Bloomberg Adviser Tim O'Brien Promises Scorched Earth Campaign Against Trump's Children

This is rich...

Trump has the money to lawyer him into oblivion for slander.

The Ukrainians have a criminal proceeding in their country looking into both Joe and his son. That will not go away...

When this blows up in Doom-bergs face, as it most certainly will, it will expose Biden, Pelosi, Schumar, Schiff even further... Go ahead... Make my day!

This is rich...

Trump has the money to lawyer him into oblivion for slander.

The Ukrainians have a criminal proceeding in their country looking into both Joe and his son. That will not go away...

When this blows up in Doom-bergs face, as it most certainly will, it will expose Biden, Pelosi, Schumar, Schiff even further... Go ahead... Make my day!


"Why does Mommy pee standing up?' -- The Obama kids

Have you seen the numbers coming out to vote for Trump with no serious challenge? He’s blowing Obama away by millions lol The next Democratic president isn’t even born yet

Why don't you post them for us? I doubt if any Trumptard is bothering to vote except by mail. Even then, why would they waste 50 cents on the stamp??
Obama 550.000 trump 1,880,000 in Texas lol

Sorry - Adults need links Nicky
Google it

Nope - You're claim ... show your stuff!
I did prove me wrong
Jitss Are you praying?
Even before anything happened, trump shut down all our resources, slashed the budget and got rid of all the scientists. Now they can sit around and pray it away.
Yep, like prosecuting them after Trump is out of office.
Yep What goes around comes around btw Trump is fair game then too Make the rest of his life miserable like he has for so many others
Nothing Trump has done has negatively affected you personally in any way.
In my case true He's just fked up our constitution letting those who follow him imitate the way he's defiled it
No, he didn't. Don't be silly.
Has there ever been a president in your memory who spoke so full of hate to those in the opposing party to opposing voters to ANYONE opposing him ,,to allies worldwide....while sing the praises of our enemies NK and Russia Did Obama vilify GWB like trump has to him?? trump is a cancer upon america and the sooner you repubs get it the sooner america heals
Your inability to control your emotions does not obligate anyone to do it for you.

A Depolrable Bitterly Clinging to Guns and Religion
Michael Bloomberg advisor Tim O’Brien informed Joy Reid on her show Saturday morning that the wrath of the Bloomberg media campaign will be unleashed in a brutal, take no prisoners “scorched-earth” campaign focused on Trump’s adult children with first wife, Ivana.

The warning to the grifters occupying the White House is to either drop the attacks on Joe Biden’s son Hunter and Burisma or else they will face the metaphorical, both barrels blasting, directed at them with zero mercy.

Michael Bloomberg adviser Tim O’Brien promises 'scorched-earth' campaign against Trump's children.

This is going to be good.
Trump and the Trumpist smear machine will be working overtime to defame Biden and his family. This campaign will be very nasty. There will be nothing too low for the Trump dirty tricks efforts.
If Don jr. and Ivanka had done 1/10th if the shit that Hunter and his senile old man are up to their ears in, crackpot freaks like you two would be shitting yourselves. are just repeating rightist clap trap. Jared has been bailed out by the Chinese and Ivanka has received patents that she never should have received from China, for starters.

The attached link shows how the Trump kids have monetized the presidency and the fraud that is the Hunter Biden sham.

How Donald Trump's Kids Have Profited Off Their Dad's Presidency

Stop being a stooge for Trumpist propaganda. You show your mindless loyalty to Trump with every post. Open that closed mind of yours. No one is more corrupt than Trump and his family of grifters.
Fake news.
Yep, and his only problem is the 60 Billion dollar Bloomberg machine.

Can you imagine the anger in the White House when those ads start airing about Ivanka and Don Jr.?
Well, the Nepotist-N-Cheif brought it on himself by bringing them actually inside his new administration. If memory serves, I think they already had enough skeltons making explanation on an SF-86 questionnaire become longer that War and Peace, and requiring waivers all the way to the top just to make them able to receive classified information at that level of government, whether they knew what to do with it or not.
We do have anti lynching laws on the books
We can make an exception for Trumps?
Why because you can’t win elections? Lol
The PEOPLE spoke ,,,The states won it for the imbecile Never again

You mean California spoke. The people retired Clinton.
Not impressive at all.. you needed the senate lol
Coming soon in Nov
Lol you can’t win shit democrats are a fringe group
Trump is putting the nails in your Repub coffin We now know what repubs stand for and it's not the American way
Have you seen the numbers coming out to vote for Trump with no serious challenge? He’s blowing Obama away by millions lol The next Democratic president isn’t even born yet

Why don't you post them for us? I doubt if any Trumptard is bothering to vote except by mail. Even then, why would they waste 50 cents on the stamp??

Since there's maybe five of them, no big deal.
Michael Bloomberg advisor Tim O’Brien informed Joy Reid on her show Saturday morning that the wrath of the Bloomberg media campaign will be unleashed in a brutal, take no prisoners “scorched-earth” campaign focused on Trump’s adult children with first wife, Ivana.

The warning to the grifters occupying the White House is to either drop the attacks on Joe Biden’s son Hunter and Burisma or else they will face the metaphorical, both barrels blasting, directed at them with zero mercy.

Michael Bloomberg adviser Tim O’Brien promises 'scorched-earth' campaign against Trump's children.

This is going to be good.
When a major politician publicly claims that he demanded that a government (any government) end an investigation into a corrupt company that his son is a board member on, or they don't get the money they need, that is criminal to its core and it doesn't matter if the same politician is running for president. The left claims there was no evidence that Hunter Biden did anything wrong, but since any investigation was stopped because of Biden's threat, there naturally wouldn't be investigation was restarted, which it should be.
Michael Bloomberg advisor Tim O’Brien informed Joy Reid on her show Saturday morning that the wrath of the Bloomberg media campaign will be unleashed in a brutal, take no prisoners “scorched-earth” campaign focused on Trump’s adult children with first wife, Ivana.

The warning to the grifters occupying the White House is to either drop the attacks on Joe Biden’s son Hunter and Burisma or else they will face the metaphorical, both barrels blasting, directed at them with zero mercy.

Michael Bloomberg adviser Tim O’Brien promises 'scorched-earth' campaign against Trump's children.

This is going to be good.
Trump and the Trumpist smear machine will be working overtime to defame Biden and his family. This campaign will be very nasty. There will be nothing too low for the Trump dirty tricks efforts.

Left wingers can't take as well as they think they dish out. Go shove flies across a room.
This is rich...

Trump has the money to lawyer him into oblivion for slander.

The Ukrainians have a criminal proceeding in their country looking into both Joe and his son. That will not go away...

When this blows up in Doom-bergs face, as it most certainly will, it will expose Biden, Pelosi, Schumar, Schiff even further... Go ahead... Make my day!
Still waiting for Uncle Rudy to go public with the goods on the Biden's right? You keep right on waiting, pal.

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