Boehner just asked Obama to move his speech by one day

I don't have an excuse. Now what?

Well that's entirely up to you.
When I realised Bush was hurting the country with his spending I stopped supporting him. Most of you lefties seem unwilling to admit any fault on Obamas watch. So if you choose to blindly follow him off the cliff that's your choice.
Personally I choose to fight back and demand better.

Well, that's your problem. You don't like Obama and think that he's the cause of all of our problems. I don't feel that way, but it doesn't mean that I worship the guy. I think you'd have an easier time if you stopped thinking that everybody should think like you, and that everybody who doesn't is wrong. And Obama doesn't control what legislation becomes law. The GOP is currently in control of the House of Reps. They've been in there since Jan and have yet to do anything about jobs. When are you going to demand action of them? They do have an obligation to govern. Part of good governance is the ability to cooperate.

When have I EVER said all of our problems were because of Obama? Never

When have you EVER admitted ANY of it was his fault? Never

Makes the discussion kinda pointless if you ask me.
Well that's entirely up to you.
When I realised Bush was hurting the country with his spending I stopped supporting him. Most of you lefties seem unwilling to admit any fault on Obamas watch. So if you choose to blindly follow him off the cliff that's your choice.
Personally I choose to fight back and demand better.

Well, that's your problem. You don't like Obama and think that he's the cause of all of our problems. I don't feel that way, but it doesn't mean that I worship the guy. I think you'd have an easier time if you stopped thinking that everybody should think like you, and that everybody who doesn't is wrong. And Obama doesn't control what legislation becomes law. The GOP is currently in control of the House of Reps. They've been in there since Jan and have yet to do anything about jobs. When are you going to demand action of them? They do have an obligation to govern. Part of good governance is the ability to cooperate.

When have I EVER said all of our problems were because of Obama? Never

When have you EVER admitted ANY of it was his fault? Never

Makes the discussion kinda pointless if you ask me.

Just like I don't know if you blame Obama entirely, you don't know that I've never criticized Obama. First of all, I doubt you've seen every post I've ever made. Second, I have a life outside of USMB. I have plenty of criticisms for Obama.
Well, that's your problem. You don't like Obama and think that he's the cause of all of our problems. I don't feel that way, but it doesn't mean that I worship the guy. I think you'd have an easier time if you stopped thinking that everybody should think like you, and that everybody who doesn't is wrong. And Obama doesn't control what legislation becomes law. The GOP is currently in control of the House of Reps. They've been in there since Jan and have yet to do anything about jobs. When are you going to demand action of them? They do have an obligation to govern. Part of good governance is the ability to cooperate.

When have I EVER said all of our problems were because of Obama? Never

When have you EVER admitted ANY of it was his fault? Never

Makes the discussion kinda pointless if you ask me.

Just like I don't know if you blame Obama entirely, you don't know that I've never criticized Obama. First of all, I doubt you've seen every post I've ever made. Second, I have a life outside of USMB. I have plenty of criticisms for Obama.

Actually, that's true.

I believe you made a "negative" comment about President Obama just recently. Like within the past day or three. Mild. But still not positive.
You're new here.

Irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

I agree that bickering over such petty issues shouldn’t be going on in Washington. However, I believe this entire issue was raised solely so that the house speaker can keep the right in the press with needless controversy so they can score as many points as possible with the electorate in hopes of winning the 2012 election.

And a Joint Session should be the time when all precautions must be taken. The POTUS, the VP, the Speaker of the house and bo the House and Senate are in one room, a perfect time to set off a bomb, pop nerve agent or Sarin-gas, or fly a plane into the capital.

You don't want our entire govt whiped out,do you?

Safety precautions involving a plane being flown into the building take place elsewhere and can go on during session, bombs and the like would have to be planted there either before the start of the business day (its not as though the only security is three hours before the president gets there, they’ll be there all day) or be placed there while congress was in session, and any necessary preparations outside the chamber can go on while the session continues. I should think an hour and a half would be more than enough time to prepare the chamber itself (And no one has explained to me why the session can’t be ended earlier).

Another know it all.

Why thank you, I’ll take that as a compliment.

