BOMBSHELL: Blasey-Ford's HS Yearbooks Brag of Drunken Promiscuity, '54 Sex Partners Before College'

This was all over twitter this morning...……

Typical libtard Slut...…………...
It's all fake. Open up and swallow, trumptards.

Then why did they remove it from the net?

Answer that Dumb Ass...……………….
They removed it from the net so it wouldn't be photoshopped, but they thought of it too late. It was altered and filled with hateful trash, and even Rush admitted he had never heard of the outfit that started it, and for him not to know of a website, it was kind of unusual, but he went on to give a rant based on it as factual anyway.
It's disgusting.
Demoquacks are not known for being overly bright
As someone who has investigated these crimes many times there are glaring discrepancies in her story. Every victim I have interviewed could tell me, with great precision, who they were with, what day it was, what year it was, who's home they were at, and many other details important details. Ford can not, which tells me she is making up the story.

Her therapist and her contemporaneous notes show that Ford can not tell who was there, when it occurred, where it occurred, or even what year it occurred in,but yet she could say it was Kavanaugh. Very odd that corroborating evidence is nonexistent and evidence required to do an investigation is not forthcoming. Even when she linked others to the event, when questioned under oath, they had no recollection of an event of this type ever occurring. All four have now given under oath statements that this never occurred.

Then we get into her background and her social media where she claims to get "black out drunk" and has claimed 56 consensual and different sexual encounters while in this voluntary and intoxicated state. She bragged about these conquests.

When you look at Kavanaugh's background he has hundreds of people who state they have never seen or experienced any such behavior from him. Even female school mates and friends from the age of 16 discount any form of predatory behavior.

Ford has shown herself as untrustworthy and questionable in her behaviors. She is not credible as a witness and even her therapist, who used "repressed memory therapy" which is not admissible in court, admits she changes her story every time.

Sorry folks but I do not feel for this woman as she is demonstrating that she is at best, unreliable in her memory and quite possibly intentionally deceptive. Her witnesses discount everything she has touted as truth. Kavanugh has impeccable memory and he has character witlessness who cast significant doubt on Fords accusations.

I wouldn't be able to get a DA to even look at her case due to the behaviors and history explained above...

From the posts of your's I've seen I find it highly unlikely you have anything to do with law enforcement or the criminal justice system. Do you really think that school staff would ok it to be put in a school year book that a girl is a slut?

1. I worked for a major metro are unified police force as a Sergeant.. Now retired.. So your pontifications are total bull shit.

2. The year books were scrubbed as the letter was being sent and recovered from the servers this week. The school staff were indeed supportive of their behaviors. And they should face criminal liability.

Lewdog, you can go fuck yourself. I look at verifiable facts not your feelings. I don't give a shot about your feelings.
Sorry, Billy, I don't believe those year book pages floating around are genuine, and if you were as objective about this as you are trying to sound, you wouldn't believe they were real, either.
Get a copy of the 1982 Scribe from a local library in Maryland, and check those supposed pages.
It's bullshit.
The servers were subpoenaed.. they are now evidence.. The FBI is retrieving them today. Good luck with this..
The FBI IS investigating, then? When did that happen?
I wish to God you people would listen to real news once in awhile. This is like Alice in Wonderland.
This was all over twitter this morning...……

Typical libtard Slut...…………...
It's all fake. Open up and swallow, trumptards.

Then why did they remove it from the net?

Answer that Dumb Ass...……………….
They removed it from the net so it wouldn't be photoshopped, but they thought of it too late. It was altered and filled with hateful trash, and even Rush admitted he had never heard of the outfit that started it, and for him not to know of a website, it was kind of unusual, but he went on to give a rant based on it as factual anyway.
It's disgusting.
Coming up with accusations that will ruin your life now.
In other words, Balsy's was and is a drunken whore...except this time she getting DNC and Soris money to make the story up!!! She sounds like quite the little slut, perfect match for the socialist harpies of USMB!!!

