Bolton: Obama's speech a 'frightening revelation' about how president thinks

I grow weary of these bedwetters. First they were afraid of Cuba, then Iraq, then North Korea, then Iran, and now Russia. There's no end to their fears and their fear-mongering. Please boys, grow up, huh?

It's dangerous world and in the end we are all dead. Just deal with it. If the pattern holds, Russia will be old news by the time Limbaugh finds something else that keeps him awake at night.

I am weary of bloviating snake oil salesmen like yourself. Who in the hell is scared of what is going on in Crimea? I think most don't give much of a damn. BUT what it points out is the weakness of Obama's foreign policy. That is worth pointing out. Making Hillary SOS was one of his biggest mistakes and Benghazi and the disrespect being shown by the Russians is proof positive. All Obama is, is a prankster.
The Iraq liberation Act Clinton signed did not call for US troops to invade and occupy Iraq.

it certainly did leave the possibility open

did it forbid it?

It didn't forbid you pulling your head out of your ass but you apparently haven't done that.

There was one Commander-in-Chief who gave the order to invade Iraq. The fact that the chicken-hawk supporters who backed the invasion are now trying to blame it on Democrats shows that they now get it that it was a pure dip-shit move.

Well to be honest, the majority of Democrats in the Senate did vote to give that CoC the deciding power. Not a majority in the House but plenty of yeas. I think the established powers on both sides wanted the war.
Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton saw President Obama’s speech in Brussels today as deeply concerning for the United States and a grave insight into how Obama views international relations.

Bolton, speaking directly after the speech on Fox News, was flummoxed that President Obama’s chief concern appeared to be that Russian President Vladimir Putin violated international law by invading Ukraine.

Absent, Bolton noted, was any mention of Russia’s imperialist motivations or the need to implement further deterrents against Putin.

“There’s nothing in the speech about understanding force and power and international affairs the way the Russians do and how they proceeded, nor anything about deterrents or dissuasion. It was almost entirely about international norms, international law, the United Nations, none of which have done a thing to stop Russians in Ukraine.”

Additionally, Bolton ripped President Obama for suggesting U.S. interests in Ukraine are minimal considering the former Soviet state’s geopolitical significance.

Bolton: Obama Is Living In a World of Words, Putin Is Living In a World of Power | Washington Free Beacon

Great post.

Thanks for helping put that asshole joke of a President's performance into the right perspective!


Bolton was appointed by George W Bush. I guess that makes him an expert on "joke presidents". However, it isn't really funny because George W Bush's chicken-hawk ignorance resulted in thousands of dead Americans.

I suggest you hit the side of your head, you are blathering again.
Your Op lacks any sort of journalistic integrity. Simply calling him "Form UN Ambassador" ignores the fact that he is a spokes-mouth for right wing idiots. Earlier this year he was badmouthing Obama at CPAC, a gathering of Right Wing ideologues.

John Bolton CPAC Speech Lambasts Obama

"Our biggest national security crisis is Barack Obama," said Bolton, who served under President George W. Bush.

He criticized the Obama administration's handling of Benghazi.

He was appointed by and supported George W Bush but now wants to talk about Obama. No president in history has had a worse foreign policy than George W Bush.

You are a joke.

The only thing you have against Bolton is that he's a Right person.

What we and Bolton have against Obozo are a long list of actual fuck ups and abuses against America and Americans.

When we have a Conservative POTUS it is imbeciles like you who are going to jump on him for no good reason.

In your mind TIT-4-TAT is a valid reason.

You are a reckless un-thinking, immature, ignorant fuck.

The thing people have against Bolton is that he's batshit crazy. We'd be bombing half the world if he was in charge.

Which explains why he has never been in charge, doesn't it. On the other hand, it doesn't change the fact that Obama actually claimed that Russia is less of a threat to the US than Syria.
What bothered me about Obama's speech, was his attempt to justify the invasion of Iraq. Even when Obama defends con stupidity, they criticize instead.

What bothers me about your post is that Obama did not defend the invasion of Iraq.
So have any of you geniuses come up with a plan that is better than what the President is doing?

What's your plan to drive the Russians out of the Crimea?

Be specific.

