BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women Who Went to Planned Parenthood Got an Abortion!!!!!

Well, since you are BLACK, I see that the FORCED ABORTION of all these BLACKS as the only SAVING GRACE, of Planned Parenthood....

Planned Parenthood is kidnapping black women, strapping them down, and forcing them to have and abortion...

I didn't know that.

I'm against that.


Apparently YOU'RE another mental genius that doesn't realize the manipulation of ones thinking is forced...Thanks for detailing your low 2 digit IQ!
Well, since you are BLACK, I see that the FORCED ABORTION of all these BLACKS as the only SAVING GRACE, of Planned Parenthood....

Planned Parenthood is kidnapping black women, strapping them down, and forcing them to have and abortion...

I didn't know that.

I'm against that.


Apparently YOU'RE another mental genius that doesn't realize the manipulation of ones thinking is forced...Thanks for detailing your low 2 digit IQ!

Oh, so you think voluntarily having an elective abortion is FORCING someone to have an abortion.

And you complain about my IQ?


Well, since you are BLACK, I see that the FORCED ABORTION of all these BLACKS as the only SAVING GRACE, of Planned Parenthood....

Planned Parenthood is kidnapping black women, strapping them down, and forcing them to have and abortion...

I didn't know that.

I'm against that.


Apparently YOU'RE another mental genius that doesn't realize the manipulation of ones thinking is forced...Thanks for detailing your low 2 digit IQ!

Oh, so you think voluntarily having an elective abortion is FORCING someone to have an abortion.

And you complain about my IQ?


Apparently you haven't seen the movie The Manchurian Candidate, and do you ever wonder WHY PP refuses to show the pregnant woman a sonogram of that LIVING HUMAN BEING inside her.... Mental manipulation much.... Perhaps I gave you too much credit as having a LOW 2 digit IQ!
Apparently you haven't seen the movie The Manchurian Candidate,...

You base your world view on a Hollywood movie? Now I understand you better.

and do you ever wonder WHY PP refuses to show the pregnant woman a sonogram of that LIVING HUMAN BEING inside her....

I'm not aware of any OBGYN that has refused to show a woman the results of a sonogram if they wanted to see it.

Requiring a needless procedure that the patient has to pay for, and then requiring by force of law that it be viewed - that is a different situtation than you describe.

Mental manipulation much.... Perhaps I gave you too much credit as having a LOW 2 digit IQ!

Says the guy citing a Hollywood movie to support his position.


Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!
"BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women"

What about the non-pregnant women V?
How many non-pregnant women went to Planned Parenthood? Go look it up..
So Planned Parenthood says that that only three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services. Makes abortion seem pretty rare for Planned Parenthood doesn’t it?

Here is Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report from 2012 to 2013. This pie chart represents every single service Planned Parenthood performed during that year, and this slice of the pie represents the number of abortion services they provided in comparison to all the procedures they performed.

And this clearly shows that abortion services were only 3% of the total pie. Right?

So then why are pro-life groups claiming that this 3% number is misleading? What’s their problem?...... THEY FUCKING LIE TO GET HALF A BILLION IN TAXPAYER MONEY!!!!!!

They say the number is misleading because they are liars, cheats, and ghouls.
Well, since you are BLACK, I see that the FORCED ABORTION of all these BLACKS as the only SAVING GRACE, of Planned Parenthood....

Planned Parenthood is kidnapping black women, strapping them down, and forcing them to have and abortion...

I didn't know that.

I'm against that.


Apparently YOU'RE another mental genius that doesn't realize the manipulation of ones thinking is forced...Thanks for detailing your low 2 digit IQ!

Oh, so you think voluntarily having an elective abortion is FORCING someone to have an abortion.

And you complain about my IQ?



Ah, another apologist for the pimps, human traffickers, and monsters who coerce women to get abortions. Ra ra ra.
2,700,000 women visited planned parenthood centers.

Planned Parenthood health centers focus on prevention: 80 percent of our clients receive services to prevent unintended pregnancy.

That would be 2,160,000.

WOW. A huge national organization is required to tell women "DON'T HAVE SEX UNTIL YOU'RE READY TO HAVE A BABY." Damn. That's a racket of EPIC proportions.
Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!

