BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women Who Went to Planned Parenthood Got an Abortion!!!!!

Ya. Exactly.
Ya. That's exactly what Gulf Coast abortion clinics got shut down for. For faking those visits, and charging the government for them, and falsifying the medical records..when all they were doing was providing abortions. It's a huge scam. And you ghouls defend it, because those women are worthless to you. All you care about is killing those babies.

blah blah blah baby killers blah blah blah

So there's a PP clinic that breaks the law and is substandard. Shut it down.

When there are medical clinics that break the law and get shut down do you start calling for all of them to be closed down? Of course not.
Three clinics. The largest PP provider of abortions in the South, baby killer.

Oh. 3 clinics? Wow. Better close the entire PP operation down and get those broodmares to the clinics you prefer.
You are the idiots who use them as broodmares. Encourage them to get pregnant, then wait till the baby is viable and work with their pimps and abusers, who drag them to the butcher shop (probably for a cut) where unskilled, unsupervised drug addicts who aren't doctors will harvest them. Then toss the women back out into the alley to die of hemorrhages and infections a week later, kill the babies, cut them up, and sell them.

Thought you weren't going to waste your time on this?

Who's encouraging anyone to get pregnant - or is this another one of your rants without evidence? You do realize third trimester abortions are exceedingly rare and strictly regulated, or do you just stick to your popaganda?
Ya. Exactly.
Ya. That's exactly what Gulf Coast abortion clinics got shut down for. For faking those visits, and charging the government for them, and falsifying the medical records..when all they were doing was providing abortions. It's a huge scam. And you ghouls defend it, because those women are worthless to you. All you care about is killing those babies.

blah blah blah baby killers blah blah blah

So there's a PP clinic that breaks the law and is substandard. Shut it down.

When there are medical clinics that break the law and get shut down do you start calling for all of them to be closed down? Of course not.
Three clinics. The largest PP provider of abortions in the South, baby killer.

Oh. 3 clinics? Wow. Better close the entire PP operation down and get those broodmares to the clinics you prefer.
You are the idiots who use them as broodmares. Encourage them to get pregnant, then wait till the baby is viable and work with their pimps and abusers, who drag them to the butcher shop (probably for a cut) where unskilled, unsupervised drug addicts who aren't doctors will harvest them. Then toss the women back out into the alley to die of hemorrhages and infections a week later, kill the babies, cut them up, and sell them.
More emotion next time please. To say that the above is irrational utter nonsense just doesn't begin to cover how nuts that actually is. You've turned a clinic for birth control and STD tests for teens and poor women, that also does abortions, into a horror movie and it is no such thing. I wish all medical procedures were as safe as early abortions, and they are not even close.
Ya. That's exactly what Gulf Coast abortion clinics got shut down for. For faking those visits, and charging the government for them, and falsifying the medical records..when all they were doing was providing abortions. It's a huge scam. And you ghouls defend it, because those women are worthless to you. All you care about is killing those babies.

blah blah blah baby killers blah blah blah

So there's a PP clinic that breaks the law and is substandard. Shut it down.

When there are medical clinics that break the law and get shut down do you start calling for all of them to be closed down? Of course not.
Three clinics. The largest PP provider of abortions in the South, baby killer.

Oh. 3 clinics? Wow. Better close the entire PP operation down and get those broodmares to the clinics you prefer.
You are the idiots who use them as broodmares. Encourage them to get pregnant, then wait till the baby is viable and work with their pimps and abusers, who drag them to the butcher shop (probably for a cut) where unskilled, unsupervised drug addicts who aren't doctors will harvest them. Then toss the women back out into the alley to die of hemorrhages and infections a week later, kill the babies, cut them up, and sell them.

Thought you weren't going to waste your time on this?

