BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women Who Went to Planned Parenthood Got an Abortion!!!!!

Such bullshit being repeated by right-wing organizations whose main objective is to take away health care from women......for shame. You all have been pushing this busllshit and only the dummies believe it.

Q: How much of Planned Parenthood’s services are dedicated to abortions? Does the federal government fund those procedures?

A: Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law.

Planned Parenthood

BTW, Myrtle, just how many different services does Planned parenthood offer?

According to your sources, all they do is perform need to try and change your made-up Republican mind even if it's wrong, right?

I asked you a question, and I see you either refuse to answer it, don't know it, or are just plain stupid.... I vote for all 3!

Google it, if you really want to know.......I'm not your servant, dumb dick.
Perhaps we should just STERILIZE the next generation of women for a decade or 2!

So typically "Republican man" talking........:)

Yes, but "Republican man" is also the ONLY thinking man!

Yeah....thinking of putting women down.........and then you deny your war on women......:eek:

The TRUTH is now a subversives WAR ON WOMEN!!!! You dumb ***** have declared war on our pocketbooks... I don't need to pay for your FUCKING IRRESPONSIBLY!

The government doesn't pay for abortions through Planned Parenthood. So it appears that you are the dumb dick.

What OVERSEE does the government have? PP says so?.... That's like a guy telling a girl that he'll pull out before he comes! LOLOLOL!
the dumb ***** refuse to do birth control..

One more proof that Republican men don't think much of women......thank you for your honesty.

Do you have dumb dicks...well maybe YOU do!

The only dumb dicks I've seen lately all seem to be conservative. You must be their leader?
Well, I see you are also blind, besides being one of the dumbest liberal ***** on the board!
So Planned Parenthood says that that only three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services. Makes abortion seem pretty rare for Planned Parenthood doesn’t it?

Here is Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report from 2012 to 2013. This pie chart represents every single service Planned Parenthood performed during that year, and this slice of the pie represents the number of abortion services they provided in comparison to all the procedures they performed.

And this clearly shows that abortion services were only 3% of the total pie. Right?

So then why are pro-life groups claiming that this 3% number is misleading? What’s their problem?...... THEY FUCKING LIE TO GET HALF A BILLION IN TAXPAYER MONEY!!!!!!

It just proves that women going there aren't planning any type of parenthood, they just plan on killing. "Premeditated Infanticide" would be a more accurate name for the place.
Such bullshit being repeated by right-wing organizations whose main objective is to take away health care from women......for shame. You all have been pushing this busllshit and only the dummies believe it.

Q: How much of Planned Parenthood’s services are dedicated to abortions? Does the federal government fund those procedures?

A: Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law.

Planned Parenthood

BTW, Myrtle, just how many different services does Planned parenthood offer?

According to your sources, all they do is perform need to try and change your made-up Republican mind even if it's wrong, right?

I asked you a question, and I see you either refuse to answer it, don't know it, or are just plain stupid.... I vote for all 3!

Google it, if you really want to know.......I'm not your servant, dumb dick.

I already know, but I want you to make a jasckass out of yourself when you find out!
Such bullshit being repeated by right-wing organizations whose main objective is to take away health care from women......for shame. You all have been pushing this busllshit and only the dummies believe it.

Q: How much of Planned Parenthood’s services are dedicated to abortions? Does the federal government fund those procedures?

A: Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law.

Planned Parenthood

BTW, Myrtle, just how many different services does Planned parenthood offer?

According to your sources, all they do is perform need to try and change your made-up Republican mind even if it's wrong, right?

I asked you a question, and I see you either refuse to answer it, don't know it, or are just plain stupid.... I vote for all 3!

Google it, if you really want to know.......I'm not your servant, dumb dick.

I already know, but I want you to make a jasckass out of yourself when you find out!

I do too, and my sources aren't "right to life" and "Heritage Foundation", jackass.
BTW, Myrtle, just how many different services does Planned parenthood offer?

