Blue States are Drowning in Debt

Look, loser... neither party has the complete answer...
Want to bet, Princess Snowflake? Republicans own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. And we’re seeing unprecedented prosperity.

Constitutional conservatism is the “complete answer”.
Absolutism is a Mental Disorder, roughly akin to Delusion.
You know what isn’t a “mental disorder” though? Accepting reality. You should try is some time. True free-market conservativism has drastically increased the standard of living around the globe.
i still think Trump should put those states on Ebay and take whatever he can get for them. Maybe even China will buy them all up.
One problem is Democrats acting like Republicans, trying to accommodate corporations by offering huge tax breaks to operate in your state. This just deprives the state of needed tax dollars. That has to be made up elsewhere.
It's made up by allowing corporations to have capital to expand which gives people a FUCKING JOB so they can spend money and pay sales taxes (and income taxes if you're not in Texas).
Donald added trillions to the national debt by giving away money in the form of tax cuts to the rich, and cons said nothing.

See how twisted and fucked in the head you Loons honestly believe that a tax cut for a productive American is equal to an entitlement for Gustavo, Guadalupe and their litter of anchors. You honestly believe the good guy taking the tax cut and keeping more of what he generated is stealing from Gustavo.
Fucking bizarre!
Well sure...Gustavo deserves to come here with his life long untreated diabetes,pancreatitis and hep c and rack up hospital bills in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and soak Medicaid of those funds...because votes. While our working poor and vets get the back seat.

Somehow, someway it all makes perfect sense in LibTardia.
Somehow, some way, not giving all Americans access to comprehensive, affordable health insurance makes sense in the land of Dotards.

Remember when Dotard Donald said we’d all be covered by the most beautiful insurance?

:lol: You tards fell for it. Or most likely never cared
Look, loser... neither party has the complete answer...
Want to bet, Princess Snowflake? Republicans own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. And we’re seeing unprecedented prosperity.

Constitutional conservatism is the “complete answer”.

Red states like SC and Kentucky have huge unfunded pension liabilities. There are red states that are fiscally in trouble as well. We are not seeing unprecedented prosperity. Things were better under Reagan. The growth we have been seeing started under Obama even though he had nothing to do with it. Trump has nothing to do with it.
Every state has huge unfunded pensions.

Kentucky and South Carolina just care about fixing it.
One could probably imagine borders cut, and all the blue sates set sail on the high seas......might be a tad difficult w/ CO & NM though.....

We should just round up the poor, slaughter them, then feed the slaughtered poor to the poor. Then slaughter those poor people and make dogfood out of them. Yeah ... that's what we should do.

Nah...just cut their nuts, sew up their vaginas and or make it criminal to continue their filth cycles. Simple shit.

YOU would be in line for a sewing, of course.

You would never catch me close to a ‘brown’ vagina.
We should just round up the poor, slaughter them, then feed the slaughtered poor to the poor. Then slaughter those poor people and make dogfood out of them. Yeah ... that's what we should do.

Nah...just cut their nuts, sew up their vaginas and or make it criminal to continue their filth cycles. Simple shit.

YOU would be in line for a sewing, of course.

You would never catch me close to a ‘brown’ vagina.

No self-respecting woman of any color would let a flaccid loser like you near them anyway.

Stupid racism and/or stupid classism have never and will never improve anything anywhere.
Look, loser... neither party has the complete answer...
Want to bet, Princess Snowflake? Republicans own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. And we’re seeing unprecedented prosperity.

Constitutional conservatism is the “complete answer”.
Absolutism is a Mental Disorder, roughly akin to Delusion.
True free-market conservativism has drastically increased the standard of living around the globe.


Semi-free-market Capitalism since the 1970's has drastically increased the standard of living for 2nd World nations like China, Vietnam, Poland, Russia, etc. etc. it has also somewhat increased the standard of living for many 3rd -World nations like Mexico, India, Brazil, Indonesia etc. etc.

However, the standard of living has actually arguably decreased since the 1970's in many 1st World nations, like the U.S.A, Switzerland, Germany, Britain etc. etc.

The reason for this is freedom of movement of labor in the name of cheap labor profits, to move American, and Western European jobs mostly into the rather well educated, but rather modestly paid 2nd World nations, or to a lesser extent into the mostly poor educated, and poorly paid 3rd World nations.
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, all states drowning in a combined debt exceeding $1 trillion due to fiscal recklessness and false promises to government workers they can't afford to pay. These states are also some of the highest taxes states in the country already, so what's the solution?

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt

Maybe the Red states could rescue them. The Red states would pay off part of their debt if they would erect statues of Confederate Generals .....fair is fair....
Look, loser... neither party has the complete answer...
Want to bet, Princess Snowflake? Republicans own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. And we’re seeing unprecedented prosperity.

Constitutional conservatism is the “complete answer”.
Absolutism is a Mental Disorder, roughly akin to Delusion.
True free-market conservativism has drastically increased the standard of living around the globe.


Semi-free-market Capitalism since the 1970's has drastically increased the standard of living for 2nd World nations like China, Vietnam, Poland, Russia, etc. etc. it has also somewhat increased the standard of living for many 3rd -World nations like Mexico, India, Brazil, Indonesia etc. etc.

However, the standard of living has actually arguably decreased since the 1970's in many 1st World nations, like the U.S.A, Switzerland, Germany, Britain etc. etc.

The reason for this is freedom of movement of labor in the name of cheap labor profits, to move American, and Western European jobs mostly into the rather well educated, but rather modestly paid 2nd World nations, or to a lesser extent into the mostly poor educated, and poorly paid 3rd World nations.