Who's encouraging anyone to get pregnant - or is this another one of your rants without evidence? You do realize third trimester abortions are exceedingly rare and strictly regulated, or do you just stick to your popaganda?
PP doesn't even do late-term abortions. Very, very few doctors in the nation do.
Ya. That's exactly what Gulf Coast abortion clinics got shut down for. For faking those visits, and charging the government for them, and falsifying the medical records..when all they were doing was providing abortions. It's a huge scam. And you ghouls defend it, because those women are worthless to you. All you care about is killing those babies.

blah blah blah baby killers blah blah blah

So there's a PP clinic that breaks the law and is substandard. Shut it down.

When there are medical clinics that break the law and get shut down do you start calling for all of them to be closed down? Of course not.
Three clinics. The largest PP provider of abortions in the South, baby killer.

Oh. 3 clinics? Wow. Better close the entire PP operation down and get those broodmares to the clinics you prefer.
You are the idiots who use them as broodmares. Encourage them to get pregnant, then wait till the baby is viable and work with their pimps and abusers, who drag them to the butcher shop (probably for a cut) where unskilled, unsupervised drug addicts who aren't doctors will harvest them. Then toss the women back out into the alley to die of hemorrhages and infections a week later, kill the babies, cut them up, and sell them.

Thought you weren't going to waste your time on this?

Who's encouraging anyone to get pregnant - or is this another one of your rants without evidence? You do realize third trimester abortions are exceedingly rare and strictly regulated, or do you just stick to your popaganda?
I didn't say anything about not wasting my time. I enjoy showing you people up as the disgusting ghouls you are. Third trimester are neither rare nor strictly regulated. You people don't want that shit it isn't. If it was regulated, everybody would know what you're really about...and those abortions would be really rare...and PP's profit margin would take a serious hit. Lambourghinis would be nothing but a pipe dream, instead of a distinct possibility.
Exactly. Pregnant women wanting to keep their babies go to a real doctor not PP.

Yes; however one would think that IF PP was giving thewe women the full information on the procedure they're seeking, alternative options, etc... that more than 6% of them would at least decide they wanted more time to think about it, get scared of the procedure, or decide to leave without having the procedure done. That makes me very interested about whether or not PP is actually providing these women with the full spectrum of information they should have prior to making that decision, or if they're just sitting there smiling at the idea of collecting the fees for performing another abortion every time one of these women walk through the door.

I've never been inside a PP facility. I almost lost my job the better part of a decade ago for refusing to do work on a project for PP. I dont' see a need for their services, especially the way that I have seen them "advertised" over time. I just hope these women understand what they're getting themselves into when they make that decision, and something tells me that PP isn't giving them the whole story.

They aren't. Staff is rude.Talks to them like shit and gives them no referrals or paperwork/pamphlets.

Last girl I talked to said she was verbally abused by staff in front of patients because she went in for an STD screening 20 min before the clinic closed.

If the government cared to investigate these people ( which they don't). They would probably find MANY HIPPA violations going on daily.

I have not found that to be so at all. My guess is - they vary, like any other clinic.
Of course, there's no oversight, so we'll just have to take their word for it. They're disgusting ghouls, generally unlicensed and often with criminal backgrounds and addictions... who are paid to abuse women and kill babies. True heroes to people like you. They can't get jobs as legitimate health care providers. That's why they do what they do. They're your friendly back alley butchers...supported and funded by your friendly progressive baby killers who think they're awesome.

Yep. Plus they like to overbill Medicaid.

Audit finds Planned Parenthood affiliate overcharged 629 000 to Medicaid

And violate HIPPA rules

Planned Parenthood Facility Violates Privacy of Patient Records
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blah blah blah baby killers blah blah blah

So there's a PP clinic that breaks the law and is substandard. Shut it down.

When there are medical clinics that break the law and get shut down do you start calling for all of them to be closed down? Of course not.
Three clinics. The largest PP provider of abortions in the South, baby killer.

