Blue States are Drowning in Debt

Absolutism is a Mental Disorder, roughly akin to Delusion.
True free-market conservativism has drastically increased the standard of living around the globe.


Semi-free-market Capitalism since the 1970's has drastically increased the standard of living for 2nd World nations like China, Vietnam, Poland, Russia, etc. etc. it has also somewhat increased the standard of living for many 3rd -World nations like Mexico, India, Brazil, Indonesia etc. etc.

However, the standard of living has actually arguably decreased since the 1970's in many 1st World nations, like the U.S.A, Switzerland, Germany, Britain etc. etc.

The reason for this is freedom of movement of labor in the name of cheap labor profits, to move American, and Western European jobs mostly into the rather well educated, but rather modestly paid 2nd World nations, or to a lesser extent into the mostly poor educated, and poorly paid 3rd World nations.

Europe has pretty much turned into an outhouse after opening up the doors to the middle east cage.

Europe's murder rate is much lower, and it's terrorist rate doesn't seem to be any higher.

America's only approx 60% White, every country in Europe is more White than that.

There have been way more terror attacks in europe than the US.

The great difference here being, the National Anthem claims we are the home of the brave, however, the facts suggest we are the home of the chicken shits (how many people in Europe feel the need to carry a gun everywhere they go?).
Socialism is debt can never paid... That is why it’s never stuck around for a very long
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, all states drowning in a combined debt exceeding $1 trillion due to fiscal recklessness and false promises to government workers they can't afford to pay. These states are also some of the highest taxes states in the country already, so what's the solution?

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt

Stop giving money and supporting red states?
Have Texas style dirt cheap education system?

Have Texas style dirt cheap education system?

That is outrageous!! They all need to spend like we do here in Chicago. Look at our awesome results!!!
True free-market conservativism has drastically increased the standard of living around the globe.


Semi-free-market Capitalism since the 1970's has drastically increased the standard of living for 2nd World nations like China, Vietnam, Poland, Russia, etc. etc. it has also somewhat increased the standard of living for many 3rd -World nations like Mexico, India, Brazil, Indonesia etc. etc.

However, the standard of living has actually arguably decreased since the 1970's in many 1st World nations, like the U.S.A, Switzerland, Germany, Britain etc. etc.

The reason for this is freedom of movement of labor in the name of cheap labor profits, to move American, and Western European jobs mostly into the rather well educated, but rather modestly paid 2nd World nations, or to a lesser extent into the mostly poor educated, and poorly paid 3rd World nations.

Europe has pretty much turned into an outhouse after opening up the doors to the middle east cage.

Europe's murder rate is much lower, and it's terrorist rate doesn't seem to be any higher.

America's only approx 60% White, every country in Europe is more White than that.

There have been way more terror attacks in europe than the US.

The great difference here being, the National Anthem claims we are the home of the brave, however, the facts suggest we are the home of the chicken shits (how many people in Europe feel the need to carry a gun everywhere they go?).

I care nothing about Europe.
Want to bet, Princess Snowflake? Republicans own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. And we’re seeing unprecedented prosperity.

And federal debt
Yes...because of left-wing policies. Revenues to the federal government went UP since the tax breaks. So what's the problem? Oh yeah - Social Security (passed by the left), Welfare (passed by the left), Medicare (passed by the left), Medicaid (passed by the left), Obamacare (passed by the left), etc.

Imagine if those were passed. Over $1 trillion per year we wouldn't be spending. Don't even attempt to blame the Republicans for the unconstitutional shit rammed down the throats of the American people by the Dumbocrats.
Black in is one component of the the general welfare of the people... it is not the end-all-be-all in itself... as any socially aware and sentient creature knows.
What the FUCK is a "socially aware and sentient creature"? A fucking commie?
You really ARE a simple creature, aren't you? As I said... Black Ink is not the end-all-be-all of Life, and is merely one of many measures of the health of a nation.

You TrumpBots think (or would have your audience think) that it's everything.

It's not.

Not even close.
Want to bet, Princess Snowflake? Republicans own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. And we’re seeing unprecedented prosperity.

And federal debt
Yes...because of left-wing policies. Revenues to the federal government went UP since the tax breaks. So what's the problem? Oh yeah - Social Security (passed by the left), Welfare (passed by the left), Medicare (passed by the left), Medicaid (passed by the left), Obamacare (passed by the left), etc.

Imagine if those were passed. Over $1 trillion per year we wouldn't be spending. Don't even attempt to blame the Republicans for the unconstitutional shit rammed down the throats of the American people by the Dumbocrats.

So, what's your alternative?

No Social Security?
= Increased elderly living, and dying on the streets.

No welfare?
=Bums living, and dying on the streets.

No Medicare + Medicaid + Obamacare.
= People dying from preventable disease.

Yes, there's such an alternative, like say Somalia?

In fact, come to think of it, a lot of Third-World countries have a lot less spending than this country does on these things.
The great difference here being, the National Anthem claims we are the home of the brave, however, the facts suggest we are the home of the chicken shits (how many people in Europe feel the need to carry a gun everywhere they go?).
I care nothing about Europe.
The left professes love and devotion to Europe, Cuba, China, etc. But none of them have the balls to renounce their U.S. citizenship and move there. What does that tell you?
The great difference here being, the National Anthem claims we are the home of the brave, however, the facts suggest we are the home of the chicken shits (how many people in Europe feel the need to carry a gun everywhere they go?).
All of them feel the need to carry a gun everywhere they go. The difference is that Europe allowed themselves to be controlled by desperate statist dictators such as yourself, while Americans own your weak ass and put you in your place (which is what pisses you off so much).
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, all states drowning in a combined debt exceeding $1 trillion due to fiscal recklessness and false promises to government workers they can't afford to pay. These states are also some of the highest taxes states in the country already, so what's the solution?

