Bob Barr At CPAC: 'How Would You Like To Be Waterboarded?'

hell it took him 3 times through his Con SC before they would even give him the go ahead for tribunarals

yea he fucked up royally , and thanks to him some of those pricks just might walk, I mean the ones that he hadn't already released
hey Mike out of the 600 or so that went to Gitmo for years, how many did Bush release without charges, most of them motherfuckers and that's a fact jack
and yes we were paying bounties to motherfuckers that would sell their mother for a dollar, gve me numbers asswipe, it cost us one hell of a lot of money for you motherfuckers to be that wrong

but ,but we are safer

Settle down Sparky. Your gonna a blow a freakin' aneurism!

It's gonna blow right out yer friggin' ear!
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hey Mike out of the 600 or so that went to Gitmo for years, how many did Bush release without charges, most of them motherfuckers and that's a fact jack
and yes we were paying bounties to motherfuckers that would sell their mother for a dollar, gve me numbers asswipe, it cost us one hell of a lot of money for you motherfuckers to be that wrong

but ,but we are safer

Settle down Sparky. Your gonna a blow a freakin' aneurism!

It's gonna blow right yer friggin' ear.

ouch. sounds painful.
hey Mike out of the 600 or so that went to Gitmo for years, how many did Bush release without charges, most of them motherfuckers and that's a fact jack
and yes we were paying bounties to motherfuckers that would sell their mother for a dollar, gve me numbers asswipe, it cost us one hell of a lot of money for you motherfuckers to be that wrong

but ,but we are safer

Settle down Sparky. Your gonna a blow a freakin' aneurism!

It's gonna blow right yer friggin' ear.

ouch. sounds painful.
No shit!

I pity the fool who's gonna have to clean up the fucking mess!
Why would you think that they are one dimensional?

Um, because they are. Even in HS I could pick up on that.

Read the book and you will notice it too.

I read the book, and I don't agree.

It's a book about how government people loot the people who can produce. The people who have brians. They loot what they can do and their achievements.

They do so because it's easier to steal from them, then produce themselves.

It reminds me very much of the Obama Administration and liberals.

You obviously didn't look at the characters in the story then.
If Terrorism is NOT criminal activity, then it is military activity. Do you want those we have captured treated as POWs with NO trial at all?

And the law as shown by Maineman pretty clearly defines waterboarding as torture. We tried and convicted Japanese officers for doing that very thing after WWII.

They aren't even POW's. They are terrorist. They are enemy combatants. They do not recognize or follow the Geneva Convention. Why then should we?

If caught they should be waterboarded. We get all the info we can from them and then shoot them. Definetly works for me. This is a language they would understand. After all they are all so eager to sacrifice themselves for Allah. We should do the humanitarian thing and speed them all on their way.

Can't say as I give a shit about the Japanese in WWII. That was 60 years ago. We are living in the here and now with dirtbags who have no problem killing every living thing that they can. Women, kids, doesn't make any difference to these dirtbags.

If it makes you feel better to call waterboarding torture, feel fee. I call it a usefull took to gather info and save lives. Opinons. We all have em.

Claudette, then, is no different than a terrorist. If she endorses what they do, then she would engaged in terrorism.

Boy are you laughable. LOL

A terrorist kills indiscriminatly. He would kill you, your family, me my family and not break a sweat. In fact the higher the body count, the more he would praise Allah for his success.

My killing as a "terrorist" would be targeted at the dirtbags who are trying to kill Americans. My waterboarding would be all about the info these dirtbags can give me to protect American lives. After I got what info I could, I would glady kill them all to prevent them killing any more Americans. Works for me.

This is the only language these dirtbags would understand. Not the rules which our military is forced to fight a war under. We are to abide by the Geneva Convention while our enemy has no rules and surely doesn't abide by any. Stupidity of the first magnitude.

If we want to beat these bastards, we need to get down and dirty in the sewer just like them.

So I guess you can call me a terrorist all you want. This terrorist would do what it took to beat the dirtbags unlike the "fairminded at any cost"" folks like you. LoL
They aren't even POW's. They are terrorist. They are enemy combatants. They do not recognize or follow the Geneva Convention. Why then should we?

If caught they should be waterboarded. We get all the info we can from them and then shoot them. Definetly works for me. This is a language they would understand. After all they are all so eager to sacrifice themselves for Allah. We should do the humanitarian thing and speed them all on their way.

