Body of Christ

Only deep cultural archetype such as religion can explain human behavior. No scientific mind can equally deduce the human thirst for blood. A time honored religious tradition is finding a way around their own rules. Science by definition should at least try to avoid that luxury.

Religion has no problem with killing or human sacrifice such as dying on the cross to forgive the sins of others. Religion will sacrifice the right person for a foot fault.
This thread has a promising opening, so perhaps it is not too late to generate a positive discussion.

Fact: Religion does have--and since the day of Abraham has had--huge problems with killing and human sacrifice. As Jews (and Catholics for that matter) insist, the Bible is meant, not to be read, but studied. Cursory reading (as recommended during the Enlightenment period) has resulted in huge misunderstandings as people have this very human habit of leaping to the wrong conclusions, those often being fantastic conclusions.

1. Early people began human sacrifice. Genesis tells us of God stepping in and preventing Abraham from sacrificing his son. Since God prevented Isaac from being sacrificed, Jews continued to honor God's wish of no human sacrifice.

2. Jesus was not sacrificed. Rather he became a sacrifice when his obedience to the will of God ran afoul with those in power at the time. He gave his life rather than bow to the elite of his day. Jesus himself pointed out that he knew he was in trouble with the authorities and that it was going to get him killed. However, he would freely lay down his life for his own cause, which was repentance for the forgiveness of sins instead of paying the Temple (in form of various offerings) for the forgiveness of sins.

Religion is the original self improvement or human improvement. It is repenting (turning away from) what is wrong and replacing that with obedience to what is right and good.
Human sacrifice was normally done by warriors against their captive enemies.

It was a lesson for their enemy who attacked them.

It serves a useful purpose in that respect.

Otherwise the enslavement of their women and children and the killing of their men ensures no further assaults or rebellion.
I'm mostly talking about endocannibalism but thanks for expanding the premise without ad homs. It appears these usmb Christians lack the ability of adult conversation.
The ritual of eating human flesh is the best way to distinguish a cult from religion. Christianity, especially Catholicism is nothing more than a massive worldwide cult. The congregation doesn't even question the symbolism of their ceremonies. That is how government and politics comes into play, the sheep will do whatever they are told with total disregard of their actions.
You do not know what the body of Christ is.
Please explain.
Perpetual war is the exact opposite of human improvement. Christians have a disposition to kill, so Jesus won't be happy until all the brown people are dead. I'm trying to show how easy it is for government to transform their sheep into wolves.
Nonsense. If you are speaking of illegal immigration across the Mexican border, America has offered two methods for asylum seekers. First, once they enter Mexico, they may begin the process from that country. Two, they may enter through a legal port of entry. We are a country of laws. People seeking asylum in a country of laws, may not want to begin their new life in their new country of laws by breaking the law.

Second, there are those who want to cross illegally for horrible purposes. Some engage in human trafficking. Others simply add the price of rape to the cost of moving people illegally across the border. Then there is the drug smuggling which works to bring grief, if not death, to Americans, all in the name of coin and greed.

Many Christians and American citizens believe we should expedite the process of legal entry and more efficiently prevent illegal smuggling. Those who don't, ask this: Are you in favor of human trafficking, rape, and drug smuggling?
You said yourself this thread has a promising opening yet you expect me to carry the cross by myself. I made 3 good points that are not being addressed.

1. Only deep cultural archetype such as religion can explain the human behavior of killing and human sacrifice.

2. The ritual of eating human flesh is the best way to distinguish a cult from religion.

3. Government manipulates the religious sheep to do whatever they are told with no concern of the consequences.

If any of my assertions get replied to without ad homs, I will be able to expand on the evidence.
Jesus is always depicted as pretty buff. Although he did have a lot of free time to work out.
Jesus went from a sandal wearing hippy to an assault rifle toting militant in less than 2 generations.
The ritual of eating human flesh is the best way to distinguish a cult from religion. Christianity, especially Catholicism is nothing more than a massive worldwide cult. The congregation doesn't even question the symbolism of their ceremonies. That is how government and politics comes into play, the sheep will do whatever they are told with total disregard of their actions.
You do not know what the body of Christ is.
Imagine for a moment that Jesus really believed what he said. If he and "the Father" were actually one, then he would be totally unified with 'God'. As all and everything would come from, and be, 'God', then whatever one ate would be the body of 'Christ'. It isn't just bread and wine and it isn't that it becomes the body of 'Christ', it already is.
Now, you can go back to imagining that the universe is broken up into infinite parts with no connection.
Pay no attention to those quantum physics nuts.
The ritual of eating human flesh is the best way to distinguish a cult from religion. Christianity, especially Catholicism is nothing more than a massive worldwide cult. The congregation doesn't even question the symbolism of their ceremonies. That is how government and politics comes into play, the sheep will do whatever they are told with total disregard of their actions.
You do not know what the body of Christ is.
Please explain.
First, if you suppose that his body must be corporeal, which you do, then his body is not a piece of bread.

