Bombing in Downtown Nashville

Here could be the reason for the bombing and it's huge.

"THE SECRETS ARE hidden behind fortified walls in cities across the United States, inside towering, windowless skyscrapers and fortress-like concrete structures that were built to withstand earthquakes and even nuclear attack. Thousands of people pass by the buildings each day and rarely give them a second glance, because their function is not publicly known. They are an integral part of one of the world’s largest telecommunications networks – and they are also linked to a controversial National Security Agency surveillance program.

Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. In each of these cities, The Intercept has identified an AT&T facility containing networking equipment that transports large quantities of internet traffic across the United States and the world. A body of evidence – including classified NSA documents, public records, and interviews with several former AT&T employees – indicates that the buildings are central to an NSA spying initiative that has for years monitored billions of emails, phone calls, and online chats passing across U.S. territory.

The NSA considers AT&T to be one of its most trusted partners and has lauded the company’s “extreme willingness to help.” It is a collaboration that dates back decades. Little known, however, is that its scope is not restricted to AT&T’s customers. According to the NSA’s documents, it values AT&T not only because it “has access to information that transits the nation,” but also because it maintains unique relationships with other phone and internet providers. The NSA exploits these relationships for surveillance purposes, commandeering AT&T’s massive infrastructure and using it as a platform to covertly tap into communications processed by other companies."

I didn't feel comfortable posting that info, especially on a board with so many Communists and left wing nutjobs on it, but now that it's out that was on my mind when I heard about it. ATT has lots of govt. communications and satellite contracts as well as local govt. contracts.

You have been reported to my handlers.

I also have done so, Comrade. Workers Unite!
..gave his house away to a 29 year old woman who knew nothing about it!! can't make this shit up!! those humans are hilarious
Look at the photo... there is the camper

View attachment 433868

Looks like it. doesn't it? The aerial views I've seen are showing the same, right down to the logo on the front.

I think we have a winner.
Registered Democrat
..gave his house away to a 29 year old woman who knew nothing about it!! can't make this shit up!! those humans are hilarious
Look at the photo... there is the camper

View attachment 433868

Looks like it. doesn't it? The aerial views I've seen are showing the same, right down to the logo on the front.

I think we have a winner.
Registered Democrat

Not known yet. We don't even know if Stephen Paddock was a registered Democrat. But the lack of information about Paddock's motivation and political affiliation is screaming pretty loudly.

This always seems to be the same when any major crime is committed: If the perp was black, the race is seldom broadcasted. If the perp was white, we'd be sure to know about that right off the bat.

It's all about "the narrative."
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..gave his house away to a 29 year old woman who knew nothing about it!! can't make this shit up!! those humans are hilarious
Look at the photo... there is the camper

View attachment 433868

Looks like it. doesn't it? The aerial views I've seen are showing the same, right down to the logo on the front.

I think we have a winner.
Registered Democrat

Not known yet. We don't even know if Stephen Paddock was a registered Democrat. But the lack of information about his motivation and political affiliation is screaming pretty loudly.
I'm not seeing political affialation as being all that relevant. More and more it's looking like just another nutcase..brooding on his grievances and steeped in fantasy--finally concocting an elaborate suicide..hoping to be seen as a martyr.
Nashville's Democrat mayor "laughing" while giving interview after bombing. What piece of work this guy is.

'The mayor of Nashville is being criticized for laughing during an interview following a large explosion that occurred in the downtown area of the city on Christmas morning.

“This is the only explosion that’s going to happen today,” Nashville Mayor John Cooper, a Democrat, said to a local news station before laughing on camera in the wake of a blast that occurred in the city earlier that morning.'

Too much eggnog?

Stress laugh I think. Not good publicly but people do this

Do you experience excessive nervous laughter while talking? ... Rather, it's a physical reaction to stress, tension, confusion, or anxiety

Relief that no one was killed.....except maybe the loser who set off the bomb.
..gave his house away to a 29 year old woman who knew nothing about it!! can't make this shit up!! those humans are hilarious
Look at the photo... there is the camper

View attachment 433868

Looks like it. doesn't it? The aerial views I've seen are showing the same, right down to the logo on the front.

