Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day

Democrats don't stand for all of that, they just say they do.

They're all about unions, socialism, crony-capitalism, and race-baiting.

You say you will only accept proof from non-biased sources that regulations from Obama and now lawsuits from his DOJ is hurting business. That's impossible because if left up to you every source can be easily dismissed. Long as you have your blinders on no truth can penetrate.

How convenient for you.

Actually I pointed out how choosing to be so closed-minded makes it convenient for you to ignore reality.

You said that because of my perceived closed-mindedness, you don't have to bother proving your point. Like I said, how convenient for you.

By the way, I was looking at your sig. I thought you might like to know that it is taken completely out of context. Here's the full quote:

Right-Wing Media Attack Obama For Accurate Remarks On Business' Investment In Automated Machines | Media Matters for America

The other thing that happened, though, and this goes to the point you were just making, is there are some structural issues with our economy where a lot of businesses have learned to become much more efficient with a lot fewer workers. You see it when you go to a bank and you use an ATM; you don't go to a bank teller. Or you go to the airport, and you're using a kiosk instead of checking in at the gate. So all these things have created changes in the economy, and what we have to do now -- and that's what this job council is all about -- is identifying where the jobs for the future are going to be; how do we make sure that there's a match between what people are getting trained for and the jobs that exist; how do we make sure that capital is flowing into those places with the greatest opportunity. We are on the right track. The key is figuring out how do we accelerate it.
Obama show this brand of ideology during a Democrat debat no less. He was asked if it was discovered that raising taxes on the rich never increased revenue would he still do it. He said yes? They made fun of him, but the point was that regardless of the outcome his goal was raising taxes even if it didn't bring the desired results.

And what did GOP presidential hopefuls say at the last debate? When asked if they would accept 10 to 1 spending cuts to tax increases, every single one of them said they wouldn't. And what does that tell us? It tells us that the GOP is so blinded by this anti-tax ideology that they'd be willing to walk away from the deal of the century. I still believe that in reality, none of them would scoff at that deal, but they said it nonetheless.
He didn't ask him, he TOLD him. Now the Prez is going to have to compete with the opening of the NFL season. Whoever told him it would be a 'clever' ploy to try and bump the Republican debate should be sent out the back of the White House by the same route our punk-in-chief sent the Dalai Lama.
I just read every page on this thread.

I have come to the conclusion that we are fucked as a nation.

I personally rather hear what the Prez has to say however, I understand there is some excitement about the GOP debate but do we really have to turn this into a Parisian debacle?

I sit here quite disappointed in the majority of the posts I read, on both ends. We have a lack of critical thinking going on here, for sure.

I believe the point, drooler, is that the nation shouldn't HAVE to choose between hearing Obama's droning, long-winded batch of nothing much and seeing a debate between future contenders for the same office.

Wow, nice response. The guy gives a well-reasoned opinion and you come back with insults and partisan jabs.

Nice hypocrisy. I've seen you do the same thing many times "tool"
I believe the point, drooler, is that the nation shouldn't HAVE to choose between hearing Obama's droning, long-winded batch of nothing much and seeing a debate between future contenders for the same office.

Wow, nice response. The guy gives a well-reasoned opinion and you come back with insults and partisan jabs.

Nice hypocrisy. I've seen you do the same thing many times "tool"

pearls before swine, grampa... pearls before swine.
How convenient for you.

Actually I pointed out how choosing to be so closed-minded makes it convenient for you to ignore reality.

You said that because of my perceived closed-mindedness, you don't have to bother proving your point. Like I said, how convenient for you.

By the way, I was looking at your sig. I thought you might like to know that it is taken completely out of context. Here's the full quote:

Right-Wing Media Attack Obama For Accurate Remarks On Business' Investment In Automated Machines | Media Matters for America

