Boehner Incompetent; Cruz Un-American

and the radical tea party Republicans have decided their job is more important than those held by Americans who actually work.

How many days has the H. of Rep. been in session since January 2011? What have they accomplished?

Amazing how you can get your knickers in a twist over Republicans simply living up to their campaign promises.

They have not been sent to Washington to fall down on their knees and give daily blow jobs to Obama nor Harry Reid.

Republicans are actually voting on behalf of their constituents. Obviously integrity means nothing to liberals for all the whacked out over the top threads about the eeeeeeevil Republicans and Tea Partiers.

Now if any Republican ran on Pro Obamacare, Pro Raising the debt ceiling and Pro increasing taxes I sure as hell don't know about them.

So consequently, R's are doing right by the citizens who voted them in. Whether you like it or not.
and the radical tea party Republicans have decided their job is more important than those held by Americans who actually work.

How many days has the H. of Rep. been in session since January 2011? What have they accomplished?

Amazing how you can get your knickers in a twist over Republicans simply living up to their campaign promises.

They have not been sent to Washington to fall down on their knees and give daily blow jobs to Obama nor Harry Reid.

Republicans are actually voting on behalf of their constituents. Obviously integrity means nothing to liberals for all the whacked out over the top threads about the eeeeeeevil Republicans and Tea Partiers.

Now if any Republican ran on Pro Obamacare, Pro Raising the debt ceiling and Pro increasing taxes I sure as hell don't know about them.

So consequently, R's are doing right by the citizens who voted them in. Whether you like it or not.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 90% of the National Debt.

Go to to see the numbers.

Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision. All the Democrats voted against it.

Republicans are responsible for almost all of the country's problems.
and the radical tea party Republicans have decided their job is more important than those held by Americans who actually work.

How many days has the H. of Rep. been in session since January 2011? What have they accomplished?

Amazing how you can get your knickers in a twist over Republicans simply living up to their campaign promises.

They have not been sent to Washington to fall down on their knees and give daily blow jobs to Obama nor Harry Reid.

Republicans are actually voting on behalf of their constituents. Obviously integrity means nothing to liberals for all the whacked out over the top threads about the eeeeeeevil Republicans and Tea Partiers.

Now if any Republican ran on Pro Obamacare, Pro Raising the debt ceiling and Pro increasing taxes I sure as hell don't know about them.

So consequently, R's are doing right by the citizens who voted them in. Whether you like it or not.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 90% of the National Debt.

Go to to see the numbers.

Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision. All the Democrats voted against it.

Republicans are responsible for almost all of the country's problems.

What does this have to do with the OP?
Amazing how you can get your knickers in a twist over Republicans simply living up to their campaign promises.

They have not been sent to Washington to fall down on their knees and give daily blow jobs to Obama nor Harry Reid.

Republicans are actually voting on behalf of their constituents. Obviously integrity means nothing to liberals for all the whacked out over the top threads about the eeeeeeevil Republicans and Tea Partiers.

Now if any Republican ran on Pro Obamacare, Pro Raising the debt ceiling and Pro increasing taxes I sure as hell don't know about them.

So consequently, R's are doing right by the citizens who voted them in. Whether you like it or not.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 90% of the National Debt.

Go to to see the numbers.

Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision. All the Democrats voted against it.

Republicans are responsible for almost all of the country's problems.

What does this have to do with the OP?
Take note of the radical website and cherry picked data, while ignoring the 25 trillion dollars of debt that Obama has wracked up in only 5 years.
and the radical tea party Republicans have decided their job is more important than those held by Americans who actually work.

How many days has the H. of Rep. been in session since January 2011? What have they accomplished?

Oh, look -- yet another prog retard who thinks the GOP's job is to rubber-stamp Obama's agenda.

Hint: Members of the House of Representatives work for their constituents, not for the Senate and White House.

Do I need to post some Schoolhouse Rock videos? They're aimed at about your intellectual age.
If the radical Republicans really believed in austerity, wouldn't they eliminate the health care package they get and cut their own salary and benefits?

