"BLM Leader Who Spoke to UN Against Police Violence Vows: “Riots Everywhere if Trump wins"

If you had any doubt that BLM is a gang of racist thugs, this should convince you:

"Black Lives Matter Leader Who Spoke to UN Against Police Violence Vows: “Riots Everywhere if Trump Wins”"

Michael Brown robbed a local Ferguson convenience store shortly before his death. Then Brown smashed police officer Darren Wilson in the face and wrestled the officer for his gun before he was shot dead.

Race protesters later rioted and burned down the Ferguson business district.

In November 2014 Ferguson protest leader Tef Poe was flown to the United Nations offices in Geneva, Switzerland. The Ferguson activist-rapper delivered a speech on US police crimes to UN officials before the verdict was announced in the Mike Brown case. Officer Darren Wilson was later exonerated by a local grand jury.

Tef Poe bragged about his appearance in front of the United Nations – “to slap these Ferguson pigs with war crimes and torture charges.............

So BLM promises violence if a an event happens, yet police are expected to sit idle and not use violence fight violence?? Has anyone figured out that these people are all about ONLY Black Lives Matter??

Note: the same people who are dumping all over Trump and blaming him for the riot in Shitcago don't have a negative thing to say about BLM.

BLM is an arm of the Democrat Party. Of that there is no doubt now.; When you have the same donors giving mega bucks to BLM via DA hell's bells there is no doubt that the D party donors are supporting a violent organization. And they are using them to intimidate others.

They are the equivalent of Hitler's storm troopers.
For those that don't know Democracy Alliance the organization that Soros, Google, Steyer funnel their money thru to BLM here's a quick FYI.

Democracy Alliance was started by Soros and Taco Bell heir Rob McKay a few years back. And DA funds Black lives Matters. :)

Good quick link here.

Exposed: Who's REALLY Behind Black Lives Matter And What They Are Trying To Do Next
i wonder what kind of weapons/explosives soros will be supplying south chicago if trump loses

Buy extra magazines and ammo. Buy backup firearms. Thanks to the left....a lot of violence is headed to America's streets.
If you had any doubt that BLM is a gang of racist thugs, this should convince you:

"Black Lives Matter Leader Who Spoke to UN Against Police Violence Vows: “Riots Everywhere if Trump Wins”"

Michael Brown robbed a local Ferguson convenience store shortly before his death. Then Brown smashed police officer Darren Wilson in the face and wrestled the officer for his gun before he was shot dead.

Race protesters later rioted and burned down the Ferguson business district.

In November 2014 Ferguson protest leader Tef Poe was flown to the United Nations offices in Geneva, Switzerland. The Ferguson activist-rapper delivered a speech on US police crimes to UN officials before the verdict was announced in the Mike Brown case. Officer Darren Wilson was later exonerated by a local grand jury.

Tef Poe bragged about his appearance in front of the United Nations – “to slap these Ferguson pigs with war crimes and torture charges.............

So BLM promises violence if a an event happens, yet police are expected to sit idle and not use violence fight violence?? Has anyone figured out that these people are all about ONLY Black Lives Matter??

Note: the same people who are dumping all over Trump and blaming him for the riot in Shitcago don't have a negative thing to say about BLM.

BLM is an arm of the Democrat Party. Of that there is no doubt now.; When you have the same donors giving mega bucks to BLM via DA hell's bells there is no doubt that the D party donors are supporting a violent organization. And they are using them to intimidate others.

They are the equivalent of Hitler's storm troopers.

Honest, when I discovered exactly how many Democrat high rollers were donating to BLM it hit me that they have just recreated the KKK in it's purest form.

Because the original purpose of the KKK was to intimidate and terrorize Republicans.

History is repeating itself. And if BLM pulls any more shit I think that these donors should be taken to task. for funding them.

Buy extra magazines and ammo. Buy backup firearms. Thanks to the left....a lot of violence is headed to America's streets.

Really bothers me bucs90 that with Democracy Alliance donors funneling mega $$$$$$$$$$ to BLM such an anti police hate group that they aren't called out. I mean Google backs them. Steyer? Taco Bell? Soros?

Buy extra magazines and ammo. Buy backup firearms. Thanks to the left....a lot of violence is headed to America's streets.

Really bothers me bucs90 that with Democracy Alliance donors funneling mega $$$$$$$$$$ to BLM such an anti police hate group that they aren't called out. I mean Google backs them. Steyer? Taco Bell? Soros?
too bad we dont already have an Obama Library in South Chicago, would be interesting to see what happens to it the day after Trump wins
Riots everywhere? Perhaps a good ol' fashioned uprising is just what this country needs to kick you leftist pukes back to your mommy's basements where you belong.
Riots everywhere? Perhaps a good ol' fashioned uprising is just what this country needs to kick you leftist pukes back to your mommy's basements where you belong.
riots are fine with us, just keep them in Cally, New York, and Chicago where they wont even see the damage the next day.
Every conservative living near an Obama neighborhood will fill their tanks on election night just in case!
Riots everywhere? Perhaps a good ol' fashioned uprising is just what this country needs to kick you leftist pukes back to your mommy's basements where you belong.
riots are fine with us, just keep them in Cally, New York, and Chicago where they wont even see the damage the next day.
but the locals will go home and wonder why their shoes smell like human feces
Well they just reopened the CVS store in Ferguson that was burned out in the last riot there so
go ahead boys show CVS they made the right decision...
For those that don't know Democracy Alliance the organization that Soros, Google, Steyer funnel their money thru to BLM here's a quick FYI.