Read much more at
The Shad Olson Show: Standing for our Sovereignty ^

They didn't quite get it all scrubbed from cyberspace quickly enough. High School yearbooks from Holton Arms preparatory school (Bethesda, Maryland, 1982-1985) purportedly show Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey-Ford as a wild party girl in a wild party era, with yearbook passages by classmates bragging of spending the night with adult men during "Beach Week" and enjoying male strippers in G-strings for "Sweet 16" birthday parties.


Let the slut shaming allegations begin. As Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's rape accuser today pulls back from an invited offer for Senate testimony, (saying through her attorney that a Friday deadline set by Republicans is quote, "arbitrary,") the inevitable levy break of background information allegedly reveals Christine Blasey-Ford as a prolific high school party girl who is alleged to have bragged to a friend of having 54 sexual partners prior to college. If true, the emergence of five high school yearbooks from exclusive college preparatory school, Holton Arms (Bethesda, Maryland) destroys Blasey-Ford's self portrayal as an innocent coed "church mouse" taken advantage of by an aggressive sexual predator.

Even summarizing the totality of what the yearbooks contain is difficult, given that it paints a picture of hedonistic, debauched teenage behavior in which Christine Blasey-Ford is alleged to have not only indulged but promoted and led as an acknowledged focal point of American Pie, or Animal House-style fraternizing with eager young men, often in (by Holton Arms classmates’ descriptions) alcohol-saturated social settings that left participants unable to recall exactly what had taken place. One excerpt from a yearbook entry detailed the philosophy of binge drinking to memory loss as a necessity of the Holton Arms party scene:

"Although these parties are unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene. Nothing emerges but a vague feeling of intense enjoyment when one tries to recall them. We were probably, you know, really tired and all.”


One friend, (identified briefly on social media) alleges Blasey-Ford (Holton Arms, Class of 1984) suffered no memory loss whatsoever in describing and bragging about her sexual conquests and paramours, identifying 54 sexual partners between her junior year of high school and enrollment in college. The social media post (below) claims Blasey-Ford previously allegedly admitted to being an alcoholic in high school and regretted, "being so easy," in high school. She is alleged to have told the best friend that she had 54 sexual partners between 11th grade and enrollment in college. The post also identified Blasey-Ford as a liberal activist with an obvious sensitivity to Supreme Court ideology, once writing on social media, "Scalia-types must be banned from law!"


s quickly as the images began to emerge on social media Monday, Blasey-Ford’s supporters worked this week to scrub them or have them taken down from various outlets. The entries describe wild drunken romps with boys, binge drinking blackouts, birthday parties with male strippers and the benefits of passing out drunk to avoid guilt and shame of alleged sexual activity. On one yearbook page, a passage is dedicated to artful description of a “Sweet 16” birthday party for one Blasey-Ford, Holton Arms classmate, complete with a male stripper wearing a gold G-string and dancing to the delight of the obviously underage attendees:

"The tenth grade taught us how to party also and Martha (redacted) usually provided the circumstances in which to do so. Celebrating her sweet sixteen or just the weekend. Martha managed to entertain her guests with her hospitality, her pool (after descummification), and her erotic male dancer, the latter in his gold G-string, being by far the most effective."

"Martha managed to entertain her guests with her hospitality…and her erotic male dancer, the latter, in his gold G-string being by far the most effective."


"While dancing in the middle of coastal Highway, Ann [redacted last name] and friends picked up some men who passed out in their apartment…"

Multiple Holton Arms yearbook entries show racy images purported to be Blasey-Ford in evocative clothing and sensuous repose, including photos of three minors dressed provocatively in Playboy Bunny and French maid costumes. (Redacted photos are allegedly much racier.) The caption describes underage high school girls dancing seductively in the middle of a highway during "Beach Week," and then enticing some (adult?) men to come back to their apartment for binge drinking and a night of whatever libidinous fun might have transpired:

"Beach week culminated the year for those of us lucky enough to go. With school and our minds in temporary recess, we were able to release all those troubling inhibitions of the past year. While dancing in the middle of coastal Highway, Ann [redacted last name] and friends picked up some men who passed out in their apartment…"

Other passages hint at the dating habits and adventurous process of selecting boys for romantic interest and activity, indicating that some female members of the Holton Arms senior class preferred freshman and sophomore boys as their companions: “Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”

It's not clear who began redacting the photos and entries and who spearheaded the scrubbing operation that became a race against independent outlets who snapped up the photos as soon as they became public knowledge.