Oh. 3 clinics? Wow. Better close the entire PP operation down and get those broodmares to the clinics you prefer.
You are the idiots who use them as broodmares. Encourage them to get pregnant, then wait till the baby is viable and work with their pimps and abusers, who drag them to the butcher shop (probably for a cut) where unskilled, unsupervised drug addicts who aren't doctors will harvest them. Then toss the women back out into the alley to die of hemorrhages and infections a week later, kill the babies, cut them up, and sell them.

Thought you weren't going to waste your time on this?

Who's encouraging anyone to get pregnant - or is this another one of your rants without evidence? You do realize third trimester abortions are exceedingly rare and strictly regulated, or do you just stick to your popaganda?
I didn't say anything about not wasting my time. I enjoy showing you people up as the disgusting ghouls you are. Third trimester are neither rare nor strictly regulated. You people don't want that shit it isn't. If it was regulated, everybody would know what you're really about.
It's regulated within an inch of its life.

And, from a Pro-Life site: "The ABC article estimates that less than 1% of all abortions take place in the third trimester. Even at a rate of 1%, third-trimester abortions would add up to over 9,000 a year."
Third-trimester abortions in America Healthy babies at seven eight and nine months gestation Opinion LifeSite

And more numbers: 21 Compelling Third Trimester Abortion Statistics HRFnd
Third trimester:

  • 89-92% of all abortions happen during the first trimester, prior to the 13th week of gestation (AGI/CDC).
  • In 2011, 7.3% of all abortions occurred between 14-20 weeks' gestation; 1.4% occurred ≥21 weeks' gestation (CDC).
  • Percentage of 2011 Reported Abortions by Weeks of Gestation* (CDC):
    ≤6 wks 7 wks 8 wks 9 wks 10 wks 11 wks 12 wks 13 wks 14-15 wks 16-17 wks 18-20 wks ≥21 wks
    33.0% 17.8% 13.7% 9.0% 6.3% 4.9% 3.7% 2.7% 3.5% 1.9% 1.9% 1.4%
    *Gestational weeks are measured from the first day of the woman's last menstruation and not from the day of conception. Though it does not provide an accurate fetal age (which is roughly 2 weeks less than the gestational age), it is the simplest way for an OB/GYN to age a pregnancy since the day of conception is often not known. Hence, if an abortion occurs at 8 weeks gestation, it is actually aborting a 6 week embryo. The images on our Prenatal Development and Abortion Pictures pages are more precisely captioned with fetal ages in accordance with standard teaching texts on prenatal development.
    Facts About Abortion U.S. Abortion Statistics

The major hospitals and medical centers get huge fines assigned to them by The ACA for unnecessary appointments and procedures billed.

I'm thinking all of Planned Parenthood needs the same oversight from this administration.
The major hospitals and medical centers get huge fines assigned to them by The ACA for unnecessary appointments and procedures billed.

I'm thinking all of Planned Parenthood needs the same oversight from this administration.
Coyote knows this. I have pointed it out to her repeatedly. When it happens I paper the walls of this place with it. And she pretends it's not real, because she has her baby killing script, and she's sticking to it.
Seven pages and still the obvious is under discussion:

94% of women seeking an abortion had,...................................................................wait for it,............................................................and abortion.

Simply shocking, stop the presses...

The problem is that those 94% had the ability to find that abortion.
Except Planned Parenthood keeps telling us they give them all the different options to those who are pregnant.

They do.

Pregnancy Options What To Do If You re Pregnant
Abortion Information What are your Options
About Adoption Placing Your Child for Adoption
Should I Get Pregnant Considering Pregnancy Options

Compare that to the "Crisis Pregnancy Centers"

For example: There are well over one million couples in the USA who cannot conceive and are on a waiting list for infants or babies up to two years old. Now would that not be the humane thing to do and give birth to the child instead of killing it? I know the Catholic Church would cover all the woman's expenses waiting to give birth if in fact she could not afford to be in that position.

Carrying a baby to term, facing the very real risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth, possibly dropping out of school or losing your job - and then givin git up is not something lightly undertaken. It's nice that the Catholic Church is so supportive - that's quite a change from prior policies where women who had out of wedlock pregnancies were harshly treated.

