BLM lynch mob surrounds soldier's home

Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.
What's wrong with you jungle bunnies?

Tough ass redneck on the internet, wouldn't have the balls to call a black man a jungle bunny to his face. Coward ass punk.

all bigots should be thrown out of this forum

You're the bigot, dumbass.
What a Bozo statement, No logic, no sense, no reason, no brains. All bigots should be thrown out of these forums. They are a total waste.

Yeah, you are.
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.
What's wrong with you jungle bunnies?

Tough ass redneck on the internet, wouldn't have the balls to call a black man a jungle bunny to his face. Coward ass punk.

all bigots should be thrown out of this forum

You're the bigot, dumbass.
What a Bozo statement, No logic, no sense, no reason, no brains. All bigots should be thrown out of these forums. They are a total waste.

Yeah, you are.
Boring 3rd Grade nothing!
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.
What's wrong with you jungle bunnies?

Tough ass redneck on the internet, wouldn't have the balls to call a black man a jungle bunny to his face. Coward ass punk.

all bigots should be thrown out of this forum

You're the bigot, dumbass.
What a Bozo statement, No logic, no sense, no reason, no brains. All bigots should be thrown out of these forums. They are a total waste.

Yeah, you are.
Boring 3rd Grade nothing!

The last several pages of this thread has been nothing but you and the other trolls talking shit...... you gonna pretend you want an actual conversation, now?
I don't what people in the military that lose their cool like this over something like this. Obviously, he has anger issues, and we need people in the service that can control their emotions and temperament.
Actually, you want people like the white guy next to you in a combat situation.
Not some weak metrosexual transgendered freak that would start crying when the enemy started shooting. ... :cuckoo:
Add to that the fact that this guy is a DRILL SERGEANT. That persona is intentional. It's part of slapping the meek off of these incoming soldiers. It's all about getting their attention and getting them focused on a whole new way of dealing with the world...
Not to mention the fact that this sergeant has been watching this asinine BS unfold in our country for months and he might just be fed up. A LOT of us feel that way.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
That's not what I said at all, I said that's what would stop it..... but since when does truth matter to a bigot like you?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You're lying about what happened, just like the troll in the video was lying about what he was doing.

Trash, all of you.... just plain trash.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You stuck in a loop there, fucktard?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
Here you go;
Application To Join - Loyal White Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan (

Since you're okay with doing all the same shit, join up guy.
There is no way in hell that I would join a group that you are part of. Whatever you think or say , I'm 180Deg from your hate Nazi bullshit.
What's the difference in supporting BLM?
They do all the same stuff, the only difference is the color of the folks they hate.

If you don't object to the methods used, then the only reason to not like them is because of your own racism against white people.
First idiot it is not BLM second if it was , then we will just throw in facts to bury your stupid ass. They keep track of hate crime murders in this country, Your right wing white supremacist ass hole have killed hundreds, BLM and Antifa none ever.
If anyone else doesn't believe what I said, I will back it up for you with sources. To this worm They are BLM because they are black . All the racist and hate crimes are a right wing thing not a progressive thing , a handful by the left and a truck load by the right..Just ask and I'll back it up with sources , but not for this pig , he doesn't count.
..Most criminals are dems----kkk was a dem thing.---and BLM is a terrorist organization. THESE BE the FACTS.
I don't what people in the military that lose their cool like this over something like this. Obviously, he has anger issues, and we need people in the service that can control their emotions and temperament.
Actually, you want people like the white guy next to you in a combat situation.
Not some weak metrosexual transgendered freak that would start crying when the enemy started shooting. ... :cuckoo:
Add to that the fact that this guy is a DRILL SERGEANT. That persona is intentional. It's part of slapping the meek off of these incoming soldiers. It's all about getting their attention and getting them focused on a whole new way of dealing with the world...
Not to mention the fact that this sergeant has been watching this asinine BS unfold in our country for months and he might just be fed up. A LOT of us feel that way.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
That's not what I said at all, I said that's what would stop it..... but since when does truth matter to a bigot like you?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You're lying about what happened, just like the troll in the video was lying about what he was doing.