Jesus' body is the church. He died for the church (Acts 20:28).

Jesus is the vine; his followers are the branches. Remember that when reading the story in context. Jesus will not partake of the body again or its cup until the kingdom comes (Mt 26:29; Mk 14:25; Lk 22:18). When the kingdom of God comes, then he partakes of that fruit again. The vine, which is Jesus and his branches, has borne much fruit in the world. The Christianized West is a prime example.

This is why Jesus died. Through the church, God is glorified on the earth again (read Hebrews).
The ritual of eating human flesh is the best way to distinguish a cult from religion. Christianity, especially Catholicism is nothing more than a massive worldwide cult. The congregation doesn't even question the symbolism of their ceremonies. That is how government and politics comes into play, the sheep will do whatever they are told with total disregard of their actions.
You do not know what the body of Christ is.
Please explain.
First, if you suppose that his body must be corporeal, which you do, then his body is not a piece of bread.

Jesus' body is the church. He died for the church (Acts 20:28).

Jesus is the vine; his followers are the branches. Remember that when reading the story in context. Jesus will not partake of the body again or its cup until the kingdom comes (Mt 26:29; Mk 14:25; Lk 22:18). When the kingdom of God comes, then he partakes of that fruit again. The vine, which is Jesus and his branches, has borne much fruit in the world. The Christianized West is a prime example.

This is why Jesus died. Through the church, God is glorified on the earth again (read Hebrews).
I'm going by the sacrament of communion where children are consecrated by symbolically eating the flesh of Christ. This ritual forces a child to give up their individualism and assimilate into the cult.

Christians believe they are superior to others because they were initiated into a gang by eating human flesh. Boedicca and others proved that with their personal attacks and claims that I am only here to offend the majority of members.

I'm trying to show how that mindset of superiority is directly responsible for the malevolence we see today, both domestic and global.
The ritual of eating human flesh is the best way to distinguish a cult from religion. Christianity, especially Catholicism is nothing more than a massive worldwide cult. The congregation doesn't even question the symbolism of their ceremonies. That is how government and politics comes into play, the sheep will do whatever they are told with total disregard of their actions.
You do not know what the body of Christ is.
Please explain.
First, if you suppose that his body must be corporeal, which you do, then his body is not a piece of bread.

Jesus' body is the church. He died for the church (Acts 20:28).

Jesus is the vine; his followers are the branches. Remember that when reading the story in context. Jesus will not partake of the body again or its cup until the kingdom comes (Mt 26:29; Mk 14:25; Lk 22:18). When the kingdom of God comes, then he partakes of that fruit again. The vine, which is Jesus and his branches, has borne much fruit in the world. The Christianized West is a prime example.

This is why Jesus died. Through the church, God is glorified on the earth again (read Hebrews).
I'm going by the sacrament of communion where children are consecrated by symbolically eating the flesh of Christ. This ritual forces a child to give up their individualism and assimilate into the cult.

Christians believe they are superior to others because they were initiated into a gang by eating human flesh. Boedicca and others proved that with their personal attacks and claims that I am only here to offend the majority of members.

I'm trying to show how that mindset of superiority is directly responsible for the malevolence we see today, both domestic and global.
You pounce on Christians in your OP, and you expected them not to recoil?

The Lord's supper is not about eating the flesh of Christ. The Bible does not say that. The flesh is useless; even Jesus says so (Jn 6:63). The Lord's supper is symbolic of eating the body of Christ. That is what Jesus says. Churches that teach otherwise teach wrong.

And everyone has a superiority complex. Muslims think Islam is superior. Buddhists think Buddhism is superior. So what?
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I'm going by the sacrament of communion where children are consecrated by symbolically eating the flesh of Christ. This ritual forces a child to give up their individualism and assimilate into the cult.

Christians believe they are superior to others because they were initiated into a gang by eating human flesh. Boedicca and others proved that with their personal attacks and claims that I am only here to offend the majority of members.

