Blue States are Drowning in Debt

We should just round up the poor, slaughter them, then feed the slaughtered poor to the poor. Then slaughter those poor people and make dogfood out of them. Yeah ... that's what we should do.

Nah...just cut their nuts, sew up their vaginas and or make it criminal to continue their filth cycles. Simple shit.
We should just round up the poor, slaughter them, then feed the slaughtered poor to the poor. Then slaughter those poor people and make dogfood out of them. Yeah ... that's what we should do.

Nah...just cut their nuts, sew up their vaginas and or make it criminal to continue their filth cycles. Simple shit.

So, who's going to work in the fields, or at Walmart?
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, all states drowning in a combined debt exceeding $1 trillion due to fiscal recklessness and false promises to government workers they can't afford to pay. These states are also some of the highest taxes states in the country already, so what's the solution?

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt

That's an easy one. Stop supporting the red welfare states that take in more taxes than they pay out.

2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

If that was the reason for this you would have a point, but since it’s not and you know that, why say anything at all unless you know you can’t excuse it, but don’t want to admit it? Furthermore, if you’re so upset about wealth redistribution why don’t you stop voting for politicians who do it because you only have yourself to blame.

Wealth redistribution is so terrible?

Hmm, can't really think of the alternative.

Fires burning down whole towns because there's no fire departments.

Gangs which run society, because there's no Police.

Kids who are illiterate because there's no education for them.

People dying from hunger, and of lack of healthcare in the streets.
When one tries to take from the wealthy, what they actually do is kill the middle class. Clueless they are. Stop job creators kill jobs.

Rich companies creating jobs don't equate to rich civilians creating jobs very well.

Sure, some rich civilians might hire Mexicans to mow their lawn.

But, I thought we kind of wanted that to stop?
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, all states drowning in a combined debt exceeding $1 trillion due to fiscal recklessness and false promises to government workers they can't afford to pay. These states are also some of the highest taxes states in the country already, so what's the solution?

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt

That's another bubble that I THOUGHT was gonna burst like 10 years ago when the market tanked. Have no idea how they're surviving that far in the hole. It's gotta burst sometime soon. Unless the "Trump economy" prolongs the agony..

California already approached the Federal government asking for a bail out during Obama's first term. Mark my words these states are going to claim they are too big to fail and try to force a government bail out.
But, but, but, "Ca. has the 6th largest economy in the world." This is what I get from the liberals on this board when I give Ca. a reality check.

Well that's phony math actually. Because everything from gas to housing to dental work is 2.0 to 4 times more expensive than other states. California is an ISOLATED INFLATED economy. So beware the claims and the numbers. It's the nearly $1Mill in Cali dollars that I heisted from selling my not so fabulous tract home there when I left. Spends much better elsewhere.

So -- it terms of adjusted value dollars to the REST of the states -- it's not so fabulous. They get away with it because LARGE sectors of their economy are self-contained and do not buy/sell from a supply chain outside the state. Like Silicon Valley. Completely economically isolated in terms of production. Or Hollywood. Pretty much the same. It can only HAVE an agriculture sector with a constant influx of cheap labor. And the land is becoming too valuable for agriculture.

Isn't that kind of where the whole U.S.A is heading though?

I mean, our cost of living is too high, therefor nations like China, Mexico, Vietnam, India, etc. tend to siphon out our jobs, and thus wealth, and tax-base.

Actually, the only clear solution is to throw the suckers who don't believe in paying Americans behind bars.

I certainly don't want to settle for less as a country, how is that patriotism?
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, all states drowning in a combined debt exceeding $1 trillion due to fiscal recklessness and false promises to government workers they can't afford to pay. These states are also some of the highest taxes states in the country already, so what's the solution?

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt
Yep, history has shown socialism to be a fraud... Dumbasses always think “this time” it will work...
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, all states drowning in a combined debt exceeding $1 trillion due to fiscal recklessness and false promises to government workers they can't afford to pay. These states are also some of the highest taxes states in the country already, so what's the solution?

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt

That's another bubble that I THOUGHT was gonna burst like 10 years ago when the market tanked. Have no idea how they're surviving that far in the hole. It's gotta burst sometime soon. Unless the "Trump economy" prolongs the agony..

California already approached the Federal government asking for a bail out during Obama's first term. Mark my words these states are going to claim they are too big to fail and try to force a government bail out.
But, but, but, "Ca. has the 6th largest economy in the world." This is what I get from the liberals on this board when I give Ca. a reality check.

Well that's phony math actually. Because everything from gas to housing to dental work is 2.0 to 4 times more expensive than other states. California is an ISOLATED INFLATED economy. So beware the claims and the numbers. It's the nearly $1Mill in Cali dollars that I heisted from selling my not so fabulous tract home there when I left. Spends much better elsewhere.

So -- it terms of adjusted value dollars to the REST of the states -- it's not so fabulous. They get away with it because LARGE sectors of their economy are self-contained and do not buy/sell from a supply chain outside the state. Like Silicon Valley. Completely economically isolated in terms of production. Or Hollywood. Pretty much the same. It can only HAVE an agriculture sector with a constant influx of cheap labor. And the land is becoming too valuable for agriculture.

