Block the Rio Grande

It's easy to solve the problems of illegals. Expand E Verify and fine the employers. 90% of illegals will self-deport within six months. It's worked beautifully in other countries.


You have a simplistic and childlike way of looking at things. What makes you think all illegals are even working straight jobs and paying taxes? Even if some of them are, the amount of revenue they generate is less than the federal and state expenditures you're paying because of illegal immigration. Burden of Illegal Immigration on American Taxpayers 2023 WEB_0.pdf

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers 202367

"At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $182 billion to cover the costs
incurred by the presence of more than 15.5 million illegal aliens, and about 5.3 million citizen children
of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,730 per illegal alien family member.
These figures are before taxes paid by illegal aliens are factored in. The totals with taxes factored in are
as follows:"

Total Expenditures
Total Federal Expenditures $66,449,136,000
Total State and Local Expenditures $115,608,729,000
Total National Expenditures $182,057,865,000

Net Tax Contributions
Net Federal Taxes Paid $16,219,495,000
Net State and Local Taxes Paid $15,172,140,000
Total Net Tax Contributions $31,391,635,000

Total Cost of Illegal Immigration
Total National Expenditures $182,057,865,000
Minus Total Tax Contributions $31,391,635,000
Total Fiscal Cost of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers: $150,666,230,000
Now let me remind you, Trump spent only $15 billion on the border wall, which is a hell of alot less that the $150,666,230,000 illegals are costing us.
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You have a simplistic and childlike way of looking at things. What makes you think all illegals are even working straight jobs and paying taxes? Even if some of them are, the amount of revenue they generate is less than the federal and state expenditures you're paying because of illegal immigration. Burden of Illegal Immigration on American Taxpayers 2023 WEB_0.pdf

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers 202367

"At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $182 billion to cover the costs
incurred by the presence of more than 15.5 million illegal aliens, and about 5.3 million citizen children
of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,730 per illegal alien family member.
These figures are before taxes paid by illegal aliens are factored in. The totals with taxes factored in are
as follows:"

Total Expenditures
Total Federal Expenditures $66,449,136,000
Total State and Local Expenditures $115,608,729,000
Total National Expenditures $182,057,865,000

Net Tax Contributions
Net Federal Taxes Paid $16,219,495,000
Net State and Local Taxes Paid $15,172,140,000
Total Net Tax Contributions $31,391,635,000

Total Cost of Illegal Immigration
Total National Expenditures $182,057,865,000
Minus Total Tax Contributions $31,391,635,000
Total Fiscal Cost of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers: $150,666,230,000
Now let me remind you, Trump spent only $15 billion on the border wall, which is a hell of alot less that the $150,666,230,000 illegals are costing us.
It worked in Arabia and they had a problem with millions of illegals and overstayers.
It worked in Arabia and they had a problem with millions of illegals and overstayers.

Were you there in 2016 when Saudi authorities detained and deported hundreds of thousands of irregular migrants, while tens of thousands were fired without having been paid for months and were left stranded without food, water or exit visas?

Human rights in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia
Abbott is such a lame hypocrite.

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