Blue Wall or Blue Cage?

The law of supply and demand says that our wages would rise if the cheap labor went back to Mexico

the LAW of business says prices for products increase when the cost of labor increases.


While true what do you find so objectionable to higher wages for your fellow Americans and automation of work that is very low skill? Besides the fact that the poor will go to where they get the most bennies?
The law of supply and demand says that our wages would rise if the cheap labor went back to Mexico

the LAW of business says prices for products increase when the cost of labor increases.

The law of supply and demand says that our wages would rise if the cheap labor went back to Mexico

the LAW of business says prices for products increase when the cost of labor increases.


While true what do you find so objectionable to higher wages for your fellow Americans and automation of work that is very low skill? Besides the fact that the poor will go to where they get the most bennies?

my fellow Americans aren't willing to work for wages that make some products competitive ... wolud you work 12 hours a day, sunup to sundown picking oranges for 40 bucks ?

then go take a job away from a mexican, and quit bitching
Ergo the 'urban democrat plantations", keep them in need of government handouts, and control their votes...
Turning Hypercriticism Into Constructive Criticism

Instead of rejecting the objection of the enemies of democracy that it works only until people vote to live off the taxpayers, we should disenfranchise any group that has a proven tendency to do just that.
If the census were conducted according to the Constitution, no immigrants, legal or illegal, would be counted for representation. I give you Section 2 of the 14th amendment. My B/U.

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state.

14th Amendment

It basically says only those citizen who are eligible to vote should be counted for representation. Of course the census bureau and congress ignores the Constitution, because it's unconstitutionally used for purposes it was never intended to be used for.
The law of supply and demand says that our wages would rise if the cheap labor went back to Mexico

Yes, the places where the locals cracked down them, like in Alabama and Georgia, saw an immediate rise or $1 to $2 an hour at Wally World and elsewhere around towns nearby. This doesn't sound like a lot to those way up the income scale but it's significant to those who need the jobs and income at that level; that level of jobs is the vast majority that have been created over the last couple of decades. No more working their illegals off the clock 2 or 5 hours a day and the other abuses employers and their managers think they have some sort of right to do.

Got a link to support your claim? This one tells a different story...

The Law Of Unintended Consequences: Georgia's Immigration Law Backfires

I don't do fake news. You'll have to go play with the other propagandists. I'll stay with existential reality and real life effects.
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The law of supply and demand says that our wages would rise if the cheap labor went back to Mexico

the LAW of business says prices for products increase when the cost of labor increases.


So all that cheap immigrant labor reduced prices during the housing bubbles? Fascinating, because I never saw anybody decreasing their prices because their labor costs went down. what I did see was a whole lot of over-building that made the down-turn far worse than it should have been, and a lot more loans on grossly inflated 'equities' as a result.
The law of supply and demand says that our wages would rise if the cheap labor went back to Mexico

the LAW of business says prices for products increase when the cost of labor increases.


So all that cheap immigrant labor reduced prices during the housing bubbles? Fascinating, because I never saw anybody decreasing their prices because their labor costs went down. what I did see was a whole lot of over-building that made the down-turn far worse than it should have been, and a lot more loans on grossly inflated 'equities' as a result.

You are understating the problem. During the last housing bubble well past hitting stall speed in 2005 and AIG heading for the exits Erik Estrada was selling overpriced crap from the S&L and dot com bubbles. I would suspect he is still dodging process servers from his promotion of what is now referred to as Wash a Way Beach. In Louisiana the recent flooding was caused mostly by the state trying to get land sold and back on the tax rolls but in the building of better access the flood drain was taken out. California is now in another bubble trying to sell off properties from all the bubbles dating back to the late 1800s. All of this is being facilitated by a tax system based on stock and real estate bubbles.
The law of supply and demand says that our wages would rise if the cheap labor went back to Mexico

the LAW of business says prices for products increase when the cost of labor increases.


So all that cheap immigrant labor reduced prices during the housing bubbles? Fascinating, because I never saw anybody decreasing their prices because their labor costs went down. what I did see was a whole lot of over-building that made the down-turn far worse than it should have been, and a lot more loans on grossly inflated 'equities' as a result.

