BLM - Tone down the destruction


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
To: The BLM folks
FROM: A Liberal

You folks have a right to be angry. I know white cops are are killing black people disproportionally, I know right wing goons are causing destruction and blaming it on you, and I also know your protests are being blown out of all proportion by right wing media. folks will fare far better by gathering your evidence and airing your grievances in the courts of law. The business's you've damaged are not the cause of your problem. Stop giving the right wing political ammunition. Be smart, and start winning court cases. The cops will be forced to change their ways, and the right wing will have to find something else to bitch about.
I know right wing goons are causing destruction and blaming it on you,

I've asked this several times, and never saw an answer.

if it's 'right wing goons' causing the destruction, why don't the 'peaceful' BLM protestors stop them?

Why don't they stop the arsonists, and the looters?

It would only be to their benefit.
I suppose OJ Simpson is testament to the courts- however, the courts are blinded by, not blind to- I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them-

However, I agree with the premise of the OP until the part about the courts-
To: The BLM folks
FROM: A Liberal

You folks have a right to be angry. I know white cops are are killing black people disproportionally, I know right wing goons are causing destruction and blaming it on you, and I also know your protests are being blown out of all proportion by right wing media. folks will fare far better by gathering your evidence and airing your grievances in the courts of law. The business's you've damaged are not the cause of your problem. Stop giving the right wing political ammunition. Be smart, and start winning court cases. The cops will be forced to change their ways, and the right wing will have to find something else to bitch about.

To: The BLM folks
FROM: A Liberal

You folks have a right to be angry. I know white cops are are killing black people disproportionally, I know right wing goons are causing destruction and blaming it on you, and I also know your protests are being blown out of all proportion by right wing media. folks will fare far better by gathering your evidence and airing your grievances in the courts of law. The business's you've damaged are not the cause of your problem. Stop giving the right wing political ammunition. Be smart, and start winning court cases. The cops will be forced to change their ways, and the right wing will have to find something else to bitch about.
To: The BLM folks
FROM: A Liberal

You folks have a right to be angry. I know white cops are are killing black people disproportionally, I know right wing goons are causing destruction and blaming it on you, and I also know your protests are being blown out of all proportion by right wing media. folks will fare far better by gathering your evidence and airing your grievances in the courts of law. The business's you've damaged are not the cause of your problem. Stop giving the right wing political ammunition. Be smart, and start winning court cases. The cops will be forced to change their ways, and the right wing will have to find something else to bitch about.
Black people are NOT being killed disproportionally. Where the fuck do you lefties come up with this shit? The stats are literally there for everyone to see. There is no debate here.
To: The BLM folks
FROM: A Liberal

You folks have a right to be angry. I know white cops are are killing black people disproportionally, I know right wing goons are causing destruction and blaming it on you, and I also know your protests are being blown out of all proportion by right wing media. folks will fare far better by gathering your evidence and airing your grievances in the courts of law. The business's you've damaged are not the cause of your problem. Stop giving the right wing political ammunition. Be smart, and start winning court cases. The cops will be forced to change their ways, and the right wing will have to find something else to bitch about.
View attachment 448327
So Bill, what do you have to say about the actual statistics ^?
To: The BLM folks
FROM: A Liberal

You folks have a right to be angry. I know white cops are are killing black people disproportionally, I know right wing goons are causing destruction and blaming it on you, and I also know your protests are being blown out of all proportion by right wing media. folks will fare far better by gathering your evidence and airing your grievances in the courts of law. The business's you've damaged are not the cause of your problem. Stop giving the right wing political ammunition. Be smart, and start winning court cases. The cops will be forced to change their ways, and the right wing will have to find something else to bitch about.
Meanwhile, outside of FEELZ LibTardia real world shit happens...In this the real world blacks commit ALL crime disproportionately, they interact with law enforcement disproportionately that it’s not even close.
Then there’s those pesky inconvenient FACTS that always get in the way of the WOKE white guilt whacko movement / narrative.

"A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"
To: The BLM folks
FROM: A Liberal

You folks have a right to be angry. I know white cops are are killing black people disproportionally, I know right wing goons are causing destruction and blaming it on you, and I also know your protests are being blown out of all proportion by right wing media. folks will fare far better by gathering your evidence and airing your grievances in the courts of law. The business's you've damaged are not the cause of your problem. Stop giving the right wing political ammunition. Be smart, and start winning court cases. The cops will be forced to change their ways, and the right wing will have to find something else to bitch about.

I know white cops are are killing black people disproportionally,

What is the proper proportion? Show your work. Thanks!
I know right wing goons are causing destruction and blaming it on you,

I've asked this several times, and never saw an answer.

if it's 'right wing goons' causing the destruction, why don't the 'peaceful' BLM protestors stop them?

Why don't they stop the arsonists, and the looters?

It would only be to their benefit.

In Newark,NJ, a person started tho throw a bottle into the window of a parked Police Cruiser. He was stopped and told under no certain terms that that wouldn't be tolerated and he was an outsider and didn't belong there. In another case, a cop was trying to detain a potential rioter who started to kick the crap out of the cop. 5 Blacks intervened and kicked the crap out of the Rioter, and assisted the cop medically and detaining the slime ball.

What does Newark, NJ. have that Portland and the others don't have? The full weight of the Federal Police Consent Decree. You know, the thing that Rump swept under the rug in 2017 so that we could have all that unrest, police murdering citizens, etc.. Newark had it in full force in the middle of 2016. Seattle, Portland, and a lot of others were schedule for that program in 2017 and 2018 but the program was cancelled. It was not in Rump's best interest for the unity between communities and the police and Firefighters. Rump required the blowing up of our cities to get reelected. It didn't have to happen.

