Bombshell: Congress is presenting receipts on Biden's Secret Thefts, and he is in a lot of trouble with the Constitutional Laws

While VP Biden was lecturing Romania on anti-corruption policies, he served as a walking billboard for his son & family to collect money. Hunter & his associates capitalized on a lucrative financial relationship with a Romanian national who was later convicted of corruption
No. I'm talking about Republicans appointing Durham to start a republican investigation of a republican investigation. (Mueller).

You thought it would lead to FBI agents getting arrested..and apparently sodomized but that is likely just more right wing projection...but you were wrong just like you are wrong now.

You are a political cuckold.
Oh, the tard herd thought Durham's investigation was going to lead to much more.

The Trumptards were creaming their shorts in expectation of Hillary Clinton, Peter Strzok, Andrew Weissmann, James Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, James Clapper, and Susan Rice all being arrested as a result of Durham's investigation.

When Durham came up virtually empty-handed, the tard herd wheeled on him like a scene out of Orwell's 1984, and decided he is a D33P STAIT RINO groomer marxist.
Expect this thread to be first ignored by our liberals and subsequently ridiculed despite the urgency of what’s now being reported.

The 6th thread on this topic and all used the word Bombshell.

I guess you all got the same talking points email today
The word "Bombshell" came from the youtube video. Click on the button that tells you to view the video at youtube, and you will find the word "Bombshell" there. I didn't make it up.

It came from Republicans who didn’t deliver a bombshell
They will tell you nothing happened in that almost hour long information dump.

There was a lot of talk, a lot of allegations, a lot of claims about things they have.

Let me know when the court date is to prove all these claims
^^lol. trumptards flinging turds from their glass cage.
Hardly. The turds are delivered by those who commit acts of treason by ignoring the emoluments clause with re to government officials and employees who are tempted to accept foreign gifts according to the Constitution, and in Joe Biden's case according to what he said on the removed viral video, he bragged about extorting a billion dollars from a foreign country by threatening them with what he would do with their foreign aid package if they didn't give him one billion dollars cash in less than six hours. In less than six hours, the billion in cash was all loaded onto Air Force Two according to Biden with an ear to ear grin about how he benefitted from a country with threats of what he was capable of as Vice President of the United States of America. Pardon my low opinion of extortion, but I came from a military family, and my father never once in his service to the country asked for more than his paycheck for services rendered to the people of the United States of America. I was only eight years old when our family spent a year in Alaska at Fort Richardson and I attended third grade classes in the base elementary school along with a room full of other Army, Marine, Air Force children. Our rewards were weekends when Dad took us for drives to observe the beauty of the Alaskan wilderness and the fun of going to toy stores in Anchorage. I love this country, and I love my parent's patriotism of dropping everything and going wherever the government needed Dad's unique military knowledge and skills.

The least yall could do is petition your party's leaders to obey the Constitution and to benefit the American people in ways that do not pick their pockets. :cranky:
the Romanian money dried up after Biden left the WH. this is an organized criminal enterprise
Hardly. The turds are delivered by those who commit acts of treason by ignoring the emoluments clause with re to government officials and employees who are tempted to accept foreign gifts according to the Constitution, and in Joe Biden's case according to what he said on the removed viral video, he bragged about extorting a billion dollars from a foreign country by threatening them with what he would do with their foreign aid package if they didn't give him one billion dollars casj in less than six hours. In less than six hours, the billion in cash was all loaded onto Air Force Two according to Biden with an ear to ear grin about how he benefitted from a country with threats of what he was capable of as Vice President of the United States of America. Pardon my low opinion of extortion, but I came from a military family, and my father never once in his service to the country asked for more than his paycheck for services rendered to the people of the United States of America. I was only eight years old when our family spent a year in Alaska at Fort Richardson and I attended third grade classes in the base elementary school along with a room full of other Army, Marine, Air Force children. Our rewards were weekends when Dad took us for drives to observe the beauty of the Alaskan wilderness and the fun of going to toy stores in Anchorage. I love this country, and I love my parent's patriotism of dropping everything and going wherever the government needed Dad's unique military knowledge and skills.
take a nap, babbler.
Today R-Comer held a press cobfetence during which he exposed evidrnce showing the Biden family (12 members, to include Joe Biden, his son Hunter, his brother, and 9 others) engaged in a massive money laundering scheme.

