Bolton: Obama's speech a 'frightening revelation' about how president thinks

when pretty much everything your empty suit Messiah does is an embarrassing failure; just about anything would be better leftard

You prove my point. You have NOTHING to offer as a better policy in this situation.

i made severalo points here dork

go cry
I swear he's the kid on the playground, the one who screams, ewww, you Like Obama? I bet you want to kiss him, you want to marry him, he's your boyfriend, that's gross and girls are icky, right before he wets his cartoon underpants and runs for cover.
Is there anyone here crazy enough to think that there is a viable military option against Russia?

not with BO in charge....

as the Russians continue to build up along the Ukraine border.....Obama sends MREs....not arms, comm support, etc....
Sure, we have such a good chance of winning a war, in Russia. What's that Adolf, we should maybe reconsider? Nah, you fuckin' pussy.
I grow weary of these bedwetters. First they were afraid of Cuba, then Iraq, then North Korea, then Iran, and now Russia. There's no end to their fears and their fear-mongering. Please boys, grow up, huh?

It's dangerous world and in the end we are all dead. Just deal with it. If the pattern holds, Russia will be old news by the time Limbaugh finds something else that keeps him awake at night.

Yeah, after all, Russia is just a regional power, right???? :cuckoo:
You're as goofy as your messiah.

Anyone that has a nuke should be of concern.....then throw in the nuts of those who have them like Iran and No. have a potentially serious issue, son.
Did you see where Kim Jong-un is ordering any male who is going to a university must have the same hair cut as he? true story

But, go ahead and keep your head in the sand, your messiah prefers it there so he can do what he does best. The world is full of cotton candy and unicorns.
Is there anyone here crazy enough to think that there is a viable military option against Russia?

not with BO in charge....

as the Russians continue to build up along the Ukraine border.....Obama sends MREs....not arms, comm support, etc....
Sure, we have such a good chance of winning a war, in Russia. What's that Adolf, we should maybe reconsider? Nah, you fuckin' pussy.

i swear you left-wingers are morons

who said anything bout a war with russia?

we need to show strength

do left-wing losers really think russia feels ready for war with US?
Is there anyone here crazy enough to think that there is a viable military option against Russia?

not with BO in charge....

as the Russians continue to build up along the Ukraine border.....Obama sends MREs....not arms, comm support, etc....
Sure, we have such a good chance of winning a war, in Russia. What's that Adolf, we should maybe reconsider? Nah, you fuckin' pussy.

you're about as stupid as the stinking BO....
regime change was the official position of the clinton administration regarding iraq

libs are losers who lie to themselves

The Iraq liberation Act Clinton signed did not call for US troops to invade and occupy Iraq.
You prove my point. You have NOTHING to offer as a better policy in this situation.

i made severalo points here dork

go cry
I swear he's the kid on the playground, the one who screams, ewww, you Like Obama? I bet you want to kiss him, you want to marry him, he's your boyfriend, that's gross and girls are icky, right before he wets his cartoon underpants and runs for cover.

i'm a veteran of iraq; and obama most assuredly is a failure

there is nothing you can do or say that can make me run for cover

ok chew on that leftard

and go cry
George Bush negotiated and approved the missile defense for eastern europe. If that had been in place Putin would have seen us as serious players and not done this. It was obama who unilaterally stabbed the former satellites in the back and reneged. It was part of Hillary ' s reset.

obama is rallying no one. There are economic sanction against 11 individuals. Europeans added 20 more individuals who are of even less interest than the obama 11. Putin has not been excluded from the G8. He has been excluded from one meeting.

US-UK: Expand Missile Defense in Eastern Europe |

the missiles are to point to Iran.....guess that's why Poland wants its own missile system...

Guess what?

Bush, taking advice from Defense Secretary Robert Gates, pushed for an initiative to install 10 interceptor missiles on the ground in Poland and an advanced radar system in the Czech Republic to fend long-range missiles from Iran.

American officials saw the Europe-based plan as improving their ability to deflect long-range missiles launched by Iran (not Russia) to Europe or the U.S while strengthening military partnerships with countries in Eastern Europe. Some interceptors had already been built on America’s West Coast to protect against nuclear attacks from North Korea. The interceptors in Europe would not be ready until at least 2017,

Romney: Obama stopped missile defense shield 'as a gift to Russia' | PunditFact
regime change was the official position of the clinton administration regarding iraq

libs are losers who lie to themselves

The Iraq liberation Act Clinton signed did not call for US troops to invade and occupy Iraq.

it certainly did leave the possibility open

did it forbid it?

