Bob Woodward "White House Did Not Threaten Me"

Just watched Woodward on a Morning Joe clip - confirms the OP's thead.

Conclusion, the 'conservative' element on this message board once again went hysterical over nothing. Has anyone counted the number of times since his nomination in the Summer of 2008 that the Drama Queens on the right have used innuendos, rumor, half-truths and outright lies to defame, demean and attack President Obama?

Have you noticed who's still president? Have you noticed that the rightwing propaganda machine has managed to drive public opinion of the Republican party into the toilet?

It doesn't help that Conservatives hate the rest of America.

Not just a little. They want to shoot folks.
I'm not sure which part of these stories is more fun...

...the part where they're proven false, or the part where the rightwing cult falls all over itself trying to deny that it's been proven false.
How many obama advisors are now working for MSNBC. MSNBC is an official government media outlet.
He was on Morning Joe with David Axelrod and he told Woodward as soon as you utter the word threat it takes on a life of it's own. Woodward started laughing and he said I never said threatened.

He's backpeddaling away from his own comments already.
He was on Morning Joe with David Axelrod and he told Woodward as soon as you utter the word threat it takes on a life of it's own. Woodward started laughing and he said I never said threatened.

He's backpeddaling away from his own comments already.

Could you please link his quote where he used the word threatened? I haven't seen that.
rw'ers & their CONspiracy theories lol They lap right up waht that blonde news reader dishes out. ;)

Falsehoods and Fabications are all they have left. Sadly, once the general population realizes that the GOP is refusing to remove loopholes for the rich and shifting the pain to the middle class, voters are going to be pissed. The Old White Man's party is in danger of extinction.
Is there no low the lefties will go to protect this administration's ass?

my gawd still going on over this though we all know this thug administration has threatened more than one person..

poor dears...
rw'ers & their CONspiracy theories lol They lap right up waht that blonde news reader dishes out. ;)

Falsehoods and Fabications are all they have left. Sadly, once the general population realizes that the GOP is refusing to remove loopholes for the rich and shifting the pain to the middle class, voters are going to be pissed. The Old White Man's party is in danger of extinction.

They think their voting base supports them so that's all they need. Fox and Brietbart have taught them that Teaparty votes are very loyal. Not enough of them for winning elections but they are very loyal.

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