BMW Says It May Cut Investments & Jobs in South Carolina Due to Tariffs

Pure posturing for negotiations. Countries, and companies will threaten, cry wolf, and do anything to try to improve their negotiating position. If we panic at every announcement, we will LOSE. America represents many foreign companies LARGEST, and most LUCRATIVE market. They will not do anything to risk losing that. Please stop wetting the bed over STATEMENTS by companies, and countries.

Yes they will. The rest of the world represents another major market and it will force companies who produce goods for overseas sales in the US to move that production overseas as HD did.
Sigh. . . . Yes, of course BMW is going to threaten this, and they might well do it. You realize BMW is not an American company, right?

Again, for the hundredth time, this kind of adjustment is going to happen when a country starts to protect its own industries and jobs and weans itself off the free-trade drug.

Free trade has brought us prosperity. BMW employs American workers to produce products that are shipped all around the world. Other companies who produce goods that are produced in the US and shipped overseas will have a decision to make. That includes American companies like Bowing and Caterpillar who will find themselves undercut by cheaper steel.

China has a trade surplus. We had a 500-billion-plus trade deficit last year. You know how China has a trade surplus? Because they follow the same fiercely protectionist trade policies that Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, Calvin Coolidge, etc., followed, the same trade policies that helped turn us into a global economic powerhouse.

Will some items cost more in the end? You bet, because they're not being made in dirt-wage factories and/or are not being subsidized by foreign governments. But, as history has shown over and over again, overall the country is better off with protectionism.

China is a third world country in terms of per capita income. So is Mexico. This country is better of allowing consumers to make the decision not government. When government is allowed to decide winners and losers, the country is poorer for it. This is the 21st century mot the 19th. The last time we tried protectionism we started something called the Great Depression.
Good. We can buy American now.

You have always been free to buy American, only a socialist would want the Govt to force people to do so.

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Trade policy is not socialism.

That you have to lie about that, shows that you know you are in the wrong, on this issue.

I have not lied about anything, when trade policy involves the Govt controlling more and more of the economy then it is socialism.

I personally do not want the Govt trying to tell me what to buy, but I happen to hold my freedom a little more closely than you apparently.

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The whole point of Trade Policy is to ensure that our Trade is, at least, mutually beneficial.

It has not been.

Trade Policy that does not serve the interests of our citizens, is bad trade policy.

You saying "socialism" a lot, is not an argument against that.

Ideological purity is not a good reason to ignore the interests and well being of our citizens.

The real question is whether free trade is beneficial to the country overall. It has been beneficial as it has created more jobs. TPP would have created more opportunity for farmers.

Tariffs are taxes on trades. Higher taxes on corporations cause less investment and less jobs. Conservatives used to understand this. Now they are cheering for higher taxes on consumers and corporations. But simply because someone dresses up a leftist policy and calls it "conservative" does not mean it isn't a bad idea.

U.S. tariffs on imported cars could lead BMW (BMWG.DE) to reduce investment and cut jobs in the United States due to the large number of cars it exports from its South Carolina plant, the German carmaker has warned.

President Trump’s administration last month launched an investigation into whether auto imports posed a national security threat and Trump has threatened to impose a 20 percent tariff on all imports of EU-assembled cars. ...

The BMW plant in South Carolina is its largest globally and ships more than 70 percent of its annual production to other export markets, the company said.

Chinese tariffs on U.S. passenger cars, imposed in retaliation for U.S. duties on Chinese goods, have already hiked up the cost of exporting to China, BMW said. Any U.S. tariffs would likely lead to further retaliatory measures from China and the European Union.

In addition, higher tariffs on components imported to the United States would make other production locations outside the country more competitive.

“All of these factors would substantially increase the costs of exporting passenger cars to these markets from the United States and deteriorate the market access for BMW in these jurisdictions, potentially leading to strongly reduced export volumes and negative effects on investment and employment in the United States,” BMW said in the letter.​

BMW says U.S. tariffs on EU cars may hit investment there

By slapping trade taxes on the automobile companies, it just makes those companies less competitive in global markets as American-made cars become more expensive.

Economics 101

The US market is by far the largest for BMW. If they start shifting plants to other places then it's going to cost them substantially more to ship cars BACK to the US! Sorry, but this is posturing by BMW. They need to put pressure on their own government to stop placing tariffs on US goods and then we'll have a level playing field. Until then? Buy a Lexus or a Cadillac.