The other thing that happened, though, and this goes to the point you were just making, is there are some structural issues with our economy where a lot of businesses have learned to become much more efficient with a lot fewer workers. You see it when you go to a bank and you use an ATM; you don't go to a bank teller. Or you go to the airport, and you're using a kiosk instead of checking in at the gate. So all these things have created changes in the economy, and what we have to do now -- and that's what this job council is all about -- is identifying where the jobs for the future are going to be; how do we make sure that there's a match between what people are getting trained for and the jobs that exist; how do we make sure that capital is flowing into those places with the greatest opportunity. We are on the right track. The key is figuring out how do we accelerate it.
now the little bitch is whining about a sig about Obama? pussy!
I understand that John Boehner’s objections stemmed from the fact that security would have less than two hours to examine the premises? One wonders what the house speaker thinks might happen, is he concerned that a member of congress is going to attempt to assonate the president? I know the partisan bickering and proverbial vitriol has reached an all-time high but I hardly think such levels of concern are justified. Indeed one might even be inclined to call it paranoid, unless of course the house speaker has someone in mind he might believe to be of concern (I’m not hedging any bets here, I think its Eric Cantor).:lol:
When I first heard that the president had capitulated and moved the date of his address, I was for a moment disappointed that such an oblivious political powerplay had been allowed to succeed. However, having considered the facts in the matter, I understand the administrations reasoning.
Recently I got involved in a situation where I disagreed with someone else over a relatively small matter. Technically, we both had valid points and neither of us was willing to concede even one small detail, as a result the argument continued to escalate until this tiny insignificant issue had been blown ridiculously out of proportion. Sometimes it’s better to just concede a small issue, than allow it to become the proverbial mountain from a molehill.

You're new here.

Irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
What goes on here shouldn't be going on in Washington but this what happens when one side has principles and the other only wants to score points to assure reelection.

I agree that bickering over such petty issues shouldn’t be going on in Washington. However, I believe this entire issue was raised solely so that the house speaker can keep the right in the press with needless controversy so they can score as many points as possible with the electorate in hopes of winning the 2012 election.

And a Joint Session should be the time when all precautions must be taken. The POTUS, the VP, the Speaker of the house and bo the House and Senate are in one room, a perfect time to set off a bomb, pop nerve agent or Sarin-gas, or fly a plane into the capital.

You don't want our entire govt whiped out,do you?

Safety precautions involving a plane being flown into the building take place elsewhere and can go on during session, bombs and the like would have to be planted there either before the start of the business day (its not as though the only security is three hours before the president gets there, they’ll be there all day) or be placed there while congress was in session, and any necessary preparations outside the chamber can go on while the session continues. I should think an hour and a half would be more than enough time to prepare the chamber itself (And no one has explained to me why the session can’t be ended earlier).
I understand that John Boehner’s objections stemmed from the fact that security would have less than two hours to examine the premises? One wonders what the house speaker thinks might happen, is he concerned that a member of congress is going to attempt to assonate the president? I know the partisan bickering and proverbial vitriol has reached an all-time high but I hardly think such levels of concern are justified. Indeed one might even be inclined to call it paranoid, unless of course the house speaker has someone in mind he might believe to be of concern (I’m not hedging any bets here, I think its Eric Cantor).:lol:
When I first heard that the president had capitulated and moved the date of his address, I was for a moment disappointed that such an oblivious political powerplay had been allowed to succeed. However, having considered the facts in the matter, I understand the administrations reasoning.
Recently I got involved in a situation where I disagreed with someone else over a relatively small matter. Technically, we both had valid points and neither of us was willing to concede even one small detail, as a result the argument continued to escalate until this tiny insignificant issue had been blown ridiculously out of proportion. Sometimes it’s better to just concede a small issue, than allow it to become the proverbial mountain from a molehill.

You're new here.

Irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
What goes on here shouldn't be going on in Washington but this what happens when one side has principles and the other only wants to score points to assure reelection.

I agree that bickering over such petty issues shouldn’t be going on in Washington. However, I believe this entire issue was raised solely so that the house speaker can keep the right in the press with needless controversy so they can score as many points as possible with the electorate in hopes of winning the 2012 election.

And a Joint Session should be the time when all precautions must be taken. The POTUS, the VP, the Speaker of the house and bo the House and Senate are in one room, a perfect time to set off a bomb, pop nerve agent or Sarin-gas, or fly a plane into the capital.

You don't want our entire govt whiped out,do you?

Safety precautions involving a plane being flown into the building take place elsewhere and can go on during session, bombs and the like would have to be planted there either before the start of the business day (its not as though the only security is three hours before the president gets there, they’ll be there all day) or be placed there while congress was in session, and any necessary preparations outside the chamber can go on while the session continues. I should think an hour and a half would be more than enough time to prepare the chamber itself (And no one has explained to me why the session can’t be ended earlier).