Trash, all of you.... just plain trash.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You stuck in a loop there, fucktard?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
Here you go;
Application To Join - Loyal White Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan (

Since you're okay with doing all the same shit, join up guy.
There is no way in hell that I would join a group that you are part of. Whatever you think or say , I'm 180Deg from your hate Nazi bullshit.
What's the difference in supporting BLM?
They do all the same stuff, the only difference is the color of the folks they hate.

If you don't object to the methods used, then the only reason to not like them is because of your own racism against white people.
First idiot it is not BLM second if it was , then we will just throw in facts to bury your stupid ass. They keep track of hate crime murders in this country, Your right wing white supremacist ass hole have killed hundreds, BLM and Antifa none ever.
If anyone else doesn't believe what I said, I will back it up for you with sources. To this worm They are BLM because they are black . All the racist and hate crimes are a right wing thing not a progressive thing , a handful by the left and a truck load by the right..Just ask and I'll back it up with sources , but not for this pig , he doesn't count.
..Most criminals are dems----kkk was a dem thing.---and BLM is a terrorist organization. THESE BE the FACTS.

I don't what people in the military that lose their cool like this over something like this. Obviously, he has anger issues, and we need people in the service that can control their emotions and temperament.
Actually, you want people like the white guy next to you in a combat situation.
Not some weak metrosexual transgendered freak that would start crying when the enemy started shooting. ... :cuckoo:
Add to that the fact that this guy is a DRILL SERGEANT. That persona is intentional. It's part of slapping the meek off of these incoming soldiers. It's all about getting their attention and getting them focused on a whole new way of dealing with the world...
Not to mention the fact that this sergeant has been watching this asinine BS unfold in our country for months and he might just be fed up. A LOT of us feel that way.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
That's not what I said at all, I said that's what would stop it..... but since when does truth matter to a bigot like you?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You're lying about what happened, just like the troll in the video was lying about what he was doing.

Trash, all of you.... just plain trash.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You stuck in a loop there, fucktard?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
Here you go;
Application To Join - Loyal White Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan (

Since you're okay with doing all the same shit, join up guy.
There is no way in hell that I would join a group that you are part of. Whatever you think or say , I'm 180Deg from your hate Nazi bullshit.
What's the difference in supporting BLM?
They do all the same stuff, the only difference is the color of the folks they hate.

If you don't object to the methods used, then the only reason to not like them is because of your own racism against white people.
First idiot it is not BLM second if it was , then we will just throw in facts to bury your stupid ass. They keep track of hate crime murders in this country, Your right wing white supremacist ass hole have killed hundreds, BLM and Antifa none ever.
If anyone else doesn't believe what I said, I will back it up for you with sources. To this worm They are BLM because they are black . All the racist and hate crimes are a right wing thing not a progressive thing , a handful by the left and a truck load by the right..Just ask and I'll back it up with sources , but not for this pig , he doesn't count.
..Most criminals are dems----kkk was a dem thing.---and BLM is a terrorist organization. THESE BE the FACTS.

He's not wrong.
I don't what people in the military that lose their cool like this over something like this. Obviously, he has anger issues, and we need people in the service that can control their emotions and temperament.
Actually, you want people like the white guy next to you in a combat situation.
Not some weak metrosexual transgendered freak that would start crying when the enemy started shooting. ... :cuckoo:
Add to that the fact that this guy is a DRILL SERGEANT. That persona is intentional. It's part of slapping the meek off of these incoming soldiers. It's all about getting their attention and getting them focused on a whole new way of dealing with the world...
Not to mention the fact that this sergeant has been watching this asinine BS unfold in our country for months and he might just be fed up. A LOT of us feel that way.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
That's not what I said at all, I said that's what would stop it..... but since when does truth matter to a bigot like you?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You're lying about what happened, just like the troll in the video was lying about what he was doing.