Can't say as I give a shit about the Japanese in WWII. That was 60 years ago. We are living in the here and now with dirtbags who have no problem killing every living thing that they can. Women, kids, doesn't make any difference to these dirtbags.

If it makes you feel better to call waterboarding torture, feel fee. I call it a usefull took to gather info and save lives. Opinons. We all have em.

Claudette, then, is no different than a terrorist. If she endorses what they do, then she would engaged in terrorism.

Boy are you laughable. LOL

A terrorist kills indiscriminatly. He would kill you, your family, me my family and not break a sweat. In fact the higher the body count, the more he would praise Allah for his success.

My killing as a "terrorist" would be targeted at the dirtbags who are trying to kill Americans. My waterboarding would be all about the info these dirtbags can give me to protect American lives. After I got what info I could, I would glady kill them all to prevent them killing any more Americans. Works for me.

This is the only language these dirtbags would understand. Not the rules which our military is forced to fight a war under. We are to abide by the Geneva Convention while our enemy has no rules and surely doesn't abide by any. Stupidity of the first magnitude.

If we want to beat these bastards, we need to get down and dirty in the sewer just like them.

So I guess you can call me a terrorist all you want. This terrorist would do what it took to beat the dirtbags unlike the "fairminded at any cost"" folks like you. LoL

Don't you realize that any interrogation technique we use against our enemies TODAY will be considered as appropriate treatment for use on our troops captured on any battlefield by any and all of our enemies of the future?

Do you really think that the only enemy will we EVER face is Islamic Extremism?

And finally, do you really believe that waterboarding is NOT a violation of the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment?
They aren't even POW's. They are terrorist. They are enemy combatants. They do not recognize or follow the Geneva Convention. Why then should we?

If caught they should be waterboarded. We get all the info we can from them and then shoot them. Definetly works for me. This is a language they would understand. After all they are all so eager to sacrifice themselves for Allah. We should do the humanitarian thing and speed them all on their way.

Can't say as I give a shit about the Japanese in WWII. That was 60 years ago. We are living in the here and now with dirtbags who have no problem killing every living thing that they can. Women, kids, doesn't make any difference to these dirtbags.

If it makes you feel better to call waterboarding torture, feel fee. I call it a usefull took to gather info and save lives. Opinons. We all have em.

Claudette, then, is no different than a terrorist. If she endorses what they do, then she would engaged in terrorism.

Boy are you laughable. LOL

A terrorist kills indiscriminatly. He would kill you, your family, me my family and not break a sweat. In fact the higher the body count, the more he would praise Allah for his success.

My killing as a "terrorist" would be targeted at the dirtbags who are trying to kill Americans. My waterboarding would be all about the info these dirtbags can give me to protect American lives. After I got what info I could, I would glady kill them all to prevent them killing any more Americans. Works for me.

This is the only language these dirtbags would understand. Not the rules which our military is forced to fight a war under. We are to abide by the Geneva Convention while our enemy has no rules and surely doesn't abide by any. Stupidity of the first magnitude.

If we want to beat these bastards, we need to get down and dirty in the sewer just like them.

So I guess you can call me a terrorist all you want. This terrorist would do what it took to beat the dirtbags unlike the "fairminded at any cost"" folks like you. LoL

Then you have all the makings of a dirtbag terrorist as well. No, you are no different in your thinking or your perceived tactics. Sad.
Claudette, then, is no different than a terrorist. If she endorses what they do, then she would engaged in terrorism.

Boy are you laughable. LOL

A terrorist kills indiscriminatly. He would kill you, your family, me my family and not break a sweat. In fact the higher the body count, the more he would praise Allah for his success.

My killing as a "terrorist" would be targeted at the dirtbags who are trying to kill Americans. My waterboarding would be all about the info these dirtbags can give me to protect American lives. After I got what info I could, I would glady kill them all to prevent them killing any more Americans. Works for me.

This is the only language these dirtbags would understand. Not the rules which our military is forced to fight a war under. We are to abide by the Geneva Convention while our enemy has no rules and surely doesn't abide by any. Stupidity of the first magnitude.

If we want to beat these bastards, we need to get down and dirty in the sewer just like them.

So I guess you can call me a terrorist all you want. This terrorist would do what it took to beat the dirtbags unlike the "fairminded at any cost"" folks like you. LoL

Don't you realize that any interrogation technique we use against our enemies TODAY will be considered as appropriate treatment for use on our troops captured on any battlefield by any and all of our enemies of the future?

