Bomber's father: all hell will break lose if his son is killed

If possible, we need to take him alive. If they had help, we need to know who and how. And destroy those that made this possible.

Bingo! Someone/something alienated them and made them do it. We need to find out who/what that was and make sure it doesn't happen again.

Are russian muslims going to declare jihad?

There is a precedent for it. There were 2 muslims who did a robbery in France. They fled to a high voltage restricted building connected to a power plant I believe. One was elecrocuted and died while fleeing from police.

So because the one muslim died while fleeing from police they basically waged jihad in the streets - setting cars on fire, homes on fire - it was quite a scene although our own media blacked out the news of it for weeks and later tried to downplay it. The difference is this isn't France. It isn't Russia. We haven't been disarmed like their people have. Americans have firearms and will protect themselves and their families. So this mans warning doesn't resonate to Americans as it would a nation who isn't allowed to own a firearm to defend themselves with.

Thank God for 2nd amendment rights, eh? - Jeri

Are russian muslims going to declare jihad?

There is a precedent for it. There were 2 muslims who did a robbery in France. They fled to a high voltage restricted building connected to a power plant I believe. One was elecrocuted and died while fleeing from police.

So because the one muslim died while fleeing from police they basically waged jihad in the streets - setting cars on fire, homes on fire - it was quite a scene although our own media blacked out the news of it for weeks and later tried to downplay it. The difference is this isn't France. It isn't Russia. We haven't been disarmed like their people have. Americans have firearms and will protect themselves and their families. So this mans warning doesn't resonate to Americans as it would a nation who isn't allowed to own a firearm to defend themselves with.

Thank God for 2nd amendment rights, eh? - Jeri

No amount of guns are going to stop a bomb going off.

Are russian muslims going to declare jihad?

There is a precedent for it. There were 2 muslims who did a robbery in France. They fled to a high voltage restricted building connected to a power plant I believe. One was elecrocuted and died while fleeing from police.

So because the one muslim died while fleeing from police they basically waged jihad in the streets - setting cars on fire, homes on fire - it was quite a scene although our own media blacked out the news of it for weeks and later tried to downplay it. The difference is this isn't France. It isn't Russia. We haven't been disarmed like their people have. Americans have firearms and will protect themselves and their families. So this mans warning doesn't resonate to Americans as it would a nation who isn't allowed to own a firearm to defend themselves with.

Thank God for 2nd amendment rights, eh? - Jeri

No amount of guns are going to stop a bomb going off.

I never said it would. What we are talking about here is the backlash the father is threatening if his other son is killed. I'm saying that Americans are better prepared than the citizens of France were and the reason for it is we have firearms while they did not. Some were wondering if all of Paris would be burned to the ground - it became that out of control. That is what happens when the citizens are disarmed. Mayhem & violence goes unchecked. France was totally unprepared.
There is a precedent for it. There were 2 muslims who did a robbery in France. They fled to a high voltage restricted building connected to a power plant I believe. One was elecrocuted and died while fleeing from police.

So because the one muslim died while fleeing from police they basically waged jihad in the streets - setting cars on fire, homes on fire - it was quite a scene although our own media blacked out the news of it for weeks and later tried to downplay it. The difference is this isn't France. It isn't Russia. We haven't been disarmed like their people have. Americans have firearms and will protect themselves and their families. So this mans warning doesn't resonate to Americans as it would a nation who isn't allowed to own a firearm to defend themselves with.

Thank God for 2nd amendment rights, eh? - Jeri

No amount of guns are going to stop a bomb going off.

I never said it would. What we are talking about here is the backlash the father is threatening if his other son is killed. I'm saying that Americans are better prepared than the citizens of France were and the reason for it is we have firearms while they did not. Some were wondering if all of Paris would be burned to the ground - it became that out of control. That is what happens when the citizens are disarmed. Mayhem & violence goes unchecked. France was totally unprepared.

You are assuming that they will riot. What if they decide to just use bombs instead? Your guns won't help you then.
If possible, we need to take him alive. If they had help, we need to know who and how. And destroy those that made this possible.

The abusive father who raised sons unable to function in society.

Angry, hateful people will go on the internet and find hateful website to fuel their hate.
Does anyone really think the bombers family isn't being very closely watched by all forms of law enforcement? Hell breaking loose is highly unlikely.

The crazy apple doesn't fall far from the crazy apple tree.

Sounds like the father was a bitter, angry, and probably abusive under-acheiver. (so a lot of the posters on this site can probably relate) -- A immigrant version of Randy Weaver, outsiders unable to fit in.

The uncle is on TV and seems to be estranged from their family.

Not at all. Ask any Muslim what they think on the streets of Europe and they will tell you the father is speaking the truth as Islam teaches him they are justified in waging jihad over the death of one Muslim. Why do you think Maj. Hassan is still breathing? Our government isn't putting Muslims to death here for the same reason. Just because you haven't heard of this before doesn't mean it isn't based on some truth. It is. - Jeri

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