Europe has pretty much turned into an outhouse after opening up the doors to the middle east cage.
Black in is one component of the the general welfare of the people... it is not the end-all-be-all in itself... as any socially aware and sentient creature knows.
What the FUCK is a "socially aware and sentient creature"? A fucking commie?

Most of our higher property taxes in the North, is due to more public education funding, then there's the fact that we actually have to salt, sand, and plow the roads in the winter.
Look, loser... neither party has the complete answer...
Want to bet, Princess Snowflake? Republicans own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. And we’re seeing unprecedented prosperity.

Constitutional conservatism is the “complete answer”.
Absolutism is a Mental Disorder, roughly akin to Delusion.
True free-market conservativism has drastically increased the standard of living around the globe.


Semi-free-market Capitalism since the 1970's has drastically increased the standard of living for 2nd World nations like China, Vietnam, Poland, Russia, etc. etc. it has also somewhat increased the standard of living for many 3rd -World nations like Mexico, India, Brazil, Indonesia etc. etc.

However, the standard of living has actually arguably decreased since the 1970's in many 1st World nations, like the U.S.A, Switzerland, Germany, Britain etc. etc.

The reason for this is freedom of movement of labor in the name of cheap labor profits, to move American, and Western European jobs mostly into the rather well educated, but rather modestly paid 2nd World nations, or to a lesser extent into the mostly poor educated, and poorly paid 3rd World nations.

Europe has pretty much turned into an outhouse after opening up the doors to the middle east cage.

Europe's murder rate is much lower, and it's terrorist rate doesn't seem to be any higher.

America's only approx 60% White, every country in Europe is more White than that.
Want to bet, Princess Snowflake? Republicans own the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. And we’re seeing unprecedented prosperity.

Constitutional conservatism is the “complete answer”.
Absolutism is a Mental Disorder, roughly akin to Delusion.
True free-market conservativism has drastically increased the standard of living around the globe.


Semi-free-market Capitalism since the 1970's has drastically increased the standard of living for 2nd World nations like China, Vietnam, Poland, Russia, etc. etc. it has also somewhat increased the standard of living for many 3rd -World nations like Mexico, India, Brazil, Indonesia etc. etc.

However, the standard of living has actually arguably decreased since the 1970's in many 1st World nations, like the U.S.A, Switzerland, Germany, Britain etc. etc.

The reason for this is freedom of movement of labor in the name of cheap labor profits, to move American, and Western European jobs mostly into the rather well educated, but rather modestly paid 2nd World nations, or to a lesser extent into the mostly poor educated, and poorly paid 3rd World nations.

Europe has pretty much turned into an outhouse after opening up the doors to the middle east cage.

Europe's murder rate is much lower, and it's terrorist rate doesn't seem to be any higher.

America's only approx 60% White, every country in Europe is more White than that.

There have been way more terror attacks in europe than the US.
Your people will be living in Pottersville rather than Bedford Falls, but, what the hell, they're just Worker Bees and their spawn anyway, right?
Your dumb ass won’t be living in either. You’ll be living in Detroit. A once-thriving city turned into a third-world shit-hole thanks to idiotic left-wing policy, resulting in bankruptcy. Enjoy your extreme perpetual poverty.

Scarsdale the most wealthy town in America, is very Democrat.
As are many others.

But, it must be Left-Wing policy.

LOL, Scranton, Utica and Erie have in recent years been about as poor as Detroit, but never have the murder rates, or total crime figures been anywhere near Detroit.

It's really about "Race" not so much about Left-Wing policy, really.
For the Record:

Compare Debt By State for 2018 - Charts

US Federal Deficit by Year - plus charts and analysis

Government Debt in the United States - Debt Clock

Now, once you understand how much debt there is, do you wonder why a tax cut for the most wealthy of our citizens and global corporations was passed with great fanfare by the fiscally conservative members of The Congress, and signed by President Trump?

For CA. it is easy to understand how the debt grew by our residents. Don't tax and spend Republicans created the massive debt, and the St. debt would have been much higher had the R's not taken revenue from the Counties.

Fisacal Conservatism is all words and no actions. We need a fiscally responsible effort by the Pols, and it's clear those in Congress today lack the will to do so.

A budget needs to be built on a foundation of cost-benefits and cost-deficits, and IMO should begin by cutting the military budget by hundreds of billions of dollars.
Absolutism is a Mental Disorder, roughly akin to Delusion.
True free-market conservativism has drastically increased the standard of living around the globe.


Semi-free-market Capitalism since the 1970's has drastically increased the standard of living for 2nd World nations like China, Vietnam, Poland, Russia, etc. etc. it has also somewhat increased the standard of living for many 3rd -World nations like Mexico, India, Brazil, Indonesia etc. etc.

However, the standard of living has actually arguably decreased since the 1970's in many 1st World nations, like the U.S.A, Switzerland, Germany, Britain etc. etc.

The reason for this is freedom of movement of labor in the name of cheap labor profits, to move American, and Western European jobs mostly into the rather well educated, but rather modestly paid 2nd World nations, or to a lesser extent into the mostly poor educated, and poorly paid 3rd World nations.

Europe has pretty much turned into an outhouse after opening up the doors to the middle east cage.

Europe's murder rate is much lower, and it's terrorist rate doesn't seem to be any higher.

America's only approx 60% White, every country in Europe is more White than that.

There have been way more terror attacks in europe than the US.

Not according to this map, it's pretty crazy to say the U.S.A is in better shape physically than much of Europe, when we have so many more murders than just about every country, except a few like Russia, or Lithuania.

The woman’s comment at the 2:11 mark is absolutely priceless.
“You pay more in taxes but the government takes care of you”
And...uh...why exactly does a grown ass adult want the government to “take care of them”?!? Not to mention that the government is just made up of people. So if people need government to take care of them, who is going to take care of the government?


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