BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women Who Went to Planned Parenthood Got an Abortion!!!!!

Did we abort Bach? Sure, same chance as aborting Hitler. It works both ways.

And had you been aborted because of your disability, you wouldn't have felt a thing so stop taking it personally. 90% of Downs kids are aborted, it should be 100% as we already have too many healthy children we aren't caring for properly. Life is brutal, as in, the only reason I'm here is because my older sibling was spontaneously aborted. That's how it works but get your mind out of the "but I could have been aborted" BS. That's true for every person on this planet, and that doesn't even include the 50% of conceptions that didn't even make it that far. They never missed a thing as far as they're concerned. You wouldn't have cared either as you wouldn't have had the ability to. As I said, brutal, now deal with it like an adult.

That's wonderful in the Liberal-think world where there is no overarching Divine plan for the world. Unfortunately, for those of us who believer there is a Divine plan, at least in outline form, those potential lives that were aborted "might have been....." and now we may never get whatever it is they could have offered society. If one were to assume that only one mind in history has the capability of finding the cure for Cancer, what happens if/when we abort that life? I understnad that is not how you see the world but some of us do.

On a personal note, there are many times when I wonder if things wouldn't have been better had I never been born. Both for me and for others around me.
Well my older sibling might have cured cancer, or might have set the world on fire? One never knows so that argument holds no water. You are either here or you aren't.

And Anathema , I have to be careful here, as to the price paid there always is one, for all of us, but ask them if they'd trade their lives for a life without you in it and you'll discover they wouldn't have. I like to keep the costs down so I prefer people as healthy as possible. That's the brutal economics of it, most women can always have another baby, but whether you would have been better off is harder to say. Given a choice, knowing what I know, I wouldn't have bothered with this little hell on earth we call human life but those close to me like that I'm around. I would imagine it's the same on your end, it usually is. The phrase, "Can't imagine my life without you" is what you are most likely to hear, and it's almost always entirely true. You may have very well really fucked things up for some by being born alive, and most times they wouldn't have it any other way. That is the life they know, and they wouldn't trade it for the world. Think on that as well.
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You know the mind of God eh? Remarkable, since no one but God possibly could.
Oh, really? Who told you that? The devil? It sure sounds like him.
Yes, as a matter of fact, God has revealed "His mind" or His will to all of us. Some are open to understanding and many others are obstinately refusing to believe or understand. It is truly a pity how man's pride becomes his utter undoing. God has provided many signs and wonders for our edification and understanding. Where have you been?... in the godless leftist spin rooms trying to come up with explanations how none of that is real?

Is this the same God that told the Jews to slaughter every man, woman, child, slave, infant and animal of their enemies, and He'd be there to help? Just curious.
Spare me your selective passages from Scripture unless you are prepared to embrace all of it, Ok? Are you? Or are you just going to play games with God and think you are clever? I dare say, you are too unlearned about God and the Church in order to come to said conclusions about the meaning behind the words. You are also apparently unconcerned about heaven or hell? If you were, you might realize dying is hardly the worst thing that can happen to someone. If God had to remove an evil race from flourishing, I am quite certain those among them destroyed who were innocent or had no understanding of what they were doing, they would not be condemned for all eternity. But to those who know what they are doing and still choose evil, such as so many on this planet today, for them I grieve far more.

As for Sanger what you've been exposed to are the lies about her, since the truth is she hated abortion, but it knew it was necessary at times, and pushed for birth control instead.
I already addressed this. *** The day you can justify ripping babies apart in wombs, or watching them born alive and die on a gurney, is the day I will bother with your writings on Margaret Sanger. *** In the meantime, I pity those who side with what they know is morally an abomination.
You know the mind of God eh? Remarkable, since no one but God possibly could.
Oh, really? Who told you that? The devil? It sure sounds like him.
Yes, as a matter of fact, God has revealed "His mind" or His will to all of us. Some are open to understanding and many others are obstinately refusing to believe or understand. It is truly a pity how man's pride becomes his utter undoing. God has provided many signs and wonders for our edification and understanding. Where have you been?... in the godless leftist spin rooms trying to come up with explanations how none of that is real?

