Bombshell !! Russell Brand rape allegations

  • One woman alleges that Brand raped her against a wall in his Los Angeles home. She was treated at a rape crisis centre on the same day. The Times says it has seen medical records to support this
  • A second woman alleges that Brand assaulted her when he was in his early 30s and she was 16 and still at school. She alleges he referred to her as "the child" during an emotionally abusive and controlling relationship
  • A third woman claims that Brand sexually assaulted her while she worked with him in Los Angeles, and that he threatened to take legal action if she told anyone else about her allegation
  • The fourth woman alleged being sexually assaulted by Brand and him being physically and emotionally abusive towards her
So you feel these four women coming forward makes it all true? What about the women that came forward and accused Kavanaugh were telling the truth? Did you think all the women that came forward and accused Clinton were telling the truth?
So you feel these four women coming forward makes it all true? What about the women that came forward and accused Kavanaugh were telling the truth? Did you think all the women that came forward and accused Clinton were telling the truth?
The one who, under oath said Clinton didn't rape her?
You are in your conspiracy bubble. Murdoch is the right wing press. I gave watched the programme and he has a case to answer. Several in fact.
You look like an Oliver Hardy { of Laurel & Hardy }
who was mistakenly placed in some F.D.R.
Japanese Internment camp long enough to lose any semblance
of humor as well love of the United States.
Plus Oliver was persnickety more famaliar with how to
use plain established english.
In short ... you are a definable mess.
Foxsnews has went left ( from Middle Left )
They still got some hold outs, but I did notice that when Trump mouthed off about Murdock their boss, then their favorably reporting on him sort of started immediately to change.

I noticed it right away.
If this is anything, like what happened to Danny Masterson from that 70 show. Russell Brand could be facing 30 years in jail. This is sickening what is happening to western society. The me too movement is a net negative. Just apalling stuff going on in the west.

The brainwashed far left doesn’t give a darn about humanity. Like, if this kind of thing happened to their son, they would be singing a different tune.

I saw on C-SPAN today they were showing a press conference, where some gay black man was making a comment about white supremacy, and then turn to the audience of what appeared to be all far left women who were clapping their hands ferociously when he was talking about “confronting white supremacy. “ That’s what America is up against.

We are up against people who for money or because they are brainwashed are able to convince a huge segment of women, and these are only women on the far left, but it’s still a sizable segment to support the destruction of western society.

If somebody is proven to have committed a crime, then yes, send them to jail. But bringing up 10 or 25year-old allegations of sexual assault with no physical evidence, and then sending the guy to jail is monstrous.

There are people who are democrats who would approve of shutting down the free speech of Trump supporters. They’ve already done it on, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. And there are democrats who go even further, and who believe that Trump supporters should go to jail just for voting for Trump.

But you know what the pendulum will swing. There will be an answer to the fanaticism of the far left ….there racism and anti Americanism….People all over America are waking up. And we are seeing an embracing of kindness, common sense and love over evil that the far left represents.
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who were clapping their hands ferociously when he was talking about “confronting white supremacy. “ That’s what America is up against.
Eventually, being at the enforcement end of these policies is going to become extremely dangerous for the cops used to compel the will of the Left. Once they stop enforcing laws and are just seen as thug enforcers, all bets will be off.
Never watched Fox's Talking Heads channel. Their local stations and news are pretty good, much more objective than the trash on the two major networks and that new 'Spectrum' trash..

Channel 4 have cleared the schedules tonight and are airing the allegations of 4 women.

I dont know exactly what he does for a living theese days but he was a big name a few years back. I believe he is an internet person now.

It would not surprise me. He used to be coked out of his head at one time so might not have been aware.

The BBC sacked him because of his behaviour and I do hope that this takes him down. He is brighter than most but is a thoroughly unpleasant character.
I know we are 13 pages into this, but I call BS that you have no clue what Brand is doing these days. Why else bring this to "Political" forum. You're stirring the pot.
More revelations today.

Brand sent a bbc car to picl up his 16 year old lover from school. Several times. There will be a record of that.

The tories are always keen to bash the bbc so they are now piling in and it looks like this one will run and run.

Other vicrims have come forward and their stories are being verified.

I would ask his loony backers to consider if this is the hill they want to die on.
I know we are 13 pages into this, but I call BS that you have no clue what Brand is doing these days. Why else bring this to "Political" forum. You're stirring the pot.
It isnt a political forum. His career was over in the UK. What he spouts to retards in the US os not important.

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