Boehner supports military action in Syria...

I support the decision of the Speaker of the House.

He wouldn't toss his hat into the ring unless it were in the absolutely best interest of the American people, imho.

I regret that 100,000 people had to die by government murders in Syria without trial, and that there are now many, many Syrian children there who have no parents or who are so sick from being poisoned, they will likely die due to loss of health services.

Recent history has shown leaders who lash out at their own citizens with WOMD poisons are quick to attack neighbors like madmen, creating instability in the region.

We've been told it can be over quickly by top military advisers on tv today.

I still don't like it, but if it's the right thing to do, it's the right thing to do.

I hope no salesmen come to your door....
I support the decision of the Speaker of the House.

He wouldn't toss his hat into the ring unless it were in the absolutely best interest of the American people, imho.

I regret that 100,000 people had to die by government murders in Syria without trial, and that there are now many, many Syrian children there who have no parents or who are so sick from being poisoned, they will likely die due to loss of health services.

Recent history has shown leaders who lash out at their own citizens with WOMD poisons are quick to attack neighbors like madmen, creating instability in the region.

We've been told it can be over quickly by top military advisers on tv today.

I still don't like it, but if it's the right thing to do, it's the right thing to do.

What about letting the UN or Syria's neighbors deal with it? Let it be a true coalition of numerous countries and forces from those countries. We don't need to intervene over there, especially in a unilateral manner.
Jeebus the ignorance- Obama is a neo-con LOL, fascist communist. You hater dupes throw around labels you are clueless about.

Breaking: If you use chemical weapons, you get swatted. No nation is going to retaliate for it. Read something, hater dupes.

breaking: hater dupes turn inside out to support boi king's aspirations for nobel prize :eek:
Jeebus the ignorance- Obama is a neo-con LOL, fascist communist. You hater dupes throw around labels you are clueless about.

Breaking: If you use chemical weapons, you get swatted. No nation is going to retaliate for it. Read something, hater dupes.

breaking: hater dupes turn inside out to support boi king's aspirations for nobel prize :eek:

And your reactionary hatred of a black president continues. Pathetic.
I do find it pretty funny that a pretty good amount of Republicans and conservatives who have been against Obama on many fronts, now find this one to agree with him on. Fight the Stimulus (recovery act), fight Obamacare (which I have problems with), but intervene in Syria is a go! How many billions of dollars will these limited strikes cost us? Who benefits from us doing those strikes? Shares of defense contractors rise as Syria tensions mount - The Daily Beast :)
Jeebus the ignorance- Obama is a neo-con LOL, fascist communist. You hater dupes throw around labels you are clueless about.

Breaking: If you use chemical weapons, you get swatted. No nation is going to retaliate for it. Read something, hater dupes.

"There is no error so monstrous that it fails to find defenders among the ablest men."

-Sir John Dalberg-Acton
You laugh at dead children, QuickHitCurepon

Because I posted a gif I thought was from a movie. :lol:

I used to post hundreds of gifs, and a huge portion of them like that one was from movies.

I had posted that gif several times, and no one brought that to my attention.

I love it when people show their true colors. Feel free to make yourself look like a bigger fool though.

Then tell us you oppose and expect the US to punish Assad and the Syrian regime for gassing it people, including 100s of children.
You laugh at dead children, QuickHitCurepon

Because I posted a gif I thought was from a movie. :lol:

I used to post hundreds of gifs, and a huge portion of them like that one was from movies.

I had posted that gif several times, and no one brought that to my attention.

I love it when people show their true colors. Feel free to make yourself look like a bigger fool though.

Then tell us you oppose and expect the US to punish Assad and the Syrian regime for gassing it people, including 100s of children.

Great follow-up. Are you nuts?
Because I posted a gif I thought was from a movie. :lol:

I used to post hundreds of gifs, and a huge portion of them like that one was from movies.

I had posted that gif several times, and no one brought that to my attention.

I love it when people show their true colors. Feel free to make yourself look like a bigger fool though.

Then tell us you oppose and expect the US to punish Assad and the Syrian regime for gassing it people, including 100s of children.

Great follow-up. Are you nuts?

Jake supports Obama and his drive to have the US military come to the aid of Al Qaeda and the Muslim brotherhood
You laugh at dead children, QuickHitCurepon

Because I posted a gif I thought was from a movie. :lol:

I used to post hundreds of gifs, and a huge portion of them like that one was from movies.

I had posted that gif several times, and no one brought that to my attention.

I love it when people show their true colors. Feel free to make yourself look like a bigger fool though.

Then tell us you oppose and expect the US to punish Assad and the Syrian regime for gassing it people, including 100s of children.

Why is it the business of the US to punish Syrians for gassing Syrians in Syria? Will the Syrian children be better off by being blown to bits by American bombs than by breathing Syrian gas? Why so anxious to get into it with a small country on the other side of the world that is no threat to us?
QuickHitCurepon and Borillar support the Syrian gassing of children and back up Iran and Russia.

Guys, you are judged by your comrades.
QuickHitCurepon and Borillar support the Syrian gassing of children and back up Iran and Russia.

Guys, you are judged by your comrades.

So, by that logic you support Al Qaeda and Islamists. Seriously, I don't support action in Syria for several reasons:
1. Because neither side is worthy of support, each being equally bad.
2. The US has not been attacked or threatened in any way.
3. We have been at war for 12 years now. Do we really need more?
4. We should look for diplomatic solutions to problems, not just drop bombs. When your only tool is a hammer, all your problems start to look like nails.
5. Interfering in another country's civil war is not going to win us any friends in the region.
6. Bombing Syria is likely to kill lots of innocent Syrians and just make a horrible situation even worse.
7. The US used to be known for generosity and humanitarian efforts. Now we are just known as warmongers.
Bush's response to Boehner statement

[ame=]Bush "Fool Me Once..." - YouTube[/ame]
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We should oppose the rebels gassing hundreds of children. But we don't. The United States supports the rebels gassing the children because obama believes he can blame Assad's forces for it.
Jeebus the ignorance- Obama is a neo-con LOL, fascist communist. You hater dupes throw around labels you are clueless about.

Breaking: If you use chemical weapons, you get swatted. No nation is going to retaliate for it. Read something, hater dupes.

breaking: hater dupes turn inside out to support boi king's aspirations for nobel prize :eek:

And your reactionary hatred of a black president continues. Pathetic.

I admit to hating someone that hates me because I'm white. That is you and Obama
breaking: hater dupes turn inside out to support boi king's aspirations for nobel prize :eek:

And your reactionary hatred of a black president continues. Pathetic.

I admit to hating someone that hates me because I'm white. That is you and Obama

That is such a dumb statement. Obama's mother was white, why would he hate anyone that is white? Claiming that a white person hates whites is just plain dumb, there's no two ways about it.

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