Boehner: House To Vote For Full Repeal Of Obamacare


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
OUTSTANDING!!! Some republicans just might have found their SPINE...

Boehner: House To Vote For Full Repeal Of Obamacare

By Laura Barnes-Miller

During a press briefing on Thursday, Speak of the House John Boehner announced that the House would be voting for a full repeal of Obama’s healthcare law (Obamacare).

“Yesterday, the Leader announced the House would be voting next week on repealing the President’s healthcare law. The law should be repealed because it’s increasing the cost of healthcare, its reducing access to quality healthcare and frankly it’s making it much more difficult for small employers to hire workers. This morning, Senator [Mitch] McConnel and I informed the White House that we will not submit any names or recommendations for individuals to serve on the Independent Payment Advisory Board, IPAB, as we call it around here,” said Boehner. : Boehner: House To Vote For Full Repeal Of Obamacare
My bet is, there will be democrats will vote for repeal as well. They know it's the biggest fuck up in history, and they'd like to be remembered as ones that helped get rid of it.
This is awesome news. The sooner we end the Obamacare cancer, the better.

Of course, the Senate won't vote on such a measure...but we need to keep the pressure on the Dems through the 2014 election cycle in order to have a chance to keep Obamacare from killing our economy.
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This is awesome news. The sooner we end the Obamacare cancer, the better.

Of course, the Senate won't vote on such a measure...but we need to keep the pressure on the Dems through the 2014 election cycle in order to have a chance to keep Obamacare from killing our economy.

It has become PAINFULLY obvious that's virtually IMPOSSIBLE to implement, TWENTY SEVEN THOUSAND PAGES, let alone the costs involved are so staggering, there really isn't anyone left that's willing to lie that it won't kill our economy. There really isn't even anyone that knows what's all in it! However, they ALL know it has to go, even Reid. But he'll fight it because he owes obama. Too bad, they put party before America. They're trash.
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We can't stop it this year or next. If we win the Senate and House next year, we still can't stop it. Obama will veto. Let's stay sane, folks
There are internet services already in place to serve the insurance market (and which were launched nationwide with investments in the low tens of $ millions). Instead, with ObamaCare, we have a clusterfuck of an IT and business process monstrosity combined with inept bureaucratic overreach and micromanaged & arbitrary regulations. The fact that Congress and the Exec Branch are desperate to exempt themselves tells us they have zero confidence it will ever work.
This is a dog and pony show, Obamacare is not going anyway and will be reality come 2014
All of those on that list have waivers? It needs to posted and broadcast from every newspaper or website everyday so people wise up and refuse to sign up for health insurance in 2014.
This will be the noose around the dems neck by next year. Congress will pass the vote to repeal obamacare, and the dems in the senate will possibly kill it. In any case, if by some magical wave of the wand it made it to obama, he would veto it for sure. This will give republicans the momentum and the edge needed for clean sweep in 2014. Say goodbye dems... your days in power are growing very short.
This is a dog and pony show, Obamacare is not going anyway and will be reality come 2014

clue: It's already a reality for most Americans

No it's not. Not even close. The only reality so far people have seen of obamacare is a huge increase in their cost of healthcare and less money in their pay checks. Wait until the FINES hit next year, and you'll see a revolt against you POS dems like you've never seen before.
I suppose the Republicans are looking forward to this revolt since voters will be lining up at the polls to vote for them.
We can't stop it this year or next. If we win the Senate and House next year, we still can't stop it. Obama will veto. Let's stay sane, folks

Jake does have a point.

What's the point of this stupid pointless exercise?

Has Bonehead scheduled hearing on Obama's Benghazi Coverup?
All of those on that list have waivers? It needs to posted and broadcast from every newspaper or website everyday so people wise up and refuse to sign up for health insurance in 2014.

Great plan. Get people to agree to being uninsured or to go on paying more than they have to for health care coverage.

Seriously, WHO is dumb enough to do that?

The real question is, WHY do the rw nutters continue to fall for this joke on them? They know the R won't vote for jobs. They know the R won't vote for anything that might actually help the country or the middle class. They know the R votes only to help their masters, the 2%. And, surely, the rw's know the R is just putting on a bit political theater, for the 35th time and at the cost of millions.

They couldn't get the votes the last 34 times. Why would they think they can this time? And, why would they think the president would sign it?

ObamaCare is the law of the land and I for one, don't want to have to give any of the money I've gotten back as a result of it.
All of those on that list have waivers? It needs to posted and broadcast from every newspaper or website everyday so people wise up and refuse to sign up for health insurance in 2014.

Great plan. Get people to agree to being uninsured or to go on paying more than they have to for health care coverage.

Seriously, WHO is dumb enough to do that?

The real question is, WHY do the rw nutters continue to fall for this joke on them? They know the R won't vote for jobs. They know the R won't vote for anything that might actually help the country or the middle class. They know the R votes only to help their masters, the 2%. And, surely, the rw's know the R is just putting on a bit political theater, for the 35th time and at the cost of millions.

They couldn't get the votes the last 34 times. Why would they think they can this time? And, why would they think the president would sign it?

ObamaCare is the law of the land and I for one, don't want to have to give any of the money I've gotten back as a result of it.

It would be a great plan if the law was the law for everyone. When laws are unequally applied they are unjust.
We can't stop it this year or next. If we win the Senate and House next year, we still can't stop it. Obama will veto. Let's stay sane, folks

Jake does have a point.

What's the point of this stupid pointless exercise?

Has Bonehead scheduled hearing on Obama's Benghazi Coverup?

I love your posts. I don't often read them but when I do, you give me a real chuckle.
All of those on that list have waivers? It needs to posted and broadcast from every newspaper or website everyday so people wise up and refuse to sign up for health insurance in 2014.

Great plan. Get people to agree to being uninsured or to go on paying more than they have to for health care coverage.

Seriously, WHO is dumb enough to do that?

The real question is, WHY do the rw nutters continue to fall for this joke on them? They know the R won't vote for jobs. They know the R won't vote for anything that might actually help the country or the middle class. They know the R votes only to help their masters, the 2%. And, surely, the rw's know the R is just putting on a bit political theater, for the 35th time and at the cost of millions.

They couldn't get the votes the last 34 times. Why would they think they can this time? And, why would they think the president would sign it?

ObamaCare is the law of the land and I for one, don't want to have to give any of the money I've gotten back as a result of it.

The delicious part is that the "mandate" was a creation of the Right/Heritage Foundation in response to Hillary's HC task force in the 90's :rofl:

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