This is not posturing. They can do the same thing that HD is doing. Make goods for markets overseas outside of the US so they cannot be undercut by their competitors using tariff free steel.

While the US is the largest single market, the rest of the world can be as large or larger. Look at the last Avengers movie. The 600 million it made in the US is the largest but the rest of the world represents 1.4 billion which is more than twice as much.
The biggest mistake the Trump zealots make about the trade war is the assumption that there will be a winner when the chances are all sidles will lose

Sent from my iPhone using
By what metric do you constitute a 'win'? (hypothetical) What if by bolstering our national security through increased steel and oil independence, it prevents overtures of force or lopsided trade partnerships that otherwise might have come to fruition. As from a new position of greater strength this event is never realized, do we say that we are "losers" because it took sacrifice to get that independence and nothing happened in the end to warrant the sacrifice...

US made steel had a 70 percent market share. The fact is that this does nothing for national security.
Good. We can buy American now.

You have always been free to buy American, only a socialist would want the Govt to force people to do so.

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Trade policy is not socialism.

That you have to lie about that, shows that you know you are in the wrong, on this issue.

I have not lied about anything, when trade policy involves the Govt controlling more and more of the economy then it is socialism.

I personally do not want the Govt trying to tell me what to buy, but I happen to hold my freedom a little more closely than you apparently.

Sent from my iPhone using

The whole point of Trade Policy is to ensure that our Trade is, at least, mutually beneficial.

It has not been.

Trade Policy that does not serve the interests of our citizens, is bad trade policy.

You saying "socialism" a lot, is not an argument against that.

Ideological purity is not a good reason to ignore the interests and well being of our citizens.

The real question is whether free trade is beneficial to the country overall. It has been beneficial as it has created more jobs. TPP would have created more opportunity for farmers.

Tariffs are taxes on trades. Higher taxes on corporations cause less investment and less jobs. Conservatives used to understand this. Now they are cheering for higher taxes on consumers and corporations. But simply because someone dresses up a leftist policy and calls it "conservative" does not mean it isn't a bad idea.

U.S. tariffs on imported cars could lead BMW (BMWG.DE) to reduce investment and cut jobs in the United States due to the large number of cars it exports from its South Carolina plant, the German carmaker has warned.

President Trump’s administration last month launched an investigation into whether auto imports posed a national security threat and Trump has threatened to impose a 20 percent tariff on all imports of EU-assembled cars. ...

The BMW plant in South Carolina is its largest globally and ships more than 70 percent of its annual production to other export markets, the company said.

Chinese tariffs on U.S. passenger cars, imposed in retaliation for U.S. duties on Chinese goods, have already hiked up the cost of exporting to China, BMW said. Any U.S. tariffs would likely lead to further retaliatory measures from China and the European Union.

In addition, higher tariffs on components imported to the United States would make other production locations outside the country more competitive.

“All of these factors would substantially increase the costs of exporting passenger cars to these markets from the United States and deteriorate the market access for BMW in these jurisdictions, potentially leading to strongly reduced export volumes and negative effects on investment and employment in the United States,” BMW said in the letter.​

BMW says U.S. tariffs on EU cars may hit investment there

By slapping trade taxes on the automobile companies, it just makes those companies less competitive in global markets as American-made cars become more expensive.

Economics 101

The US market is by far the largest for BMW. If they start shifting plants to other places then it's going to cost them substantially more to ship cars BACK to the US! Sorry, but this is posturing by BMW. They need to put pressure on their own government to stop placing tariffs on US goods and then we'll have a level playing field. Until then? Buy a Lexus or a Cadillac.

This is not posturing. They can do the same thing that HD is doing. Make goods for markets overseas outside of the US so they cannot be undercut by their competitors using tariff free steel.

While the US is the largest single market, the rest of the world can be as large or larger. Look at the last Avengers movie. The 600 million it made in the US is the largest but the rest of the world represents 1.4 billion which is more than twice as much.

Stupid move by Harley Davidson in my opinion. They don't make bikes that compete by undercutting anyone because to quite blunt (sorry all you Harley buffs!) there are literally dozens of other bike brands that are far less expensive...perform better and hold up better mechanically. Harley is an iconic brand that sells an image more than a product. People in Europe buy them because of that image despite what they cost now. Making them in Rumania or some other country in Europe won't have the same panache as a bike made here in the US.
Tariffs are taxes on trades. Higher taxes on corporations cause less investment and less jobs. Conservatives used to understand this. Now they are cheering for higher taxes on consumers and corporations. But simply because someone dresses up a leftist policy and calls it "conservative" does not mean it isn't a bad idea.