Well duh - Vig...the fact that 94% of PREGNANT women go there for abortion does not equal 94% of it's services are abortion.

What a truly idiotic claim.
Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!

Well duh - Vig...the fact that 94% of PREGNANT women go there for abortion does not equal 94% of it's services are abortion.

What a truly idiotic claim.
Gulf Coast Chop Shop..I mean Gulf Coast Planned Parenthood, the ones who had to pay millions back to the government for faking medical records and double-charging patients, and taking money from the government for services they didn't provide (like cancer screenings etc) might have a different tale to tell. Oh wait, they can't...they had to shut their clinics.
Lets look at that 94% number......

That means if 17 pregnant girls walk into a PP office today, only 1 of them walks,out still pregnant. Obviously most of those girls went in looking for an abortion but I would think that if they were providing any sort of realistic and unbiased information to these girls before the procedure that more than 1 in 17 of them might make a different decision.

Or they already know what they want to do.
Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!
"BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women"

What about the non-pregnant women V?

Didn't YOU hand out scumbags, and birth control pills? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Let's see here V. when a pregnant woman goes to an abortion provider, what do they usually want, car insurance or,................................................wait for it, abortion?

Except Planned Parenthood keeps telling us they give them all the different options to those who are pregnant.

For example: There are well over one million couples in the USA who cannot conceive and are on a waiting list for infants or babies up to two years old. Now would that not be the humane thing to do and give birth to the child instead of killing it? I know the Catholic Church would cover all the woman's expenses waiting to give birth if in fact she could not afford to be in that position.

No, Planned Parenthood is in it for two reasons --- 1) for the money abortions and the sale of organs affords, and 2) to destroy babies, especially minorities, so they don't pollute their affluent world any more than necessary.

They also will not let the pregnant mother look at the ultrasounds they take for fear the mother may change her mind. But they need those ultrasounds in order to best preserve the organs.

Planned Parenthood was born out of diabolic designs (M Sanger) and it continues to this day.
Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!

Well duh - Vig...the fact that 94% of PREGNANT women go there for abortion does not equal 94% of it's services are abortion.

What a truly idiotic claim.
Gulf Coast Chop Shop..I mean Gulf Coast Planned Parenthood, the ones who had to pay millions back to the government for faking medical records and double-charging patients, and taking money from the government for services they didn't provide (like cancer screenings etc) might have a different tale to tell. Oh wait, they can't...they had to shut their clinics. mean like medical clinics never lie, never fake stuff, never double charge? News to me.
Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!
"BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women"

What about the non-pregnant women V?

Didn't YOU hand out scumbags, and birth control pills? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Let's see here V. when a pregnant woman goes to an abortion provider, what do they usually want, car insurance or,................................................wait for it, abortion?

Except Planned Parenthood keeps telling us they give them all the different options to those who are pregnant.

They do.

Pregnancy Options What To Do If You re Pregnant
Abortion Information What are your Options
About Adoption Placing Your Child for Adoption
Should I Get Pregnant Considering Pregnancy Options

Compare that to the "Crisis Pregnancy Centers"

For example: There are well over one million couples in the USA who cannot conceive and are on a waiting list for infants or babies up to two years old. Now would that not be the humane thing to do and give birth to the child instead of killing it? I know the Catholic Church would cover all the woman's expenses waiting to give birth if in fact she could not afford to be in that position.

Carrying a baby to term, facing the very real risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth, possibly dropping out of school or losing your job - and then givin git up is not something lightly undertaken. It's nice that the Catholic Church is so supportive - that's quite a change from prior policies where women who had out of wedlock pregnancies were harshly treated.

No, Planned Parenthood is in it for two reasons --- 1) for the money abortions and the sale of organs affords, and 2) to destroy babies, especially minorities, so they don't pollute their affluent world any more than necessary.

Do you have any evidence that a profit is earned selling organs? How much?

They also will not let the pregnant mother look at the ultrasounds they take for fear the mother may change her mind. But they need those ultrasounds in order to best preserve the organs.

Planned Parenthood was born out of diabolic designs (M Sanger) and it continues to this day.