You are understating the problem. During the last housing bubble well past hitting stall speed in 2005 and AIG heading for the exits Erik Estrada was selling overpriced crap from the S&L and dot com bubbles. I would suspect he is still dodging process servers from his promotion of what is now referred to as Wash a Way Beach. In Louisiana the recent flooding was caused mostly by the state trying to get land sold and back on the tax rolls but in the building of better access the flood drain was taken out. California is now in another bubble trying to sell off properties from all the bubbles dating back to the late 1800s. All of this is being facilitated by a tax system based on stock and real estate bubbles.

And here is the other thing both sides neglect to tell you------------> when economic cycles of the 20th century happened, as people finally got money into their pockets, there was no choice but for the American economy to pick up, since it was by far the largest manufacturer in the world. In fact, at that time, it probably was as big as the rest of the world combined, ergo; it was the only place to get stuff, and so its manufacturing base and economy HAD to rise.

This is no longer the case; or rather, America is not anywhere near as dominant. So, when money is fed into pockets, buying goods is NOT as country specific as it used to be. If you buy a new TV; while you may be helping the truckers and the salesperson at Best Buy, you are no longer helping Zenith and its engineers improve their bottomline, and convincing them to hire more Americans to run their factories.

It is the driving message economically of the Trump campaign, that onerous regulations and taxes, FORCE manufacturers to flee our American jurisdiction, just like California and New York's chase its citizens to greener pastures. The 5 things that affect a corporations bottom line are simple, and do not take a rocket scientist to figure out------>

1. Labor costs.

2. Cost to comply with regulations.

3. Tax rate.

4. Transportation to the market for which the product is intended for.

5. Energy costs to produce the product for the market.

Now look at the leftist agenda------>

1. Helping unions stay intact through government interference..........affecting LABOR COSTS!


3. Keeping business TAX RATES HIGH!

4. EPA over interference in formulations for FUEL affecting TRANSPORTATION!

5. As China opens an average of 1 coal fired powerplant a month, the left wants all of ours shut down, even if they convert to clean coal, forcing ENERGY COSTS to RISE for manufacturers, and consumers alike!

The thinking individual knows that their agenda is against manufacturing, and that is why they push the climate change propaganda. They care NOT where the poor, uneducated people will work, they are sooooooo smart, it is their way, or the highway!

This is exactly why these people are dangerous, in, or out, or affecting our elections. They create their own self fulfilled prophecy by eliminating manufacturing jobs because of their agenda, then tell all of us America is cruel. No, the left is cruel, and arrogant! They throw out the red herring that manufacturing jobs are going away. OK, then explain if your argument the ONLY reason manufacturers leave is LABOR COSTS, then why do they still flee if robots will be doing all the work very soon? You see, the left is full of propaganda! Either manufacturing jobs are NOT going away so it IS labor costs, or they are going away, and it is THEIR agenda on the other 4 that are driving manufacturers and their robots OUT of the United States.

And so, the next 4 years elections are very, very, important. Educating some of the Democratic constituency that it is their own leaders who are screwing them is paramount. Trump has done this, and that is exactly why the left hates him as much or more than Reagan. (Reagan did the same thing, just on a broader scale) While organized, private sector labor is a much smaller % of Americans then when Reagan ran, without them, the Democrats are screwed unless they can import more Democratic voters........thus their whole schtick and stance on illegals.

And now the TRILLION dollar question----------> if we assume that political stances stayed EXACTLY THE SAME across the country under this scenario, how much fleeing from liberal jurisdictions would appear on the census map WITHOUT the influx of illegal aliens to give a semblance of balance to these dark, blue, regions?!?!?! (yes, I know, Texas would take a hit also) Imagine, just REMOVE ILLEGAL ALIENS from a population map of the United States, and what would that map look like!

Now you know why the left is pushing so, damn, hard on this issue. Don't let them talk crap! Keep their feet to the fire! Remember-------->it makes not one iota of difference to cost of a product if we LEGALLY allow people temporary green cards to come across the border and pick our lettuce, (the lefts argument) or we allow ILLEGALS to swamp us and stay after picking it! Their whole argument is phony-baloney, and anyone with a lick of sense, knows it!

Now you know why the left is ALL IN on this issue, even if poll after poll shows that Americans are NOT with them. Without illegals to prop up their count in congressional districts, their power will dissipate like the morning fog. It is all about THE MAP. Look closely at it, and you too will agree. It is not about FAIRNESS, or the POOR, or BROWN PEOPLE; it is about POLITICS, and convincing YOU to break your own laws to help keep them with a chance to regain power!
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