Boehner supports military action in Syria...

You’re kidding yourself if you think the bolded is true.

It is.

Since when has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and others been neutral or conservative on anything? Liberals have all of these news outlets, to our one, Fox News, and yet in a six on one fight, the six are losing badly to the one!

Think about that for a minute.

Yup, truth, or actually in LSM, cowardly balance without journalism, is liberal, while the Pub propaganda machine is a lockstep BS disgrace. Funny how the GOP is the only party on earth that doesn't get global warming, who caused the Great Recession, how you end a great recession, or even evolution.

If you want a liberal outlet, find one that has actually explained O-Care- the only places where real journalism still exists. Maybe PBS and Media Matters and some minor websites. The NYT and most newspapers are factual, in depth, which of course leads to "liberal" conclusions...The New BS GOP is greedy billionnaires, bought off liars, and ignorant YOU.

racist dim hater dupe fooled by military complex wants to line the pockets of war criminals and billionaires
Absolutely right call by the Speaker.

No way man.

A friend in church's brother was given orders just as he had come back from Afghanistan that he has a week with his family before he gets shipped off to SYRIA. What I get from that is Obama plans not only to launch missiles at them, he plans to invade them. That is absolutely the worst call for Boehner to make, Jake. Please, don't tell me you aren't in lockstep with an establishment hack like John Boehner?!

Can we not at least think this through before we rush headlong into war?

Come on now, really? What branch of the military, Airforce? I would think any talk of action (deployment) against Syria would be pretty classified at this point, especially since we haven't done anything yet.
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No one is invading Syria, and "a friend in church's brother" is shooting off sergeant rumor. I heard a million of them while on active duty, most of it served as arctic airborne light infantry. The attack platforms will be cruise missiles, which are unmanned.

I fully approve a limited strike, which makes me a rationalist and no sort of neo-con or reactionary isolationist.
You are not part of the mainstream that supports limited action, no boots on the ground.

If Syria uses gas, it gets its ass kicked; Iran tries to develop a nuke, the same thing happens.

Polls: Americans Don't Want to Attack Syria, but Could Support Limited Action - ABC News

Reactionary racialists like you will never rules this country much less Texas or the county in which you live.

racialists ?:confused:

Read the corpus of Lonestar-Logic and Squeeze Berry's postings and you will recognize they are vile racialists of the worst sort, reactionaries to the far far right of the political spectrum. The love guns, hate color, and want to rule as they wish, hell with the law.

:lol: And that is the gentlest meechingest kindest way I can, or anyone rational, can describe them and their beliefs.

we are not the one's that support the mass slaughter of brown people and worship cruise missile strikes on innocent brown babies. That's you racist nazi pig
racialists ?:confused:

Read the corpus of Lonestar-Logic and Squeeze Berry's postings and you will recognize they are vile racialists of the worst sort, reactionaries to the far far right of the political spectrum. The love guns, hate color, and want to rule as they wish, hell with the law.

:lol: And that is the gentlest meechingest kindest way I can, or anyone rational, can describe them and their beliefs.

we are not the one's that support the mass slaughter of brown people and worship cruise missile strikes on innocent brown babies. That's you racist nazi pig

You are the ones who worship Assad, gas and nuclear warfare, Iran, Russia and Putin.
What Syria made Republicans do that Iraq didn't.

No one is invading Syria, and "a friend in church's brother" is shooting off sergeant rumor. I heard a million of them while on active duty, most of it served as arctic airborne light infantry. The attack platforms will be cruise missiles, which are unmanned.

I fully approve a limited strike, which makes me a rationalist and no sort of neo-con or reactionary isolationist.

thanks from saving us from polar bears :lol:

YES 8.55% (54,616 votes)

NO 91.45% (583,957 votes)

Total Votes: 638,573

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Read the corpus of Lonestar-Logic and Squeeze Berry's postings and you will recognize they are vile racialists of the worst sort, reactionaries to the far far right of the political spectrum. The love guns, hate color, and want to rule as they wish, hell with the law.