Do you really think that the only enemy will we EVER face is Islamic Extremism?

And finally, do you really believe that waterboarding is NOT a violation of the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment?

Claudette, like all incipient terrorists and those who support them, simply does not care about all that.
Of course I realize that anything we do now can be done to our troops by future enemies. I also realize that we are facing an enemy that has only one rule. Kill anyone you can kill. They have no rules except that one. I also realize that abiding by the Geneva Convention doesn't mean squat to these dirtbags. It only hogties our military and hampers their effetivness. How we fight a war should be governed by the enemy we are fighting and how they fight that war. Tit for tat. Works for me.

Hopefully future enemies will be abiding by the Geneva Conventioins. Which we will also abide by.

As for waterboarding I'm sure anyone captured on a battlefield would rather be waterboarded with a doctor in attendance than really "Tortured". I sure would. The UN?? Paleeze. THat useless body has had troops, Dutch troops, stand around and let people be killed in Serbia. Melosovich ring any bells?? Should I worry about them and the opinions of the other countries?? Hell no. I wonder what their thoughts would be if they had a 9-11 in their respective countries?? I think they would be singing a different tune indeed.
Boy are you laughable. LOL

A terrorist kills indiscriminatly. He would kill you, your family, me my family and not break a sweat. In fact the higher the body count, the more he would praise Allah for his success.

My killing as a "terrorist" would be targeted at the dirtbags who are trying to kill Americans. My waterboarding would be all about the info these dirtbags can give me to protect American lives. After I got what info I could, I would glady kill them all to prevent them killing any more Americans. Works for me.

This is the only language these dirtbags would understand. Not the rules which our military is forced to fight a war under. We are to abide by the Geneva Convention while our enemy has no rules and surely doesn't abide by any. Stupidity of the first magnitude.

If we want to beat these bastards, we need to get down and dirty in the sewer just like them.

So I guess you can call me a terrorist all you want. This terrorist would do what it took to beat the dirtbags unlike the "fairminded at any cost"" folks like you. LoL

Don't you realize that any interrogation technique we use against our enemies TODAY will be considered as appropriate treatment for use on our troops captured on any battlefield by any and all of our enemies of the future?

Do you really think that the only enemy will we EVER face is Islamic Extremism?

And finally, do you really believe that waterboarding is NOT a violation of the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment?

Claudette, like all incipient terrorists and those who support them, simply does not care about all that.

You betcha. Being the "Terrorist" that you seem to think I am I care about one thing. Protecting this country from those terrorists dirtbags and doing what it takes to make that happen.

I don't believe in extending the rights afforded in the Geneva Convention to those that don't abide by that convention. Nope. Not hardly.

If you honestly think any American captured by these dirtbags will be afforded any rights under the Geneva Convention then pal, you are living in la la land big time. If you don't think they will be tortured and killed, irregardless of how we treat captured dirtbags, then boy you are delusional. They simply do not care.

So, as a "Terrorist" I can live with it.
Of course I realize that anything we do now can be done to our troops by future enemies. I also realize that we are facing an enemy that has only one rule. Kill anyone you can kill. They have no rules except that one. I also realize that abiding by the Geneva Convention doesn't mean squat to these dirtbags. It only hogties our military and hampers their effetivness. How we fight a war should be governed by the enemy we are fighting and how they fight that war. Tit for tat. Works for me.

Hopefully future enemies will be abiding by the Geneva Conventioins. Which we will also abide by.

As for waterboarding I'm sure anyone captured on a battlefield would rather be waterboarded with a doctor in attendance than really "Tortured". I sure would. The UN?? Paleeze. THat useless body has had troops, Dutch troops, stand around and let people be killed in Serbia. Melosovich ring any bells?? Should I worry about them and the opinions of the other countries?? Hell no. I wonder what their thoughts would be if they had a 9-11 in their respective countries?? I think they would be singing a different tune indeed.

interesting outlook. Do you really expect future enemies to treat our troops captured on the battlefield any better than we have shown that we treat our captives? Your wishful thinking about the Geneva convention is silly. And your off base denigration of the UN and their "opinion" of our actions is without merit and irrelevant. The Convention that I listed is the supreme law of OUR country, or maybe you were not aware of that. If we want to torture enemy combatants, we should abrogate that treaty prior to doing so. As is, we are in violation of our own constitution when we willfully ignore what it says.
Of course I realize that anything we do now can be done to our troops by future enemies. I also realize that we are facing an enemy that has only one rule. Kill anyone you can kill. They have no rules except that one. I also realize that abiding by the Geneva Convention doesn't mean squat to these dirtbags. It only hogties our military and hampers their effetivness. How we fight a war should be governed by the enemy we are fighting and how they fight that war. Tit for tat. Works for me.

