Bloods Declare War on Police

Arrest them all and send them to Iraq. Let them see what its like on the front lines, protecting people who don't give a shit.

You do know that some of us who have gone to war didn't care at all about protecting you or your "freedoms", right? Some of us just wanted to taste and experience war. Combat. The sensation of taking human life. Effectively using the military as a means to an end.

Its not evil. Its not even criminal. Its natural. Its enlightening. It can be a profoundly sacred and spiritual act- taking human lives- especially when it is the Will of your "country". Or it can mess you up for life, depending on how you choose to feel about it.

Never once did I feel as if I were fighting for any American Mundane. Instead... I felt as though I were paying tribute to the Gods, generating Mana for them, and awakening a part of my dormant human Nature.

People say we "fight for your freedom", that we "protect our people". Keep telling yourself that. Its called "Indoctrination".

Sure you did. Yet another internet tough guy....
Weren't you spouting in another thread about police forces becoming too militarized?

Yes, because they are. I am however not a one trick pony and realize that they are a critical part of a civilized country. What happens though is eventually the civil servant becomes the civil master and that's when people die.

However, that point has not been reached yet and I support law enforcement so long as they don't violate the civil rights of innocent civilians. I am torn though when it comes to gang members and their civil rights. They have basically stipulated (look it up) that they have no respect for other peoples civil why should I respect theirs?

That is my quandry...

I have no respect for gang bangers...let the police kill them all. But I am equally offended by RW nutters who are continually threatening violence against authorities...let the police kill them all too. I am willing to bet, more cops this year have been killed by Teaper types than gang bangers.

The difference is the RW don't advocate INITIATING the attacks. The government brought guns to the Bundy ranch FIRST. The militia came afterwards. TEA partiers are not interested in attacking anyone, but they are perfectly willing to fight if attacked.

Your assertion as regards peace officers killed is simply ludicrous.
Absolutely right. So let's surround the Bundy ranch, seize the assets, and put that scofflaw out of business.

Don't need to. That's the point. A simple tax lien and all monies that would ever go to him end up in the governments hands with no chance of blood being shed. You really don't get it do you.

If the government could have gotten a tax lien it would have done so by now. But they can't. Even the government has to follow the law once in a while.

Bullcrap. After 20 plus years and three verdicts against him that was the next logical step.
The government instead decided to try out their new fangled weapons and launched an attack that then descended into an illegal taking case for Bundy. Totally useless, totally stupid on the part of the government, and totally avoidable.
Yes, because they are. I am however not a one trick pony and realize that they are a critical part of a civilized country. What happens though is eventually the civil servant becomes the civil master and that's when people die.

However, that point has not been reached yet and I support law enforcement so long as they don't violate the civil rights of innocent civilians. I am torn though when it comes to gang members and their civil rights. They have basically stipulated (look it up) that they have no respect for other peoples civil why should I respect theirs?

That is my quandry...

I have no respect for gang bangers...let the police kill them all. But I am equally offended by RW nutters who are continually threatening violence against authorities...let the police kill them all too. I am willing to bet, more cops this year have been killed by Teaper types than gang bangers.

The difference is the RW don't advocate INITIATING the attacks. The government brought guns to the Bundy ranch FIRST. The militia came afterwards. TEA partiers are not interested in attacking anyone, but they are perfectly willing to fight if attacked.

Your assertion as regards peace officers killed is simply ludicrous.

So you justify the 2 nutters who killed a cop in NV? I believe there were a couple of incidences where rw anti-government nutters killed a cop just for pulling them over. Teapers discuss armed insurrection on a daily basis...on this forum. I would bet more teaper types killed cops than gang bangers this year.
I wonder if another teaper will post the same topic and blame Obama. So far, at least 2.

So Nutz, we have a group of BLACK GANG THUGS stating publicly they want to kill cops, so where is AG Holder to investigate this?..... Still waiting for his E.O. to dry on his contempt of Congress citation?

I wonder if another teaper will post the same topic and blame Obama. So far, at least 2.

So Nutz, we have a group of BLACK GANG THUGS stating publicly they want to kill cops, so where is AG Holder to investigate this?..... Still waiting for his E.O. to dry on his contempt of Congress citation?


What is Eric Holder supposed to do? The thugs aren't calling for an armed insurrection against the federal government like the teapers, they say they are going to kill local this is a city/ state issue. no. Are you for state's rights or not? Or are you now saying the feds should take care of gang problems for the states? Enlighten me...maybe you can find a cartoon to show your hypocrisy.
I have no respect for gang bangers...let the police kill them all. But I am equally offended by RW nutters who are continually threatening violence against authorities...let the police kill them all too. I am willing to bet, more cops this year have been killed by Teaper types than gang bangers.