Trash, all of you.... just plain trash.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You stuck in a loop there, fucktard?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
Here you go;
Application To Join - Loyal White Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan (

Since you're okay with doing all the same shit, join up guy.
There is no way in hell that I would join a group that you are part of. Whatever you think or say , I'm 180Deg from your hate Nazi bullshit.
What's the difference in supporting BLM?
They do all the same stuff, the only difference is the color of the folks they hate.

If you don't object to the methods used, then the only reason to not like them is because of your own racism against white people.
First idiot it is not BLM second if it was , then we will just throw in facts to bury your stupid ass. They keep track of hate crime murders in this country, Your right wing white supremacist ass hole have killed hundreds, BLM and Antifa none ever.
If anyone else doesn't believe what I said, I will back it up for you with sources. To this worm They are BLM because they are black . All the racist and hate crimes are a right wing thing not a progressive thing , a handful by the left and a truck load by the right..Just ask and I'll back it up with sources , but not for this pig , he doesn't count.
..Most criminals are dems----kkk was a dem thing.---and BLM is a terrorist organization. THESE BE the FACTS.

Truth is hard to swallow, huh. Try washing it down with a bag of Skittles and an iced tea.
I don't what people in the military that lose their cool like this over something like this. Obviously, he has anger issues, and we need people in the service that can control their emotions and temperament.
Actually, you want people like the white guy next to you in a combat situation.
Not some weak metrosexual transgendered freak that would start crying when the enemy started shooting. ... :cuckoo:
Add to that the fact that this guy is a DRILL SERGEANT. That persona is intentional. It's part of slapping the meek off of these incoming soldiers. It's all about getting their attention and getting them focused on a whole new way of dealing with the world...
Not to mention the fact that this sergeant has been watching this asinine BS unfold in our country for months and he might just be fed up. A LOT of us feel that way.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
That's not what I said at all, I said that's what would stop it..... but since when does truth matter to a bigot like you?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You're lying about what happened, just like the troll in the video was lying about what he was doing.

Trash, all of you.... just plain trash.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You stuck in a loop there, fucktard?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
Here you go;
Application To Join - Loyal White Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan (

Since you're okay with doing all the same shit, join up guy.
There is no way in hell that I would join a group that you are part of. Whatever you think or say , I'm 180Deg from your hate Nazi bullshit.
What's the difference in supporting BLM?
They do all the same stuff, the only difference is the color of the folks they hate.

If you don't object to the methods used, then the only reason to not like them is because of your own racism against white people.
First idiot it is not BLM second if it was , then we will just throw in facts to bury your stupid ass. They keep track of hate crime murders in this country, Your right wing white supremacist ass hole have killed hundreds, BLM and Antifa none ever.
If anyone else doesn't believe what I said, I will back it up for you with sources. To this worm They are BLM because they are black . All the racist and hate crimes are a right wing thing not a progressive thing , a handful by the left and a truck load by the right..Just ask and I'll back it up with sources , but not for this pig , he doesn't count.
..Most criminals are dems----kkk was a dem thing.---and BLM is a terrorist organization. THESE BE the FACTS.

He's not wrong.

Based on what? His dumbass opinion.
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.
What's wrong with you jungle bunnies?

Tough ass redneck on the internet, wouldn't have the balls to call a black man a jungle bunny to his face. Coward ass punk.

all bigots should be thrown out of this forum

You're the bigot, dumbass.
What a Bozo statement, No logic, no sense, no reason, no brains. All bigots should be thrown out of these forums. They are a total waste.

Yeah, you are.
Boring 3rd Grade nothing!