:lol: And that is the gentlest meechingest kindest way I can, or anyone rational, can describe them and their beliefs.

we are not the one's that support the mass slaughter of brown people and worship cruise missile strikes on innocent brown babies. That's you racist nazi pig

You are the ones who worship Assad, gas and nuclear warfare, Iran, Russia and Putin.

we are not the one's drooling at the thought of killing innocent women and children you sick fuck
This is what the reactionary far right supports when it refuses to take action.

[ame=]Chemical attack by Assad regime in Syria kills 1300 Children in massacre - YouTube[/ame]
You're working from the wrong end, and I guess calling a spade a spade went right over your head.

Not hardly-----we're looking at our one party system in action.

yup....watching the hearing today was surreal, so I hear you...mccain and the merry band making nice, guffawing and kerry making 'the case' for hostilities the face of no allies, the UN etc....10 years ago this was all upside down.

Thats great,:doubt: I wonder if they ever watch themselves, I mean really, they should sit back, and all watch this hearing. They are probably so oblivious and into their own heads, it would all go right over their heads, talk about a lack of introspection....I gotta tell you, tihs won't end well, Iraq has turned out to be a disaster in waiting, and- of epic proportions, this will lead/help along to one too.

That's a great observation, and I hate to spoil it. However, after watching our leaders for a long time, I concluded by 1995 that through attrition, our leaders ascended for their ability and talent to address anything to therefore establish what "reality" the nation will live by, without the slightest indication there are so many "truths" besides that. Wondering is a good pastime and excellent experience, but when the hour is late, I can't help but attest they haven't the slightest of vulnerability. :redface:
Who would have thought Muslims in Syria would make the GOP "blink"?

They're just joining in the democrat get your war on dance. O is lead neocon hawking this thing. Don't worry, you'll probably get to see O launch a few missiles and then syria will fall apart just like everything O has touched over there. You'll be proud of this massive failure though.
I support the decision of the Speaker of the House.

He wouldn't toss his hat into the ring unless it were in the absolutely best interest of the American people, imho.

I regret that 100,000 people had to die by government murders in Syria without trial, and that there are now many, many Syrian children there who have no parents or who are so sick from being poisoned, they will likely die due to loss of health services.

Recent history has shown leaders who lash out at their own citizens with WOMD poisons are quick to attack neighbors like madmen, creating instability in the region.

We've been told it can be over quickly by top military advisers on tv today.

I still don't like it, but if it's the right thing to do, it's the right thing to do.
You are not part of the mainstream that supports limited action, no boots on the ground.

If Syria uses gas, it gets its ass kicked; Iran tries to develop a nuke, the same thing happens.

Polls: Americans Don't Want to Attack Syria, but Could Support Limited Action - ABC News

Reactionary racialists like you will never rules this country much less Texas or the county in which you live.

I don't support it. Its a keg that could blast at the slightest touch.

Same here. We need a long break from this constant state of warfare crap. If we strike Syria, the world is going to be a much more tense place and old "cold war" rhetoric and actions may increase.
You laugh at dead children, QuickHitCurepon

Because I posted a gif I thought was from a movie. :lol:

I used to post hundreds of gifs, and a huge portion of them like that one was from movies.

I had posted that gif several times, and no one brought that to my attention.

I love it when people show their true colors. Feel free to make yourself look like a bigger fool though.
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Jeebus the ignorance- Obama is a neo-con LOL, fascist communist. You hater dupes throw around labels you are clueless about.

Breaking: If you use chemical weapons, you get swatted. No nation is going to retaliate for it. Read something, hater dupes.
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Jeebus the ignorance- Obama is a neo-con LOL, fascist communist. You hater dupes throw around labels you are clueless about.

Breaking: If you use chemical weapons, you get swatted. No nation is going to retaliate for it. Read something, hater dupes.

So why bitch when Bush swatted one ? hmmmmmmmmmmmm ? :eusa_whistle:

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