The difference is the RW don't advocate INITIATING the attacks. The government brought guns to the Bundy ranch FIRST. The militia came afterwards. TEA partiers are not interested in attacking anyone, but they are perfectly willing to fight if attacked.

Your assertion as regards peace officers killed is simply ludicrous.

So you justify the 2 nutters who killed a cop in NV? I believe there were a couple of incidences where rw anti-government nutters killed a cop just for pulling them over. Teapers discuss armed insurrection on a daily basis...on this forum. I would bet more teaper types killed cops than gang bangers this year.

Of course not idiot. Nor were they TEA Partiers...they were documented members of OCCUPY WALL STREET. They were kicked off of the Bundy ranch and not one of the militia members wanted anything to do with them. They ALL believed them to be either government plants, or insane. The "RW nutters" you are talking about were neo Nazi members or members of other white supremacist groups....none of which the TEA Party is, no matter how hard you asshats try and paint them with that brush. The TEA party scares the shit out of you because they are multi racial, multi political party, and THINK for themselves. All things that terrify a progressive who's primary weapon is division, turning neighbor against neighbor. Progressives are like Little Finger in GoT, they thrive on chaos and misery.
The difference is the RW don't advocate INITIATING the attacks. The government brought guns to the Bundy ranch FIRST. The militia came afterwards. TEA partiers are not interested in attacking anyone, but they are perfectly willing to fight if attacked.

Your assertion as regards peace officers killed is simply ludicrous.

So you justify the 2 nutters who killed a cop in NV? I believe there were a couple of incidences where rw anti-government nutters killed a cop just for pulling them over. Teapers discuss armed insurrection on a daily basis...on this forum. I would bet more teaper types killed cops than gang bangers this year.

Of course not idiot. Nor were they TEA Partiers...they were documented members of OCCUPY WALL STREET. They were kicked off of the Bundy ranch and not one of the militia members wanted anything to do with them. They ALL believed them to be either government plants, or insane.

Gadsen flag, a symbol of the teaper movement, was draped across the body.

And you misread what I said...I said Teaper types...not Teapers.
So you justify the 2 nutters who killed a cop in NV? I believe there were a couple of incidences where rw anti-government nutters killed a cop just for pulling them over. Teapers discuss armed insurrection on a daily basis...on this forum. I would bet more teaper types killed cops than gang bangers this year.

Of course not idiot. Nor were they TEA Partiers...they were documented members of OCCUPY WALL STREET. They were kicked off of the Bundy ranch and not one of the militia members wanted anything to do with them. They ALL believed them to be either government plants, or insane.

Gadsen flag, a symbol of the teaper movement, was draped across the body.

And you misread what I said...I said Teaper types...not Teapers.

OWS ain't "teaper types"'re prevaricating....
Bloods threaten to kill more cops | New York Post

How should we deal with gang violence directed against the men and women who protect and serve our communities? I think this requires a major military operation that would involve something along the lines of what Israel is doing to Hamas right now in the Middle East. But, community agitators would protest and cry about their rights. Blood's also had a community memorial for the scum that shot this rookie in cold blood. We need a massive simultaneous operation in every major city in the United States to show the street scum that the law is taking the streets back, and that good people and little children do not have to live in fear.

Absolutely right. So let's surround the Bundy ranch, seize the assets, and put that scofflaw out of business.

I assume you also think that the great unwashed Occupy movement should have been rounded up for being scofflaws, trespassers and engaging in civil disobedience?
Of course not idiot. Nor were they TEA Partiers...they were documented members of OCCUPY WALL STREET. They were kicked off of the Bundy ranch and not one of the militia members wanted anything to do with them. They ALL believed them to be either government plants, or insane.

Gadsen flag, a symbol of the teaper movement, was draped across the body.

And you misread what I said...I said Teaper types...not Teapers.

OWS ain't "teaper types"'re prevaricating....

Do you have a link that they were OWS?
Never mind...I found a link. They were not necessarily OWS...they were anti-government teaper types. That's why they participated in the Bundy standoff...they were flocking to fight the power! Gadsen flag.
Never mind...I found a link. They were not necessarily OWS...they were anti-government teaper types. That's why they participated in the Bundy standoff...they were flocking to fight the power! Gadsen flag.

And I notice you ignoring the fact that they were kicked OFF THE BUNDY ranch. C'mon dude. Stop being a dick. It is proven they were OWS. It is PROVEN they were kicked off the ranch.