I'm trying to show how that mindset of superiority is directly responsible for the malevolence we see today, both domestic and global.
It is always a mistake to tell others what they believe. Is a baby who is feeding at the breast giving up his individualism and assimilating into a cult? Or, is it receiving nourishment from its mother so that it can be grow in strength, able to become an independent individual?

In the same way, our spirits are nourished by Christ's body and blood, so that we can grow in strength and become the best possible version of oneself. The only person one is competing with is his or herself--no one else. Therefore, Christians perhaps have a greater sense of humbleness because we see a great gap between who we are and what our goal is: Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.
1. Only deep cultural archetype such as religion can explain the human behavior of killing and human sacrifice.
Someone else already mentioned that sacrifice of a captured people may better explain human behavior. Another possibility is that if someone wants to offer God what he/she loves best, treasures the most, a child might come to mind as the best sacrifice.

2. The ritual of eating human flesh is the best way to distinguish a cult from religion.
Why? Do you have a specific example?

3. Government manipulates the religious sheep to do whatever they are told with no concern of the consequences.
In the past, this has been true. However, what I am seeing presently are democrats and liberals doing their best to manipulate Christians into seeing things their way.
Only deep cultural archetype such as religion can explain human behavior. No scientific mind can equally deduce the human thirst for blood. A time honored religious tradition is finding a way around their own rules. Science by definition should at least try to avoid that luxury.

Religion has no problem with killing or human sacrifice such as dying on the cross to forgive the sins of others. Religion will sacrifice the right person for a foot fault.
I think your premise is flawed but dying is a part of life.
I think some angry faggot wants to claim Da Evul Xians are into human sacrifice n stuff.

wonder why nobody ever has any issues with pagans? It's they who burned people at the stake, drowned homos in bogs, all that good stuff atheists like to get back to.
Are pagans a true political force, asking for their religious bullshit to be codified into our laws and our science classes?


Well, there you have it.
His brain has to be as small as his micropenis to ignore the fact that Christianity celebrates the same superstitions as the Pagans.
I'm not sure what your point has to do with anything, but it is not surprising that God reveals himself to man. So I don't really get your point.

The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God. Throughout history down to the present day, men have given expression to their quest for God in their religious beliefs and behavior: in their prayers, sacrifices, rituals, meditations, and so forth. These forms of religious expression, despite the ambiguities they often bring with them, are so universal that one may well call man a religious being. But this "intimate and vital bond of man to God" can be forgotten, overlooked, or even explicitly rejected by man. Such attitudes can have different causes: revolt against evil in the world; religious ignorance or indifference; the cares and riches of this world; the scandal of bad example on the part of believers; currents of thought hostile to religion; finally, that attitude of sinful man which makes him hide from God out of fear and flee his call.

Created in God's image and called to know and love him, the person who seeks God discovers certain ways of coming to know him. These are also called proofs for the existence of God, not in the sense of proofs in the natural sciences, but rather in the sense of "converging and convincing arguments", which allow us to attain certainty about the truth. These "ways" of approaching God from creation have a twofold point of departure: the physical world, and the human person.

The human person: with his openness to truth and beauty, his sense of moral goodness, his freedom and the voice of his conscience, with his longings for the infinite and for happiness, man questions himself about God's existence. In all this he discerns signs of his spiritual soul. The soul, the "seed of eternity we bear in ourselves, irreducible to the merely material", can have its origin only in God.

The world, and man, attest that they contain within themselves neither their first principle nor their final end, but rather that they participate in Being itself, which alone is without origin or end. Thus, in different ways, man can come to know that there exists a reality which is the first cause and final end of all things, a reality "that everyone calls God".

Man's faculties make him capable of coming to a knowledge of the existence of a personal God. But for man to be able to enter into real intimacy with him, God willed both to reveal himself to man and to give him the grace of being able to welcome this revelation in faith. The proofs of God's existence, however, can predispose one to faith and help one to see that faith is not opposed to reason.

Catechism of the Catholic Church - Man's Capacity for God
The ritual of eating human flesh is the best way to distinguish a cult from religion. Christianity, especially Catholicism is nothing more than a massive worldwide cult. The congregation doesn't even question the symbolism of their ceremonies. That is how government and politics comes into play, the sheep will do whatever they are told with total disregard of their actions.
All religions are cults but not all cults have a negative connotation. In fact, you may very well belong to a cult. The cult of militant atheism.

Even Confucius recognized the value of ceremony and tradition. They are the glue that binds men into societies. You shouldn't knock it. Especially since you are most likely ignorant on much of Tradition. Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows.

