Boeing 777 crash-lands at San Francisco Airport


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Fox News just showed a picture of the beginning of the runway, and the area before the beginning.

Looks to me like the pilot came in to low, and caught the landing gear on the sea wall before he got to the runway.

There's a debris trail (actually two debris trails, looks like one for each main gear) starting exactly where the sea wall is, then it gets bigger and more spread out as you move toward the runway.

My guess is, the plan landed very short, almost put the wheels in the water bafore the runway, then the wheels (and maybe the engines under the wings) hit the sea wall, ripped off, maybe the tail hit too and came off. Then the rest of the plane slid down the runway and finally stopped.

Scariest part is that it looks like all the fire was INSIDE the fuselage. Gonna be a lot of casualties. Burns, smoke inhalation, this is a nasty one.

If the tail had come off while the plane was still in the air, the plane would have nosed down VERY sharply. If it was high enough, it would have pulled negative Gs until it was pointing straight down. Looks like it didn't do that, thank God.

Why I fly into Oakland
It's also possible that the pilots saw at the last minute they were too low, and so pulled up HARD, which shoves the tail down. Maybe the tail was what hit the sea wall, and tore off. Then the rest of the plane slammed down in a fairly flat attitude, hard enough to collapse the landing gear, and slid down the runway until it stopped.

This is pure speculation at this point, a pilot's guess (from 500 miles away) from seeing pictures and video on TV, and mostly ignoring what the announcers are saying.

A fellow on another board who lives in San Francisco, told me there were no fog or clouds this morning in San Fran. If that's so, then it's a real puzzle how the plane could have been low enough to hit the sea wall before the runway, which it obviously did. Maybe a mechanical problem or a fuel problem occurred as the plane was descending toward the runway? Again, this is speculation only.
Coincidentally, this video show the exact ASIANA Airlines 777-200ER landing a Los Angeles

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