According to your sources, all they do is perform need to try and change your made-up Republican mind even if it's wrong, right?

I asked you a question, and I see you either refuse to answer it, don't know it, or are just plain stupid.... I vote for all 3!

Google it, if you really want to know.......I'm not your servant, dumb dick.

I already know, but I want you to make a jasckass out of yourself when you find out!

I do too, and my sources aren't "right to life" and "Heritage Foundation", jackass.

I guess Democrat Underground, Salon, and YOUEATDICK,DYKE are just fine for you!
Such bullshit being repeated by right-wing organizations whose main objective is to take away health care from women......for shame. You all have been pushing this busllshit and only the dummies believe it.

Q: How much of Planned Parenthood’s services are dedicated to abortions? Does the federal government fund those procedures?

A: Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law.

Planned Parenthood

Hook, line and sinker...

The fact of the matter is that 51 percent of Planned Parenthood’s yearly clinic income – their only self-sustaining revenue source – comes from abortion, 329,445 abortions.

Planned Parenthood claims to provide 11 million “services” in America each year. From this overly inflated number, they calculate that the 329,445 abortions they committed in their last reported year amounts to only 3 percent of their services.

Planned Parenthood’s 3 percent figure has been bought hook, line, and sinker by the mainstream media as proof positive that Planned Parenthood isn’t really about abortion. But if you take even a cursory look at Planned Parenthood’s own data, that claim begins to unravel and quickly.

Again these services are deceptive. In 2009, Planned Parenthood reported performing 40,489 prenatal services for 7,021 prenatal clients, an average of roughly 6 services per prenatal client. Assuming an average of 6 prenatal services per client, Planned Parenthood’s current listing of 31,098 prenatal “services” could be for just over 5,000 prenatal clients. That is 5,000 prenatal clients versus well over 300,000 abortions.

Planned Parenthood’s claim that only 3 percent of its business is abortion is no different than if a car dealership claimed that it wasn’t really in the business of selling cars because the number of new car sales was only a fraction of its total services provided (financing cars, repairing cars, providing manufacture recommended maintenance for cars, cleaning car, and so forth). Of course no one would believe such an outrageous claim. Sure, a car dealership does all of those things, but its purpose is to sell cars.

According to Planned Parenthood’s own apologist, Media Matters, its “total revenue from abortion services was approximately $164,154,000,” a year. Accordingly, over 51 percent of Planned Parenthood’s clinic income comes from abortion.

In addition to its $320.1 million in clinic income and $223.8 million in private donations, Planned Parenthood receives $487.4 million dollars a year from taxpayers. And that number is drastically increasing. Taxpayer funding for the abortion giant has more than doubled in the last decade.

Now, here is where merely glancing at financial statements fails to tell the real story. Since 1997, “emergency contraception has been made available under Title X as a matter of course.” “Emergency contraception” is pro-abortion code for abortion-inducing drugs or abortion pills like Plan B, Ella, and others. This is the most hidden statistic of the abortion industry. Abortions caused by abortion pills are not reported on any medical chart or to any government agency. If the abortion industry could have a “dirty little secret,” this would be it.

We do know, however, how many abortion pills Planned Parenthood dispenses. Planned Parenthood’s last report notes that it gave out 1,461,816 “emergency contraception kits,” i.e. abortion pills, in a year – much of which would have been paid for through Title X, taxpayer funds.

Planned Parenthood clinics have repeatedly been caught helping underage minors hide abortions from parents and even encouraging dishonest reporting to prevent being required to notify authorities of potential statutory rape.

One lawsuit against one of Planned Parenthood’s largest affiliates in Texas alleges that that over a ten-year period Planned Parenthood billed federal and state governments for services that were never rendered, services that were known to be unnecessary, and even abortion related services in violation of the law. Similarly, in California, we represent the Chief Financial Officer of a Planned Parenthood affiliate in a suit alleging over $100 million dollars in fraudulent overbilling of federal and state governments.
Such bullshit being repeated by right-wing organizations whose main objective is to take away health care from women......for shame. You all have been pushing this busllshit and only the dummies believe it.

