anybody, Einstein. And 90% of us fought and died to end slavery. So we want reparations for that.
9O% of EVERY AMERICAN NEVER enslaved anybody, Einstein. And 90% of us fought and died to end slavery. So we want reparations for that.
You would have to ask to be paid in Food Stamps........might take a bit........LOL
But, I know that the KKK has never been anything but a radical racist organization
The KKK had it day

and that day has passed

Imagine if in the 1950’s the lib news media had ignored the KKK because MLK had a mistress
KKK is still active

They no longer wear hoods, they now wear MAGA hats

View attachment 366168

Looks like it is RACIST Joe Biden behind the mask.
Look how angry and hateful this otherwise beautiful free young women is...where did that hate come from?...people take that kind of evil with them to the grave....

This particular so called peaceful protest blocked rush hour traffic and broke store windows and car windows shattering glass all over an infant in his child seat.....all organized by this young woman....she was arrested and so was her partner who broke the window that showered a baby in glass....

Chanting Fuck the Police................such nice people ................NOT..........They need the Darwin award.

Please tell me what positive thing the BLM has done, what? Despite the riots and the anti white hate bigotry they have perpetrated, I can't name one positive thing the BLM has done...not one.

There is no difference between the two hate groups'

BLM is supported by George Soros, a NAZI War Criminal.

I step back from this for a moment. Please tell me what positive thing the BLM has done? What? What have they actually done to fight racism accept feed into it? Do they give their income to the poor? What have they actually done? Feed the anti white racism and the riots and nothing else.
BLM finally got you to admit how callous you can be because the world doesn't march to the same tune yous do.
I can't say much for their over the top race supremacy BS but I do like the fact that they stand up to cops and police brutality...
aka You HATE POLICE...........seen you call them PIGS here before.......then go Oh shit I let my real opinion out.....

When you see a Police Officer Mr. you see a PIG STILL............HMMM
But, I know that the KKK has never been anything but a radical racist organization
The KKK had it day

and that day has passed

Imagine if in the 1950’s the lib news media had ignored the KKK because MLK had a mistress
KKK is still active

They no longer wear hoods, they now wear MAGA hats

View attachment 366168
I think you could find more people who practice 1940s style ballroom dancing than KKK members

Same hate groups
Hoods are out of style. They now wear camo and MAGA hats. Red if you please

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