Bombing in Downtown Nashville

..gave his house away to a 29 year old woman who knew nothing about it!! can't make this shit up!! those humans are hilarious
Look at the photo... there is the camper

View attachment 433868
What is that, like government housing or something ??
..gave his house away to a 29 year old woman who knew nothing about it!! can't make this shit up!! those humans are hilarious
Look at the photo... there is the camper

View attachment 433868

Looks like it. doesn't it? The aerial views I've seen are showing the same, right down to the logo on the front.

I think we have a winner.
Registered Democrat

Not known yet. We don't even know if Stephen Paddock was a registered Democrat. But the lack of information about his motivation and political affiliation is screaming pretty loudly.
I'm not seeing political affialation as being all that relevant. More and more it's looking like just another nutcase..brooding on his grievances and steeped in fantasy--finally concocting an elaborate suicide..hoping to be seen as a martyr.

True. This probably has little to do with politics, as it does with some personal corporate grudge.

We'll see as the information continues to trickle in.
But wouldn't you say that everything is politics these days ???? 150 million supposedly voted in this election right ?? It would be amazing if it ain't associated with politics.
..gave his house away to a 29 year old woman who knew nothing about it!! can't make this shit up!! those humans are hilarious

Do you believe this guy is some kind of demolitions expert?

Supposedly he was convicted of a felony back in the 70's, but his record was expunged. He was licensed to handle demolitions, but I think the license expired some years ago.

No links to that, as the info is hard to keep straight as it comes in.

What? He starred in 'Zorba The Greek'???

Not the one who played Zorba the Greek. Yet, we'll have Joe Biden who plays the POTUS after his fake win.
I'm curious about the woman he gave his homes to. Nothing wrong with that, and if he was planning to off himself, I could see him giving his home to a friend, and maybe not telling her since people serious about suicide don't say or do stuff to give their plans away. But the transaction in '19? Who lives in her house? Investigators were searching both homes, even though it belonged to someone else. A little curious, all that.

And how could the tenant in the other half of the duplex where bomber lived not know his name? Wasn't he the landlord?

Who was he communicating with, with that antenna he kept fiddling with?

Neighbors said he was an oddball. Self employed, electrical knowledge. Modest income, no wife or kids. Why would he have a gripe with ATT? Was it really a random location? Old boomers like us don't usually have facebook pages, so we'll probably never know what was in his mind.

I do think it's a little odd how quickly the investigators started saying they weren't looking for any associates. That's not real typical when terrorism is involved. Unless they knew a lot sooner than they let on that they knew it was a lone screwball.

Okay, musings done. Keep me updated!
More: the young woman he gave a home to in 2019 turned around and quit claimed it to someone else a few months later, so maybe she's a relative. They are trying to find his mother, so it might be awhile before there's DNA evidence. They think he has a brother and sister somewhere, as well.

Investigators are looking into a report he thought 5g was spying on Americans.

Might be looking up, Mad_Jack_Flint . Lone nutter spending too many hours with Alex Jones?
I don't know what happened, I have no idea....this is just another posibility...

I quote:

"White hats located the bomb before it was placed in it's target detonation. Firefight ensued, bad actors killed. Bomb unsafe to handle in normal means. Controlled detonation with countdown and warning to minimize harm to populace."

In other words, it was a terror attack that was intercepted.

Then again, who knows what happened. :dunno:

That was NOT a controlled detonation.

Nobody was killed....there WAS a warning.

When do you get warnings in terrorists attacks? again what do i know.

It was still a terrorist attack. Lots of people out of work, and lost businesses.
More: the young woman he gave a home to in 2019 turned around and quit claimed it to someone else a few months later, so maybe she's a relative. They are trying to find his mother, so it might be awhile before there's DNA evidence. They think he has a brother and sister somewhere, as well.

Investigators are looking into a report he thought 5g was spying on Americans.

Might be looking up, Mad_Jack_Flint . Lone nutter spending too many hours with Alex Jones?

Let hope!
You see “Antifa/BLM” everywhere, dupe. RVs/trailers and bombs are white people shit.

Like The Weathermen...

"In the 1970s, the WUO conducted a bombing campaign targeting government buildings and several banks. Some attacks were preceded by evacuation warnings, along with threats identifying the particular matter that the attack was intended to protest."
Like The Weathermen...
Nice pull. You only had to go back 50 years.
"Ideologically, ANTIFA in the United States sees itself as the successor to anti-Nazi activists of the 1930s. European activist groups that originally organized to oppose World War II-era fascist dictatorships re-emerged in the 1970s and 1980s to oppose white supremacy and skinheads, eventually spreading to the United States.[60]

Latest info is that the investigators are looking at Anthony Q. Warner, a 63 year old unmarried computer geek with a license to install security alarms. Apparently he's a conspiracy nut who believes that 5g cell towers are spreading COVID. they believe that the AT&T building might have been his target.
I'm seeing slow motion videos that suggest the explosion originated across the street from the RV
Hmmmm, natural gas explosion maybe ?? It has the signature of one, otherwise if it wasn't a man made terroristic (send a message), attempt to soon be proven maybe.

The corridor could have provided a perfect storm of the building up of the gas within it, and the frigid weather could have maybe concentrated it (slow moving) within the corridor also. The remains found, may have been the unlucky soul that turned the key, and created the spark that ignited the gas.

The cops running around to get people out may have realized the leak, and fought frantically to get everybody out.
You people are paranoid. Nobody wants to kill you people because frankly, you're not a threat.
Well, to be fair, i know you stupid hillbillies are just talking about civil war in an exercise in masturbation. But law enforcement has to take all threats seriously.

Between you and me, we're only trolling you heathen leftists with all that talk about "civil war."

We're not really the "monsters" you make us out to be. We have wives, husbands, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, just like anyone else. We also have pets: Dogs, cats, fish, parrots, whatever.

The sooner you realize that everybody in this country basically wants the same things out of life, the sooner you realize that you're not really much different than we are.

How's that for a fuckin' "Kumbaya"?

But regardless, I guaranfuckingtee you that anyone comes breaking through my door at 3 AM will still get shot in the face.

I wish the rightists would apply that to the leftists here.
Yea the leftists have no habits to change...both sides just troll the hell out of each other mocking whatever is said.

No "one" side is above it.
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You people are paranoid. Nobody wants to kill you people because frankly, you're not a threat.
Well, to be fair, i know you stupid hillbillies are just talking about civil war in an exercise in masturbation. But law enforcement has to take all threats seriously.

Between you and me, we're only trolling you heathen leftists with all that talk about "civil war."

We're not really the "monsters" you make us out to be. We have wives, husbands, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, just like anyone else. We also have pets: Dogs, cats, fish, parrots, whatever.

The sooner you realize that everybody in this country basically wants the same things out of life, the sooner you realize that you're not really much different than we are.

How's that for a fuckin' "Kumbaya"?

But regardless, I guaranfuckingtee you that anyone comes breaking through my door at 3 AM will still get shot in the face.

I wish the rightists would apply that to the leftists here.
Yea the leftists have no habits to change...both sides just troll the hell out of each other mocking whatever is said.

No "one" side is above it.

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