U.S. tariffs on imported cars could lead BMW (BMWG.DE) to reduce investment and cut jobs in the United States due to the large number of cars it exports from its South Carolina plant, the German carmaker has warned.

President Trump’s administration last month launched an investigation into whether auto imports posed a national security threat and Trump has threatened to impose a 20 percent tariff on all imports of EU-assembled cars. ...

The BMW plant in South Carolina is its largest globally and ships more than 70 percent of its annual production to other export markets, the company said.

Chinese tariffs on U.S. passenger cars, imposed in retaliation for U.S. duties on Chinese goods, have already hiked up the cost of exporting to China, BMW said. Any U.S. tariffs would likely lead to further retaliatory measures from China and the European Union.

In addition, higher tariffs on components imported to the United States would make other production locations outside the country more competitive.

“All of these factors would substantially increase the costs of exporting passenger cars to these markets from the United States and deteriorate the market access for BMW in these jurisdictions, potentially leading to strongly reduced export volumes and negative effects on investment and employment in the United States,” BMW said in the letter.​

BMW says U.S. tariffs on EU cars may hit investment there

By slapping trade taxes on the automobile companies, it just makes those companies less competitive in global markets as American-made cars become more expensive.

Economics 101

BMW builds it's cars here?

So, our workers are good enough to build BMWs, one of the better engineered cars,

and cheaper than in Europe,

so why do we always have such huge and ever growing trade deficits?

Which don't matter of course. No matter all the push back. Don't think for a second they matter. Oh no. Not even a little.
Yes they have a plant in Greer sc, and they are expanding and hiring. Just hired a buddy of mine a couple weeks ago. The op is telling you fake news.
Trade policy is not socialism.

That you have to lie about that, shows that you know you are in the wrong, on this issue.

cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance
noun: cognitive dissonance
  1. the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

Yet attacking the messenger is a classic lib troll!
Pure posturing for negotiations. Countries, and companies will threaten, cry wolf, and do anything to try to improve their negotiating position. If we panic at every announcement, we will LOSE. America represents many foreign companies LARGEST, and most LUCRATIVE market. They will not do anything to risk losing that. Please stop wetting the bed over STATEMENTS by companies, and countries.

Most of the cars in that plant are for export. BMW will not produce cars in the US that are uncompetitive in the global marketplace. It's pretty simple.

It's amazing that because Trump is now President, you have to explain simple business and economics to conservatives. That's the power of the cult of personality that his followers will believe pretty much anything he says, even if they wouldn't have believed the exact same thing had Obama said it.
Yet attacking the messenger is a classic lib troll!

You must be quite the leftist then, since your default response is to call anyone a cock-sucking faggot if they best you in debate.

Now, do you have anything of substance to add to this thread, or are you just going to be a "lib troll" by tossing out nonsequiters, partisan bromides and ad hominems?
Last edited:
The biggest mistake the Trump zealots make about the trade war is the assumption that there will be a winner when the chances are all sidles will lose

Sent from my iPhone using
By what metric do you constitute a 'win'? (hypothetical) What if by bolstering our national security through increased steel and oil independence, it prevents overtures of force or lopsided trade partnerships that otherwise might have come to fruition. As from a new position of greater strength this event is never realized, do we say that we are "losers" because it took sacrifice to get that independence and nothing happened in the end to warrant the sacrifice...

Given that these “lopsided trading partnerships” have lead the USA to be the richest country in the world, your cries that your country is getting screwed on its trade deals ring very hollow indeed.

There is no “national security” issues with your friends and allies. Trump is over stepping his Constitutional authority and is on dangerous grounds.

Republicans have always opposed tariffs. Now that these ridiculous trade wars are creating casualties where Trump is most vulnerable, farmers and working class voters.

The stock market has been rattled since Trump started this nonsense.
Tariffs are taxes on trades. Higher taxes on corporations cause less investment and less jobs. Conservatives used to understand this. Now they are cheering for higher taxes on consumers and corporations. But simply because someone dresses up a leftist policy and calls it "conservative" does not mean it isn't a bad idea.

