Boehner supports military action in Syria...

As usual you're full of shit. The will of the people is a reflection of how they vote on election day, and that will changes day by day. That is why we have a democratic republic, the people are not savvy enough to critical examine issues. Sadly, members of Congress no longer vote their conscience nor critically examine the issues; they vote to protect their job.

People are simply too smart to buy that bullshit anymore. They are overwhelmingly against attacking Syria.

Only in your head.

Sorry Jake, but every poll on the internet reflects basically the same thing this poll on here say's...

We'll have a lot of people that will vote for this before they vote against it. Hide and watch while our government ignores the will of the people.

A lot of good-cop, bad-cop going on, pulling out all the stops. We have the juxtaposition in a major news report of Kerry, with his personal account and dismissal of a war protestor as a remnant of the protests from the Vietnam-era and Pelosi saying that we have to win over the hearts of the American people. Before news saturation, how much more clear than that can it get, when right off the bat major leadership will say all they can to make people ignore how it's all over but the shouting. Obama, Clinton, Boehner, Kerry, Pelosi, the starting line-up all in a nutshell.

and people wonder where conspiracy nuts get their "crazy" ideas.
If the poll says the attack will be limited, one day only, no boots or casualties, to stop Assad from further CW, and to degrade their military, you get a solid majority for action. Dems unfortunately LOL don't have a propaganda machine to stir up BS idiotic war fever from the hater dupes- see Iraq disaster.

Dems have the entire MSM--who do you think you're kidding?

You’re kidding yourself if you think the bolded is true.
We'll have a lot of people that will vote for this before they vote against it. Hide and watch while our government ignores the will of the people.

A lot of good-cop, bad-cop going on, pulling out all the stops. We have the juxtaposition in a major news report of Kerry, with his personal account and dismissal of a war protestor as a remnant of the protests from the Vietnam-era and Pelosi saying that we have to win over the hearts of the American people. Before news saturation, how much more clear than that can it get, when right off the bat major leadership will say all they can to make people ignore how it's all over but the shouting. Obama, Clinton, Boehner, Kerry, Pelosi, the starting line-up all in a nutshell.

and people wonder where conspiracy nuts get their "crazy" ideas.

You're working from the wrong end, and I guess calling a spade a spade went right over your head.
A lot of good-cop, bad-cop going on, pulling out all the stops. We have the juxtaposition in a major news report of Kerry, with his personal account and dismissal of a war protestor as a remnant of the protests from the Vietnam-era and Pelosi saying that we have to win over the hearts of the American people. Before news saturation, how much more clear than that can it get, when right off the bat major leadership will say all they can to make people ignore how it's all over but the shouting. Obama, Clinton, Boehner, Kerry, Pelosi, the starting line-up all in a nutshell.

and people wonder where conspiracy nuts get their "crazy" ideas.

You're working from the wrong end, and I guess calling a spade a spade went right over your head.

Not hardly-----we're looking at our one party system in action.
If the poll says the attack will be limited, one day only, no boots or casualties, to stop Assad from further CW, and to degrade their military, you get a solid majority for action. Dems unfortunately LOL don't have a propaganda machine to stir up BS idiotic war fever from the hater dupes- see Iraq disaster.

Dems have the entire MSM--who do you think you're kidding?

You’re kidding yourself if you think the bolded is true.

It is.

Since when has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and others been neutral or conservative on anything? Liberals have all of these news outlets, to our one, Fox News, and yet in a six on one fight, the six are losing badly to the one!

Think about that for a minute.
hilarious, libs like rdean have been claiming that pubs are hypocritical on syria because it is obama at the this

poor rdean
or google Boehner supports Syria action...

Boehner didn't seem to encourage or imply that the House members follow suit, however.

I can't wait to see this vote which may be as early as tomorrow....NO TO FOREIGN SOIL VIOLENCE. ( or war, as it would have been called before the boiking came into power without the ability to make hard decisions )
and people wonder where conspiracy nuts get their "crazy" ideas.

You're working from the wrong end, and I guess calling a spade a spade went right over your head.

Not hardly-----we're looking at our one party system in action.

yup....watching the hearing today was surreal, so I hear you...mccain and the merry band making nice, guffawing and kerry making 'the case' for hostilities the face of no allies, the UN etc....10 years ago this was all upside down.

Thats great,:doubt: I wonder if they ever watch themselves, I mean really, they should sit back, and all watch this hearing. They are probably so oblivious and into their own heads, it would all go right over their heads, talk about a lack of introspection....I gotta tell you, tihs won't end well, Iraq has turned out to be a disaster in waiting, and- of epic proportions, this will lead/help along to one too.

