BLM lynch mob surrounds soldier's home

no i want someone that can control their emotions and think rationally. he doesn’t appear to be that guy
Obviously, you've never been in the military and in a combat situation. ... :cool:
guys that can’t control their emotions get other
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there. Besides, we don't know what he was up to. It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.
people are allowed to walk down any public street they want.

if he attacked two girls then he should be charged.

that doesn’t excuse the other guys assault

But, you're ok with the Afro-KKK surrounding his house?

That isn't a "public" street.

It isn't a public street? What is it?

It belongs to the homeowner's association that runs that neighborhood. Those streets were built by the government and there aren't any businesses with public access on the street the dude was on.

It was a public sidewalk. He had as much right to be there as anywhere and he was not breaking any laws. The actions by the drill sergeant were inexcusable and he will pay for it.

It's a sidewalk in a privately developed subdivision, not a government built and maintained street, or road. That means it's private property.

That's what it is here. The government didn't build anything. Nor does it maintain anything.
no i want someone that can control their emotions and think rationally. he doesn’t appear to be that guy
Obviously, you've never been in the military and in a combat situation. ... :cool:
guys that can’t control their emotions get other
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
WTF is this crazy azz moron doing in front of this guys house?

Walking down the street you racist hag.

And why isn't his name released?

Why does it need to be? Are you going to go and whoop his ass or something.

And oh yeah----given his behavior----what is his rap sheet and oh btw, is this the azz that was harassing other people including grouping women? BLM thugs all need to be mowed down at this point for being terrorists........

The next rally they have go out there and just open up on them, oh yea you are too much of a coward to do that you are hoping one of your other racist brethren will do it. Was he rounding all the women in the neighborhood up, since you claim he was grouping women.

When are you all going to get these punk ass thug bastards under control? At some point, you have to be embarrassed by them. Right?
The only person that looks out of control, and like a punk ass thug in the video is the white guy.

That black dude had no business even being there. Besides, we don't know what he was up to. It sounds like he was acosting two under age girls. If that's true, he deserved to get his ass beat into the sidewalk.
people are allowed to walk down any public street they want.

if he attacked two girls then he should be charged.

that doesn’t excuse the other guys assault

But, you're ok with the Afro-KKK surrounding his house?

That isn't a "public" street.

It isn't a public street? What is it?

It belongs to the homeowner's association that runs that neighborhood. Those streets were built by the government and there aren't any businesses with public access on the street the dude was on.

It was a public sidewalk. He had as much right to be there as anywhere and he was not breaking any laws. The actions by the drill sergeant were inexcusable and he will pay for it.
I have no doubt that Drill is fucked, but I disagree that his actions were "inexcusable".
There is simply not enough info available in that video to determine that unless you are already leaning towards that determination.
The Sergeant should take a M-16 home with him and teach the assholes a lesson.
To do what with that weapon? And what lesson would that be race-soldier?
You can't teach some fool like this anything; if you bitch slap him to the ground for acting like an asshole, it's because you're a racist, not because he was acting like an asshole. And the lesson of "Don't be an asshole." goes entirely unheeded.

I bet a thousand black guys could walk past that man's house every day, wave hi at him, and he would never object, or say a single thing. Because I seriously doubt he cares at all.... he wouldn't have lasted long enough in the Army to make Drill if the mere presence of black guys gets him worked up.

He's only a racist when one of them starts acting like an asshole first, right? (sarcasm)
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals
Pentland is responsible for his own actions and it appears that he was out of line

if so he will probably be discharged from the Army

however there are deepe]]r reasons for the rising number of racisl incidents in America and the blame for that belongs to obama and the Black Lies Matter crowd

We are playing a dangerous game of tit for tat in America thst brings of the worst in both sides

and yes, whites are guilty as well as blacks

I don't think that President Obama and BLM supporters are to blame for anything. The more that comes out in public about various incidents raises suspicions and indicates that BLM probably has a real point and a lot has been covered over. Cops on video who were supposed to be enforcing the curfew in Kenosha, but said nothing to people on the streets with guns and even gave them water, and minutes later Rittenhouse murders two people and maims a third. Cops actually contributing to Rittenhouse's defense fund. Cops making all sorts of racist comments on social media. Cops posing with confederate flags. Cops in the same jurisdiction treating people in that same situation differently. Cops involved in right-wing groups, and even some involved in the assault on Congress. There is certainly enough to warrant hearings in Congress and in state governments to look into all of this.

It's a matter of revealing these corrupt cops and booting them out of law enforcement, not a matter of attacking all cops in general. If we are going to give people the authority that comes with a badge, we have to have confidence that these are upstanding, honorable people. We know the difference between the honorable and the dishonorable. Many cops of all races were valiant in their defense of the Capitol, for example, but we also remember the corruption scandal that the movie Serpico was based on.