What is known is that Blasey-Ford avoided public revelation of her accusations until the conclusion of Kavanaugh's Senate Judiciary Committee hearings and now, shows no interest in meeting a Friday deadline to testify under oath to her allegation of sexual assault against him, which in context, even if it were true, seems one of the tamer things that might ever happened in her high school career in what public yearbook accounts reveal as a WASP-ish, elitist East Coast, upper crust bacchanal scene in the 1980's.

Multiple reports Thursday (9/20/18) indicated that Blasey-Ford was demanding the meeting of undisclosed conditions to testifying before the U.S. Senate concerning her claims against Kavanaugh, and that her attorney had termed a Friday deadline for such testimony to be, "arbitrary."

Is this like the other fake article you put out. I didn't even read the trash, but I knew it was garbage.
It's the same shit that's been circulating for a few days now. I requested Snopes look into it. I wish someone would because it's obviously fake.
Snopes? Lol
Yes. Snopes. People who refuse to even listen to the truth when it doesn't fit their opinions are scary as hell.

You are scary as hell then...………

Get a flucking clue...……...
Lol, ol lady. Would you believe snopes if they had been around while Clinton was raping women and dening it. Also while Hillary was destroying their lives?
In other words, Balsy's was and is a drunken whore...except this time she getting DNC and Soris money to make the story up!!! She sounds like quite the little slut, perfect match for the socialist harpies of USMB!!!

Read much more at
The Shad Olson Show: Standing for our Sovereignty ^

They didn't quite get it all scrubbed from cyberspace quickly enough. High School yearbooks from Holton Arms preparatory school (Bethesda, Maryland, 1982-1985) purportedly show Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey-Ford as a wild party girl in a wild party era, with yearbook passages by classmates bragging of spending the night with adult men during "Beach Week" and enjoying male strippers in G-strings for "Sweet 16" birthday parties.


Let the slut shaming allegations begin. As Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's rape accuser today pulls back from an invited offer for Senate testimony, (saying through her attorney that a Friday deadline set by Republicans is quote, "arbitrary,") the inevitable levy break of background information allegedly reveals Christine Blasey-Ford as a prolific high school party girl who is alleged to have bragged to a friend of having 54 sexual partners prior to college. If true, the emergence of five high school yearbooks from exclusive college preparatory school, Holton Arms (Bethesda, Maryland) destroys Blasey-Ford's self portrayal as an innocent coed "church mouse" taken advantage of by an aggressive sexual predator.

Even summarizing the totality of what the yearbooks contain is difficult, given that it paints a picture of hedonistic, debauched teenage behavior in which Christine Blasey-Ford is alleged to have not only indulged but promoted and led as an acknowledged focal point of American Pie, or Animal House-style fraternizing with eager young men, often in (by Holton Arms classmates’ descriptions) alcohol-saturated social settings that left participants unable to recall exactly what had taken place. One excerpt from a yearbook entry detailed the philosophy of binge drinking to memory loss as a necessity of the Holton Arms party scene:

"Although these parties are unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene. Nothing emerges but a vague feeling of intense enjoyment when one tries to recall them. We were probably, you know, really tired and all.”