The last several pages of this thread has been nothing but you and the other trolls talking shit...... you gonna pretend you want an actual conversation, now?
Na just calling out you bigots!
I don't what people in the military that lose their cool like this over something like this. Obviously, he has anger issues, and we need people in the service that can control their emotions and temperament.
Actually, you want people like the white guy next to you in a combat situation.
Not some weak metrosexual transgendered freak that would start crying when the enemy started shooting. ... :cuckoo:
Add to that the fact that this guy is a DRILL SERGEANT. That persona is intentional. It's part of slapping the meek off of these incoming soldiers. It's all about getting their attention and getting them focused on a whole new way of dealing with the world...
Not to mention the fact that this sergeant has been watching this asinine BS unfold in our country for months and he might just be fed up. A LOT of us feel that way.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
That's not what I said at all, I said that's what would stop it..... but since when does truth matter to a bigot like you?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You're lying about what happened, just like the troll in the video was lying about what he was doing.

Trash, all of you.... just plain trash.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You stuck in a loop there, fucktard?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
Here you go;
Application To Join - Loyal White Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan (

Since you're okay with doing all the same shit, join up guy.
There is no way in hell that I would join a group that you are part of. Whatever you think or say , I'm 180Deg from your hate Nazi bullshit.
What's the difference in supporting BLM?
They do all the same stuff, the only difference is the color of the folks they hate.

If you don't object to the methods used, then the only reason to not like them is because of your own racism against white people.
First idiot it is not BLM second if it was , then we will just throw in facts to bury your stupid ass. They keep track of hate crime murders in this country, Your right wing white supremacist ass hole have killed hundreds, BLM and Antifa none ever.
If anyone else doesn't believe what I said, I will back it up for you with sources. To this worm They are BLM because they are black . All the racist and hate crimes are a right wing thing not a progressive thing , a handful by the left and a truck load by the right..Just ask and I'll back it up with sources , but not for this pig , he doesn't count.
..Most criminals are dems----kkk was a dem thing.---and BLM is a terrorist organization. THESE BE the FACTS.
So you are basing your whole opinion on lies. That should get you a long way. 2018 every single hate crime killing were done by right wing groups or people, no Muslims, no left wing.all you fricken right wing bore ass bigots and haters. Pound scum is a good description.
The right is made up of bigots and haters, they are anti Government anti American and we just watched them try to bring down our government and destroy our Democracy , to force in a piece of shit for a dictator. That can't be denied, nothing more really has to be said does it?
I don't what people in the military that lose their cool like this over something like this. Obviously, he has anger issues, and we need people in the service that can control their emotions and temperament.
Actually, you want people like the white guy next to you in a combat situation.
Not some weak metrosexual transgendered freak that would start crying when the enemy started shooting. ... :cuckoo:
Add to that the fact that this guy is a DRILL SERGEANT. That persona is intentional. It's part of slapping the meek off of these incoming soldiers. It's all about getting their attention and getting them focused on a whole new way of dealing with the world...
Not to mention the fact that this sergeant has been watching this asinine BS unfold in our country for months and he might just be fed up. A LOT of us feel that way.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
That's not what I said at all, I said that's what would stop it..... but since when does truth matter to a bigot like you?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You're lying about what happened, just like the troll in the video was lying about what he was doing.

Trash, all of you.... just plain trash.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You stuck in a loop there, fucktard?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
Here you go;
Application To Join - Loyal White Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan (

Since you're okay with doing all the same shit, join up guy.
There is no way in hell that I would join a group that you are part of. Whatever you think or say , I'm 180Deg from your hate Nazi bullshit.
What's the difference in supporting BLM?
They do all the same stuff, the only difference is the color of the folks they hate.

