BMW Says It May Cut Investments & Jobs in South Carolina Due to Tariffs

Having a trade policy does not make one socialist, having a trade policy that keeps giving the central government more and more control over the economy...that makes one socialist

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The American People are a Sovereign Nation and have the right to choose who they trade with.

The election of TRump by the American People is an expression of their choice to change the status quo on Trade to one that serves the interests of the American Citizen better.

Other nations have no right to trade with us. Limiting trade from nations that are not engaging in Mutually Beneficial Trade, is not socialism.

The American people choosing to NOT engage in TRade that does not benefit US, is not socialism.

Other nations are not trading with “us”, they are trading with private entities that should be free to make such choices. But you wish to take that freedom away.

There has been mutual benefit from our current trade deals, the economic numbers prove this.

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THe Private entities are not free to make such choices. Trade policy has always been there.

THat we have had, for the last couple of decades, a very open trade policy, was our choice.

Now the decision has been made to change that policy.

We have discussed how the macro economic numbers hide the large numbers of people hurt by that policy.

The owners made money. The workers lost jobs or just didn't get wages,ever.

So, you do agree that freedom is being taken away, that is a start I suppose.

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The Private Entities you speak of NEVER had the "freedom" to trade with other nations.

They had permission.

They abused it. Now it is, or should be taken away.

Unless we can come to a better deal, and quickly.

Spoken like a true socialist, I suppose you think the Govt gives us permission to have free speech and own guns as well?

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