Flailing around like this is embarrassing. Just stop it. Move on and pick a better fight. You've lost this one.
I wonder if another teaper will post the same topic and blame Obama. So far, at least 2.

So Nutz, we have a group of BLACK GANG THUGS stating publicly they want to kill cops, so where is AG Holder to investigate this?..... Still waiting for his E.O. to dry on his contempt of Congress citation?


What is Eric Holder supposed to do? The thugs aren't calling for an armed insurrection against the federal government like the teapers, they say they are going to kill local this is a city/ state issue. no. Are you for state's rights or not? Or are you now saying the feds should take care of gang problems for the states? Enlighten me...maybe you can find a cartoon to show your hypocrisy.

And what Tea party person has announced he/she wants to kill FBI, or another government official?... And NO it's not just a states issue as these gang thugs are in many different states, and here we have black gang members threartening to kill white police, along with Hispanic, Asian, etc. a clear CIVIL RIGHT VIOLATION!
Arrest them all and send them to Iraq. Let them see what its like on the front lines, protecting people who don't give a shit.

You do know that some of us who have gone to war didn't care at all about protecting you or your "freedoms", right? Some of us just wanted to taste and experience war. Combat. The sensation of taking human life. Effectively using the military as a means to an end.

Its not evil. Its not even criminal. Its natural. Its enlightening. It can be a profoundly sacred and spiritual act- taking human lives- especially when it is the Will of your "country". Or it can mess you up for life, depending on how you choose to feel about it.

Never once did I feel as if I were fighting for any American Mundane. Instead... I felt as though I were paying tribute to the Gods, generating Mana for them, and awakening a part of my dormant human Nature.

People say we "fight for your freedom", that we "protect our people". Keep telling yourself that. Its called "Indoctrination". are one strange female! We need a ask Ashtara thread. Strange, but intriguing.

"Ask Ashtara"... that sounds like a crazy topic! Maybe I could start an advice column on USMB. It would likely be created in the "Religion and Ethics" forum.

Thanks for the idea. I will keep it in mind...
So Nutz, we have a group of BLACK GANG THUGS stating publicly they want to kill cops, so where is AG Holder to investigate this?..... Still waiting for his E.O. to dry on his contempt of Congress citation?


What is Eric Holder supposed to do? The thugs aren't calling for an armed insurrection against the federal government like the teapers, they say they are going to kill local this is a city/ state issue. no. Are you for state's rights or not? Or are you now saying the feds should take care of gang problems for the states? Enlighten me...maybe you can find a cartoon to show your hypocrisy.

And what Tea party person has announced he/she wants to kill FBI, or another government official?... And NO it's not just a states issue as these gang thugs are in many different states, and here we have black gang members threartening to kill white police, along with Hispanic, Asian, etc. a clear CIVIL RIGHT VIOLATION!

I am sure there are many teapers that have announced he/she wants to kill FBI and other government officials. There was a thread about it just the other day.

As for your hypocrisy about states rights, police and and the role of the feds...:lol: :lol: :lol:

Total hypocrite. Pathetic...but expected as typical teaper nonsense.
Never mind...I found a link. They were not necessarily OWS...they were anti-government teaper types. That's why they participated in the Bundy standoff...they were flocking to fight the power! Gadsen flag.

And I notice you ignoring the fact that they were kicked OFF THE BUNDY ranch. C'mon dude. Stop being a dick. It is proven they were OWS. It is PROVEN they were kicked off the ranch.

Flailing around like this is embarrassing. Just stop it. Move on and pick a better fight. You've lost this one.

Who cares if they were kicked off the ranch...they were motivated by teaper philosophy...period. And they were anti-government nutters who killed 2 cops. Definitely more of a teaper type than a gang banger.
Arrest them all and send them to Iraq. Let them see what its like on the front lines, protecting people who don't give a shit.

You do know that some of us who have gone to war didn't care at all about protecting you or your "freedoms", right? Some of us just wanted to taste and experience war. Combat. The sensation of taking human life. Effectively using the military as a means to an end.

Its not evil. Its not even criminal. Its natural. Its enlightening. It can be a profoundly sacred and spiritual act- taking human lives- especially when it is the Will of your "country". Or it can mess you up for life, depending on how you choose to feel about it.

Never once did I feel as if I were fighting for any American Mundane. Instead... I felt as though I were paying tribute to the Gods, generating Mana for them, and awakening a part of my dormant human Nature.

People say we "fight for your freedom", that we "protect our people". Keep telling yourself that. Its called "Indoctrination".

You probably get off on torturing small animals too.:eusa_hand:

Sounds like BS to me. People say the funniest things.....:lol:

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