If you don't object to the methods used, then the only reason to not like them is because of your own racism against white people.
First idiot it is not BLM second if it was , then we will just throw in facts to bury your stupid ass. They keep track of hate crime murders in this country, Your right wing white supremacist ass hole have killed hundreds, BLM and Antifa none ever.
If anyone else doesn't believe what I said, I will back it up for you with sources. To this worm They are BLM because they are black . All the racist and hate crimes are a right wing thing not a progressive thing , a handful by the left and a truck load by the right..Just ask and I'll back it up with sources , but not for this pig , he doesn't count.
..Most criminals are dems----kkk was a dem thing.---and BLM is a terrorist organization. THESE BE the FACTS.
Actually the biggest terorest organuzation in this country now is the Republican party, Bigots and haters. Just read these posts .
I don't what people in the military that lose their cool like this over something like this. Obviously, he has anger issues, and we need people in the service that can control their emotions and temperament.
Actually, you want people like the white guy next to you in a combat situation.
Not some weak metrosexual transgendered freak that would start crying when the enemy started shooting. ... :cuckoo:
Add to that the fact that this guy is a DRILL SERGEANT. That persona is intentional. It's part of slapping the meek off of these incoming soldiers. It's all about getting their attention and getting them focused on a whole new way of dealing with the world...
Not to mention the fact that this sergeant has been watching this asinine BS unfold in our country for months and he might just be fed up. A LOT of us feel that way.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
That's not what I said at all, I said that's what would stop it..... but since when does truth matter to a bigot like you?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You're lying about what happened, just like the troll in the video was lying about what he was doing.

Trash, all of you.... just plain trash.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You stuck in a loop there, fucktard?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
Here you go;
Application To Join - Loyal White Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan (

Since you're okay with doing all the same shit, join up guy.
There is no way in hell that I would join a group that you are part of. Whatever you think or say , I'm 180Deg from your hate Nazi bullshit.
What's the difference in supporting BLM?
They do all the same stuff, the only difference is the color of the folks they hate.

If you don't object to the methods used, then the only reason to not like them is because of your own racism against white people.
First idiot it is not BLM second if it was , then we will just throw in facts to bury your stupid ass. They keep track of hate crime murders in this country, Your right wing white supremacist ass hole have killed hundreds, BLM and Antifa none ever.
If anyone else doesn't believe what I said, I will back it up for you with sources. To this worm They are BLM because they are black . All the racist and hate crimes are a right wing thing not a progressive thing , a handful by the left and a truck load by the right..Just ask and I'll back it up with sources , but not for this pig , he doesn't count.
..Most criminals are dems----kkk was a dem thing.---and BLM is a terrorist organization. THESE BE the FACTS.
Let me see , since most people are democrats, and no , no one has designated blm as anything other then patriots trying to make their country better against right wing bigots and haters.
I don't what people in the military that lose their cool like this over something like this. Obviously, he has anger issues, and we need people in the service that can control their emotions and temperament.
Actually, you want people like the white guy next to you in a combat situation.
Not some weak metrosexual transgendered freak that would start crying when the enemy started shooting. ... :cuckoo:
Add to that the fact that this guy is a DRILL SERGEANT. That persona is intentional. It's part of slapping the meek off of these incoming soldiers. It's all about getting their attention and getting them focused on a whole new way of dealing with the world...
Not to mention the fact that this sergeant has been watching this asinine BS unfold in our country for months and he might just be fed up. A LOT of us feel that way.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
That's not what I said at all, I said that's what would stop it..... but since when does truth matter to a bigot like you?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You're lying about what happened, just like the troll in the video was lying about what he was doing.

Trash, all of you.... just plain trash.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You stuck in a loop there, fucktard?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
Here you go;
Application To Join - Loyal White Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan (

Since you're okay with doing all the same shit, join up guy.
There is no way in hell that I would join a group that you are part of. Whatever you think or say , I'm 180Deg from your hate Nazi bullshit.
What's the difference in supporting BLM?
They do all the same stuff, the only difference is the color of the folks they hate.