We live in a chaotic time, yes, but this may actually a good thing. What has been hidden is being revealed, not only as to police corruption, both here and in other countries, but also in such areas as sex crimes and political corruption, corruption in religious groups, and the Creator only knows what else. This certainly helps to make us all more safe, more free, and societies more stable.

our Vice President and many other liberal elites were raising funds to bail out people who burnt and looted urban businesses and/or beat the the shit out of people who happened to be driving at the wrong place, wrong time. Cops raised funds for Rittenhouse who shot at rapists and murderers who were trying to kill him.

Total bullshit. Rittenhouse was violating curfew and should not have been there in the first place. The thug did not shoot at any rapists or murderers. Nobody was trying to kill him. He killed one person and then went down the street with people yelling warnings behind him that he had already killed one person, and the next two who were shot were trying to stop him. That any cops have raised funds for him goes to prove that BLM has been right. Don't forget that moments before, a video was recorded of the Kenosha cops deliberately failing in their duty to enforce the curfew, even giving thugs who remained on the street water. These cops contributed to rittenhouse's subsequent murders. two unarmed persons murdered, a third perhaps drawing a gun (a "good guy with a gun") maimed while trying to stop him. Contributions to rittenhouse indicates that there is corruption in law enforcement.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals
Pentland is responsible for his own actions and it appears that he was out of line

if so he will probably be discharged from the Army

however there are deepe]]r reasons for the rising number of racisl incidents in America and the blame for that belongs to obama and the Black Lies Matter crowd

We are playing a dangerous game of tit for tat in America thst brings of the worst in both sides

and yes, whites are guilty as well as blacks

I don't think that President Obama and BLM supporters are to blame for anything. The more that comes out in public about various incidents raises suspicions and indicates that BLM probably has a real point and a lot has been covered over. Cops on video who were supposed to be enforcing the curfew in Kenosha, but said nothing to people on the streets with guns and even gave them water, and minutes later Rittenhouse murders two people and maims a third. Cops actually contributing to Rittenhouse's defense fund. Cops making all sorts of racist comments on social media. Cops posing with confederate flags. Cops in the same jurisdiction treating people in that same situation differently. Cops involved in right-wing groups, and even some involved in the assault on Congress. There is certainly enough to warrant hearings in Congress and in state governments to look into all of this.

It's a matter of revealing these corrupt cops and booting them out of law enforcement, not a matter of attacking all cops in general. If we are going to give people the authority that comes with a badge, we have to have confidence that these are upstanding, honorable people. We know the difference between the honorable and the dishonorable. Many cops of all races were valiant in their defense of the Capitol, for example, but we also remember the corruption scandal that the movie Serpico was based on.

We live in a chaotic time, yes, but this may actually a good thing. What has been hidden is being revealed, not only as to police corruption, both here and in other countries, but also in such areas as sex crimes and political corruption, corruption in religious groups, and the Creator only knows what else. This certainly helps to make us all more safe, more free, and societies more stable.

our Vice President and many other liberal elites were raising funds to bail out people who burnt and looted urban businesses and/or beat the the shit out of people who happened to be driving at the wrong place, wrong time. Cops raised funds for Rittenhouse who shot at rapists and murderers who were trying to kill him.

Total bullshit. Rittenhouse was violating curfew and should not have been there in the first place. The thug did not shoot at any rapists or murderers. Nobody was trying to kill him. He killed one person and then went down the street with people yelling warnings behind him that he had already killed one person, and the next two who were shot were trying to stop him. That any cops have raised funds for him goes to prove that BLM has been right. Don't forget that moments before, a video was recorded of the Kenosha cops deliberately failing in their duty to enforce the curfew, even giving thugs who remained on the street water. These cops contributed to rittenhouse's subsequent murders. two unarmed persons murdered, a third perhaps drawing a gun (a "good guy with a gun") maimed while trying to stop him. Contributions to rittenhouse indicates that there is corruption in law enforcement.

our Vice President raised contributions to thugs who burnt down US cities and beat innocent people. Corruption runs rampant
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals
Pentland is responsible for his own actions and it appears that he was out of line

if so he will probably be discharged from the Army

however there are deepe]]r reasons for the rising number of racisl incidents in America and the blame for that belongs to obama and the Black Lies Matter crowd

We are playing a dangerous game of tit for tat in America thst brings of the worst in both sides

and yes, whites are guilty as well as blacks

I don't think that President Obama and BLM supporters are to blame for anything. The more that comes out in public about various incidents raises suspicions and indicates that BLM probably has a real point and a lot has been covered over. Cops on video who were supposed to be enforcing the curfew in Kenosha, but said nothing to people on the streets with guns and even gave them water, and minutes later Rittenhouse murders two people and maims a third. Cops actually contributing to Rittenhouse's defense fund. Cops making all sorts of racist comments on social media. Cops posing with confederate flags. Cops in the same jurisdiction treating people in that same situation differently. Cops involved in right-wing groups, and even some involved in the assault on Congress. There is certainly enough to warrant hearings in Congress and in state governments to look into all of this.

