Blue States are Drowning in Debt

One problem is Democrats acting like Republicans, trying to accommodate corporations by offering huge tax breaks to operate in your state. This just deprives the state of needed tax dollars. That has to be made up elsewhere.
It's made up by allowing corporations to have capital to expand which gives people a FUCKING JOB so they can spend money and pay sales taxes (and income taxes if you're not in Texas).
Those corporations would still be there, employing people, if no state gave them a tax break.

Let me guess you read that in a comic book

Are you a moron?

thats his strong suit
At the end of the day, we ended up with this list of the Poorest States for 2018:
  1. Mississippi (Photos)
  2. New Mexico (Photos)
  3. Alabama (Photos)
  4. Louisiana (Photos)
  5. South Carolina (Photos)
  6. Kentucky (Photos)
  7. Georgia (Photos)
  8. North Carolina (Photos)
  9. West Virginia (Photos)
  10. Arkansas (Photos)

California now leads the nation in poverty. Y'all Communists are killing the Golden Goose out there. It's very sad.

so prove that list wrong or stfu

California now leads the country in both poverty and Debt. It's supposed to be y'all's Communist 'Utopia.'

Semi-free-market Capitalism since the 1970's has drastically increased the standard of living for 2nd World nations like China, Vietnam, Poland, Russia, etc. etc. it has also somewhat increased the standard of living for many 3rd -World nations like Mexico, India, Brazil, Indonesia etc. etc.

However, the standard of living has actually arguably decreased since the 1970's in many 1st World nations, like the U.S.A, Switzerland, Germany, Britain etc. etc.

The reason for this is freedom of movement of labor in the name of cheap labor profits, to move American, and Western European jobs mostly into the rather well educated, but rather modestly paid 2nd World nations, or to a lesser extent into the mostly poor educated, and poorly paid 3rd World nations.

Europe has pretty much turned into an outhouse after opening up the doors to the middle east cage.

Europe's murder rate is much lower, and it's terrorist rate doesn't seem to be any higher.

America's only approx 60% White, every country in Europe is more White than that.

There have been way more terror attacks in europe than the US.

The great difference here being, the National Anthem claims we are the home of the brave, however, the facts suggest we are the home of the chicken shits (how many people in Europe feel the need to carry a gun everywhere they go?).

I care nothing about Europe.

Typical ugly american. Zero geography
Zero education, loud.
In WWII 2 years late
"Over here, overweight, oversexed"
At the end of the day, we ended up with this list of the Poorest States for 2018:
  1. Mississippi (Photos)
  2. New Mexico (Photos)
  3. Alabama (Photos)
  4. Louisiana (Photos)
  5. South Carolina (Photos)
  6. Kentucky (Photos)
  7. Georgia (Photos)
  8. North Carolina (Photos)
  9. West Virginia (Photos)
  10. Arkansas (Photos)

California now leads the nation in poverty. Y'all Communists are killing the Golden Goose out there. It's very sad.

so prove that list wrong or stfu

California now leads the country in both poverty and Debt. It's supposed to be y'all's Communist 'Utopia.'

You clearly don't live in cal.
Or have very few brains.
My daughter does and loves it.
Founded a $150MM business, girls in med school.
Same as everywhere, have a few brains and you are ok
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, all states drowning in a combined debt exceeding $1 trillion due to fiscal recklessness and false promises to government workers they can't afford to pay. These states are also some of the highest taxes states in the country already, so what's the solution?

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt
Yes.....and Democrat pundits want to blame this all on Trump.
I thought he was the Pres?
Any idea why job creation in his first year was the worst in 6 years?
Might help if you knew the difference between an adjective and a noun
The great difference here being, the National Anthem claims we are the home of the brave, however, the facts suggest we are the home of the chicken shits (how many people in Europe feel the need to carry a gun everywhere they go?).
All of them feel the need to carry a gun everywhere they go. The difference is that Europe allowed themselves to be controlled by desperate statist dictators such as yourself, while Americans own your weak ass and put you in your place (which is what pisses you off so much).
And when did you, mr old white fart fight off hand to hand villains?
And how long have you lived in Europe?
Do tell
There is nothing more astoundingly ignorant than the left. It’s no wonder they are drowning in debt.
A conservative estimate by the Mercatus Center found that Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) proposed “Medicare for all” plan will set the national budget back by $32.6 trillion in the first ten years of its implementation. And that’s not the total cost.

The group also found that federal, individual, and corporate tax rates — if doubled to support this plan — would still not be enough to finance it.
Anyone who has made it to the 4th grade knows that it cannot be done. That’s more than $3 trillion per year at a time that we’re already running massive deficits for many decades. We would have to tax ourselves into complete and total collapse and even then it wouldn’t be enough. And all because the left is greedy and entitled.

Think tank finds Bernie’s ‘Medicare for all’ shtick isn’t viable even if overall taxation is doubled
Any idea why job creation in his first year was the worst in 6 years?
Left-wing “logic” at its finest. Drive up unemployment to over 10%, when Republicans get elected coast-to-coast and start bringing jobs back, crow about “job creation”.