One friend, (identified briefly on social media) alleges Blasey-Ford (Holton Arms, Class of 1984) suffered no memory loss whatsoever in describing and bragging about her sexual conquests and paramours, identifying 54 sexual partners between her junior year of high school and enrollment in college. The social media post (below) claims Blasey-Ford previously allegedly admitted to being an alcoholic in high school and regretted, "being so easy," in high school. She is alleged to have told the best friend that she had 54 sexual partners between 11th grade and enrollment in college. The post also identified Blasey-Ford as a liberal activist with an obvious sensitivity to Supreme Court ideology, once writing on social media, "Scalia-types must be banned from law!"


s quickly as the images began to emerge on social media Monday, Blasey-Ford’s supporters worked this week to scrub them or have them taken down from various outlets. The entries describe wild drunken romps with boys, binge drinking blackouts, birthday parties with male strippers and the benefits of passing out drunk to avoid guilt and shame of alleged sexual activity. On one yearbook page, a passage is dedicated to artful description of a “Sweet 16” birthday party for one Blasey-Ford, Holton Arms classmate, complete with a male stripper wearing a gold G-string and dancing to the delight of the obviously underage attendees:

"The tenth grade taught us how to party also and Martha (redacted) usually provided the circumstances in which to do so. Celebrating her sweet sixteen or just the weekend. Martha managed to entertain her guests with her hospitality, her pool (after descummification), and her erotic male dancer, the latter in his gold G-string, being by far the most effective."

"Martha managed to entertain her guests with her hospitality…and her erotic male dancer, the latter, in his gold G-string being by far the most effective."


"While dancing in the middle of coastal Highway, Ann [redacted last name] and friends picked up some men who passed out in their apartment…"

Multiple Holton Arms yearbook entries show racy images purported to be Blasey-Ford in evocative clothing and sensuous repose, including photos of three minors dressed provocatively in Playboy Bunny and French maid costumes. (Redacted photos are allegedly much racier.) The caption describes underage high school girls dancing seductively in the middle of a highway during "Beach Week," and then enticing some (adult?) men to come back to their apartment for binge drinking and a night of whatever libidinous fun might have transpired:

"Beach week culminated the year for those of us lucky enough to go. With school and our minds in temporary recess, we were able to release all those troubling inhibitions of the past year. While dancing in the middle of coastal Highway, Ann [redacted last name] and friends picked up some men who passed out in their apartment…"

Other passages hint at the dating habits and adventurous process of selecting boys for romantic interest and activity, indicating that some female members of the Holton Arms senior class preferred freshman and sophomore boys as their companions: “Other seniors preferred to expand their horizons and date younger men, usually sophomores, who could bring the vitality and freshness of innocence to a relationship.”

It's not clear who began redacting the photos and entries and who spearheaded the scrubbing operation that became a race against independent outlets who snapped up the photos as soon as they became public knowledge.

What is known is that Blasey-Ford avoided public revelation of her accusations until the conclusion of Kavanaugh's Senate Judiciary Committee hearings and now, shows no interest in meeting a Friday deadline to testify under oath to her allegation of sexual assault against him, which in context, even if it were true, seems one of the tamer things that might ever happened in her high school career in what public yearbook accounts reveal as a WASP-ish, elitist East Coast, upper crust bacchanal scene in the 1980's.

Multiple reports Thursday (9/20/18) indicated that Blasey-Ford was demanding the meeting of undisclosed conditions to testifying before the U.S. Senate concerning her claims against Kavanaugh, and that her attorney had termed a Friday deadline for such testimony to be, "arbitrary."

Is this like the other fake article you put out. I didn't even read the trash, but I knew it was garbage.
It's the same shit that's been circulating for a few days now. I requested Snopes look into it. I wish someone would because it's obviously fake.
Snopes? Lol
Yes. Snopes. People who refuse to even listen to the truth when it doesn't fit their opinions are scary as hell.

snopes is libtard bull shit and everyone with a brain knows it....

You libtards are such fools...……..
Snopes must have disproven some of Alex Jones' horseshit, I gather. Facts are facts, regardless of what fantasy land you choose to live in.
Were you a slump buster in your teen years, bodecea? :)

How many desperate dykes could there have been?
I’ll admit that I’ve had my share during desperate times.