U.S. tariffs on imported cars could lead BMW (BMWG.DE) to reduce investment and cut jobs in the United States due to the large number of cars it exports from its South Carolina plant, the German carmaker has warned.

President Trump’s administration last month launched an investigation into whether auto imports posed a national security threat and Trump has threatened to impose a 20 percent tariff on all imports of EU-assembled cars. ...

The BMW plant in South Carolina is its largest globally and ships more than 70 percent of its annual production to other export markets, the company said.

Chinese tariffs on U.S. passenger cars, imposed in retaliation for U.S. duties on Chinese goods, have already hiked up the cost of exporting to China, BMW said. Any U.S. tariffs would likely lead to further retaliatory measures from China and the European Union.

In addition, higher tariffs on components imported to the United States would make other production locations outside the country more competitive.

“All of these factors would substantially increase the costs of exporting passenger cars to these markets from the United States and deteriorate the market access for BMW in these jurisdictions, potentially leading to strongly reduced export volumes and negative effects on investment and employment in the United States,” BMW said in the letter.​

BMW says U.S. tariffs on EU cars may hit investment there

By slapping trade taxes on the automobile companies, it just makes those companies less competitive in global markets as American-made cars become more expensive.

Economics 101
No one ever said doing the right thing was ever easy or painless.

Buck up, little soldiers...
You have always been free to buy American, only a socialist would want the Govt to force people to do so.

Sent from my iPhone using

Trade policy is not socialism.

That you have to lie about that, shows that you know you are in the wrong, on this issue.

I have not lied about anything, when trade policy involves the Govt controlling more and more of the economy then it is socialism.

I personally do not want the Govt trying to tell me what to buy, but I happen to hold my freedom a little more closely than you apparently.

Sent from my iPhone using

The whole point of Trade Policy is to ensure that our Trade is, at least, mutually beneficial.

It has not been.

Trade Policy that does not serve the interests of our citizens, is bad trade policy.

You saying "socialism" a lot, is not an argument against that.

Ideological purity is not a good reason to ignore the interests and well being of our citizens.

The real question is whether free trade is beneficial to the country overall. It has been beneficial as it has created more jobs. TPP would have created more opportunity for farmers.

Tariffs are taxes on trades. Higher taxes on corporations cause less investment and less jobs. Conservatives used to understand this. Now they are cheering for higher taxes on consumers and corporations. But simply because someone dresses up a leftist policy and calls it "conservative" does not mean it isn't a bad idea.

U.S. tariffs on imported cars could lead BMW (BMWG.DE) to reduce investment and cut jobs in the United States due to the large number of cars it exports from its South Carolina plant, the German carmaker has warned.

President Trump’s administration last month launched an investigation into whether auto imports posed a national security threat and Trump has threatened to impose a 20 percent tariff on all imports of EU-assembled cars. ...

The BMW plant in South Carolina is its largest globally and ships more than 70 percent of its annual production to other export markets, the company said.

Chinese tariffs on U.S. passenger cars, imposed in retaliation for U.S. duties on Chinese goods, have already hiked up the cost of exporting to China, BMW said. Any U.S. tariffs would likely lead to further retaliatory measures from China and the European Union.

In addition, higher tariffs on components imported to the United States would make other production locations outside the country more competitive.

“All of these factors would substantially increase the costs of exporting passenger cars to these markets from the United States and deteriorate the market access for BMW in these jurisdictions, potentially leading to strongly reduced export volumes and negative effects on investment and employment in the United States,” BMW said in the letter.​

BMW says U.S. tariffs on EU cars may hit investment there

By slapping trade taxes on the automobile companies, it just makes those companies less competitive in global markets as American-made cars become more expensive.

Economics 101

The US market is by far the largest for BMW. If they start shifting plants to other places then it's going to cost them substantially more to ship cars BACK to the US! Sorry, but this is posturing by BMW. They need to put pressure on their own government to stop placing tariffs on US goods and then we'll have a level playing field. Until then? Buy a Lexus or a Cadillac.

This is not posturing. They can do the same thing that HD is doing. Make goods for markets overseas outside of the US so they cannot be undercut by their competitors using tariff free steel.

While the US is the largest single market, the rest of the world can be as large or larger. Look at the last Avengers movie. The 600 million it made in the US is the largest but the rest of the world represents 1.4 billion which is more than twice as much.

