Boehner supports military action in Syria...

We'll have a lot of people that will vote for this before they vote against it. Hide and watch while our government ignores the will of the people.

Not that it will help, but I am glad that the president put the matter before Congress, that way people can see where their representatives stand on the issue. They will probably vote for the same people anyway, regardless if they agree with them or not.
Good to get these shifty characters down on paper lol...

News for boehner supports syrian action
San Francisco Chronicle Boehner's Aboard: Obama Gains Syria-Strike Support
ABC News - 4 hours ago
President Barack Obama gained ground Tuesday in his drive for congressional backing of a military strike against Syria, winning critical ...
Boehner says he'll back Obama on Syria strikes - 6 hours ago
S&P 500 Pares Gains as Boehner Supports Syria Action
Bloomberg - 7 hours ago
John Boehner Backs Obama's Call For Military Action In Syria
6 hours ago ... House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced on Tuesday that he would
support President Barack Obama's call for action in Syria, and ...
Boehner: I support Obama's call for action in Syria « Hot Air
6 hours ago ... Not just Boehner but Cantor too. Proof that the GOP establishment is still deeply
hawkish, or proof simply that this is the safe political play?
Boehner Supports Obama's Syria Plan - Business Insider
Boehner Supports Obama's Syria Plan - Business Insider
7 hours ago ... NFL Player Who Allegedly Told Police 'You Can't Arrest Me, I'm A Colts...
Sections A-Z. Latest · Advertising · Careers · Education · Enterprise ...
Boehner: 'I'm Going to Support the President's Call for Action' in Syria
7 hours ago ... Read conservative news, blogs and opinion about Barack Obama, Congress,
Foreign Policy, John Boehner, Syria and War from The Weekly ...
John Boehner supports Obama's call for military action against Syria
7 hours ago ... Of course: John Boehner supports Obama's call for military action against Syria.

or google Boehner supports Syria action... Link Added. -Intense

You've been duped again. Boehner is a neocon hawk just like O. Bang those war drums Frankie. What are you gonna do when O is responsible for setting off ww3?
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Dems have the entire MSM--who do you think you're kidding?

You’re kidding yourself if you think the bolded is true.

It is.

Since when has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and others been neutral or conservative on anything? Liberals have all of these news outlets, to our one, Fox News, and yet in a six on one fight, the six are losing badly to the one!

Think about that for a minute.

Yup, truth, or actually in LSM, cowardly balance without journalism, is liberal, while the Pub propaganda machine is a lockstep BS disgrace. Funny how the GOP is the only party on earth that doesn't get global warming, who caused the Great Recession, how you end a great recession, or even evolution.

If you want a liberal outlet, find one that has actually explained O-Care- the only places where real journalism still exists. Maybe PBS and Media Matters and some minor websites. The NYT and most newspapers are factual, in depth, which of course leads to "liberal" conclusions...The New BS GOP is greedy billionnaires, bought off liars, and ignorant YOU.
You’re kidding yourself if you think the bolded is true.

It is.

Since when has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and others been neutral or conservative on anything? Liberals have all of these news outlets, to our one, Fox News, and yet in a six on one fight, the six are losing badly to the one!

Think about that for a minute.

Yup, truth, or actually in LSM, cowardly balance without journalism, is liberal, while the Pub propaganda machine is a lockstep BS disgrace. Funny how the GOP is the only party on earth that doesn't get global warming, who caused the Great Recession, how you end a great recession, or even evolution.

If you want a liberal outlet, find one that has actually explained O-Care- the only places where real journalism still exists. Maybe PBS and Media Matters and some minor websites. The NYT and most newspapers are factual, in depth, which of course leads to "liberal" conclusions...The New BS GOP is greedy billionnaires, bought off liars, and ignorant YOU. really are just an ill educated moron.
Absolutely right call by the Speaker.

No way man.

A friend in church's brother was given orders just as he had come back from Afghanistan that he has a week with his family before he gets shipped off to SYRIA. What I get from that is Obama plans not only to launch missiles at them, he plans to invade them. That is absolutely the worst call for Boehner to make, Jake. Please, don't tell me you aren't in lockstep with an establishment hack like John Boehner?!

Can we not at least think this through before we rush headlong into war?
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You are not part of the mainstream that supports limited action, no boots on the ground.

If Syria uses gas, it gets its ass kicked; Iran tries to develop a nuke, the same thing happens.

Polls: Americans Don't Want to Attack Syria, but Could Support Limited Action - ABC News

Reactionary racialists like you will never rules this country much less Texas or the county in which you live.

Huh, who knew?

Jake is a neo-con.

he is a reactionary far right war mongering racist nazi and a dying breed that has no place in my GOP

the door is wide open for his type to leave any time
You’re kidding yourself if you think the bolded is true.

It is.

Since when has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and others been neutral or conservative on anything? Liberals have all of these news outlets, to our one, Fox News, and yet in a six on one fight, the six are losing badly to the one!

Think about that for a minute.

Yup, truth, or actually in LSM, cowardly balance without journalism, is liberal, while the Pub propaganda machine is a lockstep BS disgrace. Funny how the GOP is the only party on earth that doesn't get global warming, who caused the Great Recession, how you end a great recession, or even evolution.

If you want a liberal outlet, find one that has actually explained O-Care- the only places where real journalism still exists. Maybe PBS and Media Matters and some minor websites. The NYT and most newspapers are factual, in depth, which of course leads to "liberal" conclusions...The New BS GOP is greedy billionnaires, bought off liars, and ignorant YOU.

Nice way to go off topic asshole.
Who would have thought Muslims in Syria would make the GOP "blink"?
You are not part of the mainstream that supports limited action, no boots on the ground.

If Syria uses gas, it gets its ass kicked; Iran tries to develop a nuke, the same thing happens.

Polls: Americans Don't Want to Attack Syria, but Could Support Limited Action - ABC News

Reactionary racialists like you will never rules this country much less Texas or the county in which you live.

racialists ?:confused:

Read the corpus of Lonestar-Logic and Squeeze Berry's postings and you will recognize they are vile racialists of the worst sort, reactionaries to the far far right of the political spectrum. The love guns, hate color, and want to rule as they wish, hell with the law.

:lol: And that is the gentlest meechingest kindest way I can, or anyone rational, can describe them and their beliefs.

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