Liberal girls are well known for being easy.

I think every guy has.
I know I've woken up to some chick that I'd rather chew my arm off than to risk waking her up.

Otherwise known as coyote ugly.
I once woke up forgetting I brought a lib home! I’m not kidding. lol
I find it incredible that this is the best plan the Dems could come up with to derail Trump's SCOTUS nominee.
A woman who admits having sex with over 50 guys while she was a teenager, but is upset over the one guy who didn't screw her.
Yea, that'll work. :21:

Demoquacks are not known for being overly bright
As someone who has investigated these crimes many times there are glaring discrepancies in her story. Every victim I have interviewed could tell me, with great precision, who they were with, what day it was, what year it was, who's home they were at, and many other details important details. Ford can not, which tells me she is making up the story.

Her therapist and her contemporaneous notes show that Ford can not tell who was there, when it occurred, where it occurred, or even what year it occurred in,but yet she could say it was Kavanaugh. Very odd that corroborating evidence is nonexistent and evidence required to do an investigation is not forthcoming. Even when she linked others to the event, when questioned under oath, they had no recollection of an event of this type ever occurring. All four have now given under oath statements that this never occurred.

Then we get into her background and her social media where she claims to get "black out drunk" and has claimed 56 consensual and different sexual encounters while in this voluntary and intoxicated state. She bragged about these conquests.

When you look at Kavanaugh's background he has hundreds of people who state they have never seen or experienced any such behavior from him. Even female school mates and friends from the age of 16 discount any form of predatory behavior.

Ford has shown herself as untrustworthy and questionable in her behaviors. She is not credible as a witness and even her therapist, who used "repressed memory therapy" which is not admissible in court, admits she changes her story every time.

Sorry folks but I do not feel for this woman as she is demonstrating that she is at best, unreliable in her memory and quite possibly intentionally deceptive. Her witnesses discount everything she has touted as truth. Kavanugh has impeccable memory and he has character witlessness who cast significant doubt on Fords accusations.

I wouldn't be able to get a DA to even look at her case due to the behaviors and history explained above...

From the posts of your's I've seen I find it highly unlikely you have anything to do with law enforcement or the criminal justice system. Do you really think that school staff would ok it to be put in a school year book that a girl is a slut?

It's a libtard school.....

You libtards Glamorize libtard sluts.

Just ask stormy, she got a key to the city......
Is this like the other fake article you put out. I didn't even read the trash, but I knew it was garbage.
It's the same shit that's been circulating for a few days now. I requested Snopes look into it. I wish someone would because it's obviously fake.
Snopes? Lol
Yes. Snopes. People who refuse to even listen to the truth when it doesn't fit their opinions are scary as hell.

You are scary as hell then...………

Get a flucking clue...……...
Lol, ol lady. Would you believe snopes if they had been around while Clinton was raping women and dening it. Also while Hillary was destroying their lives?
It's really interesting that you believe Bill Clinton raped women, based on a woman's say-so and no evidence, but it is somehow different with this instance. Let me guess how you vote.
Were you a slump buster in your teen years, bodecea? :)

How many desperate dykes could there have been?
I’ll admit that I’ve had my share during desperate times.

Liberal girls are well known for being easy.

I think every guy has.
I know I've woken up to some chick that I'd rather chew my arm off than to risk waking her up.

Otherwise known as coyote ugly.
I once woke up forgetting I brought a lib home! I’m not kidding. lol

Usually by the time you reach the desperate point ya dont give a shit one way or another.
Is this like the other fake article you put out. I didn't even read the trash, but I knew it was garbage.
It's the same shit that's been circulating for a few days now. I requested Snopes look into it. I wish someone would because it's obviously fake.
Snopes? Lol
Yes. Snopes. People who refuse to even listen to the truth when it doesn't fit their opinions are scary as hell.

snopes is libtard bull shit and everyone with a brain knows it....

