Blowing Up Another Massive Lie By ABC And Kamala In One Video

Already a thread on this;
Still trying to change the narrative.
Give it up.
Both narratives are nonsense.


See, here is the problem with folks like Tommy. And well, we have a lot of folks like him.

. . . and it is also a problem with conservatives and MAGA.

Both sides can be easily lied to, because the media echo-chambers they reside in, will hide information that is not flattering to them.

Most of us that observe all media, and especially make an effort to stay outside of the MSM narratives, see it all.

This podcaster compiled all of the evidence for what GOP politicians are claiming. . . .

BASED ON THE VIDEOS of what is actually going on, and the citizen reports.

She then takes that, and makes a grand narrative, the might not be exactly true, but it gets likes and clicks, which is how the system works.

WHAT IS HAPPENING in Springfield, Ohio??​

1,184,514 views Sep 10, 2024

Tommy hasn't got a clue, and I have told him over and over, to stahp trusting the Guardian. That source spins and lies about shit ever single day. They have been since 9/11, and more so since the 2008 worldwide economic crash & the occupy movement.

In fact, many of its former primary commentators that used to keep them and their articles honest, were banned simply by pointing out all the lies. Those folks got together and LEFT, to create a site that is more in-line with what that source used to be, in the days before it was infiltrated and taken over by the Deep State spooks and government shills.

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So the truth, is more than likely somewhere in between. I have no doubt that MOST of the refugee in Springfield are decent folks. It is just because it is an election year, that the MAGA folks need to make it sound like they are all a threat, and every single one of them that fled the violence and instability in Haiti are sociopathic menaces to society.

I am sure that they aren't. But it doesn't take many, to make a story that is convenient for the right's narrative? (See video.)

. . . and what choice does globalCAP have, but to lie about those who are repeating facts?

The New Normal Right


". . . . So, that works out pretty well for GloboCap. You can’t carry out a Clear-and-Hold op if there’s no reactionary resistance to “clear.”

The catch is, most of the reactionary resistance is not quite scary and militant enough. I’m going to out on a limb here and state that most conservatives are not longstanding members of democracy-hating neo-Nazi militias. They’re just regular folks who want to be left alone to live their lives as they please, and to raise their families according to their values, just like most liberals — and, yes, even leftists — are not fanatical, mask-wearing, censorship-happy, shrieking, totalitarian freaks, but just regular people, with good intentions.

But that doesn’t work for GloboCap. Garden-variety, non-fanatical folks, regardless of their political persuasions, are as useless to the GloboCap Clear-and-Hold op as a one-legged monkey in an ass-kicking contest.

And so that’s where the New Normal Right comes in.

If the New Normal Right did not already exist, GloboCap would be forced to invent it. It needs a convincing boogeyman — or, actually, a diverse collection of boogeymen — to serve as an excuse for its evolution into a pathologized-totalitarian system.

Fortunately, for GloboCap, the New Normal Right does exist, and is becoming uglier and thus more useful by the day. Just like the New Normal Left are playing their part — i.e., as the New Normal’s brownshirts — the New Normal Right are stepping right into their roles like seasoned Hollywood actors. . . . "


". . . Which the New Normal Right is increasingly doing. Emboldened in large part by Elon Musk and other prominent “influencers,” they’re letting it rip with the blatant bigotry, and anti-Semitism, and neo-nationalism, and strutting around like racist bull roosters. Holocaust denial is trending. Rumors of cat-eating Haitians are circulating. Elon, who has been consecrated “Free Speech Incarnate,” is martyring Himself in Brazil and the UK. His disciples are flying around the planet, preaching The Gospel of Elon in their “Free-speech X” T-shirts, and passing out Bolsonaro stickers.
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etc. . .
Are Americans with guns going to stand up and peaceably threaten black people, to protect the dogs and cats?

Americans may not wait until after the election to .................................. whatever Americans do?

Schools are out thank the god, and now it's time to call in the military, just in case of big trouble?
They were good way before I was born. Was it the 90s or the 2000s when they went bad?
They have stayed the same. But these trump worshippers hate anything that doesn't genuflect to their fake god.
Are Americans with guns going to stand up and peaceably threaten black people, to protect the dogs and cats?

Americans may not wait until after the election to .................................. whatever Americans do?

Schools are out thank the god, and now it's time to call in the military, just in case of big trouble?
Blacks aren't eating white folks dogs and cats.

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