I am not being sarcastic when I ask this.

Do you believe the White House when they say that did not realize there was the debate scheduled that same night at the same time?

And if you dont believe I would think you probably dont as you are obviously intelligent...then do you not believe it was a calculated move?

And if it is a calculated move, then why do you put the blame on Boehner for reacting as he did?
Now, Zander is weak, as always. Pull your head out of Boehner's ass, son.
The house has passed partisan bullshit with no chance of getting past the Senate.
And the President continues to propose partisan bullshit that has no hope of passing the House. See how that works?

Naw..because that's not reality.

What republicans are looking for is total capitulation. They want this president out and control of both houses.

They don't want compromise. They don't want a good economy. They actually just want a one party nation they can hand over to the Plutocrats.

Because they hate the government we have. And have said it over and over.

Whereas the "President" is proposing partisan bullshit because he's a uniter who wants "bipartisan cooperation"? :cuckoo:
The speaker has the power to stop him. He does control when the house gathers after all. This could get ugly.
I saw a story that President Obama left the White House and walked over to the House of Representatives, when he found John Boner, he planted his foot right up his ass! wow. Obama finally getting a backbone, don't we wish....:doubt:
Obama show this brand of ideology during a Democrat debat no less. He was asked if it was discovered that raising taxes on the rich never increased revenue would he still do it. He said yes? They made fun of him, but the point was that regardless of the outcome his goal was raising taxes even if it didn't bring the desired results.

And what did GOP presidential hopefuls say at the last debate? When asked if they would accept 10 to 1 spending cuts to tax increases, every single one of them said they wouldn't. And what does that tell us? It tells us that the GOP is so blinded by this anti-tax ideology that they'd be willing to walk away from the deal of the century. I still believe that in reality, none of them would scoff at that deal, but they said it nonetheless.

It's insane to bargain with a dishonest broker.

It doesn't matter what Obama says his word is worthless as Boehner intimated with his Jello comment.

You've bought into this hogwash that higher taxes are good. 87% say otherwise when it means their taxes go up, and trust me, they will.

If you don't mind living on the edge of poverty while that prick lives off the gravy-train from now on then you should be happy. Your lot in life is not his concern. Never was.
The speaker has the power to stop him. He does control when the house gathers after all. This could get ugly.
I saw a story that President Obama left the White House and walked over to the House of Representatives, when he found John Boner, he planted his foot right up his ass! wow. Obama finally getting a backbone, don't we wish....:doubt:

Where did you see that story? Because the truth is that obama tucked and bowed out like he does when Michelle catches him having a smoke or oogling some young girl's ass.
Obama was bitch slapped by Boehner. If his date selection was innocent, as his prevaricating mouthpieces insist, then he should have stuck to his guns. Instead he backed down. He looks usual.

No, actually, he wasn't "bitch slapped". If anything, if this plays out right, which I think it will, it will be used to illustrate exactly what President Obama should have done in the first place, spot lighted the fact that the Republicans aren't interested in governing. They actually hate the government we have. And they are doing their very best to make it dysfunctional to prove that government doesn't work.

Along with so many other historic things this congress is pulling, like record low legislation, refusing to do anything to increase revenues to pay debt, a record on brinksmenship with the debt ceiling, calling the President a "liar" in the halls of congress, etc, they are showing that they are petulant, vulgar, arrogant, and obstructionist. This has never happened before, that a speaker denied a president a chance to speak before congress.

And it fits in nicely to that story..:lol:

Good going boys! :clap2:
I understand that John Boehner’s objections stemmed from the fact that security would have less than two hours to examine the premises? One wonders what the house speaker thinks might happen, is he concerned that a member of congress is going to attempt to assonate the president? I know the partisan bickering and proverbial vitriol has reached an all-time high but I hardly think such levels of concern are justified. Indeed one might even be inclined to call it paranoid, unless of course the house speaker has someone in mind he might believe to be of concern (I’m not hedging any bets here, I think its Eric Cantor).:lol:
When I first heard that the president had capitulated and moved the date of his address, I was for a moment disappointed that such an oblivious political powerplay had been allowed to succeed. However, having considered the facts in the matter, I understand the administrations reasoning.
Recently I got involved in a situation where I disagreed with someone else over a relatively small matter. Technically, we both had valid points and neither of us was willing to concede even one small detail, as a result the argument continued to escalate until this tiny insignificant issue had been blown ridiculously out of proportion. Sometimes it’s better to just concede a small issue, than allow it to become the proverbial mountain from a molehill.