You libtards are such fools...……..
Snopes must have disproven some of Alex Jones' horseshit, I gather. Facts are facts, regardless of what fantasy land you choose to live in.

snopes is bull shit and we all know it....
It's the same shit that's been circulating for a few days now. I requested Snopes look into it. I wish someone would because it's obviously fake.
Snopes? Lol
Yes. Snopes. People who refuse to even listen to the truth when it doesn't fit their opinions are scary as hell.

You are scary as hell then...………

Get a flucking clue...……...
Lol, ol lady. Would you believe snopes if they had been around while Clinton was raping women and dening it. Also while Hillary was destroying their lives?
It's really interesting that you believe Bill Clinton raped women, based on a woman's say-so and no evidence, but it is somehow different with this instance. Let me guess how you vote.

What about the BLUE DRESS?
Is this like the other fake article you put out. I didn't even read the trash, but I knew it was garbage.
It's the same shit that's been circulating for a few days now. I requested Snopes look into it. I wish someone would because it's obviously fake.
Snopes? Lol
Yes. Snopes. People who refuse to even listen to the truth when it doesn't fit their opinions are scary as hell.

snopes is libtard bull shit and everyone with a brain knows it....

You libtards are such fools...……..
Snopes must have disproven some of Alex Jones' horseshit, I gather. Facts are facts, regardless of what fantasy land you choose to live in.
So a woman who has absolutley no proof, instead the proof is against her allegations. So you say her story is a fact? Maybe you should've got a black chick to say he tried to rape her. At least you would have the race card to play also. Lol, you people are something else.
Snopes? Lol
Yes. Snopes. People who refuse to even listen to the truth when it doesn't fit their opinions are scary as hell.

You are scary as hell then...………

Get a flucking clue...……...
Lol, ol lady. Would you believe snopes if they had been around while Clinton was raping women and dening it. Also while Hillary was destroying their lives?
It's really interesting that you believe Bill Clinton raped women, based on a woman's say-so and no evidence, but it is somehow different with this instance. Let me guess how you vote.

What about the BLUE DRESS?

The blue dress wasn't from a rape case. :rolleyes:
Snopes? Lol
Yes. Snopes. People who refuse to even listen to the truth when it doesn't fit their opinions are scary as hell.

You are scary as hell then...………

Get a flucking clue...……...
Lol, ol lady. Would you believe snopes if they had been around while Clinton was raping women and dening it. Also while Hillary was destroying their lives?
It's really interesting that you believe Bill Clinton raped women, based on a woman's say-so and no evidence, but it is somehow different with this instance. Let me guess how you vote.

What about the BLUE DRESS?
That was consensual. You need to read up on your history before you start arguing it.
It's the same shit that's been circulating for a few days now. I requested Snopes look into it. I wish someone would because it's obviously fake.
Snopes? Lol
Yes. Snopes. People who refuse to even listen to the truth when it doesn't fit their opinions are scary as hell.

snopes is libtard bull shit and everyone with a brain knows it....

You libtards are such fools...……..
Snopes must have disproven some of Alex Jones' horseshit, I gather. Facts are facts, regardless of what fantasy land you choose to live in.
So a woman who has absolutley no proof, instead the proof is against her allegations. So you say her story is a fact? Maybe you should've got a black chick to say he tried to rape her. At least you would have the race card to play also. Lol, you people are something else.
You will not find anywhere that I think her story is a fact. But I disapprove of what is going on here.
It's the same shit that's been circulating for a few days now. I requested Snopes look into it. I wish someone would because it's obviously fake.
Snopes? Lol
Yes. Snopes. People who refuse to even listen to the truth when it doesn't fit their opinions are scary as hell.

snopes is libtard bull shit and everyone with a brain knows it....

You libtards are such fools...……..
Snopes must have disproven some of Alex Jones' horseshit, I gather. Facts are facts, regardless of what fantasy land you choose to live in.

snopes is bull shit and we all know it....
Give me an example of what you find so inaccurate.
Snopes? Lol
Yes. Snopes. People who refuse to even listen to the truth when it doesn't fit their opinions are scary as hell.

snopes is libtard bull shit and everyone with a brain knows it....