If you don't object to the methods used, then the only reason to not like them is because of your own racism against white people.
First idiot it is not BLM second if it was , then we will just throw in facts to bury your stupid ass. They keep track of hate crime murders in this country, Your right wing white supremacist ass hole have killed hundreds, BLM and Antifa none ever.
If anyone else doesn't believe what I said, I will back it up for you with sources. To this worm They are BLM because they are black . All the racist and hate crimes are a right wing thing not a progressive thing , a handful by the left and a truck load by the right..Just ask and I'll back it up with sources , but not for this pig , he doesn't count.
..Most criminals are dems----kkk was a dem thing.---and BLM is a terrorist organization. THESE BE the FACTS.
Let me see , since most people are democrats, and no , no one has designated blm as anything other then patriots trying to make their country better against right wing bigots and haters.
Blah, blah, blah...... :rolleyes:
I don't what people in the military that lose their cool like this over something like this. Obviously, he has anger issues, and we need people in the service that can control their emotions and temperament.
Actually, you want people like the white guy next to you in a combat situation.
Not some weak metrosexual transgendered freak that would start crying when the enemy started shooting. ... :cuckoo:
Add to that the fact that this guy is a DRILL SERGEANT. That persona is intentional. It's part of slapping the meek off of these incoming soldiers. It's all about getting their attention and getting them focused on a whole new way of dealing with the world...
Not to mention the fact that this sergeant has been watching this asinine BS unfold in our country for months and he might just be fed up. A LOT of us feel that way.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
That's not what I said at all, I said that's what would stop it..... but since when does truth matter to a bigot like you?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You're lying about what happened, just like the troll in the video was lying about what he was doing.

Trash, all of you.... just plain trash.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You stuck in a loop there, fucktard?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
Here you go;
Application To Join - Loyal White Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan (

Since you're okay with doing all the same shit, join up guy.
There is no way in hell that I would join a group that you are part of. Whatever you think or say , I'm 180Deg from your hate Nazi bullshit.
What's the difference in supporting BLM?
They do all the same stuff, the only difference is the color of the folks they hate.

If you don't object to the methods used, then the only reason to not like them is because of your own racism against white people.
First idiot it is not BLM second if it was , then we will just throw in facts to bury your stupid ass. They keep track of hate crime murders in this country, Your right wing white supremacist ass hole have killed hundreds, BLM and Antifa none ever.
If anyone else doesn't believe what I said, I will back it up for you with sources. To this worm They are BLM because they are black . All the racist and hate crimes are a right wing thing not a progressive thing , a handful by the left and a truck load by the right..Just ask and I'll back it up with sources , but not for this pig , he doesn't count.
..Most criminals are dems----kkk was a dem thing.---and BLM is a terrorist organization. THESE BE the FACTS.
Let me see , since most people are democrats, and no , no one has designated blm as anything other then patriots trying to make their country better against right wing bigots and haters.
The majority of Americans ID as Conservative.

There is nothing patriotic about what BLM does, and they attack all people that don't fall in line with their leftist agenda.

and yes they have been desinated as a terrorist group by a number of organizations...including the police union: StackPath

The fact of the matter is they are...they use violence, and threats of violence to get a political end...that end is their leftist Marxist agenda.
I don't what people in the military that lose their cool like this over something like this. Obviously, he has anger issues, and we need people in the service that can control their emotions and temperament.
Actually, you want people like the white guy next to you in a combat situation.
Not some weak metrosexual transgendered freak that would start crying when the enemy started shooting. ... :cuckoo:
Add to that the fact that this guy is a DRILL SERGEANT. That persona is intentional. It's part of slapping the meek off of these incoming soldiers. It's all about getting their attention and getting them focused on a whole new way of dealing with the world...
Not to mention the fact that this sergeant has been watching this asinine BS unfold in our country for months and he might just be fed up. A LOT of us feel that way.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
That's not what I said at all, I said that's what would stop it..... but since when does truth matter to a bigot like you?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You're lying about what happened, just like the troll in the video was lying about what he was doing.