Why not simply admit that we can't actually do anything about it given the current state of world geopolitics unless we use nuclear weapons? Why not move American forces into the Ukraine and tell Russia that, if they move against them we will defend ourselves with any means necessary, including said nuclear weapons, the same way we did during the Cold War?

By the way, did you notice that the free market has done more damage to Russia than all the sanctions imposed by Obama? Or would admitting that force you to admit that the government isn't the only possible answer to every fucking problem?
The Iraq liberation Act Clinton signed did not call for US troops to invade and occupy Iraq.

it certainly did leave the possibility open

did it forbid it?

It didn't forbid you pulling your head out of your ass but you apparently haven't done that.

There was one Commander-in-Chief who gave the order to invade Iraq. The fact that the chicken-hawk supporters who backed the invasion are now trying to blame it on Democrats shows that they now get it that it was a pure dip-shit move.

oh look; i made another left-wing loser cry!!
The best part of what Bolton said is what he didn't say...

...nothing of substance as to what policy would be better than what the administration is doing.

Bolton wasn't offering criticism. He was just doing what everyone on the right has been doing over the Ukraine situation,

taking cheap meaningless shots at the President.


The best part of your post is that you think that we can actually do something short of nuclear war.
I grow weary of these bedwetters. First they were afraid of Cuba, then Iraq, then North Korea, then Iran, and now Russia. There's no end to their fears and their fear-mongering. Please boys, grow up, huh?

It's dangerous world and in the end we are all dead. Just deal with it. If the pattern holds, Russia will be old news by the time Limbaugh finds something else that keeps him awake at night.

Umm, what?

I could have sworn that Obama is the one that is blithering about Russia and Crimea.
The Iraq liberation Act Clinton signed did not call for US troops to invade and occupy Iraq.

it certainly did leave the possibility open

did it forbid it?

It didn't forbid you pulling your head out of your ass but you apparently haven't done that.

There was one Commander-in-Chief who gave the order to invade Iraq. The fact that the chicken-hawk supporters who backed the invasion are now trying to blame it on Democrats shows that they now get it that it was a pure dip-shit move.

hilarious; left-wing losers and their "chicken-hawk" talkingpoints

the list of people that voted to go to war with iraq; and yes no matter how you slice it; your lame and pathetic excuses that you're too stupid to have understood; includes your next Presidential nominee, hillary; and Secretay of State kerry; along with more than 3 dozen other dems

idiots and hypocrites
How would we win a ground war in eastern Europe against the Russians?

i see....just tell the Ukrainians to passively lie down and let Russia roll over them....

because according to BO physically fighting for one's freedom is just so 'last century'....?

The Ukrainians should be prepared to defend themselves. They did kick out the pro Russian President.

I think our President was pretty clear in that the Ukraine is not part of NATO and that a similar attack on a NATO ally would, without question, bring about a military response.

LOL 'without question' appeasers are all alike.....drawing red lines and then more red lines....never helping those fighting for their liberty....what the hell makes taking Estonia or Latvia more of a U.S. security threat than Ukraine....? we should be lining Ukraine up for NATO membership right along with Georgia...
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Then what's the point of this discussion, or any other discussion about Obama's terrible policies?

What do Republicans propose to do about Russia? Come up with some ideas besides repeating, "Obama's weak!" What is the GOP plan for dealing with Russia? What is the GOP plan for fixing Obamacare? What is the GOP plan for ending the drug war? What is the GOP plan for creating jobs?

Does the GOP have any plan other than trying to make Obama a one-term President?

Simple response to a dumb question, is that a competent president would have considered what he would do, BEFORE the Russians invaded the Ukraine. A competent president would have formed a foreign policy vision that was favorable to the interests of the United States of America, and worked to implement that policy.

A competent president would have contacted the Polish government and the Ukrainian government, and then announced combined war games, as soon as we had indication that Putin may have intentions on invading the Ukraine. A competent president would have led NATO into a show of force through a mobilization exercise. No threats, no red lines, just a hint that the United States and NATO could be looking at a military option if Russia did invade the Ukraine.

