Boehner basks in brief glory as doomed budget passes house

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Boehner Basks In Brief Glory As Doomed Budget Passes House |

To a newcomer, the hearty ovation might have suggested that John Boehner was the Republican Party’s conquering hero.

When Boehner strolled Friday into the ornate Rayburn Room on the second floor of the Capitol, he found a triumphant tableau: his entire conference, hooting and cheering under the crystal chandeliers, packed against walnut walls the color of the speaker’s skin. Boehner took his place at the center under a painting of George Washington, as GOP whip Kevin McCarthy heralded the day’s “bipartisan” achievement.

The term was technically accurate, though it stretched the meaning of the word to breaking point. The House on Friday passed a temporary spending measure that funds the government until Dec. 15, while defunding Barack Obama’s health-care law. It passed by a margin of 230-189. Two conservative Democrats, Utah’s Jim Matheson and Mike McIntyre of North Carolina, joined in backing the resolution; one Republican, Scott Rigell of Virginia, bucked the GOP line.

Read more: Boehner Basks In Brief Glory As Doomed Budget Passes House |

This is SO typical of the right. They're celebrating the fact that they have accomplished nothing. They have done nothing FOR their own country and they're proud of it.
Hey Puddly... turn your rep back on... let's see how much pos rep you get with all this LEFTARD TRASH you post.

C'mon... BOY... let's see if you have any BALLS at all, or if you're just a nasty little libtard weasel.
There is no glory in it. Democrats know how bad the Hussein/care law is and they remember when they rammed it through congress without reading it when they were in the majority. Union members who used to vote lock-step democrat are beginning to realize that they were screwed by the Hussein administration when they lose their health care insurance. People will blame the democrat party when nearby hospitals shut down and armed IRS agents come knocking on their door. Small businesses will blame democrats when they are forced to shut down and full time workers who are now part time workers will remember which party was in charge. Thank you John Boehner and Ted Cruz and the rest of the republicans who risked their careers to tell the truth about the 10,000 word law.
Like I said,

This is SO typical of the right. They're celebrating the fact that they have accomplished nothing. They have done nothing FOR their own country and they're proud of it.
Boehner ties up the country over another GOP temper tantrum

I can see why he is the worst speaker in history
It's only doomed because Harry Reid is a Statist Tool and Obama doesn't care about the welfare of average Americans.

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