Stupid move by Harley Davidson in my opinion. They don't make bikes that compete by undercutting anyone because to quite blunt (sorry all you Harley buffs!) there are literally dozens of other bike brands that are far less expensive...perform better and hold up better mechanically. Harley is an iconic brand that sells an image more than a product. People in Europe buy them because of that image despite what they cost now. Making them in Rumania or some other country in Europe won't have the same panache as a bike made here in the US.

If that is what you want to believe then go for it. The brand name is important not where it is made. HD did the right thing. More American companies who make in the US and export overseas will be forced to do the same thing when they get undercut by competitors overseas.
Tariffs are taxes on trades. Higher taxes on corporations cause less investment and less jobs. Conservatives used to understand this. Now they are cheering for higher taxes on consumers and corporations. But simply because someone dresses up a leftist policy and calls it "conservative" does not mean it isn't a bad idea.

U.S. tariffs on imported cars could lead BMW (BMWG.DE) to reduce investment and cut jobs in the United States due to the large number of cars it exports from its South Carolina plant, the German carmaker has warned.

President Trump’s administration last month launched an investigation into whether auto imports posed a national security threat and Trump has threatened to impose a 20 percent tariff on all imports of EU-assembled cars. ...

The BMW plant in South Carolina is its largest globally and ships more than 70 percent of its annual production to other export markets, the company said.

Chinese tariffs on U.S. passenger cars, imposed in retaliation for U.S. duties on Chinese goods, have already hiked up the cost of exporting to China, BMW said. Any U.S. tariffs would likely lead to further retaliatory measures from China and the European Union.

In addition, higher tariffs on components imported to the United States would make other production locations outside the country more competitive.

“All of these factors would substantially increase the costs of exporting passenger cars to these markets from the United States and deteriorate the market access for BMW in these jurisdictions, potentially leading to strongly reduced export volumes and negative effects on investment and employment in the United States,” BMW said in the letter.​

BMW says U.S. tariffs on EU cars may hit investment there

By slapping trade taxes on the automobile companies, it just makes those companies less competitive in global markets as American-made cars become more expensive.

Economics 101
No one ever said doing the right thing was ever easy or painless.

Buck up, little soldiers...

Buck up socialist. You sound like Bernie Sanders.
Tariffs are taxes on trades. Higher taxes on corporations cause less investment and less jobs. Conservatives used to understand this. Now they are cheering for higher taxes on consumers and corporations. But simply because someone dresses up a leftist policy and calls it "conservative" does not mean it isn't a bad idea.

U.S. tariffs on imported cars could lead BMW (BMWG.DE) to reduce investment and cut jobs in the United States due to the large number of cars it exports from its South Carolina plant, the German carmaker has warned.

President Trump’s administration last month launched an investigation into whether auto imports posed a national security threat and Trump has threatened to impose a 20 percent tariff on all imports of EU-assembled cars. ...

The BMW plant in South Carolina is its largest globally and ships more than 70 percent of its annual production to other export markets, the company said.

Chinese tariffs on U.S. passenger cars, imposed in retaliation for U.S. duties on Chinese goods, have already hiked up the cost of exporting to China, BMW said. Any U.S. tariffs would likely lead to further retaliatory measures from China and the European Union.

In addition, higher tariffs on components imported to the United States would make other production locations outside the country more competitive.

“All of these factors would substantially increase the costs of exporting passenger cars to these markets from the United States and deteriorate the market access for BMW in these jurisdictions, potentially leading to strongly reduced export volumes and negative effects on investment and employment in the United States,” BMW said in the letter.​

BMW says U.S. tariffs on EU cars may hit investment there

By slapping trade taxes on the automobile companies, it just makes those companies less competitive in global markets as American-made cars become more expensive.

Economics 101

Meanwhile the EU imposes tariffs on US cars, American cars are nowhere to be seen in Germany except mainly ones being driven by Americans stationed over here.
The biggest mistake the Trump zealots make about the trade war is the assumption that there will be a winner when the chances are all sidles will lose

Sent from my iPhone using
By what metric do you constitute a 'win'? (hypothetical) What if by bolstering our national security through increased steel and oil independence, it prevents overtures of force or lopsided trade partnerships that otherwise might have come to fruition. As from a new position of greater strength this event is never realized, do we say that we are "losers" because it took sacrifice to get that independence and nothing happened in the end to warrant the sacrifice...