Do you have any evidence that they have refused a request from a woman wanting to see her ultrasound?
But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!
"BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women"

What about the non-pregnant women V?

Didn't YOU hand out scumbags, and birth control pills? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Let's see here V. when a pregnant woman goes to an abortion provider, what do they usually want, car insurance or,................................................wait for it, abortion?

Except Planned Parenthood keeps telling us they give them all the different options to those who are pregnant.

They do.

Pregnancy Options What To Do If You re Pregnant
Abortion Information What are your Options
About Adoption Placing Your Child for Adoption
Should I Get Pregnant Considering Pregnancy Options

Compare that to the "Crisis Pregnancy Centers"

For example: There are well over one million couples in the USA who cannot conceive and are on a waiting list for infants or babies up to two years old. Now would that not be the humane thing to do and give birth to the child instead of killing it? I know the Catholic Church would cover all the woman's expenses waiting to give birth if in fact she could not afford to be in that position.

Carrying a baby to term, facing the very real risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth, possibly dropping out of school or losing your job - and then givin git up is not something lightly undertaken. It's nice that the Catholic Church is so supportive - that's quite a change from prior policies where women who had out of wedlock pregnancies were harshly treated.

No, Planned Parenthood is in it for two reasons --- 1) for the money abortions and the sale of organs affords, and 2) to destroy babies, especially minorities, so they don't pollute their affluent world any more than necessary.

Do you have any evidence that a profit is earned selling organs? How much?

They also will not let the pregnant mother look at the ultrasounds they take for fear the mother may change her mind. But they need those ultrasounds in order to best preserve the organs.

Planned Parenthood was born out of diabolic designs (M Sanger) and it continues to this day.

Do you have any evidence that they have refused a request from a woman wanting to see her ultrasound?

You are unreachable with the truth. Believe whatever you want. Vote for Obama or Hillary. Enjoy.
"BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women"

What about the non-pregnant women V?

Didn't YOU hand out scumbags, and birth control pills? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Let's see here V. when a pregnant woman goes to an abortion provider, what do they usually want, car insurance or,................................................wait for it, abortion?

Except Planned Parenthood keeps telling us they give them all the different options to those who are pregnant.

They do.

Pregnancy Options What To Do If You re Pregnant
Abortion Information What are your Options
About Adoption Placing Your Child for Adoption
Should I Get Pregnant Considering Pregnancy Options

Compare that to the "Crisis Pregnancy Centers"

For example: There are well over one million couples in the USA who cannot conceive and are on a waiting list for infants or babies up to two years old. Now would that not be the humane thing to do and give birth to the child instead of killing it? I know the Catholic Church would cover all the woman's expenses waiting to give birth if in fact she could not afford to be in that position.

Carrying a baby to term, facing the very real risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth, possibly dropping out of school or losing your job - and then givin git up is not something lightly undertaken. It's nice that the Catholic Church is so supportive - that's quite a change from prior policies where women who had out of wedlock pregnancies were harshly treated.

No, Planned Parenthood is in it for two reasons --- 1) for the money abortions and the sale of organs affords, and 2) to destroy babies, especially minorities, so they don't pollute their affluent world any more than necessary.

Do you have any evidence that a profit is earned selling organs? How much?

They also will not let the pregnant mother look at the ultrasounds they take for fear the mother may change her mind. But they need those ultrasounds in order to best preserve the organs.

Planned Parenthood was born out of diabolic designs (M Sanger) and it continues to this day.

Do you have any evidence that they have refused a request from a woman wanting to see her ultrasound?

You are unreachable with the truth. Believe whatever you want. Vote for Obama or Hillary. Enjoy.

If you can't supply evidence, just say so :)
Well, V, that's where pregnant women go to get un-pregnant.

Now, how many women stopped by who weren't preggers?

But PaintMyShitHouse, isn't it supposed to OFFER OTHER SERVICES, and ABORTION is supposedly only 3% of it's operation....Seems they lied, and you believed them!
"BLOCKBUSTER!!!!...94% of Pregnant Women"

What about the non-pregnant women V?
How many non-pregnant women went to Planned Parenthood? Go look it up..
A lot. Watch the video and see why abortion being 3% is accurate.

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