Blue Wall or Blue Cage?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
The crackdown on illegal immigration at the assumed limit could cost the Democratic party 16 seats in congress and the same number of Electoral College votes.

Sanctuary status sequester could cause at least two effectively immediate defaults: IL and CA.

When regulatory and fiscal drag at the state and local level are figured in wealth and income disparities between Red and Blue states are much, much lower than what is advertised, enough lower that reduced that if promised reductions in federal taxes and regulations pass, that will probably reverse the wealth and income disparities.

So which is it wall or cage?
The crackdown on illegal immigration at the assumed limit could cost the Democratic party 16 seats in congress and the same number of Electoral College votes.

Sanctuary status sequester could cause at least two effectively immediate defaults: IL and CA.

When regulatory and fiscal drag at the state and local level are figured in wealth and income disparities between Red and Blue states are much, much lower than what is advertised, enough lower that reduced that if promised reductions in federal taxes and regulations pass, that will probably reverse the wealth and income disparities.

So which is it wall or cage?
Trump said three days ago that he is going to build the wall by cutting social spending. Trump said three days ago that he is starting by cutting social spending by 18 billion.
The law of supply and demand says that our wages would rise if the cheap labor went back to Mexico

Yes, the places where the locals cracked down them, like in Alabama and Georgia, saw an immediate rise or $1 to $2 an hour at Wally World and elsewhere around towns nearby. This doesn't sound like a lot to those way up the income scale but it's significant to those who need the jobs and income at that level; that level of jobs is the vast majority that have been created over the last couple of decades. No more working their illegals off the clock 2 or 5 hours a day and the other abuses employers and their managers think they have some sort of right to do.
The crackdown on illegal immigration at the assumed limit could cost the Democratic party 16 seats in congress and the same number of Electoral College votes.

Cali would lose about 12 seats if anchor babies were included, currently they would lose probably 4 right off the bat, Texas would lose 2. Haven't figured what Illinois would lose, New York would lose a few, too, so yes, 16 would be pretty close.
The law of supply and demand says that our wages would rise if the cheap labor went back to Mexico

Yes, the places where the locals cracked down them, like in Alabama and Georgia, saw an immediate rise or $1 to $2 an hour at Wally World and elsewhere around towns nearby. This doesn't sound like a lot to those way up the income scale but it's significant to those who need the jobs and income at that level; that level of jobs is the vast majority that have been created over the last couple of decades. No more working their illegals off the clock 2 or 5 hours a day and the other abuses employers and their managers think they have some sort of right to do.

I lived in rural and urban Georgia for 25 years and know Georgia People and Georgia Law like the back of my hand. Alabama people are a little strange and the best thing about Alabama is I-20 to get the fuck out.
Think about it Demographically.

The Democrats are led by the wealthiest 1% of the nation and they are intent on screwing over Working Class American citizens by every means possible. The minority Working Class continue to support the Democrats as they figure anything that screws over white workers is good for them, as if illegals were one of them, but instead this lowers their employment opportunity and compensation as well.

While driving out illegals helps US working Americans, it would then affirm to working class minorities that their support of the Dimmocrat 1% is paying off.

So I think this might have to still get worse before it can become better.

BTW, refugees are the new black market working slaves for that Dimmocrat 1%.
The crackdown on illegal immigration at the assumed limit could cost the Democratic party 16 seats in congress and the same number of Electoral College votes.

Sanctuary status sequester could cause at least two effectively immediate defaults: IL and CA.

When regulatory and fiscal drag at the state and local level are figured in wealth and income disparities between Red and Blue states are much, much lower than what is advertised, enough lower that reduced that if promised reductions in federal taxes and regulations pass, that will probably reverse the wealth and income disparities.

So which is it wall or cage?

My good man, this is exactly why between now and 2020 is so important to our country. With the census being taken in 2020, the mighty blue wall will collapse. The heartland will become in virtual full control of the country. With the removal of some illegals, and the fleeing of the populace from these states, their numbers will drop far more than 16!

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Think about it Demographically.

The Democrats are led by the wealthiest 1% of the nation and they are intent on screwing over Working Class American citizens by every means possible. The minority Working Class continue to support the Democrats as they figure anything that screws over white workers is good for them, as if illegals were one of them, but instead this lowers their employment opportunity and compensation as well.

While driving out illegals helps US working Americans, it would then affirm to working class minorities that their support of the Dimmocrat 1% is paying off.

So I think this might have to still get worse before it can become better.

BTW, refugees are the new black market working slaves for that Dimmocrat 1%.

The Hoover Days did that.
Think about it Demographically.

The Democrats are led by the wealthiest 1% of the nation and they are intent on screwing over Working Class American citizens by every means possible. The minority Working Class continue to support the Democrats as they figure anything that screws over white workers is good for them, as if illegals were one of them, but instead this lowers their employment opportunity and compensation as well.

While driving out illegals helps US working Americans, it would then affirm to working class minorities that their support of the Dimmocrat 1% is paying off.

So I think this might have to still get worse before it can become better.

BTW, refugees are the new black market working slaves for that Dimmocrat 1%.

These 'charities' and 'refugee aid' groups get serious bucks for 'resettling' them, and then forgetting them afterwards and focusing on the new ones, which is why you see so many of them pretending to be 'caring'. Offer the same money to those Americans stuck in ghettos to relocate and watch those go away and Democrats losing more seats as well.