You're new here.

Irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
What goes on here shouldn't be going on in Washington but this what happens when one side has principles and the other only wants to score points to assure reelection.

I agree that bickering over such petty issues shouldn’t be going on in Washington. However, I believe this entire issue was raised solely so that the house speaker can keep the right in the press with needless controversy so they can score as many points as possible with the electorate in hopes of winning the 2012 election.

And a Joint Session should be the time when all precautions must be taken. The POTUS, the VP, the Speaker of the house and bo the House and Senate are in one room, a perfect time to set off a bomb, pop nerve agent or Sarin-gas, or fly a plane into the capital.

You don't want our entire govt whiped out,do you?

Safety precautions involving a plane being flown into the building take place elsewhere and can go on during session, bombs and the like would have to be planted there either before the start of the business day (its not as though the only security is three hours before the president gets there, they’ll be there all day) or be placed there while congress was in session, and any necessary preparations outside the chamber can go on while the session continues. I should think an hour and a half would be more than enough time to prepare the chamber itself (And no one has explained to me why the session can’t be ended earlier).

Another know it all.

You ignore several suicide bombers could take out security easily. And there is plenty of time between now and then to plant bombs.

I guess you're a security expert with years of experience in the field.

I'm gonna take your earlier advice and drop this because obviously you like twisting reality into oversimplified easier to consume portions. Having dealt with terrorism at my level in the military I know that more goes into threat assessment then you think.
Obama was bitch slapped by Boehner. If his date selection was innocent, as his prevaricating mouthpieces insist, then he should have stuck to his guns. Instead he backed down. He looks usual.

No, actually, he wasn't "bitch slapped". If anything, if this plays out right, which I think it will, it will be used to illustrate exactly what President Obama should have done in the first place, spot lighted the fact that the Republicans aren't interested in governing. They actually hate the government we have. And they are doing their very best to make it dysfunctional to prove that government doesn't work.

Along with so many other historic things this congress is pulling, like record low legislation, refusing to do anything to increase revenues to pay debt, a record on brinksmenship with the debt ceiling, calling the President a "liar" in the halls of congress, etc, they are showing that they are petulant, vulgar, arrogant, and obstructionist. This has never happened before, that a speaker denied a president a chance to speak before congress.

And it fits in nicely to that story..:lol:

Good going boys! :clap2:

With the effort necessary to spin that much, Sallow has to be dizzy as hell.

Face reality. President Obama and his peeps chose the date IN ORDER to CONFLICT with the GOP festivities.

When he got called on it, he DID back down -- as he ought to have, since he never should have made that cheese-dick effort in the first place.

He has revealed that he is a small, petty, little man. Even so, he still gets some props for at least back-peddling enough to END UP doing the right thing.
Obama was bitch slapped by Boehner. If his date selection was innocent, as his prevaricating mouthpieces insist, then he should have stuck to his guns. Instead he backed down. He looks usual.

No, actually, he wasn't "bitch slapped". If anything, if this plays out right, which I think it will, it will be used to illustrate exactly what President Obama should have done in the first place, spot lighted the fact that the Republicans aren't interested in governing. They actually hate the government we have. And they are doing their very best to make it dysfunctional to prove that government doesn't work.

Along with so many other historic things this congress is pulling, like record low legislation, refusing to do anything to increase revenues to pay debt, a record on brinksmenship with the debt ceiling, calling the President a "liar" in the halls of congress, etc, they are showing that they are petulant, vulgar, arrogant, and obstructionist. This has never happened before, that a speaker denied a president a chance to speak before congress.

And it fits in nicely to that story..:lol:

Good going boys! :clap2:

Put the crack pipe down son. Crack is bad....ummmmmkay.

Ps. Go find a job slacker. Obama has created so many you should have no problems.
I believe the point, drooler, is that the nation shouldn't HAVE to choose between hearing Obama's droning, long-winded batch of nothing much and seeing a debate between future contenders for the same office.

Wow, nice response. The guy gives a well-reasoned opinion and you come back with insults and partisan jabs.

Nice hypocrisy. I've seen you do the same thing many times "tool"

And now you're doing it. Aren't you the asshole?

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