A swing and a miss. :eusa_whistle:

"Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize or otherwise speak to the use of United States Armed Forces (except as provided in section 4(a)(2)) in carrying out this Act."

Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 - Full Text, Sense of Congress - Remove Saddam
i made severalo points here dork

go cry
I swear he's the kid on the playground, the one who screams, ewww, you Like Obama? I bet you want to kiss him, you want to marry him, he's your boyfriend, that's gross and girls are icky, right before he wets his cartoon underpants and runs for cover.

i'm a veteran of iraq; and obama most assuredly is a failure

there is nothing you can do or say that can make me run for cover

ok chew on that leftard

and go cry

You're a veteran of Iraq? Does that mean I get a tax credit if I hire you to work on my unicorn ranch?
Really...? And who knew how to "stop Putin"? W, the prez who decided Putin was "a good man" when he saw his soul thru his eyes?
How would u suggest Putin be stopped? Thru saber rattling? Outright aggression? Would any of that work without hurting us? What Obama is doing thru rallying allies to impose economic sanctions and exclude Russia from the G-8 could put the brakes on Putin...but it may take some time...something u TV program solution kids don't comprehend. Do U have any better ideas for "stopping Putin"?

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George Bush negotiated and approved the missile defense for eastern europe. If that had been in place Putin would have seen us as serious players and not done this. It was obama who unilaterally stabbed the former satellites in the back and reneged. It was part of Hillary ' s reset.


The missile defense plan didn't keep Russia out of Georgia in 2008 and it would have had absolutely no impact on the Ukraine situation.

I hate to break it to you crazy cat lady, but Russia is not attacking the Crimea with missiles.

not with BO in charge....

as the Russians continue to build up along the Ukraine border.....Obama sends MREs....not arms, comm support, etc....
Sure, we have such a good chance of winning a war, in Russia. What's that Adolf, we should maybe reconsider? Nah, you fuckin' pussy.

you're about as stupid as the stinking BO....

How would we win a ground war in eastern Europe against the Russians?
Really...? And who knew how to "stop Putin"? W, the prez who decided Putin was "a good man" when he saw his soul thru his eyes?
How would u suggest Putin be stopped? Thru saber rattling? Outright aggression? Would any of that work without hurting us? What Obama is doing thru rallying allies to impose economic sanctions and exclude Russia from the G-8 could put the brakes on Putin...but it may take some time...something u TV program solution kids don't comprehend. Do U have any better ideas for "stopping Putin"?

Sent from my iPhone using

George Bush negotiated and approved the missile defense for eastern europe. If that had been in place Putin would have seen us as serious players and not done this. It was obama who unilaterally stabbed the former satellites in the back and reneged. It was part of Hillary ' s reset.


The missile defense plan didn't keep Russia out of Georgia in 2008 and it would have had absolutely no impact on the Ukraine situation.

I hate to break it to you crazy cat lady, but Russia is not attacking the Crimea with missiles.


Then there is absolutely no chance that Russia will expand beyond Crimea. Yes, I agree obama just wants to deflect away from his domestic failures.
Sure, we have such a good chance of winning a war, in Russia. What's that Adolf, we should maybe reconsider? Nah, you fuckin' pussy.

you're about as stupid as the stinking BO....

How would we win a ground war in eastern Europe against the Russians?

i see....just tell the Ukrainians to passively lie down and let Russia roll over them....

because according to BO physically fighting for one's freedom is just so 'last century'....?
regime change was the official position of the clinton administration regarding iraq

libs are losers who lie to themselves

The Iraq liberation Act Clinton signed did not call for US troops to invade and occupy Iraq.

it certainly did leave the possibility open

did it forbid it?

It didn't forbid you pulling your head out of your ass but you apparently haven't done that.

There was one Commander-in-Chief who gave the order to invade Iraq. The fact that the chicken-hawk supporters who backed the invasion are now trying to blame it on Democrats shows that they now get it that it was a pure dip-shit move.
.....then throw in the nuts of those who have them like Iran and No. have a potentially serious issue, son.

Iran has nuclear weapons!!!!!! When did that happen? Good God Netanyahu must be pulling his hair out about now.
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you're about as stupid as the stinking BO....

How would we win a ground war in eastern Europe against the Russians?

i see....just tell the Ukrainians to passively lie down and let Russia roll over them....

because according to BO physically fighting for one's freedom is just so 'last century'....?

The Ukrainians should be prepared to defend themselves. They did kick out the pro Russian President.

