Bombshell: Congress is presenting receipts on Biden's Secret Thefts, and he is in a lot of trouble with the Constitutional Laws

Yes. Watching you drool all over yourself as you pathetically try to deflect to Trump because you're a loser leftard who can't handle Joe's crimes being revealed.
As you can see READ the links I provided, Donald Trump was accused of the same money laundering crimes as the Biden family is now.

Identical, only on a much, much, much larger scale.

I used that to illustrate that nothing came of it.

So you see...your public display of ejaculating on your own face is probably premature. Don't be too disappointed if it all turns out to be the GOP's thousandth nothing burger.
Four seperate Bamks have provided Biden family financial records used in this report and exposure of Biden family criminal activity.

There are reportedly 8 (eight) more banks providing Biden family financial records, 8 more to come as this is just the START of this Congressional investigation...

...which should be quickly joined by the DOJ. Garland SHOULD quickly appoint an Independent Counsel to investigate.

Several CCP companies identified as having given the Bidens millions are run by / connected to several Chinese men at the highest level of the CCP government.

'C O M P R O M I S E D'!

What has tse CCP arguably gotten for those millions from the Bidens so far?

- ZERO pushback / sanctions for unleashing a pandemic and deaths of Americans

- ZERO pushback / warning for flooding the US with deadly Fentynal through Mexican Cartels, murdeting Americans in rhe on-going Cold War with the US

- The 'free hand' / permission to fly a CCP spycraft half way around the world, up the Aleutian Chain, violation of Uas airspace / soveteignty, allowed to FLY (not drift) across the entire US, allowed to hover over / collect intel / send that intel back to tbe CCP while iver US ICBM silos, and stealth bases. Presidrnt Biden made no attempt to contact Xi BEFORE the balloon got yo the US, WHILE it was collecting Intre over WERKS after it had been shot down. - - ZERO pushback / sanctions for tbe incursion.

- Hunter Biden, illegally acting as a Foreign Agent for China, negotiated a deal for resources that would make China the #1 source of EV batteries.
-- president Biden then begins imposing EOs / the agenda to end internal combustion vehicle use and mandarory EV purchase deadlines, making the US almost comeyely dependent on the CCP for EV batteries

- As the CCP flexes its military muscle to the world, intimidating Taiwan, begins eroding the coalition that has promised to defend Taiwan (France has already said it's 'out'), and making it clear to the world it IS going to take Taiwan, the Biden administration is withholding - refusing to deliver to Taiwan - weapons systems it paid for years ago and still has not gotten. These are weapons they need IOT have any chance of defending themselves from China...again, weapons and weapons systems they have already paid for. Non-delivery of these critical weapons systems just makes it easier for China to take Taiwan.

** Financial investigations are NOT 'sexy' or exciting. They are tedious and boring. 'Following The Money' is often like untangling your christmas lights...

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Following the money trail is intentionally made to be that way in an attempt to make it impossible to follow / trace.

Some of the smartest criminal minds have it down to a science. In the Bidens' case, their money laundering network was created by a crack-snorting pervert and a cognitively impaired old man, bith who were near the bottom of their class in law school.

If you want to understand more about how political money laundering works read the book 'Clinton Cash'. Its a great book that chronicles how the Clintons laundered money and how they created and used the Clinton Foundation to perfect it.
- Read it to learn HOW politicians launder money. If the fact that it involves the Clintons bothers you just imagine the book is about someone / anyone else. WHO it is about isn't as important as HOW ITS DONE.

I believe Biden (tried to / did) learned alot from the Clintons and tried to do some of the same in building their network.
-- Biden really missed an opportunity by not creating a 'Foundation' like the Clintons did, in the name of his deceased son.

As I said, it was reported that there are 8 more banks providing financial records and Fraudulent/Criminal Activity Alerts.

So far the amount of money given to the Bidens and laundered through these LLCs before going into Joe Biden's account, his brother's account, his kids' accounts, and even accounts set up for his grandchildren (12 Bidens in all) is reported to be $10 MILLION so far.
- The Oversight Committee stated they believe, based on additional known deals made by the Biden family and financial compensation paid to Hunter Biden, that this amount could rise to as much as $30 MILLION.

The IRS whistleblower that came forward has testified that the handling of these findings have NOT been handled as per SOP and there are no IRS or DOJ investigations on-going.
- Although this criminal activity and failure to report MILLIONS of dollars in foreign cash paid to the Biden family was caught by tbe IRS, NO ONE IS / HAS BEEN SERIOUSLY INVESTIGATING THESE CRIMES.
-- Conspiracy, Money Laundering, Tax Fraud, Tax Evasion...serious crimes identified, WAAAAY padt the point of 'OOPS' Oversight Error followed by a slap on the wrist.

It is also being reported after everything that has been exposed, after the whistleblowers who have come forward, and due to the Congressional / Oversight Committee's subpoenas there are now MORE US govt agency whistleblowers who have notified the committee they want to come forward and testify.

So you didn't read any of the evidence like a good little leftist sheep. No surprise.
It's the exact same "evidence" that was brought to bear on Trump, except Trump's supposed "crimes" were on a much, much larger scale. FIVE HUNDRED LLC's used to supposedly launder money to his family and friends to the tune of over $600 million. It all makes the Biden family's $10 million and 17 LLC's look like amateur hour.

And the allegations against Trump turned out to be a nothing burger, which is probably exactly how Comer's kabuki theater for you tards will turn out.

So don't waste your precious bodily fluids just yet, kiddo.
What was alleged in the press conference? Nothing. Just that the Bidens have a business. Pass a law on family members getting money from anyone if the have relatives in office. Im fine with that although I doubt it passes. Regardless nothing illegal or improper was alleged.
Today R-Comer held a press cobfetence during which he exposed evidrnce showing the Biden family (12 members, to include Joe Biden, his son Hunter, his brother, and 9 others) engaged in a massive money laundering scheme.