Q: How much of Planned Parenthood’s services are dedicated to abortions? Does the federal government fund those procedures?

A: Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law.

Planned Parenthood

Hook, line and sinker...

The fact of the matter is that 51 percent of Planned Parenthood’s yearly clinic income – their only self-sustaining revenue source – comes from abortion, 329,445 abortions.

Planned Parenthood claims to provide 11 million “services” in America each year. From this overly inflated number, they calculate that the 329,445 abortions they committed in their last reported year amounts to only 3 percent of their services.

Planned Parenthood’s 3 percent figure has been bought hook, line, and sinker by the mainstream media as proof positive that Planned Parenthood isn’t really about abortion. But if you take even a cursory look at Planned Parenthood’s own data, that claim begins to unravel and quickly.

Again these services are deceptive. In 2009, Planned Parenthood reported performing 40,489 prenatal services for 7,021 prenatal clients, an average of roughly 6 services per prenatal client. Assuming an average of 6 prenatal services per client, Planned Parenthood’s current listing of 31,098 prenatal “services” could be for just over 5,000 prenatal clients. That is 5,000 prenatal clients versus well over 300,000 abortions.

Planned Parenthood’s claim that only 3 percent of its business is abortion is no different than if a car dealership claimed that it wasn’t really in the business of selling cars because the number of new car sales was only a fraction of its total services provided (financing cars, repairing cars, providing manufacture recommended maintenance for cars, cleaning car, and so forth). Of course no one would believe such an outrageous claim. Sure, a car dealership does all of those things, but its purpose is to sell cars.

According to Planned Parenthood’s own apologist, Media Matters, its “total revenue from abortion services was approximately $164,154,000,” a year. Accordingly, over 51 percent of Planned Parenthood’s clinic income comes from abortion.

In addition to its $320.1 million in clinic income and $223.8 million in private donations, Planned Parenthood receives $487.4 million dollars a year from taxpayers. And that number is drastically increasing. Taxpayer funding for the abortion giant has more than doubled in the last decade.

Now, here is where merely glancing at financial statements fails to tell the real story. Since 1997, “emergency contraception has been made available under Title X as a matter of course.” “Emergency contraception” is pro-abortion code for abortion-inducing drugs or abortion pills like Plan B, Ella, and others. This is the most hidden statistic of the abortion industry. Abortions caused by abortion pills are not reported on any medical chart or to any government agency. If the abortion industry could have a “dirty little secret,” this would be it.

We do know, however, how many abortion pills Planned Parenthood dispenses. Planned Parenthood’s last report notes that it gave out 1,461,816 “emergency contraception kits,” i.e. abortion pills, in a year – much of which would have been paid for through Title X, taxpayer funds.

Planned Parenthood clinics have repeatedly been caught helping underage minors hide abortions from parents and even encouraging dishonest reporting to prevent being required to notify authorities of potential statutory rape.

One lawsuit against one of Planned Parenthood’s largest affiliates in Texas alleges that that over a ten-year period Planned Parenthood billed federal and state governments for services that were never rendered, services that were known to be unnecessary, and even abortion related services in violation of the law. Similarly, in California, we represent the Chief Financial Officer of a Planned Parenthood affiliate in a suit alleging over $100 million dollars in fraudulent overbilling of federal and state governments.

Life News..........they lie.
Such bullshit being repeated by right-wing organizations whose main objective is to take away health care from women......for shame. You all have been pushing this busllshit and only the dummies believe it.

Q: How much of Planned Parenthood’s services are dedicated to abortions? Does the federal government fund those procedures?

A: Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law.

Planned Parenthood

Hook, line and sinker...

The fact of the matter is that 51 percent of Planned Parenthood’s yearly clinic income – their only self-sustaining revenue source – comes from abortion, 329,445 abortions.