Hopefully future enemies will be abiding by the Geneva Conventioins. Which we will also abide by.

As for waterboarding I'm sure anyone captured on a battlefield would rather be waterboarded with a doctor in attendance than really "Tortured". I sure would. The UN?? Paleeze. THat useless body has had troops, Dutch troops, stand around and let people be killed in Serbia. Melosovich ring any bells?? Should I worry about them and the opinions of the other countries?? Hell no. I wonder what their thoughts would be if they had a 9-11 in their respective countries?? I think they would be singing a different tune indeed.

interesting outlook. Do you really expect future enemies to treat our troops captured on the battlefield any better than we have shown that we treat our captives? Your wishful thinking about the Geneva convention is silly. And your off base denigration of the UN and their "opinion" of our actions is without merit and irrelevant. The Convention that I listed is the supreme law of OUR country, or maybe you were not aware of that. If we want to torture enemy combatants, we should abrogate that treaty prior to doing so. As is, we are in violation of our own constitution when we willfully ignore what it says.

So. You find my thoughts pretty silly and irrelevant?? Well, I find yours way silly and equally as irrelvant since our enemy isn't a standing army representing a country.

I think anyone we capture is treated pretty damned good. The dirtbags at Gitmo never had it so good. In fact, the terrorist tell their members that if they are captured they will be well treated. They are. They are treated much better than those they capture. Danny Pearl comes to my mind, how about yours????

These terrorists are not a uniformed army. They are not signatories of the Geneva Convention. They do not follow the rules of the Geneva Convention. They have only one rule. Kill any and all that you can. Yet you and folks like you think they should be treated as though they do. Silly?? I think that describes you and those that think like you.

As for the supreme law of our land. Well last I heard it was our Constitution and our Supreme court. Not the UN or the Geneva Convention. Correct me if I'm wrong but was it not on this board no less that Bush's attorneys were cleared of any wrong doing in the matter of waterboarding??

NO. YOu and folks like you need to get off your damned high horse and step down into the real world. The world where you can be killed in your local pizza shot, movie theatre or just walking down the street when one of these dirtbags kills himself and as many as he can take with him. Thats what worries me every day. It should worry you because it could happen.

The only good terrorist is a dead one. Just my silly thoughts.
Claudette, you simply have not carried your argument.

I do agree that our soldiers should not be persecuted and should be held to the standards of the UCMJ.

I want neither radical nor reactionary posturing from either side of the political spectrum: that does not serve the welfare of our troops or the safety of our country.
Of course I realize that anything we do now can be done to our troops by future enemies. I also realize that we are facing an enemy that has only one rule. Kill anyone you can kill. They have no rules except that one. I also realize that abiding by the Geneva Convention doesn't mean squat to these dirtbags. It only hogties our military and hampers their effetivness. How we fight a war should be governed by the enemy we are fighting and how they fight that war. Tit for tat. Works for me.

Hopefully future enemies will be abiding by the Geneva Conventioins. Which we will also abide by.

As for waterboarding I'm sure anyone captured on a battlefield would rather be waterboarded with a doctor in attendance than really "Tortured". I sure would. The UN?? Paleeze. THat useless body has had troops, Dutch troops, stand around and let people be killed in Serbia. Melosovich ring any bells?? Should I worry about them and the opinions of the other countries?? Hell no. I wonder what their thoughts would be if they had a 9-11 in their respective countries?? I think they would be singing a different tune indeed.

interesting outlook. Do you really expect future enemies to treat our troops captured on the battlefield any better than we have shown that we treat our captives? Your wishful thinking about the Geneva convention is silly. And your off base denigration of the UN and their "opinion" of our actions is without merit and irrelevant. The Convention that I listed is the supreme law of OUR country, or maybe you were not aware of that. If we want to torture enemy combatants, we should abrogate that treaty prior to doing so. As is, we are in violation of our own constitution when we willfully ignore what it says.

So. You find my thoughts pretty silly and irrelevant?? Well, I find yours way silly and equally as irrelvant since our enemy isn't a standing army representing a country.