If Obamacare is so swell, why are Democrats so keen on exempting Congress from it?

Democrats Act to Stop Vitter Amendment, Keep Obamacare Exemptions for Congress
Democratic leaders increased their efforts on Tuesday to turn aside an amendment sponsored by Republican U.S. Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, that would prevent Congressional members and staffers from receiving exemptions from key Obamacare measures.

When Congress passed the sweeping Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010, Congressional members and their staff were exempted from several provisions of the law.

The Vitter amendment would change that and require the president and vice president to participate in mandated healthcare exchanges and would eliminate federal employer contributions for health benefits for the president, vice president, members of Congress, and political appointees.

The amendment also would block tax credits for assistance in buying insurance on the exchanges for these individuals.


But a new poll released by the Independent Women's Voice gives support to Vitter's efforts.

"Overwhelmingly, 94 percent of voters consider it fair that the Congress be required to abide by the same law they passed for the country. Conversely, 92 percent of voters believe it is unfair that the Congress should be exempt from buying their insurance in the health exchanges," the poll said.​
Of course, it's not like Democrats give a damn about what the people think.
and the radical tea party Republicans have decided their job is more important than those held by Americans who actually work.

How many days has the H. of Rep. been in session since January 2011? What have they accomplished?

they have sent bills to the senate, how many has harry tabled ? :eusa_eh:

How many have included a "poison pill"? You're a parrot and completely dishonest.

"Poison pill" equals, of course, "anything liberals don't like".

Funny...that makes it synonymous with racism, treason, hate speech...
and the radical tea party Republicans have decided their job is more important than those held by Americans who actually work.

How many days has the H. of Rep. been in session since January 2011? What have they accomplished?

It won't affect most Tea Party people

Medicare, Medicaid Would Keep Running If U.S. Government Shuts Down - US News and World Report
It won't affect most Tea Party people

I am a federal employee, I don't give a shit, shut it down.
I am, too. I wouldn't mind some time off.

The House is simply doing what we pay them to do when an out of control executive tries to bully them. They close the purse. Granting waivers and delays.....

Enough proof for me that the executive over stepped his boundaries.
WASHINGTON — It wasn’t supposed to be this way.

In the wake of Mitt Romney’s defeat in 2012, Republicans issued a call to pull together, broaden the party’s appeal, and develop a far more inclusive message.

But the GOP’s civil war is now raging stronger than ever, with top leaders fighting amongst themselves over the pending double-barreled threats of a government shutdown and debt default. The battle is being waged in a far more public way than it was in the last several fiscal crises.

The GOP’s failure to heal the party’s rifts could, with a shutdown, threaten the economy by putting hundreds of thousands of federal employees out of work and, in the process, produce another vivid display of Washington dysfunction.

Many Republicans are worried about what could become a harmful pattern for the party, and maybe even derail GOP hopes of winning control of the Senate in next year’s midterm elections.

“We have to find a way to broaden the message,” said Craig Robinson, who runs the Iowa Republican, an influential website in the key swing state. “Right now we’re a one-note party. I know Americans like reality TV because of all the drama. But come on, who wants to watch this?”

The intraparty warfare, spilling out from cable television shows to the floor of the US Senate, prolongs a rift within the party that has been festering since 2009, when the rise of the Tea Party movement threatened the GOP establishment.

Shutdown fight reveals deeper splits within Republican Party, despite calls for united front - Politics - The Boston Globe

It's not even D's vs R's that's the problem. It's the R's implosion.
If the radical Republicans really believed in austerity, wouldn't they eliminate the health care package they get and cut their own salary and benefits?

Democrats exempted themselves from ObamaCare

Wondering where do you get your wrong information from?

Bottom line: has Congress exempted itself from Obamacare? No. Members of the House and Senate, as well as their aides, will be kicked out of the federal system -- all because Grassley played a stupid game -- and will get coverage through exchanges.

The exchanges were, of course, designed for Americans who can't get coverage through their employer, but this pool of consumers will have a very notable exception: Congress.

Anyone who tells you there's a congressional "exemption" from the law either doesn't know what they're talking about, or assumes you're easily fooled into believing nonsense.