Planned Parenthood claims to provide 11 million “services” in America each year. From this overly inflated number, they calculate that the 329,445 abortions they committed in their last reported year amounts to only 3 percent of their services.

Planned Parenthood’s 3 percent figure has been bought hook, line, and sinker by the mainstream media as proof positive that Planned Parenthood isn’t really about abortion. But if you take even a cursory look at Planned Parenthood’s own data, that claim begins to unravel and quickly.

Again these services are deceptive. In 2009, Planned Parenthood reported performing 40,489 prenatal services for 7,021 prenatal clients, an average of roughly 6 services per prenatal client. Assuming an average of 6 prenatal services per client, Planned Parenthood’s current listing of 31,098 prenatal “services” could be for just over 5,000 prenatal clients. That is 5,000 prenatal clients versus well over 300,000 abortions.

Planned Parenthood’s claim that only 3 percent of its business is abortion is no different than if a car dealership claimed that it wasn’t really in the business of selling cars because the number of new car sales was only a fraction of its total services provided (financing cars, repairing cars, providing manufacture recommended maintenance for cars, cleaning car, and so forth). Of course no one would believe such an outrageous claim. Sure, a car dealership does all of those things, but its purpose is to sell cars.

According to Planned Parenthood’s own apologist, Media Matters, its “total revenue from abortion services was approximately $164,154,000,” a year. Accordingly, over 51 percent of Planned Parenthood’s clinic income comes from abortion.

In addition to its $320.1 million in clinic income and $223.8 million in private donations, Planned Parenthood receives $487.4 million dollars a year from taxpayers. And that number is drastically increasing. Taxpayer funding for the abortion giant has more than doubled in the last decade.

Now, here is where merely glancing at financial statements fails to tell the real story. Since 1997, “emergency contraception has been made available under Title X as a matter of course.” “Emergency contraception” is pro-abortion code for abortion-inducing drugs or abortion pills like Plan B, Ella, and others. This is the most hidden statistic of the abortion industry. Abortions caused by abortion pills are not reported on any medical chart or to any government agency. If the abortion industry could have a “dirty little secret,” this would be it.

We do know, however, how many abortion pills Planned Parenthood dispenses. Planned Parenthood’s last report notes that it gave out 1,461,816 “emergency contraception kits,” i.e. abortion pills, in a year – much of which would have been paid for through Title X, taxpayer funds.

Planned Parenthood clinics have repeatedly been caught helping underage minors hide abortions from parents and even encouraging dishonest reporting to prevent being required to notify authorities of potential statutory rape.

One lawsuit against one of Planned Parenthood’s largest affiliates in Texas alleges that that over a ten-year period Planned Parenthood billed federal and state governments for services that were never rendered, services that were known to be unnecessary, and even abortion related services in violation of the law. Similarly, in California, we represent the Chief Financial Officer of a Planned Parenthood affiliate in a suit alleging over $100 million dollars in fraudulent overbilling of federal and state governments.

Life News..........they lie.

So do you!

Looks like most on the right lie about Planned Parenthood....probably even conservative women who have taken advantage of their services.

And here we find out why:

When he was on Air America, Senator Al Franken used to say that Bill O'Reilly pulled facts out of his ass. Well, folks, it looks like Mr. O'Reilly is still sourcing from that orifice. In his relentless attack on Planned Parenthood, he's still making false claims, dare we say lies?

Bill O'Reilly hates Planned Parenthood because, as a proud supporter of the white, male, Christian patriarchy, he is totally offended by the notion that women should have control over their lady parts.
Bill O Reilly Lies About Planned Parenthood - Again - NewsHounds
Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

Many more are done in hospitals than PP. And they also collect a fee for biological research material.

That has been fact for many years. The only reason to attack PP is that they serve poor women. Women with insurance or cash get their abortions at hospitals.

