BLM reminds me of the national socialist in Germany in 1932, and BOOM, they became this THING? A tiny little party rises to power all of a sudden? I rather doubt racist white cops just suddenly were picking on blacks. Somebody somewhere decided to make this an issue out of the blue. Soros? Please, I have no idea, but this just didn't magically appear out of the blue.
I used to be a democrat. Well, until I realized what a bunch of back stabling conniving Robes Pierre's they are. Or the American version : Elmer Gantry. They will say ANYTHING to get votes. Gay rights defund the police, anything. I mean ANYTHING to get into power. This is why Plato hated democracy. Demagogues.
BLM reminds me of the national socialist in Germany in 1932, and BOOM, they became this THING? A tiny little party rises to power all of a sudden? I rather doubt racist white cops just suddenly were picking on blacks. Somebody somewhere decided to make this an issue out of the blue. Soros? Please, I have no idea, but this just didn't magically appear out of the blue.
It has to be more then just Soros.
Probably. I have no idea why perfectly normal Americans would side with a party that is sponsoring racial divineness and civil unrest.
BLM started off as a positive thing. Hell, even I supported their original intent. But then it changed. None of the funds they get go to HELP black lives. No moneys to blacks businesses burned down or looted. Black people shot and killed during drive bys or gang fights. No funds to help rebuild communities or helping kids in school. All that money went to an old white guy to become potus with a vp that enjoys sending blacks to prison for smoking weed.
Lets look at their political infrastructure. Founded mostly by black Communists. And you can look up the rest.


Probably. I have no idea why perfectly normal Americans would side with a party that is sponsoring racial divineness and civil unrest.

You just have no idea. Leave it at that.
Lets look at their political infrastructure. Founded mostly by black Communists. And you can look up the rest.
British teachers have been barred from promoting Black Lives Matter as part of a crackdown on biased “partisan politics” in the classroom.

Great reporting at the link...

The activist group was singled out in official government guidance Thursday on “schools’ legal duties on political impartiality.”

“Where schools wish to teach about specific campaigning organizations, such as some of those associated with the Black Lives Matter movement, they should be aware that this may cover partisan political views,” the Department for Education (DfE) booklet warned.

“These are views which go beyond the basic shared principle that racism is unacceptable, which is a view schools should reinforce,” the official government document stressed.

“Examples of such partisan political views” include calls to defund the police, the department said.

“Partisan political views must not be promoted to pupils, including by encouraging pupils to support campaign groups advocating such views,” it warned.

While teachers should stress that racism “has no place in our society,” they should not advocate “for specific organizations that have widely contested aims or views,” the department said.

I think this is wonderful news and hope this widely comes to America.

Public schools need to educate, not indoctrinate. We are struggling enough with regard to literacy and proficiency rates.
British teachers have been barred from promoting Black Lives Matter as part of a crackdown on biased “partisan politics” in the classroom.

Great reporting at the link...

The activist group was singled out in official government guidance Thursday on “schools’ legal duties on political impartiality.”

“Where schools wish to teach about specific campaigning organizations, such as some of those associated with the Black Lives Matter movement, they should be aware that this may cover partisan political views,” the Department for Education (DfE) booklet warned.

“These are views which go beyond the basic shared principle that racism is unacceptable, which is a view schools should reinforce,” the official government document stressed.

“Examples of such partisan political views” include calls to defund the police, the department said.

“Partisan political views must not be promoted to pupils, including by encouraging pupils to support campaign groups advocating such views,” it warned.

While teachers should stress that racism “has no place in our society,” they should not advocate “for specific organizations that have widely contested aims or views,” the department said.

I think this is wonderful news and hope this widely comes to America.

Public schools need to educate, not indoctrinate. We are struggling enough with regard to literacy and proficiency rates.
The pendulum is swinging. I recently heard a brief radio story about how "cancel culture" is in the process of jumping the shark. I can feel all the angst loosening. The dominoes are beginning to fall! Look at the radical leftist demons on the San Fran school board that are getting their due! Hang in there and before we know it, the left will have eaten itself like the ouroboros. It will be delicious to taste the anguish.
The pendulum is swinging. I recently heard a brief radio story about how "cancel culture" is in the process of jumping the shark. I can feel all the angst loosening. The dominoes are beginning to fall! Look at the radical leftist demons on the San Fran school board that are getting their due! Hang in there and before we know it, the left will have eaten itself like the ouroboros. It will be delicious to taste the anguish.

Only if it happens.
The left has been indoctrinating public school kids for far longer then what parents just recently realized, thanks to the pandemic and distance learning.
The mitt has been tipped, tho'.
Only if it happens.
The left has been indoctrinating public school kids for far longer then what parents just recently realized, thanks to the pandemic and distance learning.
The mitt has been tipped, tho'.
Purity test every teacher, deal with the radical leftists very harshly and throw the indoctrinated little MFers into deprogramming centers!

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