It's a matter of revealing these corrupt cops and booting them out of law enforcement, not a matter of attacking all cops in general. If we are going to give people the authority that comes with a badge, we have to have confidence that these are upstanding, honorable people. We know the difference between the honorable and the dishonorable. Many cops of all races were valiant in their defense of the Capitol, for example, but we also remember the corruption scandal that the movie Serpico was based on.

We live in a chaotic time, yes, but this may actually a good thing. What has been hidden is being revealed, not only as to police corruption, both here and in other countries, but also in such areas as sex crimes and political corruption, corruption in religious groups, and the Creator only knows what else. This certainly helps to make us all more safe, more free, and societies more stable.

our Vice President and many other liberal elites were raising funds to bail out people who burnt and looted urban businesses and/or beat the the shit out of people who happened to be driving at the wrong place, wrong time. Cops raised funds for Rittenhouse who shot at rapists and murderers who were trying to kill him.

Total bullshit. Rittenhouse was violating curfew and should not have been there in the first place. The thug did not shoot at any rapists or murderers. Nobody was trying to kill him. He killed one person and then went down the street with people yelling warnings behind him that he had already killed one person, and the next two who were shot were trying to stop him. That any cops have raised funds for him goes to prove that BLM has been right. Don't forget that moments before, a video was recorded of the Kenosha cops deliberately failing in their duty to enforce the curfew, even giving thugs who remained on the street water. These cops contributed to rittenhouse's subsequent murders. two unarmed persons murdered, a third perhaps drawing a gun (a "good guy with a gun") maimed while trying to stop him. Contributions to rittenhouse indicates that there is corruption in law enforcement.
3rd degree assault for THAT???


So you would be ok with an adult male shoving and threatening your teenage son.
One, he doesn't look like a teenager to me.

Two, act like a shithead, you get treated like a shithead.

(Maybe consider teaching young people to act right, instead of telling all the rest of us we have to put up with their bad behavior...... oh wait, that would require you do some good parenting, though. Never mind)
Cops actually contributing to Rittenhouse's defense fund. Cops making all sorts of racist comments on social media. Cops posing with confederate flags.
Black Lies Matter has tormented the tiger long enough that I dont blame cops for being angry at the entire movement

what "tiger"? Only corrupt cops would be angry. Not all cops are corrupt. The majority of cops serve honorably. Look at Officer EUGENE GOODMAN, defending Congress.

Officer MICHAEL FANONE: "kill him with his own gun" 'Kill him with his own gun': Police describe facing the mob at the Capitol

An officer in my own jurisdiction: I took in a woman (a black woman 30 years younger than I am) who had no place to go, foolish me. I didn't know that she was a grifter who couldn't last more than a few days in one job, and I thought that if I gave her a chance, she could establish herself. She would call the police on everybody, like the people above us because their little kid was making too much noise, and finally she did it to me and had me arrested for domestic violence for allegedly scratching her. Actually, she tried to grab something out of my hands and pinned me against an open refrigerator door. I never touched her (would anyone think that I would begin my criminal career in my 60s?) but I was handcuffed and spent the night in the slammer. My booking photo actually is quite the glam shot. But after I was released, the police lieutenant called me and asked me if she could come and talk to me. She showed up at my door, wearing Catholic ashes for Ash Wednesday, and she taught me how to take videos of this woman who still lived here pending the outcome of the eviction action me and my landlord filed against her, since I did not know how to use my iphone.

BTW: Before this last bit, my friend and co-worker over 30 years, a black woman from North Carolina, repeatedly told me to get rid of this woman, saying that she was poison and would try to screw me over. I didn't act in time. This lady's name is Cottie, and to this day, I would trust her with my life. She is a true one, honorable and courageous.
Cops actually contributing to Rittenhouse's defense fund. Cops making all sorts of racist comments on social media. Cops posing with confederate flags.
Black Lies Matter has tormented the tiger long enough that I dont blame cops for being angry at the entire movement

what "tiger"? Only corrupt cops would be angry. Not all cops are corrupt. The majority of cops serve honorably. Look at Officer EUGENE GOODMAN, defending Congress.