Thanks to Ronnie Ray-Gun's socialist EMTALA, illegals get their abortions and live births free at ERs. But of course, RWs are silent about that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Looks like most on the right lie about Planned Parenthood....probably even conservative women who have taken advantage of their services.

And here we find out why:

When he was on Air America, Senator Al Franken used to say that Bill O'Reilly pulled facts out of his ass. Well, folks, it looks like Mr. O'Reilly is still sourcing from that orifice. In his relentless attack on Planned Parenthood, he's still making false claims, dare we say lies?

Bill O'Reilly hates Planned Parenthood because, as a proud supporter of the white, male, Christian patriarchy, he is totally offended by the notion that women should have control over their lady parts.
Bill O Reilly Lies About Planned Parenthood - Again - NewsHounds

Does anyone but the NeoCommie, subversives left give a shit about BillyO?
Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

Many more are done in hospitals than PP. And they also collect a fee for biological research material.

That has been fact for many years. The only reason to attack PP is that they serve poor women. Women with insurance or cash get their abortions at hospitals.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Muttley, link us up to those facts, so we can START to fuck up Hospitals that do this shit.... thanks in advance Hun, you're the bestest! ROTFLMFAO!!!!
Such bullshit being repeated by right-wing organizations whose main objective is to take away health care from women......for shame. You all have been pushing this busllshit and only the dummies believe it.

Q: How much of Planned Parenthood’s services are dedicated to abortions? Does the federal government fund those procedures?

A: Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law.

Planned Parenthood

Hook, line and sinker...

The fact of the matter is that 51 percent of Planned Parenthood’s yearly clinic income – their only self-sustaining revenue source – comes from abortion, 329,445 abortions.

Planned Parenthood claims to provide 11 million “services” in America each year. From this overly inflated number, they calculate that the 329,445 abortions they committed in their last reported year amounts to only 3 percent of their services.

Planned Parenthood’s 3 percent figure has been bought hook, line, and sinker by the mainstream media as proof positive that Planned Parenthood isn’t really about abortion. But if you take even a cursory look at Planned Parenthood’s own data, that claim begins to unravel and quickly.

Again these services are deceptive. In 2009, Planned Parenthood reported performing 40,489 prenatal services for 7,021 prenatal clients, an average of roughly 6 services per prenatal client. Assuming an average of 6 prenatal services per client, Planned Parenthood’s current listing of 31,098 prenatal “services” could be for just over 5,000 prenatal clients. That is 5,000 prenatal clients versus well over 300,000 abortions.

Planned Parenthood’s claim that only 3 percent of its business is abortion is no different than if a car dealership claimed that it wasn’t really in the business of selling cars because the number of new car sales was only a fraction of its total services provided (financing cars, repairing cars, providing manufacture recommended maintenance for cars, cleaning car, and so forth). Of course no one would believe such an outrageous claim. Sure, a car dealership does all of those things, but its purpose is to sell cars.

According to Planned Parenthood’s own apologist, Media Matters, its “total revenue from abortion services was approximately $164,154,000,” a year. Accordingly, over 51 percent of Planned Parenthood’s clinic income comes from abortion.

In addition to its $320.1 million in clinic income and $223.8 million in private donations, Planned Parenthood receives $487.4 million dollars a year from taxpayers. And that number is drastically increasing. Taxpayer funding for the abortion giant has more than doubled in the last decade.

Now, here is where merely glancing at financial statements fails to tell the real story. Since 1997, “emergency contraception has been made available under Title X as a matter of course.” “Emergency contraception” is pro-abortion code for abortion-inducing drugs or abortion pills like Plan B, Ella, and others. This is the most hidden statistic of the abortion industry. Abortions caused by abortion pills are not reported on any medical chart or to any government agency. If the abortion industry could have a “dirty little secret,” this would be it.

We do know, however, how many abortion pills Planned Parenthood dispenses. Planned Parenthood’s last report notes that it gave out 1,461,816 “emergency contraception kits,” i.e. abortion pills, in a year – much of which would have been paid for through Title X, taxpayer funds.