I watched obama make a statement at a meeting today, he looks and sounds desperate, like hes trying to convince himself, "proportional and limited" , if true, I have come full circle too, we're fucked.

and axelrod let the mask slip via titter, he said that 'congress is like the dog that caught the car'.....its all a political machination. Obama wants cover to shift blame...meanwhile back in Moscow and Damascus:eusa_whistle:
You're working from the wrong end, and I guess calling a spade a spade went right over your head.

Not hardly-----we're looking at our one party system in action.

yup....watching the hearing today was surreal, so I hear you...mccain and the merry band making nice, guffawing and kerry making 'the case' for hostilities the face of no allies, the UN etc....10 years ago this was all upside down.

Thats great,:doubt: I wonder if they ever watch themselves, I mean really, they should sit back, and all watch this hearing. They are probably so oblivious and into their own heads, it would all go right over their heads, talk about a lack of introspection....I gotta tell you, tihs won't end well, Iraq has turned out to be a disaster in waiting, and- of epic proportions, this will lead/help along to one too.

I watched obama make a statement at a meeting today, he looks and sounds desperate, like hes trying to convince himself, "proportional and limited" , if true, I have come full circle too, we're fucked.

and axelrod let the mask slip via titter, he said that 'congress is like the dog that caught the car'.....its all a political machiination. Obama wants cover to shift blame...meanwhile back in Moscow and Damascus:eusa_whistle:

Obama is just now, maybe, coming to terms with his level of incompetence....
Not hardly-----we're looking at our one party system in action.

yup....watching the hearing today was surreal, so I hear you...mccain and the merry band making nice, guffawing and kerry making 'the case' for hostilities the face of no allies, the UN etc....10 years ago this was all upside down.

Thats great,:doubt: I wonder if they ever watch themselves, I mean really, they should sit back, and all watch this hearing. They are probably so oblivious and into their own heads, it would all go right over their heads, talk about a lack of introspection....I gotta tell you, tihs won't end well, Iraq has turned out to be a disaster in waiting, and- of epic proportions, this will lead/help along to one too.

I watched obama make a statement at a meeting today, he looks and sounds desperate, like hes trying to convince himself, "proportional and limited" , if true, I have come full circle too, we're fucked.

and axelrod let the mask slip via titter, he said that 'congress is like the dog that caught the car'.....its all a political machiination. Obama wants cover to shift blame...meanwhile back in Moscow and Damascus:eusa_whistle:

Obama is just now, maybe, coming to terms with his level of incompetence....

If he succeeds it will be the most monumental thing he has accomplished in his life.
The will of the people duck is invested in the pres and the congress.

Only symbolically. Go peddle that shit to some naïve fucker. Americans don't want this.

As usual you're full of shit. The will of the people is a reflection of how they vote on election day, and that will changes day by day. That is why we have a democratic republic, the people are not savvy enough to critical examine issues. Sadly, members of Congress no longer vote their conscience nor critically examine the issues; they vote to protect their job.

We were considered a Federalist Republic once long long ago, before the Supreme Court gave itself the authority to proclaim 2+2+5 for as long as we say it does. ;) :)

Seriously, is anyone at all thinking this through? No matter who wins or loses, where will we be in 3 Years, 5 Years, 10 Years? It seems to me that regardless of what we do here, most will grow to hate us, just like Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan. There are core issues here that we cannot change for the better, no matter how much money we spend, how many indiscriminate bombs we drop, who we drag in to this, or how many more American Soldiers we sacrifice.

Show me the principle behind what we are doing? What is our declaration on Human Life? Human Rights? Where is the Coalition? Let's build on that, with principle, and not rhetoric. You do not know what this will escalate to, should we act prematurely. I'm sorry that You have spent a Decade dividing us, this is the fruit of that action, regardless of your intent. What if we go in and Russia has the WMD moved back to Iraq or to Pakistan, or Iran, and we can't find anything? Playing shell game here, and we are the ones being set up. Cruise missiles are not the end all, they are a stepping stone. We need to do something, let's find out first why we are so distant from our previous allies.
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We'll have a lot of people that will vote for this before they vote against it. Hide and watch while our government ignores the will of the people.

Not only does Boehner support the president, so did John least several hours ago he did. But, both parties are divided onthe issue...half the Republicans don't want to go to war and half the Democrats feel the same. That ought to make for an interesting vote.

With an election year approaching, Obama may have made one of the most criticial decisions of his presidency. By seeking Congressional approval before undertaking military action in Syria, he has undermined any future attempts by his political enemies to capitalize on an executive "error." Didn't George Bush do the same with IRAQ? If I remember correctly, Bush got approval from congress before sending troops in to kill or capture Hussein!

Once again the UK and the UN are non participants and Russia is not convinced that enough evidence exists for an attack on Syria!...

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