No, Planned Parenthood is in it for two reasons --- 1) for the money abortions and the sale of organs affords, and 2) to destroy babies, especially minorities, so they don't pollute their affluent world any more than necessary.

Do you have any evidence that a profit is earned selling organs? How much?

They also will not let the pregnant mother look at the ultrasounds they take for fear the mother may change her mind. But they need those ultrasounds in order to best preserve the organs.

Planned Parenthood was born out of diabolic designs (M Sanger) and it continues to this day.

Do you have any evidence that they have refused a request from a woman wanting to see her ultrasound?

You are unreachable with the truth. Believe whatever you want. Vote for Obama or Hillary. Enjoy.

If you can't supply evidence, just say so :)

I have no interest in wasting my time in trying to convince people who fawn over the phony liar named Obama, who do not care about the coverup of the IRS scandal, or the Hillary email scandal, or the Justice dept lies, or those who are fine with babies being torn apart --- I have no interest in taking my time to convince you of the truth about Planned Parenthood which was started by a demon.

So you win.
Sanger was no demon: The GOP s Attacks on Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood Dissent Magazine

How about a little truth, but warning, it won't help your partisan rants. Let's see how honest you really are...

Fine. You trust your sources and I will trust mine. 10-Eye-Opening Quotes From Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger

Mine says her designs were demonic. Mine also say that abortion is demonic.
They do.

Pregnancy Options What To Do If You re Pregnant
Abortion Information What are your Options
About Adoption Placing Your Child for Adoption
Should I Get Pregnant Considering Pregnancy Options

Compare that to the "Crisis Pregnancy Centers"

Carrying a baby to term, facing the very real risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth, possibly dropping out of school or losing your job - and then givin git up is not something lightly undertaken. It's nice that the Catholic Church is so supportive - that's quite a change from prior policies where women who had out of wedlock pregnancies were harshly treated.

Do you have any evidence that a profit is earned selling organs? How much?

Do you have any evidence that they have refused a request from a woman wanting to see her ultrasound?

You are unreachable with the truth. Believe whatever you want. Vote for Obama or Hillary. Enjoy.

If you can't supply evidence, just say so :)

I have no interest in wasting my time in trying to convince people who fawn over the phony liar named Obama, who do not care about the coverup of the IRS scandal, or the Hillary email scandal, or the Justice dept lies, or those who are fine with babies being torn apart --- I have no interest in taking my time to convince you of the truth about Planned Parenthood which was started by a demon.

So you win.
Sanger was no demon: The GOP s Attacks on Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood Dissent Magazine

How about a little truth, but warning, it won't help your partisan rants. Let's see how honest you really are...

Fine. You trust your sources and I will trust mine. 10-Eye-Opening Quotes From Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger

Mine says her designs were demonic. Mine also say that abortion is demonic.
If you prefer out of context propaganda to the truth, so be it. Try reading her in context. They don't post the context because that would ruin the lie.
Seven pages and still the obvious is under discussion:

94% of women seeking an abortion had,...................................................................wait for it,............................................................and abortion.

Simply shocking, stop the presses...

The problem is that those 94% had the ability to find that abortion.
I have no problem with that. You should be happy, 6% didn't abort.
The irony (and ignorance with the right's obsession with Sangor) is that she opposed abortion.
Seven pages and still the obvious is under discussion:

94% of women seeking an abortion had,...................................................................wait for it,............................................................and abortion.

Simply shocking, stop the presses...

The problem is that those 94% had the ability to find that abortion.

Couldn't have. According to the leftie loons women go there for everything BUT an abortion.
You are unreachable with the truth. Believe whatever you want. Vote for Obama or Hillary. Enjoy.

If you can't supply evidence, just say so :)

I have no interest in wasting my time in trying to convince people who fawn over the phony liar named Obama, who do not care about the coverup of the IRS scandal, or the Hillary email scandal, or the Justice dept lies, or those who are fine with babies being torn apart --- I have no interest in taking my time to convince you of the truth about Planned Parenthood which was started by a demon.