I think anyone we capture is treated pretty damned good. The dirtbags at Gitmo never had it so good. In fact, the terrorist tell their members that if they are captured they will be well treated. They are. They are treated much better than those they capture. Danny Pearl comes to my mind, how about yours????

These terrorists are not a uniformed army. They are not signatories of the Geneva Convention. They do not follow the rules of the Geneva Convention. They have only one rule. Kill any and all that you can. Yet you and folks like you think they should be treated as though they do. Silly?? I think that describes you and those that think like you.

As for the supreme law of our land. Well last I heard it was our Constitution and our Supreme court. Not the UN or the Geneva Convention. Correct me if I'm wrong but was it not on this board no less that Bush's attorneys were cleared of any wrong doing in the matter of waterboarding??

NO. YOu and folks like you need to get off your damned high horse and step down into the real world. The world where you can be killed in your local pizza shot, movie theatre or just walking down the street when one of these dirtbags kills himself and as many as he can take with him. Thats what worries me every day. It should worry you because it could happen.

The only good terrorist is a dead one. Just my silly thoughts.

I am fully aware that our enemy today is not a standing army. That was never my contention. The fact remains that any future enemies will look to see how we treat our prisoners today and will consider that our tacit permission to treat any of our troops that they capture in exactly the same way. And I will correct you on the UN Convention. It is the supreme law of the land. I suggest you obey it. If you need a constitutional reference, I would point you to Article VI. I certainly know that I took an oath to support and defend it against all enemies, foreign AND domestic. People who would ignore our treaty obligations are pissing on our constitution.

and as an addendum: I really don't need someone like YOU to tell me to step down into the real world. I have served this country for a quarter of a century in uniform and I have served in harm's way in the middle east mediating conflicts between arabs and UN troops. I know full well what there is to worry about in this world....a hell of lot more completely than you do, that is for damned sur.
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interesting outlook. Do you really expect future enemies to treat our troops captured on the battlefield any better than we have shown that we treat our captives? Your wishful thinking about the Geneva convention is silly. And your off base denigration of the UN and their "opinion" of our actions is without merit and irrelevant. The Convention that I listed is the supreme law of OUR country, or maybe you were not aware of that. If we want to torture enemy combatants, we should abrogate that treaty prior to doing so. As is, we are in violation of our own constitution when we willfully ignore what it says.

So. You find my thoughts pretty silly and irrelevant?? Well, I find yours way silly and equally as irrelvant since our enemy isn't a standing army representing a country.

I think anyone we capture is treated pretty damned good. The dirtbags at Gitmo never had it so good. In fact, the terrorist tell their members that if they are captured they will be well treated. They are. They are treated much better than those they capture. Danny Pearl comes to my mind, how about yours????

These terrorists are not a uniformed army. They are not signatories of the Geneva Convention. They do not follow the rules of the Geneva Convention. They have only one rule. Kill any and all that you can. Yet you and folks like you think they should be treated as though they do. Silly?? I think that describes you and those that think like you.

As for the supreme law of our land. Well last I heard it was our Constitution and our Supreme court. Not the UN or the Geneva Convention. Correct me if I'm wrong but was it not on this board no less that Bush's attorneys were cleared of any wrong doing in the matter of waterboarding??

NO. YOu and folks like you need to get off your damned high horse and step down into the real world. The world where you can be killed in your local pizza shot, movie theatre or just walking down the street when one of these dirtbags kills himself and as many as he can take with him. Thats what worries me every day. It should worry you because it could happen.

The only good terrorist is a dead one. Just my silly thoughts.

I am fully aware that our enemy today is not a standing army. That was never my contention. The fact remains that any future enemies will look to see how we treat our prisoners today and will consider that our tacit permission to treat any of our troops that they capture in exactly the same way. And I will correct you on the UN Convention. It is the supreme law of the land. I suggest you obey it. If you need a constitutional reference, I would point you to Article VI. I certainly know that I took an oath to support and defend it against all enemies, foreign AND domestic. People who would ignore our treaty obligations are pissing on our constitution.

and as an addendum: I really don't need someone like YOU to tell me to step down into the real world. I have served this country for a quarter of a century in uniform and I have served in harm's way in the middle east mediating conflicts between arabs and UN troops. I know full well what there is to worry about in this world....a hell of lot more completely than you do, that is for damned sur.

Your service is well appreciated by me. My whole family is military oriented. Three wars wortth.

You and I will just have to agree to disagree about the way these terrorists are handled. I have my opinion, no matter how silly you may think it is, and you have yours. So be it.

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