I think our President was pretty clear in that the Ukraine is not part of NATO and that a similar attack on a NATO ally would, without question, bring about a military response.
Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton saw President Obama’s speech in Brussels today as deeply concerning for the United States and a grave insight into how Obama views international relations.

Bolton, speaking directly after the speech on Fox News, was flummoxed that President Obama’s chief concern appeared to be that Russian President Vladimir Putin violated international law by invading Ukraine.

Absent, Bolton noted, was any mention of Russia’s imperialist motivations or the need to implement further deterrents against Putin.

“There’s nothing in the speech about understanding force and power and international affairs the way the Russians do and how they proceeded, nor anything about deterrents or dissuasion. It was almost entirely about international norms, international law, the United Nations, none of which have done a thing to stop Russians in Ukraine.”

Additionally, Bolton ripped President Obama for suggesting U.S. interests in Ukraine are minimal considering the former Soviet state’s geopolitical significance.

Bolton: Obama Is Living In a World of Words, Putin Is Living In a World of Power | Washington Free Beacon

Your Op lacks any sort of journalistic integrity. Simply calling him "Form UN Ambassador" ignores the fact that he is a spokes-mouth for right wing idiots. Earlier this year he was badmouthing Obama at CPAC, a gathering of Right Wing ideologues.

John Bolton CPAC Speech Lambasts Obama

"Our biggest national security crisis is Barack Obama," said Bolton, who served under President George W. Bush.

He criticized the Obama administration's handling of Benghazi.

He was appointed by and supported George W Bush but now wants to talk about Obama. No president in history has had a worse foreign policy than George W Bush.

You are a joke.

The only thing you have against Bolton is that he's a Right person.What we and Bolton have against Obozo are a long list of actual fuck ups and abuses against America and Americans.

When we have a Conservative POTUS it is imbeciles like you who are going to jump on him for no good reason.

In your mind TIT-4-TAT is a valid reason.

You are a reckless un-thinking, immature, ignorant fuck.

You need to slow down and focus on comprehending what is presented before starting with the overly emotional personal attacks. I simply pointed out that Bolton was part of the chicken-hawk George W Bush administration and the hunt for "WMD's" in Iraq. Bolton, like all other right wing ideologues, has been criticizing Obama from day one. It isn't a "news flash" when he goes on Fox and says something critical of the current Commander-in-Chief. Right now the true Americans stand united. The Russian government, Al-Qaida, the Taliban, right wing ideologues, and all others who do not put America first, are in a state of constant criticism when it comes to our current Commander-in-Chief. There is nothing new about that. There is nothing "conservative" about trying to publicly undermine the president on a daily basis. That is the problem with the right wing ideologues; they are ideologues. All pure ideologues put their cause above everything else. In this case, the right wing ideologues are putting their phony brand of "conservatism" over patriotism. Fuck anybody who wants to undermine our country. True Americans put America first.
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Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton saw President Obama’s speech in Brussels today as deeply concerning for the United States and a grave insight into how Obama views international relations.

Bolton, speaking directly after the speech on Fox News, was flummoxed that President Obama’s chief concern appeared to be that Russian President Vladimir Putin violated international law by invading Ukraine.

Absent, Bolton noted, was any mention of Russia’s imperialist motivations or the need to implement further deterrents against Putin.

“There’s nothing in the speech about understanding force and power and international affairs the way the Russians do and how they proceeded, nor anything about deterrents or dissuasion. It was almost entirely about international norms, international law, the United Nations, none of which have done a thing to stop Russians in Ukraine.”

Additionally, Bolton ripped President Obama for suggesting U.S. interests in Ukraine are minimal considering the former Soviet state’s geopolitical significance.

Bolton: Obama Is Living In a World of Words, Putin Is Living In a World of Power | Washington Free Beacon

Your Op lacks any sort of journalistic integrity. Simply calling him "Former UN Ambassador" ignores the fact that he is a spokes-mouth for right wing idiots. Earlier this year he was badmouthing Obama at CPAC, a gathering of right wing ideologues.

John Bolton CPAC Speech Lambasts Obama

"Our biggest national security crisis is Barack Obama," said Bolton, who served under President George W. Bush.

He criticized the Obama administration's handling of Benghazi.

He was appointed by and supported George W Bush but now wants to talk about Obama. No president in history has had a worse foreign policy than George W Bush.

He is a spokes-mouth? What the fuck is a spokes-mouth? Does he get paid for the gig? Did he take a hit in his pay when he criticized the Bush administration in his book? Does the fact that the spokes-mouth for right wing idiots actually criticizes right wing idiots, yet you ignore that fact, say anything about your integrity?

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