You ignore several suicide bombers could take out security easily.
Irrelevant, the danger of such a thing happening remains the same no matter what the timing of the address.
And there is plenty of time between now and then to plant bombs.
And plenty of time to find them. As I said the chamber can be searched prior to the start of session that day (and would be regardless), and an hour and a half is more than enough time to sweep the chamber itself, all other preparations can be made while congress is in session.
I guess you're a security expert with years of experience in the field.
The president’s experts in security (the secret service) apparently had no problem with the timing of the address; it would seem they needed John Boehner to educate them on the matter.
I'm gonna take your earlier advice and drop this because obviously you like twisting reality into oversimplified easier to consume portions.
Dude, have you read what you just wrote?
Having dealt with terrorism at my level in the military I know that more goes into threat assessment then you think.
It would appear that both you and house speaker Boehner feel you know more about the matter than the secret service.
I would point out however that all you have done is state one possible worse case scenario after another without making a single argument as to why this would be more likely to happen if the president were to address the country twenty four hours earlier.
You claim to know more than I about such matters, however your statements on this issue appear to demonstrate that this is not so.
No, I think it'll make Obama look bad for scheduling his speech on the same day as a GOP debate. Both sides claim the debate has nothing to do with it. Yeah, right. I think the Speaker comes out of this in good shape either way.

There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started as soon as they came back from recess. What Boner did has never been done in history, and it was not necessary.
I remember the days when the President only went in front of a joint session during national emergencies and the state of the union address. How many of these has he had so far?

What they've turned into is his own personal campaign speech and opportunities for him to act like he's better then everyone else. He's taken time to insult house leaders and Supreme Court Justices at these "address to the natiion" events.

The right has been bitching for months that Obama has no plan, and now that he wants to lay out his plan to Congress, the right is complaining and accusing Obama of campaigning. He can't win with you guys no matter what he does. By the way, I'd say that the UE rate is a national emergency. How do you not see that?
Right. "Obama's regulations" are holding up the job market. Companies must have started firing in advance of those regulations since this all began in 2007. Who knew companies are also psychics? By the way, what are all of these "Obama regulations" that are keeping employers from hiring?

Don't be a lazy lib. Google it yourself. I'll give you some keywords...


Most of the provisions of the ACA (health care) haven't even gone into effect. How is that holding up jobs?

Maybe some EPA regs are tough on companies, but how are they to blame for the poor economy?

Dust? Not sure what you're talking about there.

MPG? Requiring better MPG standards stifles job growth? Um....ok. How so?

Anticipating higher costs (some of which has already occured) slows hiring.

Your own experiences with lead regulations are an example. Just magnify them by 100 or 1000 for large companies to see the cost possibilities

New dust regulations may interfere with agriculture. Google it

There are reports that the MPG regulations may cost upward of 50k jobs because of higher costs to automakers.

Those are just a few problems. There are many more right behind them.
When have I EVER said all of our problems were because of Obama? Never

When have you EVER admitted ANY of it was his fault? Never

Makes the discussion kinda pointless if you ask me.

Just like I don't know if you blame Obama entirely, you don't know that I've never criticized Obama. First of all, I doubt you've seen every post I've ever made. Second, I have a life outside of USMB. I have plenty of criticisms for Obama.

Actually, that's true.

I believe you made a "negative" comment about President Obama just recently. Like within the past day or three. Mild. But still not positive.

Another mind reader. And let me guess, you've read every single post I've ever made. :rolleyes:
Just like I don't know if you blame Obama entirely, you don't know that I've never criticized Obama. First of all, I doubt you've seen every post I've ever made. Second, I have a life outside of USMB. I have plenty of criticisms for Obama.

Actually, that's true.

I believe you made a "negative" comment about President Obama just recently. Like within the past day or three. Mild. But still not positive.

Another mind reader. And let me guess, you've read every single post I've ever made. :rolleyes:

no one that wants to maintain their sanity would do that.
Right. "Obama's regulations" are holding up the job market. Companies must have started firing in advance of those regulations since this all began in 2007. Who knew companies are also psychics? By the way, what are all of these "Obama regulations" that are keeping employers from hiring?