Congress isn't 'exempt' from Obamacare - The Maddow Blog
and the radical tea party Republicans have decided their job is more important than those held by Americans who actually work.

How many days has the H. of Rep. been in session since January 2011? What have they accomplished?

they have sent bills to the senate, how many has harry tabled ? :eusa_eh:

How many have included a "poison pill"? You're a parrot and completely dishonest.

The ocare law is full of cyanide.
and the radical tea party Republicans have decided their job is more important than those held by Americans who actually work.

How many days has the H. of Rep. been in session since January 2011? What have they accomplished?

Boehner is incompetent, a coward as well.

Cruz isn’t so much un-American as he is uninformed, naïve, and ignorant, which is typical of most in the TPM.

so to was Tip O'Niell? And Mondale? :eusa_eh:

Don't forget Nancy Pelosi. The very definition of the "C" word (and no - I don't mean "cancer" - though her and her party are definitely a cancer to America as well).
How many have included a "poison pill"? You're a parrot and completely dishonest.

about as many that shut down the gov. in say Carters day ( 3, or was it 6 times?) over abortion and nuclear power which he told them he would not sign.......12 days, once. And they were ALL DEMOCRATS, congress etc....I guess they were all UN-american, ..its a bitch huh? You're an ignoramus and a media up sheep.

You're an asshole as well as being an ignorant member of the echo chamber. Without any proof what does something you allege occurred happening over a quarter century ago have to do with current events?

In other words, it doesn't count when Dumbocrats do it but you are "outraged" when Republicans do it? :eusa_whistle:
and the radical tea party Republicans have decided their job is more important than those held by Americans who actually work.

How many days has the H. of Rep. been in session since January 2011? What have they accomplished?

Amazing how you can get your knickers in a twist over Republicans simply living up to their campaign promises.

They have not been sent to Washington to fall down on their knees and give daily blow jobs to Obama nor Harry Reid.

Republicans are actually voting on behalf of their constituents. Obviously integrity means nothing to liberals for all the whacked out over the top threads about the eeeeeeevil Republicans and Tea Partiers.

Now if any Republican ran on Pro Obamacare, Pro Raising the debt ceiling and Pro increasing taxes I sure as hell don't know about them.

So consequently, R's are doing right by the citizens who voted them in. Whether you like it or not.

Reagan and the two Bushes created 90% of the National Debt.

Go to to see the numbers.

Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy in 2008.

Republicans on the Supreme Court voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions in the Citizens United decision. All the Democrats voted against it.

Republicans are responsible for almost all of the country's problems.

Considering the debt was $10 trillion when Obama took office and now stands at $17 trillion, your numbers (as usual), don't add up at all... :lmao:

[MENTION=11254]Chris[/MENTION] continues to take ignorance to previously unforeseen levels...
Boehner isn't the speaker anymore, he's merely the spokesman for the eXtreme Right in the House. He can't control his own caucus,. Sad that :(
Boehner isn't the speaker anymore, he's merely the spokesman for the eXtreme Right in the House. He can't control his own caucus,. Sad that :(

Sad that A.) you want one man controlling everyone else (typical Nazi Dumbocrat), and, B.) the Dumbocrats mindlessly do follow their incompetent speakers.
and the radical tea party Republicans have decided their job is more important than those held by Americans who actually work.

How many days has the H. of Rep. been in session since January 2011? What have they accomplished?

Hey [MENTION=20297]Wry Catcher[/MENTION] - this is your god here. This is the man you are desperate to fellate. So the Republicans are doing exactly what Obama said they should do and you cry like a little girl? :cuckoo:

"Mr. President, I rise today to talk about America's debt problem.

The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can't pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Over the past 5 years, our federal debt has increased by $3.5 trillion to $8.6 trillion. That is "trillion'' with a "T.'' That is money that we have borrowed from the Social Security trust fund, borrowed from China and Japan, borrowed from American taxpayers." - Senator Barack Obama, 2006

Debt Limit Has Been increased SEVEN times under Obama

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