
Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

But when ministers start talking about the gray zone situation, the Swede should take his earplugs out and wonder why the same government that has done its utmost so far to procrastinate and delay effective measures against terrorists and organized crime is suddenly very quick on the ball when it comes to the possibility of deploying military units against the civilian population?

Read it all
The Boogaloo, Swedish Style | Gates of Vienna

The self loathing white left hate you whitey....worldwide ...you're all marked for extermination ..what's pathetic the majority of useful idiots have no clue that they're also on the menu...

Gates of Vienna Double shot

Reported cases of sexual molestation against women and girls have increased sharply since 2015
On Thursday the Crime Prevention Council’s preliminary statistics for reported crime during 2019 were released. The statistics show that the number of sexual molestations against women and girls has increased sharply since 2015. The number of reported sexual molestations in the group of girls 15-17 has increased by 51%.

Feminist read the whole thing at wacist islamophobe of Vienna
Yet Another Increase in Rapes and Sexual Assaults in Sweden | Gates of Vienna



It is such a dangerous quicksand trap.... This is why the democrats identity polotics is so dangerous, it divides us as common people.. While we kill each other they make us slaves...

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