Isn't that kind of where the whole U.S.A is heading though?

I mean, our cost of living is too high, therefor nations like China, Mexico, Vietnam, India, etc. tend to siphon out our jobs, and thus wealth, and tax-base.

Actually, the only clear solution is to throw the suckers who don't believe in paying Americans behind bars.

I certainly don't want to settle for less as a country, how is that patriotism?

Difference is cost of living in these states is inflationary fantasy. One of the reasons people and jobs flee is that taxes ADD to that inflation. Drives it higher. Getting paid $14 dollars at MickeyDs in California versus $8 in Tennessee is simply $$$ inflation. Not increased Gross State Product or living like a king. So the number reporting is completely fucked up..

The GLOBAL competition aspect of it is another matter. What was SUPPOSED to happen when we gave up unskilled manufacturing jobs was that WE were supposed to do the HARD stuff. Not make basketballs and underwear. But we got lazy. Our leaders failed to make the news hit home and we got screwed.

WE were supposed to design the 21st Century factories and automation and artificial intelligence.. But too many MBAs around scrimping pennies meant nobody was looking to the future.
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That's another bubble that I THOUGHT was gonna burst like 10 years ago when the market tanked. Have no idea how they're surviving that far in the hole. It's gotta burst sometime soon. Unless the "Trump economy" prolongs the agony..

California already approached the Federal government asking for a bail out during Obama's first term. Mark my words these states are going to claim they are too big to fail and try to force a government bail out.
But, but, but, "Ca. has the 6th largest economy in the world." This is what I get from the liberals on this board when I give Ca. a reality check.

Well that's phony math actually. Because everything from gas to housing to dental work is 2.0 to 4 times more expensive than other states. California is an ISOLATED INFLATED economy. So beware the claims and the numbers. It's the nearly $1Mill in Cali dollars that I heisted from selling my not so fabulous tract home there when I left. Spends much better elsewhere.

So -- it terms of adjusted value dollars to the REST of the states -- it's not so fabulous. They get away with it because LARGE sectors of their economy are self-contained and do not buy/sell from a supply chain outside the state. Like Silicon Valley. Completely economically isolated in terms of production. Or Hollywood. Pretty much the same. It can only HAVE an agriculture sector with a constant influx of cheap labor. And the land is becoming too valuable for agriculture.

Isn't that kind of where the whole U.S.A is heading though?

I mean, our cost of living is too high, therefor nations like China, Mexico, Vietnam, India, etc. tend to siphon out our jobs, and thus wealth, and tax-base.

Actually, the only clear solution is to throw the suckers who don't believe in paying Americans behind bars.

I certainly don't want to settle for less as a country, how is that patriotism?

Difference is cost of living in these states is inflationary fantasy. One of the reasons people and jobs flee is that taxes ADD to that inflation. Drives it higher. Getting paid $14 dollars at MickeyDs in California versus $8 in Tennessee is simply $$$ inflation. Not increased Gross State Product or living like a king. So the number reporting is completely fucked up..

The GLOBAL competition aspect of it is another matter. What was SUPPOSED to happen when we gave up unskilled manufacturing jobs was that WE were supposed to do the HARD stuff. Not make basketballs and underwear. But we got lazy. Our leaders failed to make the news hit home and we got screwed.

WE were supposed to design the 21st Century factories and automation and artificial intelligence.. But too many MBAs around scrimping pennies meant nobody was looking to the future.

Well, arguably the difference in pay between working at McDonald's in Tennessee vs Mexico is also inflation, and between Mexico vs Guatemala, and so forth.
California already approached the Federal government asking for a bail out during Obama's first term. Mark my words these states are going to claim they are too big to fail and try to force a government bail out.
But, but, but, "Ca. has the 6th largest economy in the world." This is what I get from the liberals on this board when I give Ca. a reality check.

Well that's phony math actually. Because everything from gas to housing to dental work is 2.0 to 4 times more expensive than other states. California is an ISOLATED INFLATED economy. So beware the claims and the numbers. It's the nearly $1Mill in Cali dollars that I heisted from selling my not so fabulous tract home there when I left. Spends much better elsewhere.

So -- it terms of adjusted value dollars to the REST of the states -- it's not so fabulous. They get away with it because LARGE sectors of their economy are self-contained and do not buy/sell from a supply chain outside the state. Like Silicon Valley. Completely economically isolated in terms of production. Or Hollywood. Pretty much the same. It can only HAVE an agriculture sector with a constant influx of cheap labor. And the land is becoming too valuable for agriculture.

Isn't that kind of where the whole U.S.A is heading though?

I mean, our cost of living is too high, therefor nations like China, Mexico, Vietnam, India, etc. tend to siphon out our jobs, and thus wealth, and tax-base.

Actually, the only clear solution is to throw the suckers who don't believe in paying Americans behind bars.

I certainly don't want to settle for less as a country, how is that patriotism?

