Bombshell: Congress is presenting receipts on Biden's Secret Thefts, and he is in a lot of trouble with the Constitutional Laws

Congress has caught Joe Biden's Modus Operandi for using his high offices and now it's a matter for Making sure he never commits another expensive crime against the American people.

What do you think they will do about the evidence now? (1) Impeach? (2) Incarcerate? (3) Do nothin'?

Help me out here. I just watched the entire press conference, and read the transcript. Lots of innuendo, but I didn't find a single bit of proof of broken laws. Exactly what laws did they say were broken? Please point to the area of the news conference where specific laws were claimed to have been broken. Innuendio is not proof of broken laws.
They sell things... like America... they sell out the USA... China wants to corner the solar panel market so Joe talks Obama into a special climate tax on solar panel manufacturing here and allows China to take the market over with slave laborers....
Or Ukraine wants money and weapons to dissuade a Russian attack.... and Biden says sure I can get those weapons for you after you hire Hunter and pay him like a rock star.....
And what do we get for all this graft..... nothing but another war to fund and another nation we will have to rebuild...
American tax payers on the hook again... and the Biden family gets richer and richer....
No President in History has had the level of experience of Joe Biden in both Congress and the Executive Branch
and nobody has been more wrong on every single issue more then joey xiden…even his obama admin coworkers have made that clear
All the PROJECTION over the last SEVEN YEARS has hit the James Webb Space Telescope and aimed right back to the MARXIST assholes that are fucking up EVERYTHING!
Ok.. read through this one too…. No crimes by Joe Biden. This is getting silly.
You find nothing wrong with a system that accuses Donald Trump of something new every other day? He was the fly in the swirled ointment. Where everything else is near death and decaying in the diseased swamp. And from it ways of living for the peasants proven to not be sustainable over a long term sprouted from it.
and nobody has been more wrong on every single issue more then joey xiden…even his obama admin coworkers have made that clear

Biden was right on how to respond to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine
Biden was right on how to respond to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine
you mean we he put a stop to the military aid we were sending them to make it easier for putin? i mean, i guess if you are a russian soldier you thought that was right
Oh, the tard herd thought Durham's investigation was going to lead to much more.

The Trumptards were creaming their shorts in expectation of Hillary Clinton, Peter Strzok, Andrew Weissmann, James Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, John Brennan, James Clapper, and Susan Rice all being arrested as a result of Durham's investigation.

When Durham came up virtually empty-handed, the tard herd wheeled on him like a scene out of Orwell's 1984, and decided he is a D33P STAIT RINO groomer marxist.
Yep. That last paragraph is the whole crux of the situation.

Trump supporters are never wrong because everytime one of their "bombshells" falls flat they pivot to deep state, Soros, globalists or whatever programmed word grab bag comes to mind first.

Remember, in cultism you can't be wrong.
take a nap, babbler.
I prefer standing up for the people of the United States who have been cheated out of hard-earned tax payments while a few polticians make unilateral decisions to destroy businesses, jobs, and raise taxes to force the taxpayer to pay dearly for ways to make themselves rich off insider information trades in the near future. The use of green new deals to destroy businesses and jobs that pay well and engenders unconcionable inflation that hurts the common voter opens the door to fraud that benefits the greedmongers in Congress does not sit well with those they tax to death to make themselves one percenters.
You find nothing wrong with a system that accuses Donald Trump of something new every other day? He was the fly in the swirled ointment. Where everything else is near death and decaying in the diseased swamp. And from it ways of living for the peasants proven to not be sustainable over a long term sprouted from it.
He was impeached for the very visible bribery of Ukraine and the very clear dereliction of duty on Jan 6. Those were honestly pretty serious. The other shit, like asking Russia to hack Clinton, and his shady business dealings were not prosecuted because they were shady but not clearly illegal. Joe Biden hasn’t even been shady.
When is the court date?

Why don't you ask US AG Garland?

So far, despite the Dept of the Treasury, IRS, 8 banks, 1 Treasury Dept whistleblower, 1 IRS whistlebower, and 1 FBI whistleblower ALL reporting on Biden family criminal activity, GARLAND REFUSES TO EVEN INVESTIGATE.
-- That's called a 'Cover-up'

* Democrats, Biden, the MSM, snowflakes, bots, and trolls can STOP trying to attack the Republicans BEFORE THEY EVEN START...

The Republicans aren't the ones who caught the criminal activity and reported it - that honor goes to US Banks, the US Internal Revenue Service, the US Treasury Department, whistleblowers in the Treasury Dept / IRS / DOJ, WH visitor logs, testimony from the State Department, testimony from Hunter's business partners, and EVEN Joe's crackhead son and his laptop, which had a shitload of evidence yet he just left it at some computer repair store.

Both WRAY/the FBI and GARLAND/the DOJ hace had this laptop literally for YEARS abd have refused to investigate it...

-- Of course we know why: Joe Biden and Blinken wrote a letter falsely claiming tve contents of the laptop was 'Russian Disinformation' then pressured / got 50 partisan Intel Experts who wanted Biden to defeat Trump in 2020 to sign the letter. Experts who signed that letter have come out oublicly and identified the Biden vmcampaign manager Blinken as the source of tbe letter.
* This is calked 'Election Interference' and is ilkegal.
** Surprise, surprise: former CIA Director Brennan - the guy who participated in the failed coup against Trump AND was caught illegally spying on congress, turned in / exposed by none other than CCP spy collaborator D-Diane Feinstein - has reportedly been named as having helped Blinken pass that fraudulent letter around and gettibg it sigbed by those 50 traitors / election interferers

Well,this fraudulent letter authored by Blinken and signed by 50 criminal Democrat Intel experts who did not want Trump to beat Biden was all the excuuse Garland and Wray needed as an excuse NOT to investigate Hunter's laptop or tbe evidence of crimes perpetrate by the Bidens found on that laptop ...

... evidence that CORROBORATES times, places, people, meeyibfs, payments, money laundering, and other evidence found in the finabcial documents, memos, e-mails, and testimony by whistleblowers.

So why don't you ask the US AG who has proven to have been and is still protecting the Bidens when he is going to get off of his corrupt, criminal ass and start legitimately doing his job of ensuring and enforcing NON-partisan EQUAL justice.
It all went to his family which they placed in an account that Joe and Jill could take from.... don't try that shit here... its not gonna work we all know what was going on....
Sure. They offered no transactions with Joe Biden. They have ton’s of accounts and receipts.. not one has the transaction you described that you pulled out of your ass.
Yep. That last paragraph is the whole crux of the situation.

Trump supporters are never wrong because everytime one of their "bombshells" falls flat they pivot to deep state, Soros, globalists or whatever programmed word grab bag comes to mind first.

Remember, in cultism you can't be wrong.
Thank you for proving snowflakes, bots, and trolls never fail to reject the most proven, undeniable facts in defense of their masters and try to spin the topic / discussion back to falsely accusing Republicans.

Posters who so easily self-identify as a bot / troll should have 'scarlet' T (for TROLL) off to r
the left nexrt to.your board names to identify you as such.

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