Trash, all of you.... just plain trash.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You stuck in a loop there, fucktard?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
Here you go;
Application To Join - Loyal White Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan (

Since you're okay with doing all the same shit, join up guy.
There is no way in hell that I would join a group that you are part of. Whatever you think or say , I'm 180Deg from your hate Nazi bullshit.
What's the difference in supporting BLM?
They do all the same stuff, the only difference is the color of the folks they hate.

If you don't object to the methods used, then the only reason to not like them is because of your own racism against white people.
First idiot it is not BLM second if it was , then we will just throw in facts to bury your stupid ass. They keep track of hate crime murders in this country, Your right wing white supremacist ass hole have killed hundreds, BLM and Antifa none ever.
If anyone else doesn't believe what I said, I will back it up for you with sources. To this worm They are BLM because they are black . All the racist and hate crimes are a right wing thing not a progressive thing , a handful by the left and a truck load by the right..Just ask and I'll back it up with sources , but not for this pig , he doesn't count.
..Most criminals are dems----kkk was a dem thing.---and BLM is a terrorist organization. THESE BE the FACTS.
Let me see , since most people are democrats, and no , no one has designated blm as anything other then patriots trying to make their country better against right wing bigots and haters.
The majority of Americans ID as Conservative.

There is nothing patriotic about what BLM does, and they attack all people that don't fall in line with their leftist agenda.

and yes they have been desinated as a terrorist group by a number of organizations...including the police union: StackPath

The fact of the matter is they are...they use violence, and threats of violence to get a political end...that end is their leftist Marxist agenda.
best you got is lies or distortions , the union did not designate them as a terrorist group. It;s easy to find one of you hate Nazi's anywhere that will do that just because they are stupid , and then stupid people pick it up ,distort the hell out of it like you did and lie like the wienies they are.
I don't what people in the military that lose their cool like this over something like this. Obviously, he has anger issues, and we need people in the service that can control their emotions and temperament.
Actually, you want people like the white guy next to you in a combat situation.
Not some weak metrosexual transgendered freak that would start crying when the enemy started shooting. ... :cuckoo:
Add to that the fact that this guy is a DRILL SERGEANT. That persona is intentional. It's part of slapping the meek off of these incoming soldiers. It's all about getting their attention and getting them focused on a whole new way of dealing with the world...
Not to mention the fact that this sergeant has been watching this asinine BS unfold in our country for months and he might just be fed up. A LOT of us feel that way.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
That's not what I said at all, I said that's what would stop it..... but since when does truth matter to a bigot like you?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You're lying about what happened, just like the troll in the video was lying about what he was doing.

Trash, all of you.... just plain trash.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You stuck in a loop there, fucktard?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
Here you go;
Application To Join - Loyal White Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan (

Since you're okay with doing all the same shit, join up guy.
There is no way in hell that I would join a group that you are part of. Whatever you think or say , I'm 180Deg from your hate Nazi bullshit.
What's the difference in supporting BLM?
They do all the same stuff, the only difference is the color of the folks they hate.

If you don't object to the methods used, then the only reason to not like them is because of your own racism against white people.
First idiot it is not BLM second if it was , then we will just throw in facts to bury your stupid ass. They keep track of hate crime murders in this country, Your right wing white supremacist ass hole have killed hundreds, BLM and Antifa none ever.
If anyone else doesn't believe what I said, I will back it up for you with sources. To this worm They are BLM because they are black . All the racist and hate crimes are a right wing thing not a progressive thing , a handful by the left and a truck load by the right..Just ask and I'll back it up with sources , but not for this pig , he doesn't count.
..Most criminals are dems----kkk was a dem thing.---and BLM is a terrorist organization. THESE BE the FACTS.
Let me see , since most people are democrats, and no , no one has designated blm as anything other then patriots trying to make their country better against right wing bigots and haters.
Blah, blah, blah...... :rolleyes:
You lose , you have been buried , as in flushed down the shitter.
I don't what people in the military that lose their cool like this over something like this. Obviously, he has anger issues, and we need people in the service that can control their emotions and temperament.
Actually, you want people like the white guy next to you in a combat situation.
Not some weak metrosexual transgendered freak that would start crying when the enemy started shooting. ... :cuckoo:
Add to that the fact that this guy is a DRILL SERGEANT. That persona is intentional. It's part of slapping the meek off of these incoming soldiers. It's all about getting their attention and getting them focused on a whole new way of dealing with the world...
Not to mention the fact that this sergeant has been watching this asinine BS unfold in our country for months and he might just be fed up. A LOT of us feel that way.
His voice raised some, both of his hands came up, showing he was agitated, and he began immediately walking towards the woman.