Democracy Alliance was started by Soros and Taco Bell heir Rob McKay a few years back. And DA funds Black lives Matters. :)

Good quick link here.

Exposed: Who's REALLY Behind Black Lives Matter And What They Are Trying To Do Next
If you had any doubt that BLM is a gang of racist thugs, this should convince you:

"Black Lives Matter Leader Who Spoke to UN Against Police Violence Vows: “Riots Everywhere if Trump Wins”"

Michael Brown robbed a local Ferguson convenience store shortly before his death. Then Brown smashed police officer Darren Wilson in the face and wrestled the officer for his gun before he was shot dead.

Race protesters later rioted and burned down the Ferguson business district.

In November 2014 Ferguson protest leader Tef Poe was flown to the United Nations offices in Geneva, Switzerland. The Ferguson activist-rapper delivered a speech on US police crimes to UN officials before the verdict was announced in the Mike Brown case. Officer Darren Wilson was later exonerated by a local grand jury.

Tef Poe bragged about his appearance in front of the United Nations – “to slap these Ferguson pigs with war crimes and torture charges.............

So BLM promises violence if a an event happens, yet police are expected to sit idle and not use violence fight violence?? Has anyone figured out that these people are all about ONLY Black Lives Matter??

Note: the same people who are dumping all over Trump and blaming him for the riot in Shitcago don't have a negative thing to say about BLM.

BLM is an arm of the Democrat Party. Of that there is no doubt now.; When you have the same donors giving mega bucks to BLM via DA hell's bells there is no doubt that the D party donors are supporting a violent organization. And they are using them to intimidate others.

They are the equivalent of Hitler's storm troopers.

Honest, when I discovered exactly how many Democrat high rollers were donating to BLM it hit me that they have just recreated the KKK in it's purest form.

Because the original purpose of the KKK was to intimidate and terrorize Republicans.

History is repeating itself. And if BLM pulls any more shit I think that these donors should be taken to task. for funding them.
I saw in the comments on an article about what was going on in the US right now by a Chinese national, who opined that it would be pointless for us to fight each other. I couldn't agree more. If folks are hating on each other, it just give the elites what they want.

Why does the BLM want to riot?

Why do Tea party folk or Trump supporters want to wipe them out?

Because the MSM paradigm and the current administration has stoked that hatred. Different segments of society used to get on so much better, even during the Bush administration. That not to say loads of work didn't need to be done. . . but not through hatred and envy.

The elites get what they want this way though, and nothing changes.

The Russians, the Chinese, they all know what the real problems are, and why we are in decay. If both the conservatives are so pissed off, and the BLM and occupy folk are so pissed off, that they are willing to die for what they believe, why can't they unite and throw out their mutual common enemy, the cause of all these promblems, the real devils?

Race Riots Incited To Overshadow
Raging Class Warfare

Racial Hatreds Stoked To Divide The Nation And Distract From Obama’s Impeachable Crimes
Why The Obama Administration Is So Determined To Start A Race War
Main Street vs. Wall Street
The recent battlegrounds of Ferguson, MO and New York City are much less about black and white, and much more about the rich and powerful against everyone else. In each case there were fundamental economic issues at work, as well as overarching financial considerations. However, the 1% that live off of Wall Street will do everything in their power to prevent this from being generally known. Why?

Because their very lives depend on it. Simply put, were the truth to be known about just how much the average American citizen has been raped, pillaged and plundered over the past many years by Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, by the POTUS and the SCOTUS, by corporate lobbyists and banksters of every stripe and color, there would be a full-blown revolution. The Powers That Be (TPTB) know this quite well. TPTB have therefore instructed Obama & Company to frame the ever-intensifying conflicts within the context of racism.

In fact, the words “RACIST” and “RACISM” have been thrown around with reckless abandon throughout both terms of Obama. His Administration, together with their lackeys in the MSM, will brand as ‘racist’ anyone who points out the obvious failings of the current President. Even those who simply disagree with Obama are tainted with labels of racism. This highly destructive tactic has contributed substantially to the deterioration of the public discourse.
I wonder what kind of weapons/explosives Soros will be supplying south Chicago if trump loses

Obama knows a guy with experience...

Bill Ayers.png
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If you had any doubt that BLM is a gang of racist thugs, this should convince you:

"Black Lives Matter Leader Who Spoke to UN Against Police Violence Vows: “Riots Everywhere if Trump Wins”"

Michael Brown robbed a local Ferguson convenience store shortly before his death. Then Brown smashed police officer Darren Wilson in the face and wrestled the officer for his gun before he was shot dead.

Race protesters later rioted and burned down the Ferguson business district.

In November 2014 Ferguson protest leader Tef Poe was flown to the United Nations offices in Geneva, Switzerland. The Ferguson activist-rapper delivered a speech on US police crimes to UN officials before the verdict was announced in the Mike Brown case. Officer Darren Wilson was later exonerated by a local grand jury.

Tef Poe bragged about his appearance in front of the United Nations – “to slap these Ferguson pigs with war crimes and torture charges.............

I wish they'd just leave the country like some other whiny ass libs.

And they aren't saying they'll protest, they are talking riots. That means some neighborhoods will get burned down, major looting taking place and people getting hurt or killed. That is how idiots react to things they don't agree with.
Wonder if the left is ready to bleed. Nothing really to worry about because they burn down their own neighborhoods. If they come to our neighborhoods will just stand our ground...:badgrin:
Wonder if the left is ready to bleed. Nothing really to worry about because they burn down their own neighborhoods. If they come to our neighborhoods will just stand our ground...:badgrin:

They wouldn't dare start rioting in middle class neighborhoods where people are armed.

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