I think we have a winner.
Registered Democrat

Not known yet. We don't even know if Stephen Paddock was a registered Democrat. But the lack of information about his motivation and political affiliation is screaming pretty loudly.
I'm not seeing political affialation as being all that relevant. More and more it's looking like just another nutcase..brooding on his grievances and steeped in fantasy--finally concocting an elaborate suicide..hoping to be seen as a martyr.
I disagree with you. If it were a REPUBLICAN it would be all over the DRIVE BY HIT JOB MEDIA
..gave his house away to a 29 year old woman who knew nothing about it!! can't make this shit up!! those humans are hilarious
Look at the photo... there is the camper

View attachment 433868

Looks like it. doesn't it? The aerial views I've seen are showing the same, right down to the logo on the front.

I think we have a winner.
Registered Democrat

Not known yet. We don't even know if Stephen Paddock was a registered Democrat. But the lack of information about his motivation and political affiliation is screaming pretty loudly.
I'm not seeing political affialation as being all that relevant. More and more it's looking like just another nutcase..brooding on his grievances and steeped in fantasy--finally concocting an elaborate suicide..hoping to be seen as a martyr.

True. This probably has little to do with politics, as it does with some personal corporate grudge.

We'll see as the information continues to trickle in.
..gave his house away to a 29 year old woman who knew nothing about it!! can't make this shit up!! those humans are hilarious
Look at the photo... there is the camper

View attachment 433868

Looks like it. doesn't it? The aerial views I've seen are showing the same, right down to the logo on the front.

I think we have a winner.
Registered Democrat

Not known yet. We don't even know if Stephen Paddock was a registered Democrat. But the lack of information about his motivation and political affiliation is screaming pretty loudly.
I'm not seeing political affialation as being all that relevant. More and more it's looking like just another nutcase..brooding on his grievances and steeped in fantasy--finally concocting an elaborate suicide..hoping to be seen as a martyr.

True. This probably has little to do with politics, as it does with some personal corporate grudge.

We'll see.
Disagree. Someone here today told me only Republicans do things like this.
You people are paranoid. Nobody wants to kill you people because frankly, you're not a threat.
Well, to be fair, i know you stupid hillbillies are just talking about civil war in an exercise in masturbation. But law enforcement has to take all threats seriously.

Between you and me, we're only trolling you heathen leftists with all that talk about "civil war."

We're not really the "monsters" you make us out to be. We have wives, husbands, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, just like anyone else. We also have pets: Dogs, cats, fish, parrots, whatever.

The sooner you realize that everybody in this country basically wants the same things out of life, the sooner you realize that you're not really much different than we are.

How's that for a fuckin' "Kumbaya"?

But regardless, I guaranfuckingtee you that anyone comes breaking through my door at 3 AM will still get shot in the face.

I wish the rightists would apply that to the leftists here.

We try to but given the protests, riots, arson, looting, etc. that were happening this year, it's a little difficult.

Know what I mean?

Wouldn't you be a little nervous had it been we who were doing all that?
Well maybe if the righties here would stop the extrajudicial killings of black people and stop mailing pipe bombs to people and trying to kidnap and execute governors, the lefties here would stop doing what you

Damn you sound dumb.

You're paranoid and suffering from a victim complex. And pretty damned abusive on top of that.
Funny thing is, i was imitating you to ridicule you. This is pure gold. Stay out of trouble, pal. You wouldn't last 30 seconds in an interrogation room.

Try not to give yourself more credit than you deserve. You have "intimidated" nobody. All you've done is made yourself to appear like an asshole.
I wasn't intimidating. I was imitating. Is English your first language? I hope not.

Whatever. Go play your stupid games with someone else.
I already won. I imitated you to ridicule you, and you were too rabid and reactionary to see it. So you balked at someone talking to you the way you talk to others. Damn that was good. And predictable. I hope you learned a lesson.
We already learned the lesson that your a lying scumbag, years ago.
We should probably get used to this sort of thing.

Yes. The slide into Third World status will be a rocky and bloody one. It's all the DNC and Biden can do to keep from peeing themselves in joy in public every time they get in front of cameras and have their media employees fawn over their rhetoric.
They only thing trying to drag us into third world status are the impoverished, low-education, red "parasite" States. The rest of our economy and country is strong and fairly well educated.
Unfortunately COVID-19 has beat the crap out of the BLUE states. Covid-19 is a democrap killer.