Officer MICHAEL FANONE: "kill him with his own gun" 'Kill him with his own gun': Police describe facing the mob at the Capitol

An officer in my own jurisdiction: I took in a woman (a black woman 30 years younger than I am) who had no place to go, foolish me. I didn't know that she was a grifter who couldn't last more than a few days in one job, and I thought that if I gave her a chance, she could establish herself. She would call the police on everybody, like the people above us because their little kid was making too much noise, and finally she did it to me and had me arrested for domestic violence for allegedly scratching her. Actually, she tried to grab something out of my hands and pinned me against an open refrigerator door. I never touched her (would anyone think that I would begin my criminal career in my 60s?) but I was handcuffed and spent the night in the slammer. My booking photo actually is quite the glam shot. But after I was released, the police lieutenant called me and asked me if she could come and talk to me. She showed up at my door, wearing Catholic ashes for Ash Wednesday, and she taught me how to take videos of this woman who still lived here pending the outcome of the eviction action me and my landlord filed against her, since I did not know how to use my iphone.

BTW: Before this last bit, my friend and co-worker over 30 years, a black woman from North Carolina, repeatedly told me to get rid of this woman, saying that she was poison and would try to screw me over. I didn't act in time. This lady's name is Cottie, and to this day, I would trust her with my life. She is a true one, honorable and courageous.
So you're gullible, is what you're saying?

Hell, we knew that.
Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

pentland started the dispute. What his wife was doing there is her call. Why was pentland out there? Why was his "wife" out there? This "wife" apparently came out of her own accord. Actually, why were this guy and his wife out there?
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

pentland started the dispute. What his wife was doing there is her call. Why was pentland out there? Why was his "wife" out there? This "wife" apparently came out of her own accord. Actually, why were this guy and his wife out there?
Did he?
We don't see that in the video.

Maybe all these questions should be asked and answered BEFORE people get labeled and their careers fucked up.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals
Pentland is responsible for his own actions and it appears that he was out of line

if so he will probably be discharged from the Army

however there are deepe]]r reasons for the rising number of racisl incidents in America and the blame for that belongs to obama and the Black Lies Matter crowd

We are playing a dangerous game of tit for tat in America thst brings of the worst in both sides

and yes, whites are guilty as well as blacks

I don't think that President Obama and BLM supporters are to blame for anything. The more that comes out in public about various incidents raises suspicions and indicates that BLM probably has a real point and a lot has been covered over. Cops on video who were supposed to be enforcing the curfew in Kenosha, but said nothing to people on the streets with guns and even gave them water, and minutes later Rittenhouse murders two people and maims a third. Cops actually contributing to Rittenhouse's defense fund. Cops making all sorts of racist comments on social media. Cops posing with confederate flags. Cops in the same jurisdiction treating people in that same situation differently. Cops involved in right-wing groups, and even some involved in the assault on Congress. There is certainly enough to warrant hearings in Congress and in state governments to look into all of this.

It's a matter of revealing these corrupt cops and booting them out of law enforcement, not a matter of attacking all cops in general. If we are going to give people the authority that comes with a badge, we have to have confidence that these are upstanding, honorable people. We know the difference between the honorable and the dishonorable. Many cops of all races were valiant in their defense of the Capitol, for example, but we also remember the corruption scandal that the movie Serpico was based on.

We live in a chaotic time, yes, but this may actually a good thing. What has been hidden is being revealed, not only as to police corruption, both here and in other countries, but also in such areas as sex crimes and political corruption, corruption in religious groups, and the Creator only knows what else. This certainly helps to make us all more safe, more free, and societies more stable.

our Vice President and many other liberal elites were raising funds to bail out people who burnt and looted urban businesses and/or beat the the shit out of people who happened to be driving at the wrong place, wrong time. Cops raised funds for Rittenhouse who shot at rapists and murderers who were trying to kill him.

Total bullshit. Rittenhouse was violating curfew and should not have been there in the first place. The thug did not shoot at any rapists or murderers. Nobody was trying to kill him. He killed one person and then went down the street with people yelling warnings behind him that he had already killed one person, and the next two who were shot were trying to stop him. That any cops have raised funds for him goes to prove that BLM has been right. Don't forget that moments before, a video was recorded of the Kenosha cops deliberately failing in their duty to enforce the curfew, even giving thugs who remained on the street water. These cops contributed to rittenhouse's subsequent murders. two unarmed persons murdered, a third perhaps drawing a gun (a "good guy with a gun") maimed while trying to stop him. Contributions to rittenhouse indicates that there is corruption in law enforcement.
You are delusional babe. Rittenhouse was on private property--no curfew existed. It's a free country btw, and he has a right to be on property that he has promission to be on. The felons he shot included a repeat pedophile. And sorry yes, the first felon repeatedly said that he was going to kill the boys...the next two attacked and were shot as it should be. BTW the two killed were buddies all day ---------their attack was a tag team effort. Blm are a criminal terrorist enterprise----the cops donated to Rittenhouse because Rittenhouse is being railroaded and it is wrong. corrupt is obvious with the felons long criminal records---their corruption that is.

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