A competent president would have informed Putin that we were rethinking the missile defense shield in Europe, in light of our belief that Putin had offensive intentions in the Ukraine. It is far better in foreign relations, to have respect from foreign nations, than it is to have them like us.
Your Op lacks any sort of journalistic integrity. Simply calling him "Form UN Ambassador" ignores the fact that he is a spokes-mouth for right wing idiots. Earlier this year he was badmouthing Obama at CPAC, a gathering of Right Wing ideologues.

John Bolton CPAC Speech Lambasts Obama

"Our biggest national security crisis is Barack Obama," said Bolton, who served under President George W. Bush.

He criticized the Obama administration's handling of Benghazi.

He was appointed by and supported George W Bush but now wants to talk about Obama. No president in history has had a worse foreign policy than George W Bush.

You are a joke.

The only thing you have against Bolton is that he's a Right person.What we and Bolton have against Obozo are a long list of actual fuck ups and abuses against America and Americans.

When we have a Conservative POTUS it is imbeciles like you who are going to jump on him for no good reason.

In your mind TIT-4-TAT is a valid reason.

You are a reckless un-thinking, immature, ignorant fuck.

You need to slow down and focus on comprehending what is presented before starting with the overly emotional personal attacks. I simply pointed out that Bolton was part of the chicken-hawk George W Bush administration and the hunt for "WMD's" in Iraq. Bolton, like all other right wing ideologues, has been criticizing Obama from day one. It isn't a "news flash" when he goes on Fox and says something critical of the current Commander-in-Chief. Right now the true Americans stand united. The Russian government, Al-Qaida, the Taliban, right wing ideologues, and all others who do not put America first, are in a state of constant criticism when it comes to our current Commander-in-Chief. There is nothing new about that. There is nothing "conservative" about trying to publicly undermine the president on a daily basis. That is the problem with the right wing ideologues; they are ideologues. All pure ideologues put their cause above everything else. In this case, the right wing ideologues are putting their phony brand of "conservatism" over patriotism. Fuck anybody who wants to undermine our country. True Americans put America first.

"true Americans stand united....'

really idiot?

beware of morons claiming they speak for "true Americans". lol idiot; nice little mustache you got there
Is there anyone here crazy enough to think that there is a viable military option against Russia?

not with BO in charge....

as the Russians continue to build up along the Ukraine border.....Obama sends MREs....not arms, comm support, etc....
Sure, we have such a good chance of winning a war, in Russia. What's that Adolf, we should maybe reconsider? Nah, you fuckin' pussy.

Obama said that Russia is a regional power that is invaded Crimea out of weakness. Unless he is completely whackadoodle, he must think we would have no trouble going toe to toe against them if we had to, after all, we are a super power, not a regional one.
Sure, we have such a good chance of winning a war, in Russia. What's that Adolf, we should maybe reconsider? Nah, you fuckin' pussy.

you're about as stupid as the stinking BO....

How would we win a ground war in eastern Europe against the Russians?

Russia is a regional power, why would we need to worry about a ground war? We could take them out with cruise missiles and leading from behind like we did in Libya.
Sure, we have such a good chance of winning a war, in Russia. What's that Adolf, we should maybe reconsider? Nah, you fuckin' pussy.

you're about as stupid as the stinking BO....

How would we win a ground war in eastern Europe against the Russians?

There would be no ground war in Eastern Europe. The Russians are in no shape to take on the USA or NATO, and would not risk a ground war with either. Putin is playing chess with what he considers a war averse USA and NATO. He will continue to absorb the former Soviet bloc until he believes that the West has had enough.
How would we win a ground war in eastern Europe against the Russians?

i see....just tell the Ukrainians to passively lie down and let Russia roll over them....

because according to BO physically fighting for one's freedom is just so 'last century'....?

The Ukrainians should be prepared to defend themselves. They did kick out the pro Russian President.

I think our President was pretty clear in that the Ukraine is not part of NATO and that a similar attack on a NATO ally would, without question, bring about a military response.

Oh yes, another red line. I bet that gives a lot of confidence to our allies.
Let's be glad that Obama hasn't started a war half way across the world for absolutely no concern to and internet of regular Americans.

Like Ron Paul said: "So what."

Keep nominating war mongers like Mccain and Romney and I'll have to vote Democrat (again) in 2016.

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