So you win.
Sanger was no demon: The GOP s Attacks on Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood Dissent Magazine

How about a little truth, but warning, it won't help your partisan rants. Let's see how honest you really are...

Fine. You trust your sources and I will trust mine. 10-Eye-Opening Quotes From Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger

Mine says her designs were demonic. Mine also say that abortion is demonic.
If you prefer out of context propaganda to the truth, so be it. Try reading her in context. They don't post the context because that would ruin the lie.
You are unreachable with the truth. Believe whatever you want. Vote for Obama or Hillary. Enjoy.

If you can't supply evidence, just say so :)

I have no interest in wasting my time in trying to convince people who fawn over the phony liar named Obama, who do not care about the coverup of the IRS scandal, or the Hillary email scandal, or the Justice dept lies, or those who are fine with babies being torn apart --- I have no interest in taking my time to convince you of the truth about Planned Parenthood which was started by a demon.

So you win.
Sanger was no demon: The GOP s Attacks on Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood Dissent Magazine

How about a little truth, but warning, it won't help your partisan rants. Let's see how honest you really are...

Fine. You trust your sources and I will trust mine. 10-Eye-Opening Quotes From Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger

Mine says her designs were demonic. Mine also say that abortion is demonic.
If you prefer out of context propaganda to the truth, so be it. Try reading her in context. They don't post the context because that would ruin the lie.
The day you can justify ripping babies apart in wombs, or watching them born alive and die on a gurney, is the day I will bother with your writings on Margaret Sanger.

Don't think the link I just cited is my first exposure to the woman. I also am quite certain where God stands on the issue.
I have no problem with that. You should be happy, 6% didn't abort.

I DO have a problem with it. A significant problem with it.....

I was born with a significant and obvious birth defect. One that generally comes with a lifelong need to be supported in pretty much every way imaginable by other people. Most people with my affliction don't graduate high school or ever live on their own. Every time I go to see my doctors they remind me how "unusual" I am for people like me, in that I can live a mostly "normal" life.

That makes me wonder..... what if I'd been the child of different parents. People who weren't Conservative Christians, for whom abortion would never have even entered their minds. What if I'd been born 20 years later (1994) when abortion was largely available and pre-natal testing had improved to a point where my potential parents could have been told "Your child will have a major disability." What are the chances that some other set of parents might have aborted ME. Which makes me wonder even moreso.... have we aborted the child whose DNA or research skills would have unlocked the cure for Cancer, or ALS, or how many other things? Have we lost the individual who might have been the one to discover time travel or create the next artistic masterpiece? How about the child who might have brought a lasting PEACE to this country or the world? All because he/she was inconvenient or unwanted.
If you can't supply evidence, just say so :)

I have no interest in wasting my time in trying to convince people who fawn over the phony liar named Obama, who do not care about the coverup of the IRS scandal, or the Hillary email scandal, or the Justice dept lies, or those who are fine with babies being torn apart --- I have no interest in taking my time to convince you of the truth about Planned Parenthood which was started by a demon.

So you win.
Sanger was no demon: The GOP s Attacks on Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood Dissent Magazine

How about a little truth, but warning, it won't help your partisan rants. Let's see how honest you really are...

Fine. You trust your sources and I will trust mine. 10-Eye-Opening Quotes From Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger

Mine says her designs were demonic. Mine also say that abortion is demonic.
If you prefer out of context propaganda to the truth, so be it. Try reading her in context. They don't post the context because that would ruin the lie.
If you can't supply evidence, just say so :)

I have no interest in wasting my time in trying to convince people who fawn over the phony liar named Obama, who do not care about the coverup of the IRS scandal, or the Hillary email scandal, or the Justice dept lies, or those who are fine with babies being torn apart --- I have no interest in taking my time to convince you of the truth about Planned Parenthood which was started by a demon.