Is this the same God that told the Jews to slaughter every man, woman, child, slave, infant and animal of their enemies, and He'd be there to help? Just curious.
Spare me your selective passages from Scripture unless you are prepared to embrace all of it, Ok? Are you? Or are you just going to play games with God and think you are clever? I dare say, you are too unlearned about God and the Church in order to come to said conclusions about the meaning behind the words. You are also apparently unconcerned about heaven or hell? If you were, you might realize dying is hardly the worst thing that can happen to someone. If God had to remove an evil race from flourishing, I am quite certain those among them destroyed who were innocent or had no understanding of what they were doing, they would not be condemned for all eternity. But to those who know what they are doing and still choose evil, such as so many on this planet today, for them I grieve far more.

As for Sanger what you've been exposed to are the lies about her, since the truth is she hated abortion, but it knew it was necessary at times, and pushed for birth control instead.
I already addressed this. *** The day you can justify ripping babies apart in wombs, or watching them born alive and die on a gurney, is the day I will bother with your writings on Margaret Sanger. *** In the meantime, I pity those who side with what they know is morally an abomination.
None so blind...

Tell you what though, ever seen this one:

"The mass of ignorant Negroes still breed carelessly and disastrously, so that the increase among Negroes, even more than the increase among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly."

That's not Sanger, that's the black intellectual W.E.B. DuBois, quoted by Sanger in Birth Control Review, June 1932.

Now, the next time you are reading up and you see that attributed to Sanger, you'll know it's a lie and maybe that will make you think I wonder what other quotes attributed to her are lies, or at the very least, out of context?

Margaret Sanger - Wikiquote

One for ya:

"It is apparent that nothing short of contraceptives can put an end to the horrors of abortion and infanticide"
  • Chapter 2, "Women's Struggle for Freedom"
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None so blind...

None so blind as those who refuse to see God in their lives --- especially because they do not want to.
None so blind as those who do not think or care what happens when they die.
None so blind as those who rely on their own wits to make life's decisions for them, and shirk the council of the ages and the signs and wonders so given.
None so blind...

None so blind as those who refuse to see God in their lives --- especially because they do not want to.
None so blind as those who do not think or care what happens when they die.
None so blind as those who rely on their own wits to make life's decisions for them, and shirk the council of the ages and the signs and wonders so given.
Man created God, not the other way around. That is why mankind has had so many gods but they all had one thing in common, man...
Such bullshit being repeated by right-wing organizations whose main objective is to take away health care from women......for shame. You all have been pushing this busllshit and only the dummies believe it.

Q: How much of Planned Parenthood’s services are dedicated to abortions? Does the federal government fund those procedures?

A: Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law.

Planned Parenthood
Perhaps we should just STERILIZE the next generation of women for a decade or 2!.... It would probably COST LESS than the HALF BILLION we THROW AWAY on Planned Parenthood, and as we get further into the decade, the cost will drop dramatically with the HUGE DECLINE in promiscuous women having to get abortions, and who have a LOW IQ! NET PROFIT for them is that they can fuck night and day, and all they can do is catch a venereal disease, or something close!
A side effect would be the MILLIONS SAVED in gov't grant money now given to do RESEARCH of these dead babies, that after all these years hasn't shown anything of progress, and the DNC will not be able to get huge donations from these companies with their crony corporation schemes!
Perhaps we should just STERILIZE the next generation of women for a decade or 2!.... It would probably COST LESS than the HALF BILLION we THROW AWAY on Planned Parenthood, and as we get further into the decade, the cost will drop dramatically with the HUGE DECLINE in promiscuous women having to get abortions, and who have a LOW IQ! NET PROFIT for them is that they can fuck night and day, and all they can do is catch a venereal disease, or something close!
A side effect would be the MILLIONS SAVED in gov't grant money now given to do RESEARCH of these dead babies, that after all these years hasn't shown anything of progress, and the DNC will not be able to get huge donations from these companies with their crony corporation schemes!
From 12 to 20 being on birth control shouldn't be an option, for girls or boys. That would save us a shitload of cash, and grief...
Such bullshit being repeated by right-wing organizations whose main objective is to take away health care from women......for shame. You all have been pushing this busllshit and only the dummies believe it.

Q: How much of Planned Parenthood’s services are dedicated to abortions? Does the federal government fund those procedures?