Natural law and the sheep you are talking about don't go together. They are mutually exclusive.
Only deep cultural archetype such as religion can explain human behavior. No scientific mind can equally deduce the human thirst for blood. A time honored religious tradition is finding a way around their own rules. Science by definition should at least try to avoid that luxury.

Religion has no problem with killing or human sacrifice such as dying on the cross to forgive the sins of others. Religion will sacrifice the right person for a foot fault.
This thread has a promising opening, so perhaps it is not too late to generate a positive discussion.

Fact: Religion does have--and since the day of Abraham has had--huge problems with killing and human sacrifice. As Jews (and Catholics for that matter) insist, the Bible is meant, not to be read, but studied. Cursory reading (as recommended during the Enlightenment period) has resulted in huge misunderstandings as people have this very human habit of leaping to the wrong conclusions, those often being fantastic conclusions.

1. Early people began human sacrifice. Genesis tells us of God stepping in and preventing Abraham from sacrificing his son. Since God prevented Isaac from being sacrificed, Jews continued to honor God's wish of no human sacrifice.

2. Jesus was not sacrificed. Rather he became a sacrifice when his obedience to the will of God ran afoul with those in power at the time. He gave his life rather than bow to the elite of his day. Jesus himself pointed out that he knew he was in trouble with the authorities and that it was going to get him killed. However, he would freely lay down his life for his own cause, which was repentance for the forgiveness of sins instead of paying the Temple (in form of various offerings) for the forgiveness of sins.

Religion is the original self improvement or human improvement. It is repenting (turning away from) what is wrong and replacing that with obedience to what is right and good.
Perpetual war is the exact opposite of human improvement. Christians have a disposition to kill, so Jesus won't be happy until all the brown people are dead. I'm trying to show how easy it is for government to transform their sheep into wolves.
What exactly is perpetual war?

Wars, like forest fires serve a purpose, they burn off old growth so that new growth may occur. You might even say that wars are a part of nature. There is a self correcting law of compensation at work. Which makes perfect sense because error cannot stand, eventually it must fail.

So maybe what you see as perpetual war is really a cycle like winter, spring, summer and fall which keeps repeating until we get it right; both at a societal and a personal level.
The ritual of eating human flesh is the best way to distinguish a cult from religion. Christianity, especially Catholicism is nothing more than a massive worldwide cult. The congregation doesn't even question the symbolism of their ceremonies. That is how government and politics comes into play, the sheep will do whatever they are told with total disregard of their actions.
You do not know what the body of Christ is.
Please explain.
First, if you suppose that his body must be corporeal, which you do, then his body is not a piece of bread.

Jesus' body is the church. He died for the church (Acts 20:28).

Jesus is the vine; his followers are the branches. Remember that when reading the story in context. Jesus will not partake of the body again or its cup until the kingdom comes (Mt 26:29; Mk 14:25; Lk 22:18). When the kingdom of God comes, then he partakes of that fruit again. The vine, which is Jesus and his branches, has borne much fruit in the world. The Christianized West is a prime example.

This is why Jesus died. Through the church, God is glorified on the earth again (read Hebrews).
I'm going by the sacrament of communion where children are consecrated by symbolically eating the flesh of Christ. This ritual forces a child to give up their individualism and assimilate into the cult.

Christians believe they are superior to others because they were initiated into a gang by eating human flesh. Boedicca and others proved that with their personal attacks and claims that I am only here to offend the majority of members.

I'm trying to show how that mindset of superiority is directly responsible for the malevolence we see today, both domestic and global.
You pounce on Christians in your OP, and you expected them not to recoil?

The Lord's supper is not about eating the flesh of Christ. The Bible does not say that. The flesh is useless; even Jesus says so (Jn 6:63). The Lord's supper is symbolic of eating the body of Christ. That is what Jesus says. Churches that teach otherwise teach wrong.

And everyone has a superiority complex. Muslims think Islam is superior. Buddhists think Buddhism is superior. So what?
I credited religion for being able to explain the duality of human behavior. You are splitting hairs with your distinction between body and flesh. Everything that is happening in the world today is in reaction to the U.S. foreign policy of might makes right.
I think some angry faggot wants to claim Da Evul Xians are into human sacrifice n stuff.

wonder why nobody ever has any issues with pagans? It's they who burned people at the stake, drowned homos in bogs, all that good stuff atheists like to get back to.

Because the pagans, vicious and nasty as they were, have died out and are no more.
I'm going by the sacrament of communion where children are consecrated by symbolically eating the flesh of Christ. This ritual forces a child to give up their individualism and assimilate into the cult.

