Bolton: Obama's speech a 'frightening revelation' about how president thinks

Is there anyone here crazy enough to think that there is a viable military option against Russia?

not with BO in charge....

as the Russians continue to build up along the Ukraine border.....Obama sends MREs....not arms, comm support, etc....
Sure, we have such a good chance of winning a war, in Russia. What's that Adolf, we should maybe reconsider? Nah, you fuckin' pussy.

If that is the truth, then Obama's promise to defend NATO states isn't worth very much, is it. Just another red line that is no red line?
i see....just tell the Ukrainians to passively lie down and let Russia roll over them....

because according to BO physically fighting for one's freedom is just so 'last century'....?

The Ukrainians should be prepared to defend themselves. They did kick out the pro Russian President.

I think our President was pretty clear in that the Ukraine is not part of NATO and that a similar attack on a NATO ally would, without question, bring about a military response.

LOL 'without question' appeasers are all alike.....drawing red lines and then more red lines....never helping those fighting for their liberty....what the hell makes taking Estonia or Latvia more of a U.S. security threat than Ukraine....? we should be lining Ukraine up for NATO membership right along with Georgia...

Why do you think Kiev revolted?
i made severalo points here dork

go cry
I swear he's the kid on the playground, the one who screams, ewww, you Like Obama? I bet you want to kiss him, you want to marry him, he's your boyfriend, that's gross and girls are icky, right before he wets his cartoon underpants and runs for cover.

i'm a veteran of iraq; and obama most assuredly is a failure

there is nothing you can do or say that can make me run for cover

ok chew on that leftard

and go cry
I''ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Cannon Fodder is what you sound like, and all you're ultimately good for.
I grow weary of these bedwetters. First they were afraid of Cuba, then Iraq, then North Korea, then Iran, and now Russia. There's no end to their fears and their fear-mongering. Please boys, grow up, huh?

It's dangerous world and in the end we are all dead. Just deal with it. If the pattern holds, Russia will be old news by the time Limbaugh finds something else that keeps him awake at night.

Umm, what?

I could have sworn that Obama is the one that is blithering about Russia and Crimea.
Don't swear, your mommy will spank you...
not with BO in charge....

as the Russians continue to build up along the Ukraine border.....Obama sends MREs....not arms, comm support, etc....
Sure, we have such a good chance of winning a war, in Russia. What's that Adolf, we should maybe reconsider? Nah, you fuckin' pussy.

If that is the truth, then Obama's promise to defend NATO states isn't worth very much, is it. Just another red line that is no red line?
There is what it is. That's all, ever.

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