Yes, cities are expected to be hit harder. More educated and more talented and successful people flock to cities, and they also tend to be liberal. So cities are led by democrats. Thank you captain obvious. As for the rural areas in blue states...they are seething with trump idiots, and that is why upstate new york is worse off than new york city. Thanks for making all my points for me. Will you be assisting me all evening, sockboy?





Bigger font leaves a bigger impression.
Cool. But when my undies come off the woman are like "your skin is white, WTF?"
Oh...I'm sure you believe that. :heehee:
..gave his house away to a 29 year old woman who knew nothing about it!! can't make this shit up!! those humans are hilarious
Look at the photo... there is the camper

View attachment 433868

Looks like it. doesn't it? The aerial views I've seen are showing the same, right down to the logo on the front.

I think we have a winner.
Registered Democrat

Not known yet. We don't even know if Stephen Paddock was a registered Democrat. But the lack of information about his motivation and political affiliation is screaming pretty loudly.
I'm not seeing political affialation as being all that relevant. More and more it's looking like just another nutcase..brooding on his grievances and steeped in fantasy--finally concocting an elaborate suicide..hoping to be seen as a martyr.

True. This probably has little to do with politics, as it does with some personal corporate grudge.

We'll see.
Disagree. Someone here today told me only Republicans do things like this.

The left is hoping and praying for another "OKC Bombing." The right is hoping and praying for another "Unibomber."
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I don't know what happened, I have no idea....this is just another posibility...

I quote:

"White hats located the bomb before it was placed in it's target detonation. Firefight ensued, bad actors killed. Bomb unsafe to handle in normal means. Controlled detonation with countdown and warning to minimize harm to populace."

In other words, it was a terror attack that was intercepted.

Then again, who knows what happened. :dunno:

That was NOT a controlled detonation.

Nobody was killed....there WAS a warning.

When do you get warnings in terrorists attacks? again what do i know.

That has nothing to do with this being a controlled detonation.

A controlled explosion is a method for detonating or disabling a suspected explosive device. Methods which are used to set off a controlled explosion include clearing the area and using a bomb disposal robot to attach a shaped charge to the suspected bomb to sever the explosive from its detonator

You people are paranoid. Nobody wants to kill you people because frankly, you're not a threat.
Well, to be fair, i know you stupid hillbillies are just talking about civil war in an exercise in masturbation. But law enforcement has to take all threats seriously.

Between you and me, we're only trolling you heathen leftists with all that talk about "civil war."

We're not really the "monsters" you make us out to be. We have wives, husbands, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, just like anyone else. We also have pets: Dogs, cats, fish, parrots, whatever.

The sooner you realize that everybody in this country basically wants the same things out of life, the sooner you realize that you're not really much different than we are.

How's that for a fuckin' "Kumbaya"?

But regardless, I guaranfuckingtee you that anyone comes breaking through my door at 3 AM will still get shot in the face.

I wish the rightists would apply that to the leftists here.

Except you are different. Liberals lie, cheat, steal. abort your babies, abuse drugs, kick your dog, hate guns, claim that there a dozens of genders, etc.
Watching a blip about it... officials are puzzled by the location. There is really not much in this location, small businesses... couple restaurants.
In other words no apparent targets.
I am smelling a lone wolf nut who wanted some excitement, but didn't really want to hurt anyone. Thus... early-early morning on a holiday when everyone is closed.
In the end. They will find him. There are cameras everywhere today.
I thought one of the tv stations reported someone in the.van got blown up or vaporized.

Someone earlier in the thread had a story that they had found 'body parts', but I didn't read it to find out where. Sorry.
Thank you, Dudley. That sounds a lot like what I heard on tv. I guess the police detectives might be a little protective on details until they can understand what went down. This may take some time.
Watching a blip about it... officials are puzzled by the location. There is really not much in this location, small businesses... couple restaurants.
In other words no apparent targets.
I am smelling a lone wolf nut who wanted some excitement, but didn't really want to hurt anyone. Thus... early-early morning on a holiday when everyone is closed.
In the end. They will find him. There are cameras everywhere today.
A lone wolf wanting excitement? What's exciting about blowing your self up?

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