BTW, the Law is still on the books but it's up to the President if he wishes to enact it or not. It's been around for about 25 years. Bush Jr. used it 6 times and Obama use it 17. The cities that it was enacted had Protests regarding to the death of Floyd and others but no Rioting and Looting.

Last year, we also had the Protesting about Floyd and others here. It's a little hard to Riot and Loot when the Cops and Firemen are part of the protest as well as the Mayor and his cabinet. You see, we don't need the Consent Decree like others do. We treat everyone equally because it's the right thing to do.

The good news is, the Police Consent Decree will be started up again. So you partyoftherumpsters, the rioting a looting will happen less. Not because of their support for Biden but Bidens support for their law and order and community.

Since I have posted what the Police Consent Decree is many times, don't play the "Cite, Cite, Cite" game on this one.
To: The BLM folks
FROM: A Liberal

You folks have a right to be angry. I know white cops are are killing black people disproportionally, I know right wing goons are causing destruction and blaming it on you, and I also know your protests are being blown out of all proportion by right wing media. folks will fare far better by gathering your evidence and airing your grievances in the courts of law. The business's you've damaged are not the cause of your problem. Stop giving the right wing political ammunition. Be smart, and start winning court cases. The cops will be forced to change their ways, and the right wing will have to find something else to bitch about.
Ya but...but...but... BLACK LIES MATTER!
To: The BLM folks
FROM: A Liberal

You folks have a right to be angry. I know white cops are are killing black people disproportionally, I know right wing goons are causing destruction and blaming it on you, and I also know your protests are being blown out of all proportion by right wing media. folks will fare far better by gathering your evidence and airing your grievances in the courts of law. The business's you've damaged are not the cause of your problem. Stop giving the right wing political ammunition. Be smart, and start winning court cases. The cops will be forced to change their ways, and the right wing will have to find something else to bitch about.

I know white cops are are killing black people disproportionally,

What is the proper proportion? Show your work. Thanks!
“What is the proper proportion?”
It’s whatever FEELZ good to say Todd....Apparently you aren’t WOKE enough to understand.
There's a reason that the Trump cult has been reduced to group whines in online SafeSpaces, such as this thread. People in the real world are disusted by them, and will tell them to take a hike.

That won't change. We'll make sure the Trump cult losers continue to be marginalized and shunned by decent society. Good morality and patriotism demand it of us.
There's a reason that the Trump cult has been reduced to group whines in online SafeSpaces, such as this thread. People in the real world are disusted by them, and will tell them to take a hike.

That won't change. We'll make sure the Trump cult losers continue to be marginalized and shunned by decent society. Good morality and patriotism demand it of us.
In this “real world” you speak of do men have vaginas and women have penises?
Do “Americans” hate our constitution, capitalism and our right to sovereignty?
I know right wing goons are causing destruction and blaming it on you,

I've asked this several times, and never saw an answer.

if it's 'right wing goons' causing the destruction, why don't the 'peaceful' BLM protestors stop them?

Why don't they stop the arsonists, and the looters?

It would only be to their benefit.

In Newark,NJ, a person started tho throw a bottle into the window of a parked Police Cruiser. He was stopped and told under no certain terms that that wouldn't be tolerated and he was an outsider and didn't belong there. In another case, a cop was trying to detain a potential rioter who started to kick the crap out of the cop. 5 Blacks intervened and kicked the crap out of the Rioter, and assisted the cop medically and detaining the slime ball.

What does Newark, NJ. have that Portland and the others don't have? The full weight of the Federal Police Consent Decree. You know, the thing that Rump swept under the rug in 2017 so that we could have all that unrest, police murdering citizens, etc.. Newark had it in full force in the middle of 2016. Seattle, Portland, and a lot of others were schedule for that program in 2017 and 2018 but the program was cancelled. It was not in Rump's best interest for the unity between communities and the police and Firefighters. Rump required the blowing up of our cities to get reelected. It didn't have to happen.

BTW, the Law is still on the books but it's up to the President if he wishes to enact it or not. It's been around for about 25 years. Bush Jr. used it 6 times and Obama use it 17. The cities that it was enacted had Protests regarding to the death of Floyd and others but no Rioting and Looting.

Last year, we also had the Protesting about Floyd and others here. It's a little hard to Riot and Loot when the Cops and Firemen are part of the protest as well as the Mayor and his cabinet. You see, we don't need the Consent Decree like others do. We treat everyone equally because it's the right thing to do.

The good news is, the Police Consent Decree will be started up again. So you partyoftherumpsters, the rioting a looting will happen less. Not because of their support for Biden but Bidens support for their law and order and community.

Since I have posted what the Police Consent Decree is many times, don't play the "Cite, Cite, Cite" game on this one.

a few isolated incidents, and it boils down to, "It's Trumps fault"?

Sorry bud, not buying it.

If they don't police themselves, they got no bitch when the police do it for them.
To: The BLM folks
FROM: A Liberal

You folks have a right to be angry. I know white cops are are killing black people disproportionally, I know right wing goons are causing destruction and blaming it on you, and I also know your protests are being blown out of all proportion by right wing media. folks will fare far better by gathering your evidence and airing your grievances in the courts of law. The business's you've damaged are not the cause of your problem. Stop giving the right wing political ammunition. Be smart, and start winning court cases. The cops will be forced to change their ways, and the right wing will have to find something else to bitch about.
You threw the lid off of Pandora's box when you assholes refused to utter a peep or lift a finger while those commie goons burned Murcan cities last summer.

You broke it, you bought it, fuckwit.

P.S.: It's somewhat refresing to find you admit that you're not an "independent"....But you're certainly no liberal either.

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