Evidrnce of crimes committed by the Bidens included:
- Official Treasury Department / IRS / BANK Financial records of the Biden Family
- Official US govt agency memos
- FBI documents
- Personal family e-mails
- WH visitor logs
- Evidence from Hunter Biden's laptop,
- Testimony from State Department members
- Testimony from Hunter Biden business partners
- Dept if the Treasury whistleblower testimony
- IRS whistleblower testimony
- FBI whistleblower testimony
...and more

Crimes proven committed by the Biden include
- Influence Peddling
- Receiving Bribes
- Illegally acting as an Un-registeted foreign agent
- Money Laundering
- Tax evasion
...and more

Ebidrnce shows money from all of their crimes was laundered and placed in the personal bank accounts of the Biden family

The Biden family created a large number of fake / 'shell companies', or 'LLCs'.
- ine of these 'companies' MAKE / SELL / DO anything. They exist to launder money.

Moneny from companies buying Influence, buying favors, ir simply bribing / giving money to the Bidens - whether it was urisna, the CCP, Russia, or whomever - was placed into the Biden LLC bank accounts.

These Biden shell companies / LLCs them moved the money around from LLC to LLC before ending up in Biden family bank accounts. The money, at that point, is considered to be 'laundered' ... and hopefully un-noticed and un-tracable.

The readon cri.inals create so many LLCc and move miney around to so many before finally ending up in individuals' private bank accounts is to make it as hard as possible to 'FOLLOW THE MONEY'.

Before Democrats, snowflakes, bots and trolls start. Trying to blame the GOP, trying to claim they went digging to find / manufacture all of this Biden financian chicanery they can stop right there....The DEPARTMENT OF TBE TREASURY fou d all of this money laundering and generated fraudulent / criminal activity alerts.

As crafty as the Bidens tried to be in hiding / laundering their money it wasn't good enough.

Thr President of the United States and his family were BUSTED by the President's own Department of the Treasury ... and his own frackhead son's laptop.

EVERY TIME money is moved from 1 LLC to another - on its way to tbe Biden family bank accounts - IS 1 COUNT OF CRIMINAL MONEY LAUNDERING....and there are HUNDREDS of them.

As expected, the President,his administration, Democrats, the partisan MSM, snowflakes, bots, and trolls are denying everything, are claiming this is fake news.....

...but the US federal agencies that have provided evidence, financial records, e-mails, memos, testimonies, numerous whistleblowers, laptop evidence, official WH records, etc... are too numerous, too overwhelming, too iron-clad, too undeniable to deny or simply dismiss.

Anyone who attempts to si.pmy dismiss this has no idea what they are talking about or are simply attempting to defend and protect Joe Biden, to make this go away.

The evidence is enough to indict, charge, and try Biden family members RIGHT NOW.

I predict US AG Garland and the DOJ will prove this is legitomate crime by REFUSING TO EVEN INVESTIGATE this.

When is the court date?
So you believe that the FBI missed a deadline to turn in a document that doesnt exist, and the FBI stalled on giving them that document that doesnt exist just cuz? ? Is that SERIOUSLY your position? :laugh:

Cats is mentally retarded at a level rarely seen.
We now know there are at least 20 Biden family LLCs that have received millions in payments from governments hostile to the US.

The big question is: What services to these foreign governments did the Biden LLCs provide to justify these millions.

Still working in a link cuz I can’t find any legitimate business that would justify these payments.

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