A: Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law.

Planned Parenthood

BTW, Myrtle, just how many different services does Planned parenthood offer?
Perhaps we should just STERILIZE the next generation of women for a decade or 2!.... It would probably COST LESS than the HALF BILLION we THROW AWAY on Planned Parenthood, and as we get further into the decade, the cost will drop dramatically with the HUGE DECLINE in promiscuous women having to get abortions, and who have a LOW IQ! NET PROFIT for them is that they can fuck night and day, and all they can do is catch a venereal disease, or something close!
A side effect would be the MILLIONS SAVED in gov't grant money now given to do RESEARCH of these dead babies, that after all these years hasn't shown anything of progress, and the DNC will not be able to get huge donations from these companies with their crony corporation schemes!
From 12 to 20 being on birth control shouldn't be an option, for girls or boys. That would save us a shitload of cash, and grief...

BUT, that is already AVAILABLE and the dumb ***** refuse to do birth control.... so we must now all PAY for THEM FUCKING! You don't think a majority of MEN would take birth control do you... I can see them bragging in the bar to their Bros, that they are RESPONSIBLE men.... Oh, I'm laughing so hard, my sides hurt!
Perhaps we should just STERILIZE the next generation of women for a decade or 2!.... It would probably COST LESS than the HALF BILLION we THROW AWAY on Planned Parenthood, and as we get further into the decade, the cost will drop dramatically with the HUGE DECLINE in promiscuous women having to get abortions, and who have a LOW IQ! NET PROFIT for them is that they can fuck night and day, and all they can do is catch a venereal disease, or something close!
A side effect would be the MILLIONS SAVED in gov't grant money now given to do RESEARCH of these dead babies, that after all these years hasn't shown anything of progress, and the DNC will not be able to get huge donations from these companies with their crony corporation schemes!
From 12 to 20 being on birth control shouldn't be an option, for girls or boys. That would save us a shitload of cash, and grief...

BUT, that is already AVAILABLE and the dumb ***** refuse to do birth control.... so we must now all PAY for THEM FUCKING! You don't think a majority of MEN would take birth control do you... I can see them bragging in the bar to their Bros, that they are RESPONSIBLE men.... Oh, I'm laughing so hard, my sides hurt!
That's why I said, not optional...
Perhaps we should just STERILIZE the next generation of women for a decade or 2!

So typically "Republican man" talking........:)

Yes, but "Republican man" is also the ONLY thinking man!

Yeah....thinking of putting women down.........and then you deny your war on women......:eek:

The TRUTH is now a subversives WAR ON WOMEN!!!! You dumb ***** have declared war on our pocketbooks... I don't need to pay for your FUCKING IRRESPONSIBLY!
Such bullshit being repeated by right-wing organizations whose main objective is to take away health care from women......for shame. You all have been pushing this busllshit and only the dummies believe it.

Q: How much of Planned Parenthood’s services are dedicated to abortions? Does the federal government fund those procedures?

A: Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law.

Planned Parenthood

BTW, Myrtle, just how many different services does Planned parenthood offer?

According to your sources, all they do is perform need to try and change your made-up Republican mind even if it's wrong, right?
Perhaps we should just STERILIZE the next generation of women for a decade or 2!

So typically "Republican man" talking........:)

Yes, but "Republican man" is also the ONLY thinking man!

Yeah....thinking of putting women down.........and then you deny your war on women......:eek:

The TRUTH is now a subversives WAR ON WOMEN!!!! You dumb ***** have declared war on our pocketbooks... I don't need to pay for your FUCKING IRRESPONSIBLY!

The government doesn't pay for abortions through Planned Parenthood. So it appears that you are the dumb dick.
Such bullshit being repeated by right-wing organizations whose main objective is to take away health care from women......for shame. You all have been pushing this busllshit and only the dummies believe it.

Q: How much of Planned Parenthood’s services are dedicated to abortions? Does the federal government fund those procedures?

A: Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law.

Planned Parenthood

BTW, Myrtle, just how many different services does Planned parenthood offer?

According to your sources, all they do is perform need to try and change your made-up Republican mind even if it's wrong, right?

I asked you a question, and I see you either refuse to answer it, don't know it, or are just plain stupid.... I vote for all 3!

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