Given that these “lopsided trading partnerships” have lead the USA to be the richest country in the world, your cries that your country is getting screwed on its trade deals ring very hollow indeed.

There is no “national security” issues with your friends and allies. Trump is over stepping his Constitutional authority and is on dangerous grounds.

Republicans have always opposed tariffs. Now that these ridiculous trade wars are creating casualties where Trump is most vulnerable, farmers and working class voters.

The stock market has been rattled since Trump started this nonsense.

We're having difficulty here in America trying to determine who our
"friends and allies" are. When money is being paid needlessly for
EU tariff's that could be spent on defense, we have a problem with
that. It becomes a "National Security" issue. And then when we see
that most in the EU do not pay their agreed on 2% of GDP on defense,
and we're footing the bill for 22% of NATO finances, we have a problem
with that.

As for History. The farmers and working class voters of South Carolina
fired on Ft Sumter when they thought they were being screwed over.

Prior to that...It was So Carolina Militia that drubbed the Brits at Cowpens
and started the Dominos falling for the end of the American Revolution
and an American victory.

Those folks don't buckle.
No, he is a lefty who is using the rhetoric of libertarians, as emotional buzzwords, to attack a pro-American trade policy.

Despite what he explicitly states, what he is really doing it just an Appeal to Emotion, Logical Fallacy.

I love how all you statist try and paint me as a lefty, simply hilarious

When you find a single issue you are to the right of me on, let me know

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You certainly are just using those words as Appeals to Emotion.

One more time, name me a single issue you think you are the the right of me on....

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Ya think? How many years did you spend in service to the defense if your country?

I think you confuse jingoism for nationalism

Sent from my iPhone using

I don't know how long ago your Service was,

but TODAY, you can't support a policy if the only justification is that is it good for America and Americans.

Your more concerned with personal self interest and/or ideological purity.

TODAY, on the issue of Nationalism, I am to the right of you.

You asked, and I answered.
Tariffs are taxes on trades. Higher taxes on corporations cause less investment and less jobs. Conservatives used to understand this. Now they are cheering for higher taxes on consumers and corporations. But simply because someone dresses up a leftist policy and calls it "conservative" does not mean it isn't a bad idea.

U.S. tariffs on imported cars could lead BMW (BMWG.DE) to reduce investment and cut jobs in the United States due to the large number of cars it exports from its South Carolina plant, the German carmaker has warned.

President Trump’s administration last month launched an investigation into whether auto imports posed a national security threat and Trump has threatened to impose a 20 percent tariff on all imports of EU-assembled cars. ...

The BMW plant in South Carolina is its largest globally and ships more than 70 percent of its annual production to other export markets, the company said.

Chinese tariffs on U.S. passenger cars, imposed in retaliation for U.S. duties on Chinese goods, have already hiked up the cost of exporting to China, BMW said. Any U.S. tariffs would likely lead to further retaliatory measures from China and the European Union.

In addition, higher tariffs on components imported to the United States would make other production locations outside the country more competitive.

“All of these factors would substantially increase the costs of exporting passenger cars to these markets from the United States and deteriorate the market access for BMW in these jurisdictions, potentially leading to strongly reduced export volumes and negative effects on investment and employment in the United States,” BMW said in the letter.​

BMW says U.S. tariffs on EU cars may hit investment there

By slapping trade taxes on the automobile companies, it just makes those companies less competitive in global markets as American-made cars become more expensive.

Economics 101

BMW builds it's cars here?

So, our workers are good enough to build BMWs, one of the better engineered cars,

and cheaper than in Europe,

so why do we always have such huge and ever growing trade deficits?

Which don't matter of course. No matter all the push back. Don't think for a second they matter. Oh no. Not even a little.

The trouble is they will be more expensive because BMW has to pay HIGHER prices for steel.

The reason we have a trade deficit is because we are a rich country. We could be a poor country and have a trade surplus.

Germany has a trade surplus. Japan has a surplus, the Netherlands has a surplus, Italy has a surplus.

My point was, that when you ask Free Traders and Globalists why American has a trade deficit, so often you get answer likes, "American workers are unskilled and untrained" or "lazy".

THe BMW plant proves that to be a lie.

If one player always loses, and you have evidence that that player is a good player, ie high productivity, skilled labor, ect,

then the game is fucking rigged.

The pushback is because our trading partners enjoy enriching themselves at our expense.

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