Evidrnce of crimes committed by the Bidens included:
- Official Treasury Department / IRS / BANK Financial records of the Biden Family
- Official US govt agency memos
- FBI documents
- Personal family e-mails
- WH visitor logs
- Evidence from Hunter Biden's laptop,
- Testimony from State Department members
- Testimony from Hunter Biden business partners
- Dept if the Treasury whistleblower testimony
- IRS whistleblower testimony
- FBI whistleblower testimony
...and more

Crimes proven committed by the Biden include
- Influence Peddling
- Receiving Bribes
- Illegally acting as an Un-registeted foreign agent
- Money Laundering
- Tax evasion
...and more

Ebidrnce shows money from all of their crimes was laundered and placed in the personal bank accounts of the Biden family

The Biden family created a large number of fake / 'shell companies', or 'LLCs'.
- ine of these 'companies' MAKE / SELL / DO anything. They exist to launder money.

Moneny from companies buying Influence, buying favors, ir simply bribing / giving money to the Bidens - whether it was urisna, the CCP, Russia, or whomever - was placed into the Biden LLC bank accounts.

These Biden shell companies / LLCs them moved the money around from LLC to LLC before ending up in Biden family bank accounts. The money, at that point, is considered to be 'laundered' ... and hopefully un-noticed and un-tracable.

The readon cri.inals create so many LLCc and move miney around to so many before finally ending up in individuals' private bank accounts is to make it as hard as possible to 'FOLLOW THE MONEY'.

Before Democrats, snowflakes, bots and trolls start. Trying to blame the GOP, trying to claim they went digging to find / manufacture all of this Biden financian chicanery they can stop right there....The DEPARTMENT OF TBE TREASURY fou d all of this money laundering and generated fraudulent / criminal activity alerts.

As crafty as the Bidens tried to be in hiding / laundering their money it wasn't good enough.

Thr President of the United States and his family were BUSTED by the President's own Department of the Treasury ... and his own frackhead son's laptop.

EVERY TIME money is moved from 1 LLC to another - on its way to tbe Biden family bank accounts - IS 1 COUNT OF CRIMINAL MONEY LAUNDERING....and there are HUNDREDS of them.

As expected, the President,his administration, Democrats, the partisan MSM, snowflakes, bots, and trolls are denying everything, are claiming this is fake news.....

...but the US federal agencies that have provided evidence, financial records, e-mails, memos, testimonies, numerous whistleblowers, laptop evidence, official WH records, etc... are too numerous, too overwhelming, too iron-clad, too undeniable to deny or simply dismiss.

Anyone who attempts to si.pmy dismiss this has no idea what they are talking about or are simply attempting to defend and protect Joe Biden, to make this go away.

The evidence is enough to indict, charge, and try Biden family members RIGHT NOW.

I predict US AG Garland and the DOJ will prove this is legitomate crime by REFUSING TO EVEN INVESTIGATE this.

The irony is that the dems have no intention of running biden again anyway

So we are kicking a dead horse politically

The scandals just help them to shove him off the stage


You literally gaslight / attack others, falsely attemptibg to attack the sources they use - because you can never disprove / debunk what is being reported...

...and then you pathetically attempted to use as your own source a proven fake news partisanly weaponized media source that admittedly won a now-worthless Pulitzer prize for knowingly, intentionally reporting lies.


You have ZERO credibility anymore, troll!!

As you can see READ the links I provided, Donald Trump was accused of the same money laundering crimes as the Biden family is now.

Identical, only on a much, much, much larger scale.

I used that to illustrate that nothing came of it.

So you see...your public display of ejaculating on your own face is probably premature. Don't be too disappointed if it all turns out to be the GOP's thousandth nothing burger.
Keep your homo fantasies to yourself. Or call Clipper or Tumbleweed. They like "men" like you jerking off on front of and on them asshole. Again, this is a Biden thread. Stop trying to derail it with your TDS.
It's the exact same "evidence" that was brought to bear on Trump, except Trump's supposed "crimes" were on a much, much larger scale. FIVE HUNDRED LLC's used to supposedly launder money to his family and friends to the tune of over $600 million. It all makes the Biden family's $10 million and 17 LLC's look like amateur hour.

And the allegations against Trump turned out to be a nothing burger, which is probably exactly how Comer's kabuki theater for you tards will turn out.

So don't waste your precious bodily fluids just yet, kiddo.
More requests more men to jerk off for you. Seek help for your gayness and TDS. While crying about Trump and trying to derail threads.
Trumps kids are morons and coke heads and they make money. It apparently isn’t hard.
Well, apparently it’s not hard if your dad is able to push your customers into deals that pay you off. But why would they do those deals with morons and coke heads? If that’s all they are and no money would be sent to your target guy who could help you why would you do it?
Well, apparently it’s not hard if your dad is able to push your customers into deals that pay you off. But why would they do those deals with morons and coke heads? If that’s all they are and no money would be sent to your target guy who could help you why would you do it?
Ask the people dealing with the Trump offspring. All have deals and all are idiots. Would you work with those buffoons? Well, someone is. And is working with Hunter too.
No crimes in this thread either.
Time will make a liar outta you, doll. And I'm patient to see you get kicked by your own words back into reality. You may even grow up when you realize the depth of the evil of the deep state creeps who pull Biden's puppet strings.
So now you Democrats are resorting to paint to control the nation. When people get out in the sun and get sunburned, just the opposite happens to their white hair. It doesn't resume its natural color to please insane partisans.

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