Here’s the thing genius - when unemployment is over 10% - creating jobs is fairly easy. When unemployment is around 4%, creating jobs is extremely difficult. When you’re that low, you’re pretty close to full capacity of employment.
Any idea why job creation in his first year was the worst in 6 years?
Left-wing “logic” at its finest. Drive up unemployment to over 10%, when Republicans get elected coast-to-coast and start bringing jobs back, crow about “job creation”.

Here’s the thing genius - when unemployment is over 10% - creating jobs is fairly easy. When unemployment is around 4%, creating jobs is extremely difficult. When you’re that low, you’re pretty close to full capacity of employment.

"Extremely difficult?" Apparently
Any idea whythefirst year of our orange blob is the lowest job creation in 6 years?
And job creation in 2017<2016<2015?
The best one I heard today was a billboard in Illinois that says, last one to leave illinois turn the lights off. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
the left believe in pensions, and pensions are state enders.
There is nothing more astoundingly ignorant than the left. It’s no wonder they are drowning in debt.
A conservative estimate by the Mercatus Center found that Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) proposed “Medicare for all” plan will set the national budget back by $32.6 trillion in the first ten years of its implementation. And that’s not the total cost.

The group also found that federal, individual, and corporate tax rates — if doubled to support this plan — would still not be enough to finance it.
Anyone who has made it to the 4th grade knows that it cannot be done. That’s more than $3 trillion per year at a time that we’re already running massive deficits for many decades. We would have to tax ourselves into complete and total collapse and even then it wouldn’t be enough. And all because the left is greedy and entitled.

Think tank finds Bernie’s ‘Medicare for all’ shtick isn’t viable even if overall taxation is doubled
I guess you support Ben Franklin who wanted to ban German immigrants?
"They are swarthy, can't speak English and are taking our jobs"
Sound familiar?
And omg, we will have to cut the military who take 1/2 of our discretionary income?.
Be afraid, be very afraid
What a bunch of pantywaists
There is nothing more astoundingly ignorant than the left. It’s no wonder they are drowning in debt.
A conservative estimate by the Mercatus Center found that Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) proposed “Medicare for all” plan will set the national budget back by $32.6 trillion in the first ten years of its implementation. And that’s not the total cost.

The group also found that federal, individual, and corporate tax rates — if doubled to support this plan — would still not be enough to finance it.
Anyone who has made it to the 4th grade knows that it cannot be done. That’s more than $3 trillion per year at a time that we’re already running massive deficits for many decades. We would have to tax ourselves into complete and total collapse and even then it wouldn’t be enough. And all because the left is greedy and entitled.

Think tank finds Bernie’s ‘Medicare for all’ shtick isn’t viable even if overall taxation is doubled
I thought the leftist states took less from the fed gov than our confederate. Boys?
How do you think the Canadians and Australians mAke it?
It is nice to think if you get sick you won't have to go homeless
It never works. It always ends in catastrophic failure and perpetual poverty.
After all, socialism is the leading man-made cause of death and misery in human existence. Whether implemented by a mob or a single strongman, collectivism is a poverty generator, an attack on human dignity and a destroyer of individual rights.
Only an idiot and a parasite supports collectivism.

Sorry If You're Offended, but Socialism Leads to Misery and Destitution
First Fidel Castro admits that socialism doesn’t work. And now Nicolas Maduro admits that socialism doesn’t work.
Caracas (AFP) - Under-fire Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro admitted his economic model has "failed" in the wake of food and medicine shortages and public service paralysis, such as Tuesday's power failure that affected 80 percent of Caracas.
And yet idiots progressives - who don’t understand basic economics and refuse to study history - demand that we bring this failed model to the U.S.

Venezuela's president admits economy has failed
Idiotic left-wing policy always ends in extreme poverty, loss of liberty, and universal misery.
San Juan de los Morros (Venezuela) (AFP) - Power blackouts are daily fare, running water comes only once a month, cash machines are empty and waiting for a bus can take hours. Welcome to San Juan de los Morros in Venezuela, where nothing works.
No power? No water? Sounds like California. This is the insanity that progressives want to bring here to the U.S.

San Juan: The Venezuelan city where nothing works anymore
It never works. It never has worked. It never will work.
A Canadian province has decided to scrap its universal basic income pilot after lawmakers decided it was “quite expensive” and “not sustainable,” The Guardian reported.
And yet idiots progressives - who don’t understand basic economics and refuse to study history - demand that we bring this failed model to the U.S.

Canadian province scraps ‘not sustainable’ basic income program pilot
Anyone think Trump or the GOP congress will bail these states out??

I sure don't. Let em sink or swim.
It's because politicians have figured out that they can bribe people with their own money. "Everyone should have proper X. I'm i'm elected, we'll make sure that everyone has proper X. You deserve proper X." They get elected, they write a law approving the use of taxpayer funds on proper X, then onto Y, Z, etc.

It's up to the tax payers to stop voting for people like that if they want it to stop. But instead, they're too caught up how bad the other guy is so i need to vote for the not quite as bad guy. And then, see my signature.

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