Don't be a lazy lib. Google it yourself. I'll give you some keywords...


Most of the provisions of the ACA (health care) haven't even gone into effect. How is that holding up jobs?

Maybe some EPA regs are tough on companies, but how are they to blame for the poor economy?

Dust? Not sure what you're talking about there.

MPG? Requiring better MPG standards stifles job growth? Um....ok. How so?

Well, that's your problem. You don't like Obama and think that he's the cause of all of our problems. I don't feel that way, but it doesn't mean that I worship the guy. I think you'd have an easier time if you stopped thinking that everybody should think like you, and that everybody who doesn't is wrong. And Obama doesn't control what legislation becomes law. The GOP is currently in control of the House of Reps. They've been in there since Jan and have yet to do anything about jobs. When are you going to demand action of them? They do have an obligation to govern. Part of good governance is the ability to cooperate.

When have I EVER said all of our problems were because of Obama? Never

When have you EVER admitted ANY of it was his fault? Never

Makes the discussion kinda pointless if you ask me.

Just like I don't know if you blame Obama entirely, you don't know that I've never criticized Obama. First of all, I doubt you've seen every post I've ever made. Second, I have a life outside of USMB. I have plenty of criticisms for Obama.

I see what you present to me my misguided liberal buddy.
In all of our conversations I've never seen you accept any culpability on Obamas part. In fact our conversations usually end in you calling me some vulgar name and or cussing me out.
I admit ALL THE TIME that Bush fucked things up with his big spending liberal domestic policy.
Don't be a lazy lib. Google it yourself. I'll give you some keywords...


Most of the provisions of the ACA (health care) haven't even gone into effect. How is that holding up jobs?

Maybe some EPA regs are tough on companies, but how are they to blame for the poor economy?

Dust? Not sure what you're talking about there.

MPG? Requiring better MPG standards stifles job growth? Um....ok. How so?

Anticipating higher costs (some of which has already occured) slows hiring.

Your own experiences with lead regulations are an example. Just magnify them by 100 or 1000 for large companies to see the cost possibilities

New dust regulations may interfere with agriculture. Google it

There are reports that the MPG regulations may cost upward of 50k jobs because of higher costs to automakers.

Those are just a few problems. There are many more right behind them.

And all of those regulations are from Obama? I seriously doubt that people are not hiring because they anticipate the ACA will cost them more. That's a right-wing myth. The only people's income that the ACA will effect are insurance companies. I don't feel sorry for those crooks. And anyway, they'll be getting a lot more customers once the mandate goes into effect (assuming it stays). He is not the first president to support higher MPG standards. That's no excuse not to hire. Again, I agree that some regulations can be a pain, but regulations alone are not keeping companies from hiring.
The American economy is among the least regulated in the world. Never seen any Hard Right corporate fascist here compare the US with the rest of the industrialized West. No, regulations are not strangling job growth. Stupid canard.
No, I think it'll make Obama look bad for scheduling his speech on the same day as a GOP debate. Both sides claim the debate has nothing to do with it. Yeah, right. I think the Speaker comes out of this in good shape either way.

There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started as soon as they came back from recess. What Boner did has never been done in history, and it was not necessary.
I remember the days when the President only went in front of a joint session during national emergencies and the state of the union address. How many of these has he had so far?
Well, perhaps with the historically unprecedented behavior of the stock market the last few weeks and all the other problems with the economy, he felt it was an issue important enough to give the highest priority. Frankly I would want the president to do nothing less.
What they've turned into is his own personal campaign speech and opportunities for him to act like he's better then everyone else. He's taken time to insult house leaders and Supreme Court Justices at these "address to the natiion" events.
Just as a certain conservative member of congress has taken it upon himself to interrupt the president speaking by yelling like a teenager at a pep rally. I think I might detect the slightest hint of a double standard in your arguments.
Just like I don't know if you blame Obama entirely, you don't know that I've never criticized Obama. First of all, I doubt you've seen every post I've ever made. Second, I have a life outside of USMB. I have plenty of criticisms for Obama.

Actually, that's true.

I believe you made a "negative" comment about President Obama just recently. Like within the past day or three. Mild. But still not positive.