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt

The article is somewhat misleading.

What matters isn't a state's total debt but the debt-to-GDP. Debt-to-GDP is highest for the following states

View attachment 207385

State Debt Rank for 2018 - Charts

Those are actually pretty low. The province of Ontario has a debt-to-GDP of 37%. So there is still a lot of room for states to borrow.

However, the gist of the article is generally correct.

There is a pension crisis coming, probably next decade. There's a good chance that government workers aren't going to get everything they are promised. Maybe they'll get 80% or 90% of what they are promised.

But some states are in serious trouble, like Illinois and Kentucky, if they don't massively fund up their pension plans. It is likely that at some point, without big tax increases, many states will default on their pension obligations in 10-20 years.

And Congress should pass new laws on federal spending in the states. No state gets any federal money that doesn’t pull its own weight through taxing its citizens. The states with no state income tax should receive no federal tax dollars. Let’s see how well these conservative no tax states fend for themselves with no tax dollars coming from DC.
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, all states drowning in a combined debt exceeding $1 trillion due to fiscal recklessness and false promises to government workers they can't afford to pay. These states are also some of the highest taxes states in the country already, so what's the solution?

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt

What’s more, Illinois is going after everyone who owns property. You can’t move out of state to avoid the taxes unless you sell your home. Except that no one wants to move there and pay those taxes so even if you are in another state, they will come after you for the taxes on your home in Illinois. I think others are doing something similar.

The good news is that lefties from those states can’t afford to leave and come infest states like mine that have no state taxes.

I don’t feel sorry for them. That’s what you get for voting democrat.
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, all states drowning in a combined debt exceeding $1 trillion due to fiscal recklessness and false promises to government workers they can't afford to pay. These states are also some of the highest taxes states in the country already, so what's the solution?

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt

The good news is that lefties from those states can’t afford to leave and come infest states like mine that have no state taxes.

I don’t feel sorry for them. That’s what you get for voting democrat.

So, the taxes are un-affordable, but somehow they cant afford to leave?

How does that make sense?
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, all states drowning in a combined debt exceeding $1 trillion due to fiscal recklessness and false promises to government workers they can't afford to pay. These states are also some of the highest taxes states in the country already, so what's the solution?

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt

The good news is that lefties from those states can’t afford to leave and come infest states like mine that have no state taxes.

I don’t feel sorry for them. That’s what you get for voting democrat.

So, the taxes are un-affordable, but somehow they cant afford to leave?

How does that make sense?

Well, first of all yes, it's often both, and secondly, that's something you made up. I didn't say that.
One problem is Democrats acting like Republicans, trying to accommodate corporations by offering huge tax breaks to operate in your state. This just deprives the state of needed tax dollars. That has to be made up elsewhere.
Vintage left-wing stupidity. Better to have 65% of $0.00 than 10% of $8,000,000,000. Better to have 0 jobs and a 65% tax rate than millions of jobs and a 10% tax rate.

Want to know why red states are collapsing? Look no further than Synthaholic ’s post right here. It is the epitome of the failed left-wing ideology.
Why would you assume that any northeastern state would have zero jobs? That’s asinine.
One problem is Democrats acting like Republicans, trying to accommodate corporations by offering huge tax breaks to operate in your state. This just deprives the state of needed tax dollars. That has to be made up elsewhere.
It's made up by allowing corporations to have capital to expand which gives people a FUCKING JOB so they can spend money and pay sales taxes (and income taxes if you're not in Texas).
Those corporations would still be there, employing people, if no state gave them a tax break.
One problem is Democrats acting like Republicans, trying to accommodate corporations by offering huge tax breaks to operate in your state. This just deprives the state of needed tax dollars. That has to be made up elsewhere.
It's made up by allowing corporations to have capital to expand which gives people a FUCKING JOB so they can spend money and pay sales taxes (and income taxes if you're not in Texas).
Those corporations would still be there, employing people, if no state gave them a tax break.

Let me guess you read that in a comic book

At the end of the day, we ended up with this list of the Poorest States for 2018:
  1. Mississippi (Photos)
  2. New Mexico (Photos)
  3. Alabama (Photos)
  4. Louisiana (Photos)
  5. South Carolina (Photos)
  6. Kentucky (Photos)
  7. Georgia (Photos)
  8. North Carolina (Photos)
  9. West Virginia (Photos)
  10. Arkansas (Photos)

And another libtard chimes in not comprehending the cost of living, BTW a state like South Carolina has something like a 30% black population and they vote Republican why is that?????

Because of jobs? 3 bedroom houses for under a $800 a month rent on an
Acre of land ? ... $3 dollar a pack of smokes?

One problem is Democrats acting like Republicans, trying to accommodate corporations by offering huge tax breaks to operate in your state. This just deprives the state of needed tax dollars. That has to be made up elsewhere.
It's made up by allowing corporations to have capital to expand which gives people a FUCKING JOB so they can spend money and pay sales taxes (and income taxes if you're not in Texas).
Those corporations would still be there, employing people, if no state gave them a tax break.

Let me guess you read that in a comic book

Are you a moron?

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