I worked with a lot of Asian immigrants in the tech fields. One in particular for a few years came over with $800 in his pocket, but he got housing and free university, got a decent job right off during the tech boom in Silly Con Valley, and would look down his nose at Americans who weren't as well set up, couldn't understand why they were struggling when it was so easy to get ahead here, they must all be stupid and lazy. Three years after I met him, he got his citizenship, and it's now sinking in that he is going to be paying for his two kids all on his own, and complains about how expensive it is and he can't afford it. He now understands he had it good, and is far less arrogant now; experience is the best teacher. He is also aware now of how those tech businesses operate, colluding with each other to hold wages low and pronouncing fake 'job shortages' and making up fake job requirements nobody qualifies for except some person they already have in mind to hire and need a green card for. lol

A Catholic Charities group in California got busted a while back for labor racketeering, steering Vietnamese refugees to meat packing plants in the Midwest for crap wages and taking a cut for it, so yes, refugees are indeed exploited and used to crash wages as well, along with criminal illegal aliens.
Think about it Demographically.

The Democrats are led by the wealthiest 1% of the nation and they are intent on screwing over Working Class American citizens by every means possible. The minority Working Class continue to support the Democrats as they figure anything that screws over white workers is good for them, as if illegals were one of them, but instead this lowers their employment opportunity and compensation as well.

While driving out illegals helps US working Americans, it would then affirm to working class minorities that their support of the Dimmocrat 1% is paying off.

So I think this might have to still get worse before it can become better.

BTW, refugees are the new black market working slaves for that Dimmocrat 1%.

These 'charities' and 'refugee aid' groups get serious bucks for 'resettling' them, and then forgetting them afterwards and focusing on the new ones, which is why you see so many of them pretending to be 'caring'. Offer the same money to those Americans stuck in ghettos to relocate and watch those go away and Democrats losing more seats as well.

I worked with a lot of Asian immigrants in the tech fields. One in particular for a few years came over with $800 in his pocket, but he got housing and free university, got a decent job right off during the tech boom in Silly Con Valley, and would look down his nose at Americans who weren't as well set up, couldn't understand why they were struggling when it was so easy to get ahead here, they must all be stupid and lazy. Three years after I met him, he got his citizenship, and it's now sinking in that he is going to be paying for his two kids all on his own, and complains about how expensive it is and he can't afford it. He now understands he had it good, and is far less arrogant now; experience is the best teacher. He is also aware now of how those tech businesses operate, colluding with each other to hold wages low and pronouncing fake 'job shortages' and making up fake job requirements nobody qualifies for except some person they already have in mind to hire and need a green card for. lol

Not for profit is the legal term for a tax free ride. Just ask Pastor Sharpton if you think otherwise.
The law of supply and demand says that our wages would rise if the cheap labor went back to Mexico

Yes, the places where the locals cracked down them, like in Alabama and Georgia, saw an immediate rise or $1 to $2 an hour at Wally World and elsewhere around towns nearby. This doesn't sound like a lot to those way up the income scale but it's significant to those who need the jobs and income at that level; that level of jobs is the vast majority that have been created over the last couple of decades. No more working their illegals off the clock 2 or 5 hours a day and the other abuses employers and their managers think they have some sort of right to do.

Got a link to support your claim? This one tells a different story...

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires
The Blue Wall has been failing since before its failure made Nixon's southern strategy possible in 1968. That is known. What is being ignored is that Democratic policy is tied to both the global warming trend continuing and peak oil being in the past. Neither of those lynchpins can be independently verified post-2000 but a crash starts slow and then become major league without much warning like 2006 vs. 2008 in the meltdown.
I believe this thread is extremely important. It shows exactly why the leftists are in full panic, Marxist mode. If the Republicans hold congress through the 2020 election, and Trump or any other Republican gets elected President, the left due to the census change in electoral votes, and congressional seats, will be done for at least 15 years following.

The truth is----> the tax paying citizenry holding on to the machinations of their own country, revolve around illegal immigration, legal immigration, and visa over stays! The reason the left needs control of this is------> it is not how many, but what kind come in! They want poor needy people, not doctors, lawyers, or engineers. This is why they cry over the lettuce pickers, even when there are to many of them. Their plan is obvious.
Ergo the 'urban democrat plantations", keep them in need of government handouts, and control their votes...
Ergo the 'urban democrat plantations", keep them in need of government handouts, and control their votes...

Agreed! The left is using these people to stack the deck, since it can't get enough of their own citizens to vote for them, especially in congress. If they can NOT import them and have an amnesty with citizenship before Trump removes them and builds a wall, they know their leftist rearends are cooked!
The law of supply and demand says that our wages would rise if the cheap labor went back to Mexico

the LAW of business says prices for products increase when the cost of labor increases.

The law of supply and demand says that our wages would rise if the cheap labor went back to Mexico

the LAW of business says prices for products increase when the cost of labor increases.


And the law of economics says-------> you can't have open borders AND a welfare state, which is exactly what the left is attempting to do!
The law of supply and demand says that our wages would rise if the cheap labor went back to Mexico

the LAW of business says prices for products increase when the cost of labor increases.

The law of supply and demand says that our wages would rise if the cheap labor went back to Mexico

the LAW of business says prices for products increase when the cost of labor increases.


While true what do you find so objectionable to higher wages for your fellow Americans and automation of work that is very low skill? Besides the fact that the poor will go to where they get the most bennies?

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