Another mind reader. And let me guess, you've read every single post I've ever made. :rolleyes:

You are a wild-eyed douche. I just AGREED with you -- because I had READ one of your mildly critical posts -- and yet you use that as a reason to snipe at me anyway. :cuckoo:

You truly are a douche.

No, I think it'll make Obama look bad for scheduling his speech on the same day as a GOP debate. Both sides claim the debate has nothing to do with it. Yeah, right. I think the Speaker comes out of this in good shape either way.

There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started as soon as they came back from recess. What Boner did has never been done in history, and it was not necessary.

who are you? Sallow's sock puppet?

Obama was not denied a chance to speak to congress. He was bitch slapped into taking an alternate date because the one he 'just happened to pick out of thin air' was a problem.

What part of "historic" aren't you getting?

If this were done to a Republican fact if half the shit pulled on Obama were pulled on a Republican President..the Conservatives would all turn into monkeys and start throwing shit at people.

It's insane to bargain with a dishonest broker.

It doesn't matter what Obama says his word is worthless as Boehner intimated with his Jello comment.

You've bought into this hogwash that higher taxes are good. 87% say otherwise when it means their taxes go up, and trust me, they will.

If you don't mind living on the edge of poverty while that prick lives off the gravy-train from now on then you should be happy. Your lot in life is not his concern. Never was.

Your low tax, low regulation countries are sprinkled all through the third world. You can visit one if you wish.

There isn't a prosperous country on the planet that uses that model.

I live in one already.

Why don't you move to the UK. Get a taste of real socialism.

Well if you live in one you conservatives should shut the fuck up..right?

And anytime you feel up to getting me to move out of the country..let me know.
Actually, that's true.

I believe you made a "negative" comment about President Obama just recently. Like within the past day or three. Mild. But still not positive.

Another mind reader. And let me guess, you've read every single post I've ever made. :rolleyes:

You are a wild-eyed douche. I just AGREED with you -- because I had READ one of your mildly critical posts -- and yet you use that as a reason to snipe at me anyway. :cuckoo:

You truly are a douche.


That's the reality of my op to him on the last page. It is pointless. He just proved my point for me without even knowing it.
There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started as soon as they came back from recess. What Boner did has never been done in history, and it was not necessary.

who are you? Sallow's sock puppet?

Obama was not denied a chance to speak to congress. He was bitch slapped into taking an alternate date because the one he 'just happened to pick out of thin air' was a problem.

What part of "historic" aren't you getting?

If this were done to a Republican fact if half the shit pulled on Obama were pulled on a Republican President..the Conservatives would all turn into monkeys and start throwing shit at people.


Not exactly the words I would have chosen, but true none the less.:lol:
There are 20 debates, and Obama wanted to get started as soon as they came back from recess. What Boner did has never been done in history, and it was not necessary.

who are you? Sallow's sock puppet?

Obama was not denied a chance to speak to congress. He was bitch slapped into taking an alternate date because the one he 'just happened to pick out of thin air' was a problem.

What part of "historic" aren't you getting?

If this were done to a Republican fact if half the shit pulled on Obama were pulled on a Republican President..the Conservatives would all turn into monkeys and start throwing shit at people.

you're a pathetic partisan hack.

If this was a Republican President, and a Democratic Speaker of the House, and the exact situation was happening, I'd have the exact same opinion. The fact that all you can ever do is throw shit at the GOP proves you're simply a partisan dick-drip.
who are you? Sallow's sock puppet?

Obama was not denied a chance to speak to congress. He was bitch slapped into taking an alternate date because the one he 'just happened to pick out of thin air' was a problem.

What part of "historic" aren't you getting?

If this were done to a Republican fact if half the shit pulled on Obama were pulled on a Republican President..the Conservatives would all turn into monkeys and start throwing shit at people.

you're a pathetic partisan hack.

If this was a Republican President, and a Democratic Speaker of the House, and the exact situation was happening, I'd have the exact same opinion. The fact that all you can ever do is throw shit at the GOP proves you're simply a partisan dick-drip.

I quoted that one JUST to see the "partisan dick-drip" phrase re-posted.


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