Bombshell: Congress is presenting receipts on Biden's Secret Thefts, and he is in a lot of trouble with the Constitutional Laws

We now know there are at least 20 Biden family LLCs that have received millions in payments from governments hostile to the US.

The big question is: What services to these foreign governments did the Biden LLCs provide to justify these millions.

Still working in a link cuz I can’t find any legitimate business that would justify these payments.
Link, CLOWN?
Funny how liberals saw all sort of crimes when Don Jr. had a 20 minute meeting with Russian lawyers and got up and walked in the middle of meeting, yet the Biden family including kids are getting payment for millions from China, Ukraine and Romania and libs are like nothing to see here...

Sure. They offered no transactions with Joe Biden. They have ton’s of accounts and receipts.. not one has the transaction you described that you pulled out of your ass.
You are being unbelievably stupid.... if you think Obama and Biden allowed Hunter to bribe nations and keep the money and not share it with them you are an idiot.... why would they allow that?....
So you're going with "legal work"? In China, Russia, Ukraine, and Romania. LOL!
What was alleged in the press conference? Nothing. Just that the Bidens have a business. Pass a law on family members getting money from anyone if the have relatives in office. Im fine with that although I doubt it passes. Regardless nothing illegal or improper was alleged.
Thank you for proving snowflakes, bots, and trolls never fail to reject the most proven, undeniable facts in defense of their masters and try to spin the topic / discussion back to falsely accusing Republicans.

Posters who so easily self-identify as a bot / troll should have 'scarlet' T (for TROLL) off to r
the left nexrt to.your board names to identify you as such.
Yeah, I would respond to your post but ultimately you will just make a wild claim about something then when asked to link the proof you will say something like 'its not my job to research for's out there derp derp'.
Congress has caught Joe Biden's Modus Operandi for using his high offices and now it's a matter for Making sure he never commits another expensive crime against the American people.

What do you think they will do about the evidence now? (1) Impeach? (2) Incarcerate? (3) Do nothin'?

IOW, the GOP has nothing.
He was impeached for the very visible bribery of Ukraine and the very clear dereliction of duty on Jan 6. Those were honestly pretty serious. The other shit, like asking Russia to hack Clinton, and his shady business dealings were not prosecuted because they were shady but not clearly illegal. Joe Biden hasn’t even been shady.
You're confused. Trump stated clearly for the Jan 6 protesters to engage their protest in a peacefully and patriotically way. He incited no insurrection whatever. That is the invention of the leftist lockstep and lying press. He is innocent of any wrongdoing whatsoever, and his words were the opposite of inciting a riot. And little miss asshole Pelosi's second fake impeachment fell flat on its face as she wasted more, more, and much more taxpayer money on her selfish quest to destroy a successful President that Donald Trump was and will be again. Your mutual wish to hurt President Trump, his staff, his family, his counsel and advisers is shilling for division between being a home of the free and brave to being apparatchiks in a communist oligarchy that has no rights for citizens to protect themselves from predatory criminals, bad government, and mass shooters. An oligarchy of a dozen oligarches is twelve times more costly than a mere monarchy of one King who tidies up his sundry residents with a tea tax. You're a smart man, so please be careful of who and what you are cheerleading for, Mr. Gator.
Yeah, I would respond to your post but ultimately you will just make a wild claim

I have made no claim. I have reported FACTS.

I have reported what the US Department of the Treasury reported.

I hsve reported what the US Internal Revenue Service has reported.

I have reported what 4 of 8 US banks have reported so far.

I have reported what State Droartment, Treasury Department, IRS, and FBI whistleblowers have testified to / reported.

I have reported / cited MSM / bews reports in memos and e-mails found have exposed

I have repirted knoen, prevupusly rirted and confirmed facts about Garland/the DOJ, Wray/the FBI, and what has been found and verified on Hunter Biden's laptop.

...but puh-lease don't let any of that stop you from YOUR usual.lying, denying, false accusations, spin, and 'wild' unsupported claims.
Sorry little buddy, but the fact you all used the same damn word in your title is pretty much proof positive you were all parroting a talking points email
I only saw one source that used the word "bombshell." It was on youtube that is shown on the opening page.
He was impeached for the very visible bribery of Ukraine and the very clear dereliction of duty on Jan 6. Those were honestly pretty serious. The other shit, like asking Russia to hack Clinton, and his shady business dealings were not prosecuted because they were shady but not clearly illegal. Joe Biden hasn’t even been shady.
Your quoting a lie that originated in the Clinton war room by Hillary Clinton's sicko direction.

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