Bob Corker Booed by Workers at GM

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Think Progress Corker Booed By Workers At GM Plant Ceremony, Takes Credit For Saving Industry That He Opposed Saving

"The irony of the Republican lawmakers’ presence wasn’t lost on the workers who attended the ceremony; they booed Tennessee Republican Bob Corker, and one UAW official made clear from the stage that the union still remembered which politicians had voted to rescue Wall Street but opposed an auto industry bailout."

Fuck corker.

And fuck the union lackeys too.

Does anyone really give a shit about ANYONE who was at that rally?
Yep, and fuck the American Worker. That is your attitude, so fuck you. More than likely, you wouldn't know what a real job was, in any case.

This nation needs to start strengthing our unions, and take back the rightful share of the fruits of our labor. For far too long we have seen continued increases in production by the people on the factory floor, even as their incomes decreased. And the accumulation of wealth at the top, often by people that have been detrimental to the production.
Yep, and fuck the American Worker. That is your attitude, so fuck you. More than likely, you wouldn't know what a real job was, in any case.

This nation needs to start strengthing our unions, and take back the rightful share of the fruits of our labor. For far too long we have seen continued increases in production by the people on the factory floor, even as their incomes decreased. And the accumulation of wealth at the top, often by people that have been detrimental to the production.

You are a RETARD. Unions are EXACTLY what they were created to stop, BIG Business.
Yep, and fuck the American Worker. That is your attitude, so fuck you. More than likely, you wouldn't know what a real job was, in any case.

This nation needs to start strengthing our unions, and take back the rightful share of the fruits of our labor. For far too long we have seen continued increases in production by the people on the factory floor, even as their incomes decreased. And the accumulation of wealth at the top, often by people that have been detrimental to the production.

No, fuck the unions. They served their purpose back in the day, now they are a boil on our society and politics. Just as bad or worse than lobbyists... wait, they do that too.
We destroyed the unions in this country. It's worked out so well. The middle class is disappearing, since we exported our manufacturing jobs to China. With almost no unions left, save the teeny auto industry unions, things should be going swimmingly. So how come the economy sucks? Is it still the unions fault? How about when there isn't one single union job left in this country, will it STILL be the union's fault?
Think Progress Corker Booed By Workers At GM Plant Ceremony, Takes Credit For Saving Industry That He Opposed Saving

"The irony of the Republican lawmakers’ presence wasn’t lost on the workers who attended the ceremony; they booed Tennessee Republican Bob Corker, and one UAW official made clear from the stage that the union still remembered which politicians had voted to rescue Wall Street but opposed an auto industry bailout."

Corker was really, really, stupid to show up in front of the people he tried to get fired.
Think Progress Corker Booed By Workers At GM Plant Ceremony, Takes Credit For Saving Industry That He Opposed Saving

"The irony of the Republican lawmakers’ presence wasn’t lost on the workers who attended the ceremony; they booed Tennessee Republican Bob Corker, and one UAW official made clear from the stage that the union still remembered which politicians had voted to rescue Wall Street but opposed an auto industry bailout."

Corker was really, really, stupid to show up in front of the people he tried to get fired.

Why? Carly Fiorina is running for the Senate and hoping for the votes of the people she fired.

As CEO of HP, she sent more than 18,000 jobs to China. It's not just the jobs lost, but also the people whose jobs depend on those 18,000. She will probably win. Americans are mad that Democrats haven't fixed Republicans mess fast enough. They will teach the Democrats a "lesson".

Yep, and fuck the American Worker. That is your attitude, so fuck you. More than likely, you wouldn't know what a real job was, in any case.

This nation needs to start strengthing our unions, and take back the rightful share of the fruits of our labor. For far too long we have seen continued increases in production by the people on the factory floor, even as their incomes decreased. And the accumulation of wealth at the top, often by people that have been detrimental to the production.

No, fuck the unions. They served their purpose back in the day, now they are a boil on our society and politics. Just as bad or worse than lobbyists... wait, they do that too.

In 2000, it was estimated that unions represented just 12% of all jobs in this country.

This morning on "Morning Joe", they said it had dropped to 8%.


That's not much.

What kind of impact does 8% have?
A perfect example of people bought off by big government off someone else dime… I wonder why they are going to vote for hahaha.
We destroyed the unions in this country. It's worked out so well. The middle class is disappearing, since we exported our manufacturing jobs to China. With almost no unions left, save the teeny auto industry unions, things should be going swimmingly. So how come the economy sucks? Is it still the unions fault? How about when there isn't one single union job left in this country, will it STILL be the union's fault?

You forgot the SEIU, and the teachers union. The unions helped get workplace laws enacted, and those will still be there. Without the unions companies can acutally count on their employees to work instead of saying "that's not my job", or "I get to go on break now". Production slows down. They never figured out not to bite the hand that feeds them. They are outdated and beyond their usefuilness.
We destroyed the unions in this country. It's worked out so well. The middle class is disappearing, since we exported our manufacturing jobs to China. With almost no unions left, save the teeny auto industry unions, things should be going swimmingly. So how come the economy sucks? Is it still the unions fault? How about when there isn't one single union job left in this country, will it STILL be the union's fault?

That's it in a nutshell.

Corporate greed destroyed the economy, and these fools are blaming the unions.
We destroyed the unions in this country. It's worked out so well. The middle class is disappearing, since we exported our manufacturing jobs to China. With almost no unions left, save the teeny auto industry unions, things should be going swimmingly. So how come the economy sucks? Is it still the unions fault? How about when there isn't one single union job left in this country, will it STILL be the union's fault?
Bureaucrat unions like AFSCME and AFT/NEA don't look too dead to me....We should be so lucky that there aren't any of those union jobs left.

In fact, if any unions deserve to be abolished on the basis of anti-trust, it's them.
We destroyed the unions in this country. It's worked out so well. The middle class is disappearing, since we exported our manufacturing jobs to China. With almost no unions left, save the teeny auto industry unions, things should be going swimmingly. So how come the economy sucks? Is it still the unions fault? How about when there isn't one single union job left in this country, will it STILL be the union's fault?
Bureaucrat unions like AFSCME and AFT/NEA don't look too dead to me....We should be so lucky that there aren't any of those union jobs left.

In fact, if any unions deserve to be abolished on the basis of anti-trust, it's them.

Thanks for proving my point.
The only point you have is on your peanut head.

Bureaucrat unions are a classic example of gubmint exempting itself from the anti-trust laws, which the rest of people operating out in the real world must adhere to.
Yep, and fuck the American Worker. That is your attitude, so fuck you. More than likely, you wouldn't know what a real job was, in any case.

This nation needs to start strengthing our unions, and take back the rightful share of the fruits of our labor. For far too long we have seen continued increases in production by the people on the factory floor, even as their incomes decreased. And the accumulation of wealth at the top, often by people that have been detrimental to the production.

The unions are doing that for the American worker. As unions continue to over inflate wages, corporations will eventually give up and some will go the way of Eastern Airlines and others will simply move off shore. This reaction can be placed squarely on the unions and their inability to give an inch in labor contracts. They would rather lose their jobs with the closing of a business than try to work together?
Makes no sense especially in todays economy.
The other mindless thing I don't get from the unions is why, when a worker is being paid by a company, they wear their union colors. The unions don't sign their checks and yet they have the nerve to thumb their noses by their clothing.
Bottom line is the union bosses live in the same neighborhoods as the CEO and the union workers are either too stupid or too ignorant to understand this.

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