Difference is cost of living in these states is inflationary fantasy. One of the reasons people and jobs flee is that taxes ADD to that inflation. Drives it higher. Getting paid $14 dollars at MickeyDs in California versus $8 in Tennessee is simply $$$ inflation. Not increased Gross State Product or living like a king. So the number reporting is completely fucked up..

The GLOBAL competition aspect of it is another matter. What was SUPPOSED to happen when we gave up unskilled manufacturing jobs was that WE were supposed to do the HARD stuff. Not make basketballs and underwear. But we got lazy. Our leaders failed to make the news hit home and we got screwed.

WE were supposed to design the 21st Century factories and automation and artificial intelligence.. But too many MBAs around scrimping pennies meant nobody was looking to the future.

Well, arguably the difference in pay between working at McDonald's in Tennessee vs Mexico is also inflation, and between Mexico vs Guatemala, and so forth.

Yeah exactly. So consider the same argument applies to GDP amongst countries as well. Especially normalized by population. What LOOKS like poverty or wealth may not be a measure of that at all. An American company could attempt to pay US wages at a Mexican Soccer Ball plant and end up making a economic dynasty of soccer ball assemblers in that country. Living at the country clubs. When those soccer balls ship North --- they are valued at 1/5th to 1/4th of what the GDP value would be if they were made in the USA.
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, all states drowning in a combined debt exceeding $1 trillion due to fiscal recklessness and false promises to government workers they can't afford to pay. These states are also some of the highest taxes states in the country already, so what's the solution?

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt
Luckily I live in Maryland...

We're a "rich" State... We can afford it...

Ask Kathleen...
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, all states drowning in a combined debt exceeding $1 trillion due to fiscal recklessness and false promises to government workers they can't afford to pay. These states are also some of the highest taxes states in the country already, so what's the solution?

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt

That is a very questionable report. NY is actually in the top 10 for funding their pension plans. Not that they are where they should be. Red states like Kentucky and SC are near the bottom in funding their pension plans. They do not have high taxes. NJ until last year had a Republican governor who did nothing to attempt to fix it. It is not as simple as you want to make it.
Many of these states that are in fiscal difficulties have clauses in their state Constitutions that says they are obligated to pay the defined public pensions that they have agreed to. But in too many cases they just won't be able to do it and still provide the other necessary services to their residents, like police and fire, sanitation, etc. So, they're going to have to rewrite those laws to allow the legislatures and governors to change those agreements somehow, cuz I can't see the federal gov't bailing them out. Maybe if the Dems control both the Senate and the House and a Dem is in the WH they could do some kind of bailout with gov't backed loans, but they'd be done as a political party for a very long time if they did that.
Pensions are poison
Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, California, all states drowning in a combined debt exceeding $1 trillion due to fiscal recklessness and false promises to government workers they can't afford to pay. These states are also some of the highest taxes states in the country already, so what's the solution?

These American states are drowning in ‘irretrievable’ debt

That is a very questionable report. NY is actually in the top 10 for funding their pension plans. Not that they are where they should be. Red states like Kentucky and SC are near the bottom in funding their pension plans. They do not have high taxes. NJ until last year had a Republican governor who did nothing to attempt to fix it. It is not as simple as you want to make it.
Pensions are poison
I think we'll find that most, if not all, of those states in the op are the biggest spenders toward fighting poverty.

For example...States with the most government benefits

The moral of it is that when the government incentivizes poverty, we get more of it.

The solution is simple. Get back to free markets.
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We should just round up the poor, slaughter them, then feed the slaughtered poor to the poor. Then slaughter those poor people and make dogfood out of them. Yeah ... that's what we should do.

Nah...just cut their nuts, sew up their vaginas and or make it criminal to continue their filth cycles. Simple shit.

YOU would be in line for a sewing, of course.
Donald added trillions to the national debt by giving away money in the form of tax cuts to the rich, and cons said nothing.

See how twisted and fucked in the head you Loons honestly believe that a tax cut for a productive American is equal to an entitlement for Gustavo, Guadalupe and their litter of anchors. You honestly believe the good guy taking the tax cut and keeping more of what he generated is stealing from Gustavo.
Fucking bizarre!
Well sure...Gustavo deserves to come here with his life long untreated diabetes,pancreatitis and hep c and rack up hospital bills in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and soak Medicaid of those funds...because votes. While our working poor and vets get the back seat.
Donald added trillions to the national debt by giving away money in the form of tax cuts to the rich, and cons said nothing.

See how twisted and fucked in the head you Loons honestly believe that a tax cut for a productive American is equal to an entitlement for Gustavo, Guadalupe and their litter of anchors. You honestly believe the good guy taking the tax cut and keeping more of what he generated is stealing from Gustavo.
Fucking bizarre!
Well sure...Gustavo deserves to come here with his life long untreated diabetes,pancreatitis and hep c and rack up hospital bills in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and soak Medicaid of those funds...because votes. While our working poor and vets get the back seat.

Somehow, someway it all makes perfect sense in LibTardia.

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