Bold move by Clinton: "release details of new emails immediately"

Oh please. That's pretty much all she could say. There's nothing bold about exposing classified data because you're the dumbest shit in government.
Oh please. She is ahead in the polls and the election is two weeks away. If she had something to hide, she could easily make the gamble of waiting til the details are released after the 8th.
Comey's announcement is the most unprofessional, unprecedented breach of FBI policy in history. 11 days before a presidential election, "attention America, I don't know what we have, nothing has been investigated, it's probably nothing, we're purely speculating, but maybe this has something to do with the candidate who opposes the party I'm a member of."


So what would Comey look like if he didnt release the info until after the election and hillary got indicted?
This country would explode!
Comey's announcement is the most unprofessional, unprecedented breach of FBI policy in history. 11 days before a presidential election, "attention America, I don't know what we have, nothing has been investigated, it's probably nothing, we're purely speculating, but maybe this has something to do with the candidate who opposes the party I'm a member of."


So what would Comey look like if he didnt release the info until after the election and hillary got indicted?
This country would explode!
What info? He didn't release a single thing.
Comey's announcement is the most unprofessional, unprecedented breach of FBI policy in history. 11 days before a presidential election, "attention America, I don't know what we have, nothing has been investigated, it's probably nothing, we're purely speculating, but maybe this has something to do with the candidate who opposes the party I'm a member of."


So what would Comey look like if he didnt release the info until after the election and hillary got indicted?
This country would explode!
What info? He didn't release a single thing.

No shit fucwit.
Comey's announcement is the most unprofessional, unprecedented breach of FBI policy in history. 11 days before a presidential election, "attention America, I don't know what we have, nothing has been investigated, it's probably nothing, we're purely speculating, but maybe this has something to do with the candidate who opposes the party I'm a member of."


So what would Comey look like if he didnt release the info until after the election and hillary got indicted?
This country would explode!
What info? He didn't release a single thing.

No shit fucwit.
Yet you all are running around like it's June again

The FBI discovered thousands of Clinton emails sent to/from Hillary's aid, Huma Adedin. The emails were discovered when investigating Abedin's husband, Anthony Weiner.

The FBI says that they don't know if the emails are material to the investigation, only that they exist and need to be fully analyzed. Had the FBI not reported this prior to the election, than Republicans would have gone into full scandal mode, claiming that there was collusion. So the FBI released this story knowing that it would hurt Clinton, and knowing that the emails were likely duplicates of what they already pulled off the Clinton server.

Either way, Republicans will say that this is proof of a crime, but nothing of the sort has been established. Republicans often call things a crime without proof, but this is not surprising since they tend not to understand legal issues or constitutional protections.

Because the Clinton campaign is begging the FBI to release all the information discovered on Abedin's computer, it's probably the case that nothing of consequence was found. The upshot is that the Republican propaganda machine now has a fake story. If this happened to Trump, he would self-destruct and threaten to sue the world. He would become an unstable emotional nightmare. This is why people are scared of giving him power because he is more worried about his image than the nation.

Thank God Hillary's opponent is a bigger crook than she'll ever be - otherwise this election would be 100% over. It's hard to believe that the Republicans might lose the most winnable election in our lifetime. If Clinton actually wins, I wonder if the uneducated white male (who is heavily manipulated by talk radio) will ever again be trusted to pick the Republican presidential nominee.
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Not bold. Its pure and unadulterated ARROGANCE and her own personal feeling of invincibility. She is so arrogant and high on herself she thinks she is untouchable.

It's pretty hard not to be arrogant when your'e running against a dweeb like Trumpie
As important as Hillary considers herself, the investigation into Mr. Weiner has to stay on track here. It seems reasonable that Huma using her husband's unsecure computer would be another case of risking national security.
It is all bullshit. NOthing classified and it appears nothing at all.

What a joke...

As Matthew and the demoquacks sweat bullets. This is precious
So why in your opinion would Clinton want the details released?

She knows the details will not be released no matter how her, her camp and those like you want them released. The FBI have to investigate the emails.

The Clinton voters know if Anthony Weiner did not delete emails this could be damaging not to sink her election but could later be used to impeach her.

I know you will disagree because you believe Hillary Clinton is innocent and you are like the typical partisan supporter and believe any investigation is political and Russia is behind it!
It's not a bold move. hiLIARy and Huma have all of the emails they withheld. They can release them to the public all on their own.
"I am the Queen so you, foul knave Comey, shall do as I say and release ALL emails NOW or it is OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!"
Comey's announcement is the most unprofessional, unprecedented breach of FBI policy in history. 11 days before a presidential election, "attention America, I don't know what we have, nothing has been investigated, it's probably nothing, we're purely speculating, but maybe this has something to do with the candidate who opposes the party I'm a member of."

I have a new hero....James Comey
Glad to see you helping him out from beneath the bus you threw him under for the last 4 months.
my my how your hero has fallen.
What does that even mean? :cuckoo:
I guess if I was as dumb as you I wouldn't know either.
Comey's announcement is the most unprofessional, unprecedented breach of FBI policy in history. 11 days before a presidential election, "attention America, I don't know what we have, nothing has been investigated, it's probably nothing, we're purely speculating, but maybe this has something to do with the candidate who opposes the party I'm a member of."

I have a new hero....James Comey
Glad to see you helping him out from beneath the bus you threw him under for the last 4 months.
my my how your hero has fallen.
What does that even mean? :cuckoo:
I guess if I was as dumb as you I wouldn't know either.
How many times did she tell the American people all emails were released
Yet more kept showing up.
How about the ones that were deleted after they were subpoenad.
Oh well the irony of Clinton wanting all emails released is hilarious.

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