Planned Parenthood clinics have repeatedly been caught helping underage minors hide abortions from parents and even encouraging dishonest reporting to prevent being required to notify authorities of potential statutory rape.

One lawsuit against one of Planned Parenthood’s largest affiliates in Texas alleges that that over a ten-year period Planned Parenthood billed federal and state governments for services that were never rendered, services that were known to be unnecessary, and even abortion related services in violation of the law. Similarly, in California, we represent the Chief Financial Officer of a Planned Parenthood affiliate in a suit alleging over $100 million dollars in fraudulent overbilling of federal and state governments.

Life News..........they lie.

So do you!


Ironically the Native American culture they value their children and abortions are very rare.

Ironic that our resident "Indian" is advocating the killing and dismemberment of the children of other cultures.
Looks like most on the right lie about Planned Parenthood....probably even conservative women who have taken advantage of their services.

And here we find out why:

When he was on Air America, Senator Al Franken used to say that Bill O'Reilly pulled facts out of his ass. Well, folks, it looks like Mr. O'Reilly is still sourcing from that orifice. In his relentless attack on Planned Parenthood, he's still making false claims, dare we say lies?

Bill O'Reilly hates Planned Parenthood because, as a proud supporter of the white, male, Christian patriarchy, he is totally offended by the notion that women should have control over their lady parts.
Bill O Reilly Lies About Planned Parenthood - Again - NewsHounds

Does anyone but the NeoCommie, subversives left give a shit about BillyO?

Or Al Franken?
I have no problem with that. You should be happy, 6% didn't abort.

I DO have a problem with it. A significant problem with it.....

I was born with a significant and obvious birth defect. One that generally comes with a lifelong need to be supported in pretty much every way imaginable by other people. Most people with my affliction don't graduate high school or ever live on their own. Every time I go to see my doctors they remind me how "unusual" I am for people like me, in that I can live a mostly "normal" life.

That makes me wonder..... what if I'd been the child of different parents. People who weren't Conservative Christians, for whom abortion would never have even entered their minds. What if I'd been born 20 years later (1994) when abortion was largely available and pre-natal testing had improved to a point where my potential parents could have been told "Your child will have a major disability." What are the chances that some other set of parents might have aborted ME. Which makes me wonder even moreso.... have we aborted the child whose DNA or research skills would have unlocked the cure for Cancer, or ALS, or how many other things? Have we lost the individual who might have been the one to discover time travel or create the next artistic masterpiece? How about the child who might have brought a lasting PEACE to this country or the world? All because he/she was inconvenient or unwanted.

Dude, you are a poster child for abortion.
So Planned Parenthood says that that only three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services. Makes abortion seem pretty rare for Planned Parenthood doesn’t it?

Here is Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report from 2012 to 2013. This pie chart represents every single service Planned Parenthood performed during that year, and this slice of the pie represents the number of abortion services they provided in comparison to all the procedures they performed.

And this clearly shows that abortion services were only 3% of the total pie. Right?

So then why are pro-life groups claiming that this 3% number is misleading? What’s their problem?...... THEY FUCKING LIE TO GET HALF A BILLION IN TAXPAYER MONEY!!!!!!

The video talks about manipulating the numbers, and then does a huge manipulation on the numbers.

The fact that they dismiss all women who are not pregnant shows this. Yes, women get multiple services per visit. But abortions are still only 3% of the services provided. So unless you have an issue with providing PAP smears, birth control and other services, it doesn't matter.
Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!
"BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women"

What about the non-pregnant women V?

Didn't YOU hand out scumbags, and birth control pills? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Let's see here V. when a pregnant woman goes to an abortion provider, what do they usually want, car insurance or,................................................wait for it, abortion?

And abortion is legal. Poor V seems to keep forgetting that.

so is the right to carry a gun which is licensed. Poor libs seem to forget that. Guns save lives, unlike abortion.

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