You libtards are such fools...……..
Snopes must have disproven some of Alex Jones' horseshit, I gather. Facts are facts, regardless of what fantasy land you choose to live in.
So a woman who has absolutley no proof, instead the proof is against her allegations. So you say her story is a fact? Maybe you should've got a black chick to say he tried to rape her. At least you would have the race card to play also. Lol, you people are something else.
You will not find anywhere that I think her story is a fact. But I disapprove of what is going on here.
You disapprove of the rule of law?

Like facing your accuser? Like innocent until PROVEN guilty?
As someone who has investigated these crimes many times there are glaring discrepancies in her story. Every victim I have interviewed could tell me, with great precision, who they were with, what day it was, what year it was, who's home they were at, and many other details important details. Ford can not, which tells me she is making up the story.

Her therapist and her contemporaneous notes show that Ford can not tell who was there, when it occurred, where it occurred, or even what year it occurred in,but yet she could say it was Kavanaugh. Very odd that corroborating evidence is nonexistent and evidence required to do an investigation is not forthcoming. Even when she linked others to the event, when questioned under oath, they had no recollection of an event of this type ever occurring. All four have now given under oath statements that this never occurred.

Then we get into her background and her social media where she claims to get "black out drunk" and has claimed 56 consensual and different sexual encounters while in this voluntary and intoxicated state. She bragged about these conquests.

When you look at Kavanaugh's background he has hundreds of people who state they have never seen or experienced any such behavior from him. Even female school mates and friends from the age of 16 discount any form of predatory behavior.

Ford has shown herself as untrustworthy and questionable in her behaviors. She is not credible as a witness and even her therapist, who used "repressed memory therapy" which is not admissible in court, admits she changes her story every time.

Sorry folks but I do not feel for this woman as she is demonstrating that she is at best, unreliable in her memory and quite possibly intentionally deceptive. Her witnesses discount everything she has touted as truth. Kavanugh has impeccable memory and he has character witlessness who cast significant doubt on Fords accusations.

I wouldn't be able to get a DA to even look at her case due to the behaviors and history explained above...

From the posts of your's I've seen I find it highly unlikely you have anything to do with law enforcement or the criminal justice system. Do you really think that school staff would ok it to be put in a school year book that a girl is a slut?

1. I worked for a major metro are unified police force as a Sergeant.. Now retired.. So your pontifications are total bull shit.

2. The year books were scrubbed as the letter was being sent and recovered from the servers this week. The school staff were indeed supportive of their behaviors. And they should face criminal liability.

Lewdog, you can go fuck yourself. I look at verifiable facts not your feelings. I don't give a shot about your feelings.
Sorry, Billy, I don't believe those year book pages floating around are genuine, and if you were as objective about this as you are trying to sound, you wouldn't believe they were real, either.
Get a copy of the 1982 Scribe from a local library in Maryland, and check those supposed pages.
It's bullshit.
The servers were subpoenaed.. they are now evidence.. The FBI is retrieving them today. Good luck with this..
The FBI IS investigating, then? When did that happen?
I wish to God you people would listen to real news once in awhile. This is like Alice in Wonderland.
Retrieval of the servers is the FBI's purview.. They will also be able to determine if the yearbooks were tampered with.. they will know within a day..
Last edited:
Were you a slump buster in your teen years, bodecea? :)

How many desperate dykes could there have been?
I’ll admit that I’ve had my share during desperate times.

Liberal girls are well known for being easy.

I think every guy has.
I know I've woken up to some chick that I'd rather chew my arm off than to risk waking her up.

Otherwise known as coyote ugly.
I once woke up forgetting I brought a lib home! I’m not kidding. lol

Usually by the time you reach the desperate point ya dont give a shit one way or another.
That particular girl wasn’t unattractive.... I just forgot about bringing her home. lol

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