That's an instant ass whippin, if true. People have a protected right of freedom of association. And the right to defend themselves against perceived threats. Particularly on private property.

As I was saying in another thread, this is the kind of thing that we see historically at the societal level when people have had enough. Human nature always prevails. Always.

I'll side with the soldier's judgment over the hood rat's arbitrary victim status card every single time. That 'I aye do nuffin' bullshit is getting old.

He was trespassing. So hit the fukin bricks, boy.

And the entire neighborhood would likely do well to sternly escort the Marxist quislings trespassing on the property under the illusion of activism out of the neighborhood.
When the mob came to the soldier's house, if one of the neighbors had shot just one of them dead from a distance with a rifle, one shot, from far away, leaving just one of the mob laying on the ground dead........ then the whole let's surround people's homes and "protest" (AKA: terrorize and intimidate) thing would go away for good.

That's all it would take.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
That's not what I said at all, I said that's what would stop it..... but since when does truth matter to a bigot like you?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forceing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who suport that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You're lying about what happened, just like the troll in the video was lying about what he was doing.

Trash, all of you.... just plain trash.
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
You stuck in a loop there, fucktard?
Surrounding a house in protest is not a crime but you want them shot , so you support my opinion then that the ass holes that tried to bring down this country and trying forcing in a piece of shit for a dictator which is totally illegal should have all been shot. Every single one that walked through the doors of the capital should have been shot. . I think all the people who support that in this country are traitors and should be put to death. You should support that also, right , I mean they do shoot traitors in this country and they should shouldn't they?
Here you go;
Application To Join - Loyal White Knights Of The Ku Klux Klan (

Since you're okay with doing all the same shit, join up guy.
There is no way in hell that I would join a group that you are part of. Whatever you think or say , I'm 180Deg from your hate Nazi bullshit.
What's the difference in supporting BLM?
They do all the same stuff, the only difference is the color of the folks they hate.

If you don't object to the methods used, then the only reason to not like them is because of your own racism against white people.
First idiot it is not BLM second if it was , then we will just throw in facts to bury your stupid ass. They keep track of hate crime murders in this country, Your right wing white supremacist ass hole have killed hundreds, BLM and Antifa none ever.
If anyone else doesn't believe what I said, I will back it up for you with sources. To this worm They are BLM because they are black . All the racist and hate crimes are a right wing thing not a progressive thing , a handful by the left and a truck load by the right..Just ask and I'll back it up with sources , but not for this pig , he doesn't count.
..Most criminals are dems----kkk was a dem thing.---and BLM is a terrorist organization. THESE BE the FACTS.
Let me see , since most people are democrats, and no , no one has designated blm as anything other then patriots trying to make their country better against right wing bigots and haters.
The majority of Americans ID as Conservative.

There is nothing patriotic about what BLM does, and they attack all people that don't fall in line with their leftist agenda.

and yes they have been desinated as a terrorist group by a number of organizations...including the police union: StackPath

The fact of the matter is they are...they use violence, and threats of violence to get a political end...that end is their leftist Marxist agenda.
more hate Nazi talk the majority of Americans say they are democrats. Conservative or liberal isn't a party designation as anyone with a brain knows.

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