Christians believe they are superior to others because they were initiated into a gang by eating human flesh. Boedicca and others proved that with their personal attacks and claims that I am only here to offend the majority of members.

I'm trying to show how that mindset of superiority is directly responsible for the malevolence we see today, both domestic and global.
It is always a mistake to tell others what they believe. Is a baby who is feeding at the breast giving up his individualism and assimilating into a cult? Or, is it receiving nourishment from its mother so that it can be grow in strength, able to become an independent individual?

In the same way, our spirits are nourished by Christ's body and blood, so that we can grow in strength and become the best possible version of oneself. The only person one is competing with is his or herself--no one else. Therefore, Christians perhaps have a greater sense of humbleness because we see a great gap between who we are and what our goal is: Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Christians believe they gain strength and power from eating the flesh of Christ but I don't see the war on poor brown people as humbleness or the best possible version of human behavior.
1. Only deep cultural archetype such as religion can explain the human behavior of killing and human sacrifice.
Someone else already mentioned that sacrifice of a captured people may better explain human behavior. Another possibility is that if someone wants to offer God what he/she loves best, treasures the most, a child might come to mind as the best sacrifice.

2. The ritual of eating human flesh is the best way to distinguish a cult from religion.
Why? Do you have a specific example?

3. Government manipulates the religious sheep to do whatever they are told with no concern of the consequences.
In the past, this has been true. However, what I am seeing presently are democrats and liberals doing their best to manipulate Christians into seeing things their way.
Both democrats and republicans are scared into depending on the same god of for-profit wars. That's my point, Christians refuse to question their god or government.
Only deep cultural archetype such as religion can explain human behavior. No scientific mind can equally deduce the human thirst for blood. A time honored religious tradition is finding a way around their own rules. Science by definition should at least try to avoid that luxury.

Religion has no problem with killing or human sacrifice such as dying on the cross to forgive the sins of others. Religion will sacrifice the right person for a foot fault.
I think your premise is flawed but dying is a part of life.
Killing is part of life too but Christians are under the assumption it will bring peace on earth. Why not live and let live the way Jesus wants you to?
Only deep cultural archetype such as religion can explain human behavior. No scientific mind can equally deduce the human thirst for blood. A time honored religious tradition is finding a way around their own rules. Science by definition should at least try to avoid that luxury.

Religion has no problem with killing or human sacrifice such as dying on the cross to forgive the sins of others. Religion will sacrifice the right person for a foot fault.
This thread has a promising opening, so perhaps it is not too late to generate a positive discussion.

Fact: Religion does have--and since the day of Abraham has had--huge problems with killing and human sacrifice. As Jews (and Catholics for that matter) insist, the Bible is meant, not to be read, but studied. Cursory reading (as recommended during the Enlightenment period) has resulted in huge misunderstandings as people have this very human habit of leaping to the wrong conclusions, those often being fantastic conclusions.

1. Early people began human sacrifice. Genesis tells us of God stepping in and preventing Abraham from sacrificing his son. Since God prevented Isaac from being sacrificed, Jews continued to honor God's wish of no human sacrifice.

2. Jesus was not sacrificed. Rather he became a sacrifice when his obedience to the will of God ran afoul with those in power at the time. He gave his life rather than bow to the elite of his day. Jesus himself pointed out that he knew he was in trouble with the authorities and that it was going to get him killed. However, he would freely lay down his life for his own cause, which was repentance for the forgiveness of sins instead of paying the Temple (in form of various offerings) for the forgiveness of sins.

Religion is the original self improvement or human improvement. It is repenting (turning away from) what is wrong and replacing that with obedience to what is right and good.
Perpetual war is the exact opposite of human improvement. Christians have a disposition to kill, so Jesus won't be happy until all the brown people are dead. I'm trying to show how easy it is for government to transform their sheep into wolves.
What exactly is perpetual war?

Wars, like forest fires serve a purpose, they burn off old growth so that new growth may occur. You might even say that wars are a part of nature. There is a self correcting law of compensation at work. Which makes perfect sense because error cannot stand, eventually it must fail.

So maybe what you see as perpetual war is really a cycle like winter, spring, summer and fall which keeps repeating until we get it right; both at a societal and a personal level.
According to you, crucifying Jesus was a fertility ritual, so let's go with that. The Jews were tired of getting their ass kicked in endless war so a rabbi had to be sacrificed in order to save the pedigree. But now that Jesus has the most bombs, the self correcting law of compensation allows for bankers to go back to stealing precious metals and gemstones from around the world.

The cycle of life.

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