So you win.
Sanger was no demon: The GOP s Attacks on Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood Dissent Magazine

How about a little truth, but warning, it won't help your partisan rants. Let's see how honest you really are...

Fine. You trust your sources and I will trust mine. 10-Eye-Opening Quotes From Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger

Mine says her designs were demonic. Mine also say that abortion is demonic.
If you prefer out of context propaganda to the truth, so be it. Try reading her in context. They don't post the context because that would ruin the lie.
The day you can justify ripping babies apart in wombs, or watching them born alive and die on a gurney, is the day I will bother with your writings on Margaret Sanger.

Don't think the link I just cited is my first exposure to the woman. I also am quite certain where God stands on the issue.
You know the mind of God eh? Remarkable, since no one but God possibly could. Is this the same God that told the Jews to slaughter every man, woman, child, slave, infant and animal of their enemies, and He'd be there to help? Just curious.

As for Sanger what you've been exposed to are the lies about her, since the truth is she hated abortion, but it knew it was necessary at times, and pushed for birth control instead.
I have no problem with that. You should be happy, 6% didn't abort.

I DO have a problem with it. A significant problem with it.....

I was born with a significant and obvious birth defect. One that generally comes with a lifelong need to be supported in pretty much every way imaginable by other people. Most people with my affliction don't graduate high school or ever live on their own. Every time I go to see my doctors they remind me how "unusual" I am for people like me, in that I can live a mostly "normal" life.

That makes me wonder..... what if I'd been the child of different parents. People who weren't Conservative Christians, for whom abortion would never have even entered their minds. What if I'd been born 20 years later (1994) when abortion was largely available and pre-natal testing had improved to a point where my potential parents could have been told "Your child will have a major disability." What are the chances that some other set of parents might have aborted ME. Which makes me wonder even moreso.... have we aborted the child whose DNA or research skills would have unlocked the cure for Cancer, or ALS, or how many other things? Have we lost the individual who might have been the one to discover time travel or create the next artistic masterpiece? How about the child who might have brought a lasting PEACE to this country or the world? All because he/she was inconvenient or unwanted.
Did we abort Bach? Sure, same chance as aborting Hitler. It works both ways.

And had you been aborted because of your disability, you wouldn't have felt a thing so stop taking it personally. 90% of Downs kids are aborted, it should be 100% as we already have too many healthy children we aren't caring for properly. Life is brutal, as in, the only reason I'm here is because my older sibling was spontaneously aborted. That's how it works but get your mind out of the "but I could have been aborted" BS. That's true for every person on this planet, and that doesn't even include the 50% of conceptions that didn't even make it that far. They never missed a thing as far as they're concerned. You wouldn't have cared either as you wouldn't have had the ability to. As I said, brutal, now deal with it like an adult.
Did we abort Bach? Sure, same chance as aborting Hitler. It works both ways.

And had you been aborted because of your disability, you wouldn't have felt a thing so stop taking it personally. 90% of Downs kids are aborted, it should be 100% as we already have too many healthy children we aren't caring for properly. Life is brutal, as in, the only reason I'm here is because my older sibling was spontaneously aborted. That's how it works but get your mind out of the "but I could have been aborted" BS. That's true for every person on this planet, and that doesn't even include the 50% of conceptions that didn't even make it that far. They never missed a thing as far as they're concerned. You wouldn't have cared either as you wouldn't have had the ability to. As I said, brutal, now deal with it like an adult.

That's wonderful in the Liberal-think world where there is no overarching Divine plan for the world. Unfortunately, for those of us who believer there is a Divine plan, at least in outline form, those potential lives that were aborted "might have been....." and now we may never get whatever it is they could have offered society. If one were to assume that only one mind in history has the capability of finding the cure for Cancer, what happens if/when we abort that life? I understnad that is not how you see the world but some of us do.

On a personal note, there are many times when I wonder if things wouldn't have been better had I never been born. Both for me and for others around me.

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